《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 13. Stalker. 》


The blonde blinked, her eyes staring right into (Y/N)'s. She's seen that familiar gaze somewhere, but she didn't know where. She's never met her before, but in a way, she has.

On the other hand, (Y/N) felt the same too, although when she first saw her, the first person that popped in her mind was Deborah Myers, since her hair is naturally decorated with beautiful curls... just like hers. As the woman saw the teen, she thought that it couldn't possibly be Michael's little sister. There was a HUGE difference between them, their personalities.

Well, (Y/N) didn't really have any interaction with her, but she didn't look troubled, the blonde looked like she's happy.

The only thing that teen has was just the color of his hair.

(Y/N) forms a soft smile. There are a lot of people in the world that would remind her of that family. This girl seemed to be one of them.

All she hoped for that child is happiness...wherever she was.

But damn, did she have such a resemblance to them.

" Do I know you from somewhere? "

The blonde was the first to speak, to which (Y/N) first shrugged as an answer, then looked off, tilting her head to the side, as if she was thinking for a second.

" Don't know. " Another smile was sent to the familiar-looking teen.

" You tell me. "

" Sorry. It's just that... " The blonde examines her face, getting a little to close to the woman. (Y/N) stepped back a bit, laughing nervously and putting her hands up.

" Okay. I get it. You look oddly familiar to me too. " The small boy cringed and pulled the blonde teen back, bringing her back to reality.

" Laurie, you're creeping her out. "

The girl known as Laurie rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment and chuckled nervously, holding a large envelope close to her. (Y/N) shot a thankful smile to the boy.

" Sorry. "

(Y/N) shook her head and breathed in, she then felt an eerie vibe and that's when she noticed she was in front of an old house, which used to be the Myers home.

More memories flooded her brain, replaying countless times.

" Anyways, Laurie, you shouldn't go there, the boogeyman man might get you. "

" Oh shush, Tommy. " She opened the fence door and gave him her textbooks. Laurie laughed and leaned against the fence.

" Don't listen to him, he's a kid. "

Tommy clicked his tongue, shaking her head in disapproval. The little boy looks at (Y/N), to which her hand reached out to stroke his hair.


" Lady, do you believe in the boogeyman? " Laurie scoffed.

" Of course she doesn't, why would she? "

She didn't know what to respond to him. The (H/C) girl cringed, looking off to the side. Of course, there was no way the boogeyman could exist, it's just a fictional character made to scare young children who disobey their parents.

" Hon, there is no such thing as the boogeyman. "

Laurie laughed at her response, whereas Tommy groaned.

" But, hey... you'll grow out of that. "

Laurie walked to the dirty door and was about to slide the envelope inside when she thought about something.

" Oh no, Tommy! " She taunts, (Y/N) looking up to see her laughing and slamming herself against the old door.

Tommy huffed, rolling his eyes and whining. It was obvious he didn't like it when Laurie played around like that.

After a few seconds, she slid the envelope in and walked back to where they were standing.

(Y/N) shook her head, not understanding why she was still with them, her parents were literally waiting for her to show up.

" Hey, are you a student? " Laurie asked (Y/N), to which she replied by simply shaking her head. Did she look that young to her? Well, she does take care of herself a lot and didn't really change that much since college.

" Dropout? "

Really? She looks successful, what the hell did she mean by 'dropout'? The (H/C) girl wasn't angry or anything. There are a lot of dropouts nowadays.

" Hmm... What about a college student? "

At this point, (Y/N) just laughed and shook her head once more. If only she knew she was almost 30.

" Nope. I'm a Kindergarten teacher. "

" Ah... Well, I thought you were a student. You look really young. What's your name? "

" I'm (Y/N) (L/N). And thanks for that. No need for you to tell me your name, I heard it from the kid, Laurie. "

Laurie smiled at her as Tommy gave her those textbooks back.

" Laurie, we need to go. School is almost starting. "

" Oh yes, well, goodbye Miss (L/N). "

She waved goodbye, sending them a small smile.

" Good luck. " (Y/N) hollered. She then turned her attention to the old house. The female saw a crusty white mask from the dirty window above the door. Well at first she assumed it was a tall person in a mask, she couldn't see the body, since the door was in the way.

Maybe someone was pulling a sick prank on those who walk by the house. A dumb teen must have broken into the house and hung up a mask.


(Y/N) opened the small gate and walked up to the old house. Her eyes didn't leave the mask for anything in the world. As she got closer, she could see eyes...as if there was an actual person wearing it.

Her hand reached out to touch the dusty door, shaking her head and preventing further memories from popping up. All that had to be left in the past.

Michael Myers is history and is probably at the new facility by now, maybe doing his things.

She should forget about him, but it was quite impossible for her to do so.

" Ah, Damn it. I'm going crazy here. " She laughed to herself, her other hand going up to her head. She slapped her cheek lightly a couple of times, wanting to return back to reality. (Y/N) wasn't looking at that mask anymore.


Michael saw as the smaller figure approached his old home. It was her, she revealed herself to the other female not too long ago. It was the person he had wanted to see for the longest time. Just one look at her and his rage had ceased for a moment.

She had grown up, but to him, she was still his first tiny female friend. He finally found her, that girl who didn't judge him as a youngster and was always nearby. That girl that sent him letters, but all of a sudden stopped and from then, never visited him.

Yes, there was part of him that was enraged at her. How could she? And to her best friend?! His mind told him that it could of all been an accident, that perhaps she couldn't find Smith's grove. His mother had told him that minors weren't allowed, but what could be her excuse of not having to visit him once she was old enough?

Did she...forget him?

She couldn't have! She promised him!

Whatever it was...he never forgot about her, so now, he's come back to fulfill her part of the promise.

He came back to her.

(Y/N) was in his front door, staring at him as if she was in a trance. The young woman was so close, he could open the door and quickly pull her inside. No. He wasn't going to do that. He had to be patient, although he hated the wait.

His breathing quickened for the first time in a while, he didn't know what was going on with him, but he was sure it was because (Y/N) was there. Ever since they were children, she had her way to make him feel... Different.

After a few minutes of her being in front of the house, she eventually left. (Y/N) went the same way her house was, making him think she still lived in that house with her parents.

Minutes after she had left his property, Michael stepped out of his old home from the back door and walked to (Y/N)'s old house. He had no clue she moved out from there, for fucks sake he just escaped the sanitarium not too long ago, that's why he's going full stalker mode.

He walks to her house from afar and sees that there are several boxes out in the yard, (Y/N) was among them, her hands carrying two of them. In between her lips was a permanent marker, to which she probably used to label boxes. From what he saw, none of them seemed to be hers.

" Oh, Honey, Nicholas will come to pick our stuff in his truck, so when he comes, be sure to help him. " That was her father. Michael hid behind the tree and kept a close eye on her until her brother showed up.

He decided to let her be for a while and go to the nearby high school in search of the other familiar girl. He was fascinated by her since she did approach his home without being scared although the kid she was with warned her not to get close.

Not only that, but he was reminded of his baby sister whenever he looked at her from the window.

How could it not be her?

He walks around the high school and saw that girl, Laurie in the library with two other females. He came to a stop and looked at her, Michael having the feeling that he now found his baby sister.

He didn't move even after she saw him, that is until her gaze left him and all her attention went to her friends.


She swore she was going to wake up sore the next morning. Those boxes were really heavy. It is 2 pm and they emptied the house fast, she honestly thought it was going to take all day. Now she's walking home, her face felt sticky from all the sweat, she really needed a shower...she smelled.

(Y/N) was too busy worrying about how gross she smelled that she didn't even notice the masked male following her from afar.

He NEEDED to know where she was heading to, that way he can make his move at a later time.


Almost 400 reads, like 💕 I love you . You guys are really amazing. uwu ♡♡ I hope I keep doing good for you♡

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