《The Bad Boy's Decision》Chapter 12: Between the sheets*


"Take me to bed."

The words are out of my mouth faster than I can blink and with no real idea as to what will happen next, I stay inhumanly still, eagerly anticipating Aidan's next move.

His intense stance and greedy eyes momentarily leave me immobile and while I seeming lose the ability to fully function as a normal human being, he slowly stalks forward, much like a lion would its pray, and pulls seductively at my waist. With his safe, familiar hands on my body offering me a sense of tranquility, I find my mind slowly slipping away into a place where only Aidan and I seem to exist, all awhile I cling onto his broad shoulders, wishing and wanting for nothing more than to stay in this intense state of euphoric forever.

"Are you sure darling because once I start, there's no stopping." his words, although a subtle warning, act as a reminder to my deepest desires and with no doubt in my mind that this is one hundred percent what I want, I vigorously nod my head, conveying my utmost encouragement.

"I'm sure, I want this. I want you." I respond, deliciously running my hand over his tattoo once again, enjoying his smooth, heated skin against my more-than-responsive fingertips.

My movements seem to spark something animalistic within and as his eyes take on an ever darkening shade of earthly green accompanied by specks of golden flakes, I find myself involuntary shivering as they slowly drag up and down the full length of my body, causing tiny goosebumps to appear at the very area he is so prominently staring at.

"I was hoping you'd say that." he replies, curtly, before his perfect, plump lips find their way to mine, devouring them in a delicious fight to claim dominance, which of course, he wins instantly.

Within seconds I find myself unintentionally moaning and while Aidan sees this as an invitation to slyly slip in a generous helping of tongue, I respond by tentatively running my hands up and down his arms, enjoying each individual muscle as they flex and bulge under my soft touch.

"Arms up." comes his stern demand, the tone in which he uses awakening unquestionable things inside of me.

Complying to his instruction almost instantly, I lose my top within seconds; the cool air surrounding my apartment soon chilling me to the bone and causing racks of shivers to run through my entire body. Fortunately for me, Aidan's heated touch more than makes up for that when his burning fingertips trace the outline of my spine, recreating the exact moment from four years ago; the night Aidan and I went to the lake after The Winter Formal.

It's a memory I relive in my mind, time and time again and as much as I accept the fact that it's an unhealthy habit to rely on, I simply cannot and will not forget our first time together. I refuse to block out certain aspects of my past just because it hurts and although more often than not it proves hauntingly painful, remembering moments with Aidan is quite possibly the only thing keeping me from hitting rock bottom again and if that's the price I have to pay for such actions, then so be it.

Sometimes you need to remember in order to forget.

And with that thought in my mind, I slowly start to unbutton his jeans, desperate to see the things disappear and together we begin fighting to remove each other's remaining clothing, only stopping when completely naked. By now, the only sound filling my kitchen is the heavy pants of both mine and Aidan's desperate breathing and while we both silently drink in the nostalgic sight of our current situation, I offer him a knowing smirk, making my sinful intentions well and truly known.


Taking it upon myself to initiate the first step, I fist my hands through his thick, slightly tousled hair and passionately capture his lower lip between my teeth, pulling deliciously on the tender skin that begs to be sucked and nibbled on, stopping only when Aidan releases a passion-filled growl and sweeps me off of my feet.

Quite literally.

The floating sensation that comes as a result of being lifted up off of the floor hits me with full force and I can only imagine the half a glass of wine I consumed at Kyle and Hayley's aids in the slight dizzy feeling I'm currently experiencing.

That, and the very sexy man I'm currently wrapping my legs around.

"Amelia." sighs Aidan, feverishly pulling my body closer to his, causing my bare breasts to press firmly into his chest; the mind numbingly beautiful friction it causes resulting in me throwing my head back in deepest pleasure, begging for anything and everything.

"Oh, Aidan." I plead, the undeniable undertones of lust in my voice speaking volumes. "Please!"

Before I can continue, my face is deliciously captured by his one hand grasping firmly at my chin; the other prominently clinging onto my thigh, thankfully keeping me up right. Following this, he rests his forehead against mine, hazel orbs brilliantly penetrating mine, and opens his mouth, seemingly needing to speak.

"Four years, Amelia and I've never stopped thinking about you, about this." his voice is low and husky and the sincerity behind his words does unimaginable things to the area in between my legs; the liquid heat that instantly rushes to my core only confirming this to Aidan, who can no doubt feel it. "I'm going to love you so much tonight, you won't know what's hit you, darling." he promises, causing the very breath I'm taking to get caught in the back of my throat as I eagerly anticipate this evenings events and more specifically, his plans for me.

Having quite the desired effect on my already heightened arousal, his admission provides me with a surge of confidence and while he walks us both over towards my bedroom door, I force his face closer to mine, latching my lips onto his.

"Please love me Aidan, I need to feel you love me." I plead, desperate to experience the metaphorical warmth that has been absent all these years.

He doesn't reply; choosing instead to enter my bedroom and carefully position me in such a way that enables him ample access to every last inch of my body, which is apparently me lying flat on my back, staring up at my ceiling, helplessly horny.

"The night you told me you loved me for the first time. What did I say to you?" he asks, landing a scorching hot kiss on my collarbone, while expertly twisting my right nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rendering me completely incapable of uttering a reply.

Allowing his head to drop further down towards my breasts, Aidan smirks when discovering both nipples are standing tall and proud, screaming for his experienced attention.

"Answer me, darling." he demands, latching his mouth around the other, previously untouched, nipple.

"Oh God." I breath, every suck and tug he uses reaching the very pit of my stomach in an agonising clench. "Aidan, I'm go- going to-"

"No you're not, not until you answer my question. What did I say to you?" he sternly states, gently easing a long digit into my already slick entrance, thoroughly stretching me to accommodate his other, much bigger, body part.


Realising what it is he wants me to say, I open my mouth to attempt a response and hope that by doing so he doesn't press for further information.

"You- you said to nev- oh Aidan" I moan, simultaneously arching my back off of my mattress, only to have it forced back down.

"Almost there, darling." he encourages, slowly pumping his finger in and out of me, deliciously grinding my core. "Just didn't quite hear the end."

Catching my breath and forcing my scattered brain to think rationally, I once again prepare my reply, thankfully managing to get my entire sentence out this time.

"You said to never stop loving you."

My statement seems to linger in the air between us for a while before his eyes shimmer with what appears to be an odd sense of pride and while he deliciously heaves his body on top of mine, he shoots me a questioning look, silently conveying his thoughts.

"I'm on the pill." I confirm, feeling him at my entrance almost immediately after uttering my words. "If you want to use a condom, I don't mind. Given our previous track record with things, I understand." I offer, already reaching up to retrieve the foil wrapper, only halting in my tracks when Aidan stops me.

"I trust you and I'd rather there wasn't a barrier between us tonight." he admits, pushing into me ever so slightly. "Now, have you?" he questions, the pulsing ache currently prominent in between my legs proving far too distracting.

"Have I what?" I reply, confused by his apparent desire to talk during such an intimate moment.

"Have you stopped loving me?" he asks, rephrasing his original question whilst rubbing his ever hardening self against me in a hauntingly teasing manner.

Pausing momentarily to ensure I've heard his question correctly, I stare into his seemingly curious eyes and contemplate the seriousness behind his query.

Surely he knows I never stopped loving him.

"Aidan please!" I beg, feeling so close to the edge, yet so far at the same time. "You already know the answer to that question, you don't need me to say anything." I reply, pushing myself up in the hopes of further enticing him.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work and being as persistent as ever, he continues his beautiful torture on my body, refusing to back down.

"Tell me what I want to hear, Amelia." is his frustratingly infuriating response, causing me to exhale on a sharp breath while allowing my back to fall back against my bed.

"No, I never stopped. Not once." I admit, looking straight into his eyes as I do so, noticing the sharp intake of breath he takes as a result.

Suddenly smiling, his entire face lights up with a happy adoration and while shifting slightly to adjust his positioning, he aligns his hips with mine, slowly pushing into me afterwards.

"I've never stopped loving you, Amelia." he replies, sighing lovingly as he links our bodies together in an overwhelming connection. "Not since the day you spilled beer all down my shirt."

And with that, he begins his steady thrusts, slowly and powerfully taking every ounce of pain that has been building up for the last four years away; replacing it instead with a powerful sense of love.

I love you, Aidan and I'll never stop.


Bright green, hazel eyes become momentarily replaced by blinding, white lights, allowing my head to fall my back against my pillow as I draw my bottom lip in between my teeth; suppressing my inevitable scream.

"Aidan!" I moan, clenching every muscle I have in a delicious squeeze, prompting the beginning of my ever approaching release.

Still keeping up his slow and steady thrusts, he latches his lips onto mine, seemingly desperate to mute my vocal enjoyment all awhile pushing me further and further over the edge. Following that, a deep growl, stemming from the back of Aidan's throat, interrupts our kiss and while suddenly stilling his movements and releasing my name on a breathless whisper, I too, allow my muscles to contract, enjoying the wonderful connection that is, experiencing maximum pleasure at the same time as each other.

Both of us, too exhausted to engage in anything else, collapse onto my bed afterwards and simply await our breathing to return to normal, our sweat covered bodies only acting as a subtle reminder of our actions.

"You okay, darling?" asks a very breathless Aidan, seemingly dazed.

Nodding my head, I shift my gaze upwards and smile at the sight of his messy hair and slightly flushed cheeks; his appearance sending wave after wave of appreciation pumping through my stomach.

"I've never been better." I admit, enjoying his reaction once I do so. "You?"

"Perfect, I'm absolutely perfect, Amelia." He replies, kissing the top of my hair and resting his own head there afterwards. "Close your eyes beautiful, you need to sleep." he orders, wrapping me tighter into his embrace before stopping short when feeling my tensed up demeanour. "What's wrong?" he questions, suddenly sounding concerned whilst pulling my chin up to meet his gaze.

Shaking my head, I refuse to look him straight in the eye and focus on the wall behind him instead, hoping that by doing so I can avoid telling him the truth behind my resilience.

"Amelia? Please tell me." he continues, calmly encouraging me to open up. "I know you, darling, something is wrong." he adds, succeeding in maintaining eye contact with me.

Still reluctant to share my thoughts, I allow my gaze to fall downwards, hoping that by avoiding his intense stare, he'll let the subject matter drop.

He doesn't.

"You regret it, don't you. Sleeping with me." he whispers, instantly causing me to bolt my head up to match his gaze.

"Absolutely not!" I reassure, now staring him straight in the eye. "I'm just-I feel." I pause, struggling to get my words out. "I'm scared."

"Scared?" questions Aidan, the undeniable amount of confusion lacing his voice making my next statement seem that little bit harder to reveal.

"I don't want to go to sleep because I'm scared I'll wake up to find this was all a dream." I admit, pausing ever so slightly to gather my thoughts. "I dream about you a lot and whenever I wake up, you're never there." I add, again, reverting my eyes elsewhere.

A deathly silence engulfs the air surrounding us and just when I think I've over stepped the mark by admitting the content of my dreams, his strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling my back flush against his front.

"I'm not about to make any promises I can't keep and I understand that to some extent what we just did was wrong." he states, gently caressing my left cheek. "But I can promise you that I'll be right here when you wake up tomorrow morning; wrapped beautifully about your sexy body." he adds, smirking against the bare skin of my shoulder as he lands a gentle kiss on the sensitive area.

His statement makes me laugh and while turning around to attain a better angle of his face, I reach up to run my fingers along the five o'clock shadow currently decorating his face.

"Aidan?" I whisper, noticing the slight pull of his lips as I tentatively glide my fingers over his skin.

"Yes, darling?" he replies, taking hold of both my hands and kissing each knuckle individually.

"I love you, even though you're not mine to love." I say, locking my gaze onto his lips as they deliciously make their way along my fingers.

"I know, darling." he sighs, returning my hands to their rightful place and tucking my body further into his. "How did we end up like this?" he asks and does so rhetorically.

Staying silent for a moment, I allow my eyes to close and snuggle further into his embrace, enjoying the warmth of his body as it radiates heat onto me.

"I wish things were different, Amelia. I wish I was yours to love." he admits, squeezing my body even tighter. "I wish I never left."


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