《A Medieval Tale》Chapter 4


"Hey Peter, can I see that map you have" Gal said down below from the deck.

Peter climbed down and gave him the map, and just like that the journey had began.

Before Peter knew it, he was sound a sleep on the boat deck after gazing at the stars in the sky. Finding the consolations and searching for shooting stars. Legend has it that if you see a shooting star and you make a wish that it will come true. Right before Peter closed his eyes he saw a shooting star in the corner of his eyes and made a wish and if you knew it wouldn't come true. Peter not only made wishes but had dreams that night. He had a dream about his past and playing games with Elena.

"Peter, catch me if you can" she said she widening her hands and putting them on her head like she had antlers and sticking her tongue out. Peter then ran away her. They were playing tag in the woods by his house. Elena turned the corner and Peter followed her but he couldn't see her anymore then an acorn fell on his head "ouch" he said touching the top of his head and then looking up. Elena had about 10 acorns in her hands ready to throw them at me. "That's cheating" he said. "No it isn't" she said laughing back then threw another one at him but missed. Peter grabbed the first large branch of the tree and started to climb up and as he did she dropped all the acorns to climb up the tree some more. Once she couldn't climb no more, she sat on the large branch and told him with a great smile on her face "come sit next to me." Peter caught up and sat next to her. They were pretty far up but the two of them were not scared because they were together.


"Look, it's the caste. It is so beautiful from up here" Peter said.

"Yeah" she said sadly.

"What's the matter" he asked.

"Nothing" she said lying.

"I thought princesses can't lie" he said joking and she gave him a face that face 'how dare you say that' but then she said

"I get so bored at the castle, my sisters never want to play anymore. I just want to stay here and play all the time with you" she said smiling.

"Elena" Peter said to her.

"Yeah" she said back.

"You're it" Peter said tagging her and climbing back down.

"That's cheating, we were on brake" she said climbing down

"You never called a time out" Peter said giggling back. Peter had such a good time that day and before he knew it, it was already morning.

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