《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 12. Found them. 》


They've got him in chains. The guards that are escorting him to the other facility are now feeling safe. They won't be feeling that way for long.

Chains mean nothing to him, he can easily break out of them. It was as if he was superhuman.

Michael glanced at the two guards right next to him and felt the presence of another one behind him. He was surrounded. His eyes move to look at the other guard. She was on the other side, waiting for them to get him across.

Michael came to a stop as he saw a large green door. The guard to his left stepped up and opened it using his keys.

The large man was made to get inside first. Being pushed made him angry, but decided to brush it off.

The rest entered and Michael took a look around, seeing that the guard that had been behind him has been carrying a shotgun. Even the woman on the other side had one.

Guess he'll be the first one to die.

Michael waited for the first guard to open the other door.

Once that door is opened, he'll strike.

Then, click.

The door had been unlocked.

At that moment, Michael broke free from those noisy chains and attacked the armed guard, throwing his shotgun to the side and knocking him out with various punches.

The guard that was on his right tried his best to restrain him from attacking, punching Michael. The masked male didn't hold back and punched him back, hard across the face.

The guard who opened the doors had the shotgun on his hand, getting ready to shoot the huge man down, but was instead met with Michael's big hand on his face, his head being bashed against the wall.

His blood has splattered everywhere.

The female guard had no other choice, but to open the door. She pointed her shotgun right at Michael, but he was quick to use a guard as his shield.

He threw the now, dead guard to the side and ran straight to the female. One hand on her shotgun and the other on her neck. He added pressure to it, basically ripping her throat out.

She gasped for air, sliding down the wall. Her eyes are filled with terror. Her uniform was covered in blood as time went by.


Michael breathed heavily and tilted his head to the side, looking down at the dead woman. He has successfully taken the guards down, now it was time to get the hell out of there, but there was something he needed to do before he left.

He walked to the first guard's body and got his keys. He got rid of the rest of the chains that kept him restrained and slowly walked to the same hall he was kept prisoner in for the last 15 years.


Down at the security office, two guards are watching a movie, unaware of what had happened to their fellow colleagues. They weren't paying attention to the live CCTV footage that was going on behind them.

To them, it was just a normal night as a security guard. Patients have never escaped the facility or even tried to.

Well, now someone was out.

As one of the two got up to get some more coffee, the other stayed behind to watch the film.

Michael Myers was on another floor, opening doors, his fellow patients taking this opportunity to make an escape as well.

What was he doing?

He's not killing them?

Turns out this was also part of his plan. He was going to let as many patients out as possible, maybe to distract the staff.

If they're distracted, then they wouldn't know about his escape until they notice the bodies.

It buys him time.

He opened the door and saw the guard getting coffee, wondering which creamers he'll take and instead decided to take them all. It was a good thing for Michael since his back was facing him.

Michael reached out and broke his neck, his victim not making that much of a sound.

He quietly placed him on the floor and made his way to the security office.

The guard that had been watching the movie noticed a presence, thinking it was his colleague, turns out he was wrong.

" Shit. Come on, let's take you back. "

That's the problem.

Michael didn't want to go back, so he grabbed him by the collar and threw him back. The guard was slowly losing consciousness. Michael took his keys, opened a gate and a door.

As he walked out, the sound of the alarm was heard.


He stops for a moment and looks back.

He's out and now he can focus on getting what he wants.


A loud scream echoed throughout her small home. The (H/C) female woke up and sat up. There is sweat on her forehead, her hair sticking to it.

Another nightmare. Just how many is she supposed to have? If she does have another one, then she'll probably end up seeking professional help. It was outrageous that this type of thing happens almost every day.

" Damn. Why can't I seem to kick ass in dreams? " (Y/N) huffed, her throat feeling a bit dry. She wiped her forehead and brushed strands of her hair to the side.

Her hands throw her blanket off of her and she gets up quickly, almost falling forward.

" Water. " She muttered, yawning afterward and walking to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of water.

She'll have to begin taking water to her room, so she doesn't have a hard time walking all the way to the kitchen. She grew up to be a very lazy person at times.

Her hand reached out to grab the glass. (Y/N) had clumsily chugged her water, some of it running down her chin and dripping onto the floor. It wasn't her fault, no.

It was her nightmares that made her throat get dry constantly.

Now that she remembered, her dream was something that obviously got her scared. She didn't know what she was afraid of? Being chained in the darkness or escaping the giant murderer.

As she dreams about that giant, he gets taller.

She needs to start growing some balls and face her fears. How is a simple nightmare going to haunt her? Her mind tells her that she's strong, that she'll get through it and that there's no way a nightmare will get in the way of her daily life.

Not again.

Because of them, she's constantly sleeping on the job. The principal has even seen her nod her head, her eyes slowly closing. He gave her a warning, of course.

" I'm gonna make that giant my bitch! " She cheered herself on, chugging another glass of water.

What a potty mouth.

After a while of being in the kitchen and eating a snack, she went to her living room and turned on the television. It was all filled with news.

Nope. She wasn't going to watch them or even listen to what they had to say. She knew Michael was going to be transfered. Maybe he was over at the other facility now.

She didn't need to be reminded of him. Not anymore.

She mutes her TV and laid on her back, staring at her ceiling for the next 10 minutes.

(Y/N) has to get ready. She promised her mother she was going to be there early. She got up, turned the TV off and went into her room and changed into a fresh, clean set of clothes.

Since they didn't live that far away, she decided to walk over there to save gas.

Gas is only wasted on important things, the only thing she's doing is packing some stuff. Nicholas has a truck, so he can waste his gas.

Shannon can waste gas, oh wait she does. Instead of resting, she's out with friends, wasting her brother's money.

She's taking advantage of him and if (Y/N) ever gets mad with any of them, she won't hold back in telling them the truth.

As the female walks to her parent's house, she ties her hair back in a ponytail. She was so concentrated on doing her hair, she didn't notice the little boy she had bumped into.

Right next to him was a blonde high school student.

" My apologies. " She says.

The blonde girl turns around and makes eye contact with (Y/N). She saw something familiar, both of them did. They didn't even notice they had stopped just to look at each other.

Tommy was confused.

He thought it was a staring contest.

Since they stopped, they are now in front of the Myers home. It was abandoned and from the inside, Michael Myers stood there, his new mask on, looking at the two females.

Was it them?

He took out those pictures and stared at them back and forth. Something told him it was.

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