《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 15. Him. 》


The male is standing there, looking at the unconscious female.

It had been a few hours since he placed her in his old, dusty basement. He was sure it was sunset, which gave him enough time to go get his sister.

As he turned to walk away, (Y/N) had opened her eyes.

She woke up to find out she had been tied up. Hands are behind her, trembling in pain. A sudden flashback of what happened bought her back to reality. (Y/N) had been kidnapped by the giant man in the mask.

She had no clue who it might be and hoped it was some kind of Halloween prank pulled by a couple of teens. But this prank is a bit too extreme.

As far as she knows, she didn't do anything wrong or caused someone harm. And she's never met a man this huge in her entire life.

(Y/N) sobbed, struggling to sit up. It was scary, wherever she was. The place was dark and the only thing that lit it up was a jack-o'-lantern. Right next to it is a headstone.


That's what it read.

Her eyes widened, feeling her heart race in fear.

' What in the world is this doing here?! ' Is what she asked herself, hoping this wasn't anything related to them, but unbeknownst to her, it was.

" I... I need to get out of here. " (Y/N) told herself, a few words coming out incomplete. All her energy was used to make some sort of movement that could get her out of there. She wiggled around and struggled to break free from those ropes, but no such luck.

The woman was getting desperate to get out, unaware that Michael had been looking at her the entire time.

" Fuck! " She hissed, tilting her head back, eyes staring intensely at the ceiling. Those big eyes filled with tears, her vision becoming blurry. (Y/N) closed her eyes, tears flowing down.

Her nose became stuffy and her lips parted to let out a loud cry.


" I just want to go home. "

Michael tilts his head. It wasn't the first time he's ever seen her cry, in fact, the last time he saw her was the first time he saw her cry.

A runny nose, puffy eyes, and red cheeks. That's the last thing he remembered as he was being taken into the cop car.

Looking at her now, years later, she hasn't changed one bit...besides her attitude, of course.

Her crying was now loud. Louder than before. Michael didn't mind it though, no one was going to hear her anyways unless there was someone inside the house.

Once more, she struggled. Her fingers trying to find a way to undo those well-tied knots. It didn't get her anywhere.

(Y/N) sniffled, looking around for anything that she could use to cut those ropes and free her aching wrists. Her (E/C) orbs traveled all over the basement and she found herself looking at the same masked man from earlier.

That giant man.

They both made eye contact.

Michael slowly walked in front of her. Fear was evident in her eyes. Her small figure scoots away from him until her back met the wooden wall.

She was crying again, so he reached out to try to at least wipe them away, but she turned her head to the side.

There was no way she wanted to feel his touch.

Michael growled and grabbed her chin to make her look at him.

(Y/N)'s face is soft, but wet from all the tears she's been shedding since she woke up. His blue eyes stare right into hers, getting lost in them. Michael's other hand brushed away some of her (H/C) locks, getting a better view of her face.

From her eyes to the smallest birthmark, he admired it all. It was definitely his best friend. His girl. He was now 100% sure.

(Y/N) was really focused on his eyes, which contained many secrets and something really dark, making her whole body shudder.


There's also a sign of familiarity to them.

Who could he be? What could be want? More importantly, why her? Why in the world did he choose her?

It didn't make any sense.

His large hands are now cupping her cheeks. Michael got onto his knees, not daring to break eye contact. It wasn't that long after that he pressed his forehead against hers, in an attempt to show a hint of affection to his girl.

He is starting to feel things he's never felt before. It was indescribable. That girl is changing him quickly, making him almost forget about his bloodlust.

Is he turning soft?

She's breaking his shell.

Just like when they first met.

(Y/N) closed her eyes, feeling uncomfortable at how close he is. All she wanted is for him to let her go and leave her alone. More tears escaped her eyes, dripping down to his dirty hands.

Michael felt them and pulled back, wiping those tears away, his thumb brushing just below her eyes.

" Please...I need to go. " She begged in between sobs, the man shaking his head.

(Y/N) is feeling anxious.

" Let me go!! " She escaped his hold and concealed her face. Michael got frustrated and grabbed her chin again, this time he gave it a harsh squeeze, making her yelp.

His eyes darkened.

He actually meant 'No' and is not playing around. She was to stay here with him and away from society.

Michael tilts his head as if he is asking her if she understood. There was no response from her and instead, she just kept quiet...not that quiet since her lips are letting out various soft cries.

The male bought her close to him, arms wrapped around her.

She didn't understand what was going on and didn't even dare to fight him back. (Y/N) saw what he just did, he could break her neck with that kind of grip.

He wasn't going to let her go that easily and she knew that.

They were rudely interrupted by a loud vehicle approaching. Michael looked up to listen carefully. It was coming from outside.

He gently placed the girl on the dirty ground and stood up, slowly walking to a shelf and getting duct tape.

There was a chance (Y/N) was going to scream out for help, he could not risk losing her, therefore he'll tape her mouth shut. It'll keep her quiet for some time. That time he'll use to slaughter his victims.

He yanked a piece of it off the roll and placed it over her lips, earning a nasty glare from her.

Michael took his knife out of his pocket and walked away, leaving the girl alone.

From the second floor, he saw a van pull up to the driveway and out of it two teenagers came out and one, in particular, caught his attention.

It was none other than that girl's friend. By that girl, he meant his younger sister. He saw them enter his house, his hands forming into fists.

He slowly and quietly walked downstairs, watching them from afar. They were doing their thing and also having sex. He knew what it was, but it didn't make him uncomfortable, he's just there to watch them before he strikes.


He came back, but he wasn't alone. (Y/N) saw that he had a body with him. It was a female...a young one too.

He placed the girl on the ground, right in front of the headstone. (Y/N) watched her closely, but it did not look like she was breathing.

That girl is dead.

There are dark marks on her neck made by his large hands. It was insane. Not only has he kidnapped her, but he had killed the teen and probably other people.

What she feared now was her own ending.

Was she next?

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