《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 9. 15 years later. 》


(Y/N) (L/N) is now 26 years old. She's now become a grown woman with a place of her own and is still living in Haddonfield. Her job, a Kindergarten teacher.

It wasn't a hard career. Sure kids run around, scream and play, but they get tired quick and appear to be really good at listening to instructions and following the rules. It's better than teaching a bunch of high school students who cuss people out.

It's her second year as a teacher and the handful of students she has seem to be very calm. Maybe it's the experience, she now knew how to comfort them whenever they miss their parents.

But currently, it's October and all of them are pretty much looking forward to the 31st. They've been talking about what they are gonna dress as for the night. A little too early for them to be talking about that, but she was like that when she was their age.

" Hey... Earth to (Y/N), you there? " The (H/C) haired female looked at the redhead in front of her, snapping out of her sudden thought.

" Uh. Marie, sorry what? I was just looking out for my kids. "

Marie chuckled, shaking her head at her concerned colleague. Both of them had gotten close now since Marie is the new Kindergarten teacher across her classroom, so (Y/N) had to show her how they did things in school.

" It's fine. I was just asking what you were up to tonight. "

" Eh, well... Same old, same old. I'm going to be planning for tomorrow's school day. " Marie groaned, (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

" That's the dumbest excuse ever. Tomorrow is Saturday, which means no school. "

" Oh, then nothing much, why? "

" We should go to the... " Marie paused for a moment and looked at two of her students near them. The redhead snaps her fingers and sends them a glare. " Hey, don't stand around, go play ball. "


(Y/N) glares at her new friend in disappointment. The two little boys left and joined a group of their fellow classmates.

" Gosh. How rude, those are babies! " (Y/N) scolded her, which Marie just shrugged.

" Anyways, Let's go to that male strip club. It's only a few blocks away. You need to get distracted and if you're lucky, one of those buff guys might ask you out on a date. "

Her eyes widened in horror. A male strip club?! Does she want to go there? No. There's no way she can go there.

" Marie, This is Haddonfield, A town,

which means that everyone knows each other. "

" So...? "

(Y/N) laughed sarcastically.

" We are teachers. What are the rest of the ladies there gonna say when they see two KINDERGARTEN teachers walk inside the male strip club? They'll report us to the school board and we'll be unemployed. "

" Ugh. I hate that you're right. "

Both teachers looked at each other and burst out laughing. Soon the whistle was blown, indicating that recess was over and it was time to head back to class.

(Y/N) proceeded to head inside, her students following behind her.


All set and she was ready to head back home, though she had to stop somewhere. That stop was her parent's home. Apparently, they've found some junk that belongs to her. She didn't know she had left a few things behind, so she decided she'd check it out.

(Y/N) drives out of the school parking lot and made her way back to her childhood home.

What could she have left behind and where? She was positive her room had been cleaned out. There wasn't a single thing she had forgotten.

Whatever, she is going there to find out what it is or it could be her parents wanting their precious daughter to come home. She visits them, yes, but sometimes they just miss her too much.


What she wonders is if they ever miss Nicholas the same way they miss her. Well, Nicholas does live right down the street, so they probably see him and his pregnant wife, Shannon, every day.

The young woman parks her car and turns it off. She got out and closed the car door shut. Somehow, the house seemed different to her, but onto what she is there for.

" I'm home! " She yanked the new house key copy out of the hole and saw that the house was almost completely empty.

" Hon, you're here. I put the box up in your old room. " Her father spoke, walking over to her and giving her a tight hug.

" I'm confused. Why is this house empty? "

" Well, we're going to be living with Nicholas now. He wants us to live with him. Shannon agreed to it, says she wants us to watch our grandson grow. " (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

" Dad! They literally live down the street. Ugh whatever...well it's a good thing they want to keep you guys close. " She sighed.

" I'll take a look at that box. Do call me if you need assistance. " She walks past her dad and went upstairs. Her old bedroom was open and in the middle of the room was that box. It's a shoebox.

(Y/N) laughed at how annoyed she was. She honestly thought she left a bunch of stuff behind and it turned out to be a shoebox. The girl crouched down and saw that it was sealed with duct tape. Her fragile hand went through her bag, trying to find her scissors. She pulls them out and cuts all the tape out of the way.

The lid is slowly removed and the first thing she saw are pictures and at that moment, her brain was playing a sequence of memories.

What she saw at first was happiness, but then...murder.

Her lip trembled, his name leaving her mouth for the first time in 15 years.

" Michael Myers. "

That boy who killed his sister and a few others. If she recalls correctly, he also killed a nurse over at Smith's Grove. Yes, it was all over the news and her classmates didn't stop talking about it for a bit.


She now wondered how she even forgot about him, a 10-year-old murderer. (Y/N) cringed. That same boy who she'd become friends with. The first boy she had a crush on.

To think she even wanted to see him at one point. What a dumb idea that was. So desperate, she even sent him letters.

' I was a kid, didn't really know about anything. So clueless. '

Her hand reached out to get one of the pictures. It was her, Michael and his baby sister. She wondered what happened to her? Is she alive? All (Y/N) hopes for is for that child to grow up without having to know what her brother did.

She didn't have to deal with that.

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