《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 10. Haunted. 》


Over at Smith's Grove, There's a small, dim-lit room at the end of the hallway. Within that room, there sat a huge man on a chair, his hands worked on a mask. He didn't seem to want to stop until he completed it and when he did, he slowly got up from his chair and hung his finished product on the wall, next to the various he's made over the years. All four walls are decorated with them, heck, even the ceiling had masks on it.

He sat back on his chair and stared ahead. By his desk, newspaper clippings are taped against the wall, all read about his past homicides as a youngster. He kept them there as if those murders he committed are something he should be proud of.

His eyes travel down to see two pictures his mother gave him on her last visit. One was with him and his younger sister and the other one included (Y/N) (L/N).

The masked man tilts his head to the side, a large finger reaching out and tapping the younger girl's head. He knew he was just touching an image, but he has a feeling that they will soon cross paths.

Michael Myers was sure of that. He also promised. Anywhere he went, or anywhere she might have moved on to, he promised that he was going to do everything in his power to return to her.

Even if it meant killing those who get in his way.

He will show no sympathy.

Michael once heard that he is going to be transfered to another facility. Sure, he might appear like he's not listening, but he actually is. He has great hearing, but there is a plan. He always planned ahead of time. Whenever the moment comes, he'll escape, he just needs to come up with a strategy.

If he is successful, then he'll go back to Haddonfield and find his sister as well as the person he can't seem to EVER forget. After that, he'll make sure to take them away.


" F...Fuck! " (Y/N) grunted, feeling the sweat drip down her forehead. Her eyes are wide open as she sat up on her bed. She sighed, covering her face with her hands.

Ever since she opened that shoebox, she's been having nightmares, mostly about that day she saw three bodies being wheeled out of Michael's house. Other nightmares were about her being chased down by a giant man and damn, was she terrified.


The female didn't remember his face, just specific things such as a suspenseful walk and heavy breathing.

She shivered and stood up, her knees feeling a bit weak, but after a while, (Y/N) managed to walk to the kitchen. It was dark, so her hands slide against the wall, trying to find the light switch.

" Found it. " She muttered, turning the lights on, hissing at how bright they are. Her eyes soon adjusted to the light, and she went to pour herself a cup of water. The cool drink went down her throat, making her feel awake.

" Damn. " She cussed, throwing her head back, placing the empty glass of water to the side.

Halloween was just around the corner and now whenever she thought about October 31st, she'll always have those horrible memories in her mind.

She sometimes wondered if he had to do anything with Wesley's murder. The boy had gone missing the exact same day that happened and they didn't find his body until a few days later. It came to everyone as a shock.

The school didn't stop talking about it and suspected Michael did it.

If she had the mentality she has now, then she'd obviously think it was his doing.

Wesley would often tease Michael. He went too far with bullying, that there were times Michael got enraged, scaring the crap out of her.

It was as if Michael wasn't there anymore. That soft, kind boy was replaced by something dark.

Another chill.


(Y/N) poured more water into her glass and chugged it.

" Stuff happens. " She shrugs, looking over at the noisy clock, wanting to know what time it was.

5:00 A.M

Well, at least she woke up early, might as well get ready for the day. She turned the T.V on, so she can at least listen to the news when they came on, that wouldn't happen until another hour, so she took this opportunity to take a shower.

It was a long shower, she had too much on her mind. With her parents moving and all of the nightmares she's been having, she didn't even have the chance to plan for her class today, so she might as well make them review a few things and practice their writing.

She got out, wrapped herself in a towel and dried her hair, after that she went on to put on her clothes, choosing something professional to wear and her hair is tied in a ponytail.


As she did this, of course, the news is already on. They started out with what happened locally. A dispute and a car accident. Then they went on to talk about the weather and politics but after that, there was something that made (Y/N) stop what she was doing.

She slowly walked to the living room and saw a younger Michael Myers. Yes, he was on the news. Her eyes stare at the T.V, looking at the expression Michael had 15 years ago. He was calm as if nothing happened. His eyes had some sort of darkness to them, she felt the evil.


It was said on the news that Michael is supposed to be transferred to another sanitarium by the end of October. She asked herself why they didn't transfer him in the first place. The reporters did say that he hasn't spoken a word in ages, no progress has been made since he was a kid.

She's still getting the chills.

Wow, everything is hectic since that day. Perhaps her parents shouldn't have called. She should have told them to throw that box away, too bad she bought it to her house that same day.

It probably has evil energy and that's the reason she's getting nightmares. Her guard is also up just in case. (Y/N) did learn a bit of self-defense when she was a sophomore in high school, so she can definitely kick ass. She just can't fight that giant that's constantly bothering the shit out of her every single night. He's like a fucking ghost or something.


She sighed, opening the door of a popular bookstore in Haddonfield, looking to buy more children's books for her class. Her students requested some books that aren't in the school library, so she plans on buying a few of them and maybe one for herself.

She gets a little green basket from the entrance and immediately walked to the children's section. Her mini notepad is on her hand, eyes scanning back and forth between titles.

(Y/N) matched titles and authors and got the books, not all of them are there, so she took three more that may seem of interest to them, after all, kids read any picture book that has a lesson for them to learn.

Sometimes, The (H/C) woman finds herself learning a thing or two about them each day. In a classroom, both students and teachers help each other grow.

She's quite grateful to have a bright bunch this year.

(Y/N) smiled to herself, as she began to walk through every aisle in the bookstore, looking to see which book may seem fascinating for her to read, oftentimes reading the summaries inside or outside the books.

She didn't find anything interesting, so she decided it was time to head out.

The woman turned around and was met with a book that had a familiar face as the cover.

" The Devil's Eyes. " She read the title of the book in such a low voice.

" The story of Michael Myers... By Samuel Loomis. "

The fuck?!

That name is so familiar. She remembers Deborah talking on the phone with someone that had the exact same name.

" It's Doctor Samuel Loomis. " She corrected herself, writing his name on a new sheet in her tiny notepad. She'll have to find out more about him.

She reached out to grab the book and tossed it in her basket.

Once she got home, she got the book out of the bag and opened it. She read the first few chapters, all of them talked about who Michael was and the bad things he had committed, which at one point, he told Loomis that he didn't remember anything.

So Samuel Loomis is a Child Psychologist.

All this time he's been with him.

She swallowed a lump on her throat. Reading this book was making her feel nervous. Heck, she was even mentioned a few times as his " Best friend. "

Her eyes skim each sentence of the page.


All of a sudden, this book is mostly about Michael talking about her. She felt rather uncomfortable and decided to stop reading the book, placing it off to the side and letting out a loud sigh.

She was growing tired of him already.

(Y/N) wished she didn't spend money on that book.

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