《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 16. Call me Monster. 》


Her eyes watered, the weak female scoots back, away from the body and the tall, unknown male. Her whole body trembled in fear. Her orbs looked at his dirty hand, seeing that he had his knife in hand.

It was only a matter of time until he stabs her with it. She felt a very powerful and dark aura coming from him at the moment. He's dangerous, very dangerous, not that she just noticed. He was really dangerous since the start, but maybe he's too impulsive.

She thinks Michael had kidnapped her without reasoning, but she just doesn't know who he is...yet.

Even if her vision is blurry, she could tell how he probably looked like without his mask. Not looks, just a facial expression.

Her (E/C) eyes look at his, both of them are dull and judging by what she saw, she felt that he was just emotionless. There was no guilt. He doesn't regret what he has just done to that innocent girl.

(Y/N) glanced at the dead girl, a soft sob escaped her lips, almost blowing off that uncomfortable piece of tape covering her mouth. All of a sudden, he snapped out of his bloodlust type of trance.

His cold look softened at the sight of his girl. How was it that she could easily change him just like that? A single look and all he's done is forgotten for a good minute.

He tilts his head, wondering why she kept crying. His head turns to the direction of the dead female. The sight of a dead body must have gotten her scared. Michael wasn't going to move it yet, he still needed to get his sister, he will use her body as a way to lure her...somehow.

(Y/N) is on the corner, back pressed against the dirty, old wall. Her wrists are visibly red from all the attempts to break free of that rope that was hurting her delicate skin. This caught his attention, he didn't expect her to get hurt like that. He slowly walks to her, loud and heavy footsteps echoing throughout the basement.


Those orbs continue to shed more tears as he was almost standing in front of her, just looking at him was enough to almost make her faint again. She was too afraid and didn't want him close.

Warm tears spill out, rolling down her cheeks, to her chin and finally to her lap.

Michael crouched down to at least match her height and reached out to try to dry her tears, but he couldn't. Before he could touch her delicate face, (Y/N) moved back, avoiding him.

He didn't understand. All he thought of was that he did not do any wrong, that it wasn't him, but her. All he did now is to protect her. If those two teens heard her crying, then they could have called the cops and taken her away from him.

He would have lost his opportunity to try to reconnect with her and his sister.

Michael frowns behind his mask, once more reaching out to touch her, his finger sliding down her wet cheek and peeling the duct tape off of her harshly. (Y/N) hissed, glaring at him.

" Don't touch me! " She snarled, looking away from him.

He didn't like her new attitude towards him, not one bit. Michael was suddenly getting irritated, just like the first day they met.

(Y/N) wasn't that same angel as before. These past years without him has changed her so much. She used to be so sweet even with the people she's never met before.

Then again, her feistiness made her a bit more attractive. Was this how she usually was deep inside.

The grip on his knife tightened. He suddenly bought it up to her face, the crying girl's body tensed at the sight of it. The cool blade was lightly dragged from her temple to her cheek and down to her neck. No. He didn't stab her with it since the knife had been previously covered in fresh blood, it had left a trail of it on her face.


It wasn't a threat.

He didn't mean to do that as a threat, more like a loving touch. Since she didn't want to be touched by his hand, he'll use his knife instead.

His knife ran down her neck and in between her covered breasts. One slash and that shirt could instantly be off. That wasn't his plan, not at the moment, so he kept going and he didn't stop until he reached her belly button.

(Y/N) cried, holding her sobs, terrified of what could happen next.

" You're a monster. " She muttered, puffy eyes looking up to see right into his dark ones.

Michael rose his head up, his knuckles turning white now, his grip was strong enough to break the handle of his knife.

" You're a monster. You're a... a freak!"

Being called that by the person he cherishes the most was very disappointing.

It was no lie. Michael is a monster. He can be anyone's worst nightmare, but he won't tolerate being called that by the person he loves.

It can all change once he reveals who he is to her...he had to be patient about it. Once he gets his sister, he'll take this mask off and show them who he really is.

At the moment, Michael couldn't find a way to release this anger, so he raised the knife and stabbed the wall, a loud groan was heard.

(Y/N) gasped and closed her eyes. She waited for some sort of impact, but instead of being stabbed, the knife is on the wall, just a few centimeters from her head.

Her eyes widened, swallowing the lump on her throat and wondered if keeping her mouth shut would save her ass.

She called him a monster, but that's because it is the truth.

Provoking him wasn't a good idea, that's for sure.

Michael looked at her terrified state and smirked under his mask.

" Why did you do it...? Why did you kidnap me? " She asks, laying her head on the wall and looking up at that knife, daydreaming about breaking free and stabbing him right on the gut.

When he didn't answer her, she clicked her tongue in annoyance. She was crying again, but that was the only thing she could do besides talking shit to him. There's nothing to do once you're in this kind of crisis.

" I don't know you! I won't even go to the police, I promise, so just let me go! " She pleaded in between sobs.

Michael dried her tears, this time, she didn't bother to move away, afraid that he might have a fit of rage if she did.

His thumbs gently massage her eye bags, attempting to calm her down. This action didn't calm her down, it confused her even more than the last time. To her, it seemed that this man knows her or has been watching her for a long time.

The problem here is that she didn't know him and never saw a person this huge in her lifetime.

" Who... Who are you? " Another question and this one made him stop what he was doing. Michael cups her cheeks and stared right into her eyes, bringing himself closer to her.

' I can't tell if he's trying to tell me something? His eyes are familiar. Just where have I seen them before? ' (Y/N) thought, her tears stopped flowing just because she needed to take a good look.


She sniffled and looked down.

Michael lets go of her and grabs his knife. He slowly stood up and walked out, leaving her alone in that dark, cold basement.

Her heart went back to its normal pace after a while and hoped that this time, he took his time to return.

She'll try her best to escape this place.

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