《Dazed and Confused | s. hyde》Chapter 6


"Michael!! Michael!! They just opened up a disco in Kenosha," Jackie exclaimed.

"Oh man that sounds fun," Kelso said back.

"Yay, Disco. Fun," Fez said.

"Yeah wow, I'd actually like to go dancing," Donna said.

"No," Hyde said.

"Oh come on Hyde, it would be fun," Emma said.

"I thought you liked rock n roll, Randall. I thought I knew you!" Hyde said. Someone obviously doesn't like disco.

"I say we're going," Eric says.

"Since when do you make the decisions," Hyde asked.

"Since I'm the one with a car," Eric said back.

"Burn!" Kelso said.

"Shut it Kelso, I'm not going to a disco. Count me out," Hyde said.

"You cannot dance the disco can you," Fez said sadly.

"Trust me, before my mom became Gross Edna, she took up many careers. Dancer was one of them. Don't let me re live night after night of me dancing with my mom," Hyde said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Well then it's settled, we're all going to the disco," Jackie said.

"No," Hyde said.

"Yes," Emma said.


Emma put on puppy dog eyes and pouted, "please."

"Fine," Hyde said in defeat.


*at the disco*

Eric, Donna, Hyde, Kelso and Emma were all sat down while Fez and Jackie were dancing on the dance floor.

Soon, Fernando by ABBA came on and Donna and Eric got up to dance. This was a slower dance, so Kelso got up to dance with Jackie because they're dating. Fez then sat back down, looking sad to not having anyone to dance with.

Emma sighed to herself, "God I wish I could dance like that."

"You wanna dance," Hyde asked.


"Yeah, sure," she responded. She had a skeptics look on her face, knowing that Hyde very strongly dislikes dancing. She chose not to question it.


"Wow, you dance," Emma said, astounded.

"Actually, besides my mom, you're my first dance," Hyde said.

"I'm your first? Wow, I'm honoured," she said.

Hyde and Emma were dancing for a bit, and then he dipped her.

"Randall man, I feel like I wanna kiss you," Hyde said and brought her back up. "You don't have to kiss me back if you don't want."

"Just shut up and dance," Emma said while laughing.

"Did you just quote Aerosmith?" Hyde said, impressed.

"Yeah, I did," Emma responded.

"I'm being serious you know," Hyde said.

"I know," Emma said as they both leaned into each other.

Hyde was the one who actually leaned in for the kiss, and Emma didn't hesitate a second before kissing back. They stopped dancing and Emma put one hand on Hyde's cheek and the other in his hair. Hyde wrapped both of his hands around her while they kept kissing.

"OH MY GOD!" Donna yelled to them.

Hyde and Emma broke apart. "Heyy Donna," Emma awkwardly said.

"Oh don't 'Hey Donna' me, you said you didn't like Hyde."

"And Hyde, you said you didn't like her!" Eric said.

"Oh come on man, leave us alone," Hyde said.

Emma and Hyde spent the rest of the night dancing and kissed once or twice more. It was their night and they were both so glad it happened. She wasn't used to Hyde being emotional or affectionate and she knew that she had to savour every bit of it that she could get.

"I thought Disco was from Hell, but I guess I was wrong, man," Hyde said into her ear.



There was a flower shop by the entrance of the disco. As everyone was leaving, Hyde stole a singular red rose from one of the arrangements.

"Hyde! You can't steal!!," scolded Emma.

"It's barely stealing," he tried to reason. "Plus it's for you."

He was cute when he was trying to be tough but all that showed was his soft side.

"Fine, just this once," she said.

"Once a thief, always a thief. Or maybe that's just what the police said about my mom. Either way, it won't be the last time," he said with his usual sinister smile.

"You're horrible," she said and jokingly hit his shoulder.

"Hey, what was that for, man," he said. She admired his ability to stay witty all the time and smiled while looking down. "C'mere man."

There was his soft side, again, she reluctantly leaned into him while he placed his arm over her shoulder. The walk back to Eric's car was pretty long considering how busy it was. When they finally got back to the car, she fell asleep on his shoulder.

It was a good night.

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