《Dazed and Confused | s. hyde》Chapter 5


☀︎The next Friday ☀︎

"Don't forget, Randall. Be here at 7:00" Hyde said.

"Alright, I will be," she responded.

Everyone was just heading home because it was getting late and Eric's whorey sister Laurie was home.

Donna and Emma were walking home together and Donna heard what Hyde said to her.

"Are you and Hyde going on a date tonight," Donna said with a hopeful look on her face.

"It's not a date, we're just hanging out. Going bowling," Emma said.

"Ooh, just hanging out," Donna teased.

"Yes that's all it is," Emma replied

"When did he ask," Donna asked.

"Walking me home from your stupid double date," Emma said.

"He walked you home!" Donna said excitedly.

"You and Eric ditched me!" Emma said half annoyed but half joking.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Donna said, not really sorry at all.

"Oh shut up," Emma said.


7 pm

*Eric Forman's basest*

Emma hurried to Eric's basement because she was about to meet up with Hyde. She kind of liked Hyde as more than friends but she didn't know if he did, so she didn't really try to impress him through her looks that much. She kept on the outfit she was wearing all day, but just changed her shoes to more 'night out' kind of shoes.

When she got to the basement, Hyde was watching something on T.V. Eric and Kelso were there too.

No one wanted to stay to be around Eric's sister, except Kelso of course, so that's why he was there. Eric obviously lives there.

"Hey man," Hyde said to her.

"You know Hyde, you always say 'man'. I'm not a man, I'm a girl. Eric and Kelso aren't men, they are boys," Emma joked.


"BURN," Kelso shouted. "Oh wait," he finished with realisation.

"Eric, we're leaving. When we come back you better have muscles," Hyde said while laughing.

Hyde got up, grabbed his jacket and left with Emma.

"Oh damn, I forgot my jacket. Can I run over to Donna's to grab it," Emma asked.

"Sure man," Hyde said.

"I'm a girl," she said.

"Sorry, girl," Hyde said

"Okay on second thought I prefer man" Emma said while laughing.

They got to Donna's and she just grabbed her jacket and left.


"Ohhh, that. Is a strike. Burn, Hyde I think I'm better at bowling than you," Emma teased.

"You just got lucky, Randall," Hyde said back.

"Oh I don't think you can beat my score," Emma said happily.

"You're three points ahead of me," Hyde said defending himself.

"Whatever, I'm still winning," she said. When she turned around, she saw Hyde holding two bowling balls.

"Look, my balls are heavy," he said, while doing that thing where he would stick his tongue and laugh.

"Wow, very nature," Emma said while laughing.

It was Hyde's turn to bowl and he didn't get a strike!

"Aww Hyde, are you loosing to a girl," Emma teased.

"No. Man," Hyde smiled.

"Oh shut up," Emma said as she picked up a ball to go again. This time she only got four of the pins down.

After a few more rounds, Hyde did win. He was thankful that he won, remembering the time Donna beat Eric at basketball. They both started walking home.

"You know, tonight was fun," Emma said.

"Yeah, we should do this again sometime," Hyde said.

"Yeah hanging out just us is really fun. Everyone else is very strange. Except Eric and Donna who are either out together or making out," Emma said while walking.


"Yeah, hang out," Hyde said 'hang out' silently and in defeat. He secretly wanted to ask her out, on a real date this time.

"Maybe next time I'll beat you at something," Emma said.

"I doubt that, cupcake," Hyde said while smiling.

"Cupcake?" Emma asked, also smiling.

"Yeah, cupcakes are cute on the outside, but inside they're just waiting to be crushed," Hyde said.

"Okay first of all, you just called me cute. Secondly I am not waiting to be crushed, you just beat me out of pure luck. Lastly, you called me cute," Emma said while smiling.

"I did not call you cute. I said cupcakes were cute," Hyde defended.

"Well yeah, but then you called me cupcake. Which means you think I'm cute like a cupcake," Emma said.

"That is not what I said. Anyways, I did not beat you out of luck. I beat you because of my skill and technique," Hyde said proudly.

"You we're loosing so hard at the beginning!" Emma said.

"Three points is hardly loosing," Hyde said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say," Emma teased.


When they got to Donna's, they stopped at the doorstep.

"Tonight was fun, Emma," Hyde said, calling her by her first name.

"Yeah it was, Steven," Emma said back.

"No," Hyde said.

"Yes, Steeeven," Emma said.

"I'm leaving," He said.

"Okay fine, Hyde. I had fun," she told him.

They gave each other a hug that lasted a few more seconds than the first time they hugged.

Hyde left and Emma went inside smiling.

"You better not be smiling," Bob said.

"Sorry Uncle Bob," she said. She knew Bob was protective over his niece and didn't want her dating.

"If that boy likes you, I'll go over and talk to him. Set him straight."

"Oh Uncle Bob," she said and smiled while walking upstairs.

She really just wished that he could have stayed longer. Or that the night could never end.


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