《Knowing Yourself - A Medieval Romance》Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Kay pressed herself to the front of the group, her voice the barest of whispers. “Let me take the lead, at least for now,” she suggested, her hand on the door. “If I am spotted, no alarm will be raised. I can act as a scout for as long as we can remain unseen.”
Reese’s brow furrowed, but he nodded quietly. “You stay nearby,” he instructed, his tone brooking no argument.
“Of course,” agreed Kay. In a moment she had cautiously pulled back the basement door, then peered through the metal grate toward the quiet barracks. The room was completely still now, only the sound of a chorus of snores emanating from the dark room. All soldiers were taking every opportunity for rest before the battle to come.
She nodded with her head, and one by one the crew began sliding off to the left, staying in the shadows, moving their way along the back edge of the work room and toward the narrow servant’s stair which led between here and the floor above. This smaller path allowed food and supplies to be brought up to the main dining hall without disturbing any sleeping soldiers.
Reese motioned his hand toward the wall nearer to the barracks. Half the men crept to press their bodies against it. One soldier acted as a lookout, peering carefully around the corner at the slumbering soldiers.
Kay took the lead again, moving cautiously to the narrow stairs, working her way up them one at a time, the pain in her legs reminding her that she was far from healed. At the top of the stair she peered out into the main hall. She was in an alcove behind the head table. The embers glowed softly from the fireplace, but otherwise the large room was deserted. Everyone was either sound asleep or manning the walls, watching for any sign of danger.
She breathed a sigh of relief and slowly, carefully, the remaining crew made their way across the expanse, working around tables and stools, reaching the other side after long minutes of tense care.
Another motion from Reese, and the other half of the men moved their way silently down the front stairs, cutting off the second egress from the barracks. Only Reese, Leland, Jevan, and Eric remained with Kay. Reese started up the stairs first, ensuring Kay was safely nestled between him and Leland. They took the stairs slowly, cautiously, alert at every step for the sound of metal on metal, the sign that the battle had been raised below.
The keep echoed in its silence.
They reached the top landing, and Reese carefully pressed the door open, peered inside, then waved the group in. The room was stark in the deep night, shafts of moonlight streaming in the row of windows, creating a patchwork of light and dark that patterned the floor. The three doors on the far wall were closed.
Kay tapped Reese on his shoulder. “Let me lure Galeron out,” she whispered. “If you can take him unawares, that only leaves Jack to deal with.”
Reese’s eyes held hers for a long moment, then he nodded in agreement. The four men moved to stand in the deep shadows on either side of the master bedroom doorway. When they were set, Kay took in a deep breath, then approached the sturdy wooden door.
She gave a gentle knock on it, calling out, “Galeron, I need to talk with you.”
There was an answering creak of motion almost immediately, then the thud of feet on floor. Kay took several steps backwards, moving clear of the door area, standing in a dark strip between shafts of moonlight so her form would be hidden. She did not want Galeron to spot her sword or armor until it was too late.
The door creaked open, and Galeron emerged from his room, running his hand through his curls as he shook the sleep from his eyes. “To be called by your voice in the middle of the night,” he mused, his lips curling in a smile. “Few things could be higher on my list. Just what would your pleasure be? Feeling lonely already, are we?”
Reese’s dagger was at his throat in an instant, and Galeron’s eyes flashed with surprise. “You? How in the world?” He glanced out the window, the confusion becoming even thicker as he saw his men quietly walking the ramparts. “What could I possibly have overlooked?”
Reese pressed the blade tighter in against his skin. “Hush,” he snapped in a low whisper, and all eyes turned toward the remaining closed door. Reese backed up with his hostage while Jevan, Eric, and Leland moved cautiously toward the room.
The door flew open with a sudden movement. Jack strode out, his head held high, a sword in one hand, a dagger in the other. He ran his gaze scornfully over each person present, shaking his head when he saw Galeron’s state.
“And to think she thought you were the better man to hold this keep,” he shot out in disgust. “Caught by the oldest trick in the book.”
Galeron’s voice was calm. “It was impossible to anticipate this,” he retorted. “How could any help have made it in past our defenses tonight? The odds of that were astronomical!”
Jack rolled his shoulders, settling deeper into his stance. “Your damned lists cannot account for everything,” he snapped. “And I will not be coming quietly. If you men want me, you will have to come get me.”
Reese’s voice was quiet, but it rang across the room with certainty.
“Jack is mine.”
Jack’s grin turned wolfish, and a low chuckle dredged from his throat. “Still feeling upset about that little love pat I gave to your girlfriend?” he asked, his eyes sharp. “Once I am done with you, believe me, she will get what she really deserves.”
Reese’s face stilled, and he nodded to the trio of men. In a moment Leland and Eric had moved to stand protectively before Kay. Jevan placed his own dagger at Galeron’s throat, pulling him back, forcing him to his knees to minimize his threat.
Kay’s heart thudded in her chest as she watched Jack and Reese circle each other in the darkened room, moving from streaming moonlight to darkest shadow and back again. Each man held his blade surely in his grip, their eyes intent on each other, watching the placement of the foot, the tilt of the shoulders, the sliding of the gaze …
Jack’s attack was as swift as a viper, Reese spun beneath it, countering, and the fight was on. Jack moved with lightning speed, swinging his sword down over his head toward Reese’s right shoulder. Reese dodged further to the right, letting the sword skitter down his own sword’s length, whipping the tip around to spin toward Jack’s ear. Jack threw his sword up and right, catching Reese’s blade on his own, twisting the hilt to send the edge at Reese’s neck. Reese ducked under the swing, pulling the blade hard toward Jack’s stomach. Then they were in the shadows again, and it was a blur of steel on steel, the stamp of landing feet, the grunts of hard exertion as each man battled for his life.
It took every ounce of control for Kay not to run forward, not to try to help in some way, to remain frozen by Leland. She knew if she made one tiny motion toward the fray that his strong arms would easily overpower her, force her to watch in fear … in hope …
The combatants spun into the light again, the dust motes sparkling in the glow, and there was a red slash across Reese’s arm, a matching one ripped raggedly across Jack’s stomach, streaming blood. Both men were breathing heavily.
All at once Jack took a step back, drawing his hand to his stomach almost involuntarily. He cursed in a guttural snarl, his hand becoming instantly wet. A long moment passed before he spoke.
“I concede,” he bit out in a growl. “Here, take my sword.” He turned his sword around so it was hilt first, and offered it to Reese with a cold stare.
Everything in the room went into slow motion. Reese reached forward with his left hand to take the hilt as Jack began to spin with the dagger in his own left hand. Kay drove toward him in a panic, and Leland grabbed at her arm, dragging her down onto her knees with a sharp yank. Her two damaged legs slammed onto the wooden planks, and she screamed in agony. Reese intercepted the dagger with his left hand, driving his sword hard, straight through Jack’s center.
As Kay fell sideways, Jack fell in the same direction. They both landed with a heavy thud, facing each other, Jack’s cold, lifeless eyes gazing into her own.
The distant ring of battle sounded from deep beneath them, but Kay could barely draw in a breath, so overwhelming was the agony cascading over her from both of her legs. Reese was at her side in a moment, and she moved her hand shakily to his arm, to the wound which opened up his tricep.
“Are you all right?” she managed to gasp through the pain.
He shook his head in gentle amusement, leaning forward to kiss her tenderly on her forehead. He carefully helped her back up to her unsteady feet, then nodded at the other three. Jevan went first, ushering his hostage down the stairs, then Leland and Eric followed, with Kay and Reese bringing up the rear.
By the time they made their way down to the barracks, the brief flare of combat had already been brought under control. The soldiers’ hands were tied with sturdy rope and they were being ushered down into the basement tunnels. The main doors to the keep remained sturdily shut, and there was no sense that the troops outside had heard anything.
Eli nodded as the group came into the room. “That was easier than we could have hoped for,” he reported. “They didn’t budge an inch until that yell came from above, and even then their responses were sluggish. It was an easy enough task to keep them from mounting much of a fight. Most never even made it to their feet.”
Jevan looked around the barracks area, allowing himself a low chuckle. “I certainly would expect much more from my own soldiers,” he mused.
Galeron shrugged in acceptance. “It is hard to get good help nowadays,” he agreed. His eyes moved down the length of the barracks, and then stared in surprise at the open cellar door, at the remaining soldiers who were being escorted down into its depths.
“The cellar …” he stated slowly, his eyes sharpening. “Do not tell me there are tunnels that I missed?”
Kay’s mouth drew into a smile. “Your lists cannot hold everything, after all,” she countered sweetly. “Now it is time to finish reclaiming what is mine.”
She turned to Reese, and he moved over to the main doors, pressing them open. Together the group moved to the top steps, standing in the bright moonlight, their soldiers moving to fill in behind them. The movement on the wall stuttered to a stop as the men guarding it took in the situation, turned to face their new threat.
Jevan pulled his knife blade closer against Galeron’s throat. “You threatened my young boys and the people I hold most dear,” he reminded Galeron in a low growl. “Do not think I have any compunction about gutting you from nose to tail.”
Galeron did not hesitate. “Put down your arms,” he called out to the remaining solders. “They have taken the keep, and we need to regroup. Drop your weapons and come down peacefully.”
There was a long moment of hesitation. Reese stepped forward, his voice carrying across the courtyard. “We have the gold, too,” he pointed out evenly. “We will let you go without harm, if you come down now. Otherwise you will be slain where you stand, and with no chance of being paid either.”
That seemed to settle it for most of them. One by one their swords fell clanging onto the stone or wood, and they filed down the narrow steps, coming forward, allowing their hands to be tied behind their back by the soldiers of Weston’s forces.
There was a soft golden glow in the sky, and Kay’s heart swelled with a wave of joy. She had done it. Her keep had been saved. It was all over.
Eric mounted the ramparts, and his voice came short and sharp down to them. “The mercenaries are coming,” he warned.
Kay started to run toward the stairs. Bolts of pain shot through her legs, and they gave way almost immediately. She bit back the scream that welled up within her. Reese was at her side catching her, holding her up. He swept her into his arms, and in a moment he was carrying her up the stairs, Leland close behind them. Jevan prodded Galeron along to stand nearby.
Kay had to admit that the mercenaries’ forces were more than impressive. The troop moved with well-practiced precision and was amply provisioned.
Eric glanced at the small group of troops which had remained by the camp to watch over his wife and father-in-law, and the muscles in his jaw clenched.
Kay gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder. “The mercenaries will be gone in a moment,” she promised in a low voice. “I will never see my sister or father hurt.”
She leant forward. “You there! Who is the commander of your troop?”
A tall bear of a man rode to the front, looking up at the group on the wall, his eyes running over each in turn. “I am Joshua,” he responded in a commanding voice. “And who might you be?”
Kay stood tall, giving herself as strong a presence as she could gather. “I am Keren-happuch,” she announced, “Owner and protector of this keep.” She glanced sideways at Galeron. “The man who thought to be my husband, and co-owner of these lands, has lost his bet. He has also lost the gold that is my dowry.” Her mouth turned up into a smile. “I am afraid he can no longer pay for your services.”
Joshua gazed at her evenly for a long moment, then turned his gaze on Galeron. His eyes went to the knife held at Galeron’s throat, at the men who stood in fierce resolve at Kay’s side.
There was a long breath where a breeze moved through the open landscape, causing the leaves on the ring of trees to rustle and flutter.
Then, with the pull of a rein, Joshua turned. His group circled, and without another word the troop of men moved off toward the south at a steady trot, the noise echoing as the force became more distant, moved along a ridge, then faded completely from sight.
A cheer rang out from her father’s camp, echoed heartily by the soldiers within the keep. In a moment the drawbridge rattled its way down to an open position. It was only minutes before Em was riding in with an escort of soldiers, Eric was running to help her down, and they were entwined in a laughing embrace.
Leland moved quickly down the stairs, mounting and riding out toward the remaining troops. By the time Reese had carefully assisted Kay in moving down the steps and over to her sister, her father’s forces were already consolidating around her in the courtyard, the remnants were hurriedly scrambling across the drawbridge, and the large, wooden beams were being lifted up, securely closing with a muffled thud.
The prisoners were herded into the stables under close guard. Leland rolled his shoulders in relief as he came over to Kay and Reese. “That is everyone,” he reported. “There is no person – friendly or enemy - left outside the keep walls.”
Em’s arms came close around Kay, drawing her in, and Kay’s pains melted away for the first time in days.
Em pressed her forehead against Kay’s. “I am so proud of you,” she whispered with a smile. “You did it. You saved your keep.”
Leland’s eyes went up to Reese who was standing at Kay’s side. “It was both of them,” he pointed out with an understanding nod. “Their teamwork was what turned the tide in this situation.”
Reese stepped forward to slide his arm around Kay’s waist, his fingers tenderly cinching him to her side. A warm glow infused her. She leant against him, and it was as if the sky had become brushed with golden light.
Jevan’s voice cut into her blissful world. “So, what do we do with this traitor?” he snapped, giving a prod to Galeron. He still held his knife’s blade at Galeron’s neck, and Kay could see a thin line of blood forming along its length.
She let out a deep breath. Everything had worked out quite well. She had Reese by her side. Em and Eric were safe and together. And, after all, Galeron had strove to ensure his aims were achieved without anyone being hurt. He had been an enemy, yes, but he had worked in a logical manner, had treated them with respect, and even when he had the upper hand he had ensured innocents were kept safe.
She gently separated herself from Reese, then walked to stand in front of Jevan and Galeron. She looked up into Galeron’s dark eyes for a long moment, then nodded to Jevan.
“Let him go,” she requested, her voice sure and serene.
There was a chorus of grumbles from the circle around her, and Jevan shook his head harshly. “The man deserves to be hung,” he snapped in anger.
Kay drew her eyes to Jevan, remaining still. “He treated your boys well, Jevan,” she pointed out. “There was food and drink for all. No person was mistreated while he stayed with us.” Her eyes moved back to Galeron’s. “His crime was to crave ownership of Serenor a bit too strongly. It is hard for me to fault him in that.”
Leland’s voice rang out behind her. “And what if he comes back, now that he knows our layout inside and out, and launches a fresh attack?” he challenged.
Kay held Galeron’s gaze steadily. “Would you vow never to return to Serenor, once you departed our walls?”
Galeron nodded immediately, his neck stretched against the blade. “I vow to never return to Serenor on my honor and life,” he agreed, his eyes clear and sure. “It would not be logical for me to try again. I made my best attempt and failed. It is time for me to move on to other priorities.”
Kay searched for any sign of deception within Galeron’s gaze, but he seemed to be completely honest in his statement. She looked again at Jevan, and there was a long moment of hesitation as the soldier looked across the men standing around the open courtyard.
Then, with a movement half of frustration, he removed the knife from Galeron’s neck.
Galeron allowed himself to smile, bringing his hand to his neck, wiping offhandedly at the streak of blood. He then gave a long stretch, rubbing his hands on his lower back to relieve the strain there, before standing straight again.
“Thank you, Kay,” he sighed in relief. “I knew I would be able to count on your honorable nature.” He offered his hand to her.
Kay stepped forward to take it, and her world spun as he gave a hard, forward yank. The thrust threw her off balance on her pain-lanced legs, wrapped her around, and in a heartbeat she was pinned hard against his chest, a knife held sharp against her throat, his other hand wrapped firmly around her waist. Her legs throbbed in agony at the twisting movement, and she could barely hold herself upright.
The men surrounding her froze in a tableau of shock, hands partway to their weapons, locked in place by the blade against her throat.
Kay choked against the pressure of the knife. “Galeron …?”
He chuckled down at her, his eyes not leaving the ring of furious men, slowly taking a step back to separate from them, then two. “Serenor is a castle of stone, and many others like it exist out there in the world,” he mused in a calm, logical tone. “However, you, my dear, you are quite unique. My new priority is to have you by my side. With our combined efforts, no future project will end in failure. Your escapades last night have proven that beyond any shadow of a doubt.”
Reese’s voice was steely and rang with iron promise. “Let her go, and your death might be swift rather than long,” he vowed.
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