《Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)》ƇӇƛƤƬЄƦ 14
Ƭhe next morning, Rey opened her eyes sleepily. Her head was rested on Ben's shoulder where he sat on the couch next to her. She had stayed up late last night, praying with Ben and reading to him from the Bible. But she had never felt better. The weight of hatred was finally lifted from her, and he had accepted Jesus into his heart.
She had promised to stay up with him because he couldn't sleep after realizing that he had been the one who killed her father. But it seemed that they both fallen asleep at some point.
She didn't want him to wake up and find her with her head rested on his shoulder like this. So she sat up and closed the Bible that laid open in her lap. She looked over at him, he was sleeping so peacefully. She tenderly combed his black hair out of his face.
His eyes fluttered open, she quickly pulled her hand away and placed it in her lap.
Ben sat up, blinking groggily and looked at her.
"How are you feeling?" she asked him, gently.
"It's kind of hard to describe," he replied. "I feel wonderful...but then I feel terrible at the same time."
She looked at him, offering him a compassionate smile. "Ben I've forgiven you, so has God."
He reached over, gently taking her hand. "I know, but I can't forgive myself."
"You've been born again, that part of you is dead. You're a new person. I know it's not easy, but you have to forgive yourself," she said.
He squeezed her hand. "I'll try." But he doubted that he ever would, he had hurt the woman he loved more than anyone. There seemed to be no way he could make it up to her for what he had done. He understood now why she had been so angry with him. He couldn't blame her, he didn't deserve her love. He didn't even deserve her forgiveness.
He looked at the wall, full of sorrow.
Rey wrapped her arms around him timidly. "Ben I heard you praying in the library yesterday. Please don't give up on life, don't believe that you can't help me because of your past. You've already helped me so much, but I still need you."
He turned to look at her, taking her hand in his. "I need you too."
She smiled shyly and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "From now on, I will be here for you as you have been for me. I promise."
Rey and Ben went into the dining hall to have breakfast with the king and queen.
"Ben has something that he wants to tell you," Rey said.
Ben took a deep breath before speaking. "Last night Rey stayed up late talking to me and praying with me, and I...I accepted Jesus as my Lord. I didn't think that God could forgive me, but Rey showed me that I was wrong."
Queen Leia smiled. She came over to him. "I'm so proud of you, Ben," she said, hugging him.
"So am I, son," Han added.
"I'm so sorry, I should have been a better mother, I should have talked to you more, " Leia said.
She looked over at Rey offering her a warm smile, and trying to conceal the tears that threatened to enter her eyes.
Rey was walking down the hall when she saw Finn and Rose standing together just ahead of her.
"Good morning," she told her friends, happily.
"Good morning," Rose answered. "Finn and I were wondering if you're not too busy being... well the princess of Alderaan....maybe you could join us on a picnic, just like old times?"
"I would love that," she answered.
"You seem happy this morning, did you tie the prince to a chair and give him a piece of your mind?" Finn asked.
Rose crossed her arms and gave him a scolding look.
"No. But he knows the truth now. And I...we finally have peace. I've forgiven him. I should have done it long ago," she replied.
"It couldn't have been easy," Rose placed a gentle hand on Rey's shoulder.
Rey nodded. "It wasn't, but I feel free for the first time in years."
"Have you told Prince Ben yet?" Rose asked.
"Told me what?" Ben asked, walking up behind them.
Finn and Rose gestured toward Rey, and he looked at her curiously.
Rey looked up at him. She had already told him that she forgave him, and she didn't want to bring it up...especially in front of her friends. She knew that he still felt guilty about it, and mentioning it would only make him feel guilty all over again. She thought of something quickly, but first she realized that it would be rude of her not to introduce him to her friends. "Ben, these are my best friends."
He nodded, but she could tell that he was a little nervous.
"This is Rose," Rey gestured to the girl.
Rose smiled sweetly at him. She had always been the kind, friendly type. And she had a kind forgiving heart. She never held a grudge against anyone. Rey had always admired her for her willingness to forgive and accept others.
Ben smiled slightly in return. No one but Rey and his parents ever smiled at him. It felt nice to have someone looking at him like he was human and not a monster. Her smile seemed genuine, like she was actually happy to meet him. Rose had been kind to him since the moment he came back home.
"Rose..." he whispered. "I knew a girl named Rose, a long time ago."
Rey looked at him surprised. Rose often spoke as if she knew him, and now he seemed to recognize her too. Rey wondered if they had once known one another. Rose didn't seem to hate him so the encounter couldn't have been a bad one, but Ben had left the castle long before Rose had started working there.
Rose only nodded and Rey wondered if it was just a coincidence. She gestured to Finn. "This is Finn, we've known each other for years. He's like a brother to me."
Finn squinted slightly at Ben. "A very protective brother. Which means that if you hurt her, prince or not, I will punch you in the face."
Ben didn't seem at all frightened. "I would never hurt her, I promise. But if I did, you have my permission to punch me as much as you want."
Finn regarded him for a moment, before nodding in approval.
Rey could see that Ben was growing slightly anxious. He reached down and gently took her hand in his. She could feel his hand shaking slightly. She knew that he was probably nervous about meeting her friends because of what he had done.
He looked into her eyes. "Was there something that you wanted to tell me, dear?"
"Finn and Rose invited me on a picnic," her voice was barely above a whisper as she forced the words out.
"That sounds like fun. Enjoy yourself my love," he answered, gently.
She blushed slightly at the way he had called her: 'my love.'
Finn and Rose both smiled and exchanged a glance.
"I will," Rey replied at last, offering him a small smile.
"I will miss you at the luncheon with the royal council," he continued.
Her smile quickly faded. "The royal council? But they were so mean to you..."
"...to us," he interrupted, his dark eyes looked deeply into hers.
She nodded. "I can't let you be stuck alone with them. I want to be there for you, and defend you like you defended me."
"Rey, I'll be fine. I don't want to keep you from having a good time with your friends," he replied. "I want you to be happy."
"Why don't you join us, your majesty?" Rose asked.
Ben smiled at her. "You would certainly be much more pleasant company than the council. I don't think they would even notice if I didn't attend, but I'm not allowed to leave the castle," he said. "And you can call me Ben, any friends of Rey's are friends of mine...that is if you want to be friends. I know that it isn't easy after everything I've done."
Rose smiled at him. "I forgave you long ago, Ben, and I would be happy to be your friends."
"Thank you," he answered.
"If Rey can forgive you, then how could we do any less?" Finn asked.
Ben nodded solemnly. Rey touched his arm gently, knowing that he was feeling guilty. He looked up to meet her hazel eyes. They were no longer full of hate and anger when she looked at him, and he found them comforting.
"I'm going to ask your parents if you can come with us," Rey whispered, breaking eye contact with him. Then she walked away.
"I'll get the food ready," Rose said.
Ben turned to leave but Finn stopped him.
"I have to admit that I really wanted to punch you in the face a few days ago," said Finn.
Ben smiled slightly. "I understand."
"Rey is my best friend and I wanted her to be happy. I was glad that she became the princess of Alderaan. But I was worried that you were going to be cruel to her. I was wrong, I'm sorry. I've seen how kind you've been to her. And I heard about how you defended her from the council members," he said.
Ben nodded. "I don't understand why they would be so cruel to someone as wonderful as Rey."
Finn nodded. "I can't think of anyone better for her to have been betrothed to. No other noble would have defended her, or looked past her background. And I realize that it's probably just as hard for you as it is for her. Neither of you want this, it wasn't your choice just as it wasn't her's."
Ben looked down sadly. "You're right... I didn't want this at first and I didn't choose it, but..." he whispered, lowering his voice even more before he continued. "I love her, with all of my heart. If I could marry any girl in the world, I would choose her."
Finn smiled. "You love her?" he seemed little surprised but happy at the same time.
Ben nodded. "You're her best friend and I just wanted you to know."
Finn nodded, still smiling. "When did you begin having feelings for her?"
"I don't know... I've always liked her. I'm sure that you know how angry she was with me, but I didn't think that was who she really was deep down. I could tell that she was just broken and I just wanted to help her. But fell in love with because of so many little things. The first time I saw her on our wedding day, the first time I touched her hand, dancing with her."
Finn nodded. "I know how you feel, it was the same with Rose. I still remember the first time I saw her. Does Rey know how you feel about her?"
"Well... I told her that I love her. But I don't think that she loves me. And why should she? I...I..." he trailed off, and looked down at the floor fighting back the tears that threaten to enter his voice. "I killed her father, she shouldn't love me. I don't even deserve to speak to her, I certainly don't deserve to be married to her."
"I don't think Rey feels that way. She forgave you," Finn pointed out. "Besides, I think she needs your love. And I know you feel unworthy of her love, but that won't stop you from loving her will it?"
"Of course not," Ben replied, surprised by Finn's reaction. He suspected that Finn knew about Rey's father, he knew how close he and Rey were. But he'd expected Finn to agree with him, not encourage him to keep trying to win her heart.
"You can't let your past stop you from being happy, or stop Rey from being happy. Rose's family was killed by Snoke's army, but she doesn't hold that against me...or you. More than anything I want Rey to be happy. Did you tell her how much you love her? Did you tell her that you would marry her even if your parents didn't arrange it?"
"No," Ben replied a bit shamefully.
"You have to tell her," Finn answered.
"I don't know..." Ben answered, still feeling unworthy.
"Tell her or I will," Finn threatened.
Ben nodded. "I'll tell her," he said, not wanting Finn to tell her. Besides, he hadn't said when he would tell her.
"Good," Finn replied.
Ben smiled, deciding to turn the tables. "So you're in love with Rose?"
Finn nodded.
"Are you going to marry her?" Ben asked.
"I want to but I don't have enough money. I've been saving for months, but it will take me a while to save up enough."
"Don't worry about it," said Ben. "I'll help you pay for the wedding."
"Really?" Finn asked.
Ben nodded.
"Thank you," Finn said sincerely. He seemed surprised by the gesture. "You know, I don't care what anyone else says about you, you're a good person. Rey is lucky to have you."
Ben shook his head. "If it wasn't for me she would have her father, she would be happy."
"Since I've known her, I've never seen her as happy as she is today, " Finn answered.
"Thank you for inviting Ben to come with us," Rey told Rose as they walked down the hall.
"Of course, he's your husband and we would like to get to know him better. Besides after what happened at the council meeting I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave him alone with those people."
Rey nodded. "I promised his parents that I would take care of him. I haven't done a very good job so far."
"Well I know it wasn't easy for you at first, and I'm sure that Ben understands too," Rose said.
Rey nodded thoughtfully.
"Do you know him?" Rey asked.
Rose nodded. "I met him once, a long time ago."
"Then why didn't you tell him?" Rey asked.
"Well, I met him when my village was attacked and I don't want to make him feel any more guilty than he already does."
Rey nodded. "He found out what happened to my father. He was so heartbroken."
Rose nodded. "At least there is forgiveness between you now. But I'm sure that he needs you now, he probably needs you to not only say that you have forgiven him, but also show it."
Rey nodded. "Thank you for being so kind to him, especially after what he did to your village."
Rose nodded.
"I have to speak to the king and queen. I'll see you in a moment," she spoke after a brief silence.
Rose nodded, then Rey turned to leave.
Rey went into the throne room and curtsied as she approached the king and queen. "Your majesties..." she began.
"Rey, you know that you don't have to call us that right?" Leia interrupted.
"Yes," she replied a little timidly. "But this isn't a personal meeting, I've come to ask something of you."
"Still, you're like a daughter to us, you are our son's wife. There is no need for formalities, even if it is an official matter, " Leia replied.
"What is it, darling?" King Han looked at her in question, reminding her so much of her father.
"I want to ask your permission to take Ben out of the castle just for a few hours, we're just going out into the meadow outside of the castle walls for a picnic. We wouldn't be alone, Finn and Rose are coming with us, so he wouldn't be able to escape."
"I don't think he would escape if he had the chance unless you agreed to go with him. He's deeply in love with you, " King Han said.
Rey's cheeks flushed slightly.
King Han smiled at her reaction.
"Yes, you have our permission," said Queen Leia. "But it might be best if you didn't tell the royal council about it."
Rey nodded. "Thank you, your majesty." She curtsied, then she turned to leave.
"Rey..." said Queen Leia.
Rey stopped and turned to look at her.
"Thank you for helping Ben," she said.
Rey smiled and nodded, before she left the throne room.
Rey and Ben sat on a blanket in the meadow with Finn and Rose. They had shared a delicious meal of tea, sandwiches and cakes.
They had shared many stories and many laughs. They talked about everything from their favorite food to the most embarrassing story they could remember.
Ben wasn't used to sharing stories, normally he didn't say much. But he enjoyed listening to Rey laugh and talk with her friends. He was glad to see her happy with them, happier than she could ever be with him. She deserved some happiness in her life after everything she'd been through.
Now as the topic of their faith had come up, Ben told them what had happened the night before. They listened intently. "Rey prayed with me and I accepted Jesus in my heart," he finished.
Rose smiled at him. "That's wonderful."
Finn nodded. "I'm happy for you."
Ben nodded, then they shared a moment of companionable silence before he spoke. "Thank you for inviting us."
Rose and Finn nodded.
"Thank you for changing your plans to come," said Rose.
"Oh trust me this is much more pleasant than eating with those snobs," said Rey.
"You mean those wolves waiting to devour us?" Ben asked her with a faint smile.
She nodded, smiling back. "That's an accurate description."
"I've never had this much fun," said Ben. "I didn't have friends growing up."
"Me either," said Rey.
"Well you do now," Rose smiled at both of them.
"And you have each other," Finn said looking at Ben, as if trying to get him to tell Rey how he felt. But for reasons he couldn't explain he felt nervous about telling her, especially with her friends watching.
Rose smiled at Finn, and took his hand. Finn smiled back at her, then he leaned back and laid his head in her lap, looking up at the clouds. Rose looked down at him and smiled. She gently stroked his short hair with her fingertips.
Ben watched them and smiled. They really loved each other. He was glad that he was able to help them get married, he wanted them to be happy. He looked at Rey, he only wished that he could make her happy. He wanted to make her as happy as Rose seemed with Finn, but how could he after all of the pain and grief he had caused her? He wished that they could hold hands or hug each other the way Finn and Rose did. But he didn't deserve those things. He didn't deserve to be happy. And Rey probably didn't even want to look at him, let alone hold his hand.
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