《Louis' Depressed Girl》Chapter Eighteen: Nightmare


Taken be Key2myheat! I am doing this because she reminds me a lot of myself and she has much potential. xx AND MY NIALL FAN FIC IS UP. IM SCREAMING.

Mia's P.O.V

I woke up to the light from outside shining in to Louis and I's room.

"Mmmhh. Babe," I say, feeling for Louis body next to me, yet it didn't appear to be there.

I stood up and looked down to my badly dressed body. It took me a minute to realize that I was at Liam's room and that I had been wearing a pair of his sweats and one of his gray shirts.

I lazily walked out to the living room to see a sleeping Liam on the couch. How cute! I think.

"Liam," I whisper, shaking his body slightly.

"Hmmm." He moans, turning away from me.

"Liaaaammmm." I say a little louder, shaking him a little more violently.

"Huh?" He yawns, looking up at me. "Oh hey Mia."

"Hey, I'm gonna go head back to my room..." I mumble.

"Okay, be careful." I nod, walking out the door and walking up to mine.

I sigh to myself, hoping Louis was asleep.

I slowly slipped my card in, hearing the door click open.

I walk in, everything quiet. I tiptoe over into Louis room, seeing him laying down, his hair ruffled in all directions.

I walked over to the other side, looking to find my duffle bag that I had left there a couple of days ago.

I see it sitting down by the bed, my breath steady.

The bag was slightly opened, but it was an easy enough grab. I reached down to the handle, but was startled by a hand dropping down from under the covers.

I examine it closely. I first thought it was Louis' until I noticed the pink nail polish on the finger nails, making my mind go crazy.

I choke in a sob, holding my mouth with my hand.

I hurry and grab my bag, throwing it across the room, hoping Louis and the mystery women had heard it.

"Huh?" I hear Louis grumble, his hands running threw his hair.

I walk over and sit on a chair patiently, waiting for Louis to see me.

I watch as he stirs, looking at the women next to him, as I stare too.

She was extremely gorgeous and had long, brown hair that reached to her chest, which was covered by Louis' white t-shirt. Her pale complexion glowing in the sunlight. She was extremely gorgeous, and I could tell she was some sort of slut, just by the amount of make-up smeared on her face.


"Heyy," She purred looking at Louis.

"Hi?" Louis said, his voice confused.

"Good morning." I say, standing up fro my chair, tears threating to fall down.

"Mia?" Louis said, scrambling to his feet. "Look babe-"

"Get away from me." I hiss threw my teeth.

"Its not what it looks like." He says, trying to explain.

"Bull fucking shit!" I laugh. "I trusted you! I thought that you loved me. That I was nothing but perfect. But nope. I'm just a worthless piece of shit in your head."

"You know I was drunk!" He yells, the tension in the room strengthening.

"You know, the funny thing is...." I begin to chuckle. "They say a drunk man always speaks the truth. That they always hide something from the rest, and the only way the admit to it is under the influence. Funny right?"

"Mia, thats not true." He mutters, a frustrated look on his face.

"So was you loving me." I smile, but the pain eating me away inside.

"Stop." He says, clenching his fists tightly.

"Have fun on tour." I say, turning away.

I felt him tug on my shirt, pulling me back.

"Get off of me." I demand, pushing his body away.

"Don't tell me what to do." He growls, the anger swelling inside of him.

"I said get the fuck off of me before I call the fucking cops!" I scream.

"Stop being such a bitch!" He yells loudly.

I didn't really feel it happen right away. But I noticed the pain afterwords. My cheek throbbing from the impact.

I look up at Louis who had the same look of disbelief in his eyes, yet his eyebrows were still furrowed together in frustration.

I raise my hand to my cheek, feeling the heat of the slap radiating off of it.

I pushed him hard away from me, running out the door, grabbing my bag quickly, crying on the way out.

I step into the elevator to breathe a little, my cheek still in pain.

My nightmare came true...


I couldn't sleep much that night, actually I didn't sleep at all. I just stood in my bathroom, looking at my reflection.

My hair was in knots, my make-up was smeared from crying, and my cheek was slightly swollen from Louis' hand.

I looked like complete shit, like always.

I might have gone to bed if it wasn't for the the razor on the counter mocking me.


I picked it up slowly, my lungs begging for a release of air.

Louis always told me to stay strong. But he also told me that he would never hurt me. So a lies a lie.

I slowly reached out to grab the handle, my hands shaking desperately.

I lifted my arm into the light, revealing older scars that were beginning to fade.

I put the tip of the blade, dragging it roughly across, electricity running threw my body, making me desperate for more.

I continued further up my arm, until I reached half way threw. My arm dripping in blood.

I didn't notice I was crying until I saw a tear fall onto the counter as I bent down to wipe the razor.

The pain wasn't there, I was completely numb. And nothing seemed to help the aching in my heart. I never thought that Louis would be the one to cause that pain. But I was wrong.

I sighed and wiped up the remaining blood from my arm, letting the scars stay visible because right now I couldn't give a fuck about them. Actually I hope everyone know the pain that I have been threw, because its hell of a lot more then they have dealed with.

I went over into my room and grabbed one of my jackets, wrapping it around my body to keep me warm while I went out.

I wasn't completely sure on where I was going, but anywhere is better then here.

I ran into the street, my mind searching for some place to go, so I decided on a nearby diner that I use to go to before all the shit happened.

I opened the door the restaurant, swiftly moving to the front counter.

"Hi, just you?" An older women asks.

"Yep." I say, with a small smile.

She handed me my menu, showing me where I'll be sitting.

"Anything to drink?" She asks.

"Water," I tell her.

I watch her disappear, but to quickly show up again with my glass of water in hand.

"Thanks." I mumble, looking down at my menu.

Honestly everything looked amazing, but the amount of calories in each ripped me apart.

It wasn't much longer until the waitress came back, "Ready to order hun?" She smiles, pad and pen in her hand.

"I'll have the spaghetti with 2 breads on the side." I instantly regret the words, I almost wanted to call her back and have her re-take my order, but she was already gone.

I just sat there, tapping my fingers anxiously on the table, my mind going crazy. There was no possible way that I would be able to eat that.

"Here ya go darlin'" the women says, setting down the large plate in front of me. "Eat up skinny minny!" She smiles.

I smile back and slowly take a bite of the bread, the garlic and cheese melting in my mouth.

Soon mostly the whole plate was gone within minutes. I look down and frown, this is so so so bad. I think.

I quickly pay the bill, rushing towards the bathroom afterwords, telling myself what a failure I was.

I then sat down in front of the toilet, two fingers up.

I slowly reached into my mouth causing me to gag up my food into the toilet. And of course feeling like shit afterwords. I quickly flushed the toilet and began washing my hands.

None of this made sense anymore. I didn't realize that I was truly losing myself. And none of this was making me feel any better. I still felt worthless, depressed, sad, lonely, everything was crashing down at once.

I began to realize that Louis didn't want me anymore, Harry had a new girlfriend, I had no family to turn back to, and Jack wad completely out of the picture. I had no one to turn to. I mean I had Nicole, but I barely knew the girl. I had Rose, but I don't want to bother her and Niall. And lastly, I had Taylor, who I barely knew as well. Nothing really mattered anymore. I didn't matter anymore.

Which is why I rushed to my house quickly, a pen and paper in hand...

A/N: Sorry it's so short babes! I wanted it to end there! Haha:) GUYS CHECK OUT MY NEW NIALL FANFIC! If you get that to 50 reads and 5 votes I will post chapter nineteen that very day! Deal? I hope so!

Please comment opinions! I love getting feedback! And while you're at it comment where you live so I know where my readers are from! :) Don't forget to submit your questions for Q&A! Haha. Okay! Remember to fan, comment, share, and vote!!! Byeee ~Autumn

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