《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[9] Wolfsbane
"I'll always be by your side."
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott sits in the driver's seat of Derek's car, while Stiles and Isabel sit in the back. Scott swerves on the road, the high speed he was driving at was making it hard to control the steering. Isabel watches in a panic out of the back window as the black car tailing them speeds up.
"Faster?" Scott asks, hearing Isabel's panicked breathing.
Stiles turns back to look out the window with Isabel. His eyes widen, turning back to the front window. The pair in the back nod quickly, before realizing Scott cannot see them.
"Much faster." Stiles' gulps. Scott clenches his jaw before upping the gear and slamming down on the accelerator. Isabel turns back to the front before putting her head in her hands.
"God, I can't look." She whimpers. Stiles places an arm around the scared girl.
"Scott! I don't think you are grasping the concept of a car chase here!" Stiles shouts, checking back at the car chasing them.
"If I go any faster, I'm gonna kill us!" Scott screams back over the sound of the engine roaring.
"If you don't go any faster, they're gonna kill us!" Isabel exclaims, Scott takes a deep breath before slamming down on the accelerator again.
Isabel hears a screech of tires behind them and looks back to see the road empty. "They're gone." She gasps. Stiles pulls out his police radio, as Scott checks behind them just in case they return.
"All units, the suspect is on foot. Heading into the ironworks." Sheriff Stilinski's voice sounds from the radio.
The three teens share a worried look before Scott speeds off to the location. Isabel grips onto Stiles as Scott speeds off again, this time toward the ironworks. Scott pulls into the back exit, before skidding to a sudden stop as he spots Derek crouched behind some steel pipes.
"Get in!" Isabel shouts to Derek, reaching over the seat to open the passenger door.
Under gunfire, Derek sprints for the car, jumping into the seat and slamming the door shut as Scott speeds back off.
"What part of laying low don't you understand?!" Scott exclaims, trying to focus on the road. Derek hits his car dashboard in frustration.
"Damn it! I had him!" He shouts angrily. Stiles and Isabel share a look in the back seats.
"Who, the Alpha?" Stiles asks, poking his head between the two werewolves upfront. Derek glares at him.
"Yes!" He snaps, "He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up." Derek rants.
"Hey! They're just doing their jobs-" Stiles defends, but the glare Derek continues to give makes him sit back into his seat.
Isabel holds back her laugh, rubbing his arm comfortingly. He gives a smile to the girl.
"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state." Derek turns his anger to Scott.
"Can we seriously get past that?!" Scott snaps back. "I made a dumbass mistake, I get it." He huffs.
"Alright!" Isabel shuts the guys up. She moves forward like Stiles did, putting her head next to Derek's.
After Derek had saved Isabel from the woods, the two had made good friends. Derek had explained everything to Isabel about werewolves and told her all his information on the Alpha - the one who bit her.
"How did you find him?" She asks. Derek gives her a reluctant gaze. "Can you trust us for half a second?" She begs.
"I trust you. I don't trust these idiots." Derek scoffs, throwing his head back.
"Derek. Please." She tries again, Derek sighs, as Stiles pushes his head next to Isabel's.
"Yeah, trust the both of us." Stiles emphasizes 'the both', "Or just Scott." He cowers, before moving back. "I'll just be back here."
"Last time I spoke to Laura she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris." Derek starts to explain.
"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles exclaims from the back. Isabel closes her eyes and tries not to laugh.
"Why him?" Isabel continues but Derek shakes his head.
"I don't know yet."
"What's the second?" Scott asks.
"Some kind of symbol." Derek pulls out a piece of paper, unfolding it to reveal a sketch of a symbol with a wolf in the middle. Scott and Isabel take a collective breath at the drawing.
Derek looks between the two. "What? You guys know what this is?" He questions.
"I've seen it on a necklace." Scott sighs.
"Allison's necklace." Isabel finishes, running a hand through her hair.
♰ ♰ ♰
"How the hell did he find out?" Stiles stares at Scott baffled, as they walk down the hallway. Jackson had confronted Scott about him being a werewolf. Scott shakes his head.
"I have no idea."
"Did he say it out loud - the word?" Stiles pushes and Scott looks at his best friend confused.
"What word?" He asks.
"Werewolf. Did he say, "I know you're a werewolf"?" Stiles whispers.
"No, but he implied it pretty freaking clearly." Scott sighs.
"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. I mean, he doesn't have any proof, right? And if he wanted to tell someone, who's gonna believe him anyway?" Stiles suggests, Scott gives Stiles a look of disbelief.
"How about Allison's father?" Stiles' face falls at the realization.
"Okay, it's bad," Stiles confirms as Scott paces around.
"I need a cure. Right now."
"Does he know about Allison's father?" Stiles asks, and Scott takes a breath.
"I don't know." Scott shrugs.
"Okay, where's Derek?" Stiles questions and Scott finally stops pacing.
"Hiding, like we told him to. Why? Don't you remember he's looking after Isabel?" Stiles sighs at the information he had chosen to forget.
"Still not happy about that." Stiles points, "But, I have another idea. It's gonna take a little time and finesse, though."
"We have that game tonight. It's the quarterfinals. And it's your first game." Scott reminds his best friend. Stiles nods his head dismissively.
"I know, I know. Look, do you have a plan for Allison yet?"
"She's in my next class," Scott informs, and Stiles pats him on the back.
"Get the necklace." He states before leaving Scott alone in the hallway.
"Right. Get the necklace." Scott sighs, heading off to his next class.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Derek," Isabel calls the werewolf, voice shaky.
Derek stops in his tracks at her tone and turns his head back to make sure nothing is wrong. She feels the familiar burn course through her body, and Derek can tell by the look on her face. He moves toward the girl, keeping his distance, but still close enough to comfort the girl.
"Hey, it's ok." Derek comforts. "This is what it is like for wolves too." Derek confides. She looks at him with glossy eyes as she tries to hold in the energy, the chaos.
"How?" She stutters out, "How do you stop it? You managed to stop it right?" She wheezes out between gritted teeth, she raises her head back up from the floor to reveal her blood-red irises. Derek shakes his head sympathetically.
"We can never stop it. We learn to live with it. To control it. You find an anchor to keep you, you." He explains to Isabel.
She lets the tears that well up fall, and Derek watches as the dark chaos starts to run down her hands and trickles its way onto the leaves that had fallen on the ground.
As the chaos touches the leaves, they are destroyed and wither away to nothing but ash. Isabel watches it and lets out a painful grunt.
"Find something that keeps you, you," Derek repeats. "Something that keeps you human. Focus on it. It could be a sound, a smell, a feeling." Derek suggests, growing concerned.
"I-I can't" She cries out, and Derek shakes his head.
"Yes, you can. Channel everything into your anchor and let it protect you."
Isabel takes a painful staggering breath before closing her eyes, her mind immediately traveling to the boy that has stolen her heart. His laugh, his eyes, the smell of his cologne. The way he looks at her, the way he smiles at her.
Derek grabs a hold of Isabel's arms and she jumps back at the contact, worried she would hurt him.
She releases a gasp of disbelief as she realizes she has managed to control the chaos for the first time and pulls Derek in for a thankful hug as the tears fall from her eyes, finally back to her color.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Hey, Stiles!" Sheriff Stilinski shouts from downstairs of the house, Stiles lifts his head from his desk and gets up to answer his dad.
"Yo, D-" He starts to shout back before freezing in his spot. "Derek." He finishes, seeing the Hale standing in the back corner of his room.
His eyes then flicker over to the strawberry blond laying on his bed and the words no longer come out of his mouth, stuck in his throat.
"I- um-" Sheriff Stilinski makes his way up the stairs, starting to open his son's door.
"What'd you say?" He asks, Stiles jumps into action, unsure whether he was trying to hide the fugitive in the corner or the girl on his bed. He grabs the door as his dad opens it, leaving only the gap the size of his head.
"What? I said "Yo - d-dad." Stiles attempts to play off, but his dad gives him a raised eyebrow and pushes the door slightly further so Stiles' head isn't stuck between the door and the doorframe. Stiles' father gives a beaming smile to Isabel who sits upon the bed.
"Hi, Mr. Stilinski. Hope you don't mind that I am here." She gives a big smile back, the doubt vanishes from Noah's head, and gives his son a proud smile.
"Good to see you Isabel, hope you are doing well, sweetheart." He greets back and places a hand on his son's shoulder. Stiles' face is burning red with a blush. "Listen, I've got something I've got to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game." Stiles coughs and nods.
"My first game. Guh, it's great. Awesome. Uh - Good." Stiles stutters out. Noah gives a smile of disbelief, looking between his son and Isabel.
"I'm very happy for you. And I'm really proud of you." He tells his son, and Stiles understands the double meaning, the blush quickly returning up his face.
"Thanks. Me too. I'm happy and proud - of myself." Isabel holds back her laugh at Stiles' adorable panic.
"So they're really gonna let you play, right?" His father questions. Stiles nods, hanging off of the doorframe, trying to act casual.
"Yeah, dad. I'm first line. Believe that?" Stiles gives a small laugh. Sheriff nods.
"I'm very proud." He tells his son again, Isabel feels the warmth in her heart as she watches the father and son's interaction.
"Oh, me too. Again, I'm-" Stiles repeats, until his father pulls him in for a hug. "Huggie - Huggie, huggie -" He mumbles into his dad's shoulder. The two separate, and Stiles' dad pats his shoulder again.
"See you there." He says to his son, then looks over at Isabel, "See you later, sweetheart."
"See you later, Mr. Stilinski!" She responds, giving a happy wave.
Once his father is gone, Stiles takes a breath and shuts the door, only to come face to face with Derek. Stiles gives a fearful look, but Derek steps back as he notices Isabel now standing behind him.
"If you say one word-" Derek threatens, and Stiles gets cocky.
"Oh, what, you mean, like, "Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room - Bring your gun"? Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." He threatens back, but Derek steps back up to Stiles and his confidence shatters. "Oh, my God!" He mumbles.
Isabel pulls Derek away and wraps Stiles in a hug that he melts into, taking in her scent. He had missed her at school.
"Hey, Izzy." He whispers in her ear. "You ok?" He asks, and she nods her head against his chest - where she had never felt so safe, his heart racing against her ear.
"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek questions, as the two have their moment.
Isabel peels away from Stiles, who watches her every move as she moves back onto his bed, longing for her to return to his arms.
"No. He's still working on it. But there's something else we can try. The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there." Stiles answers, moving back to sit at his desk as Derek stands, arms crossed.
"So?" Derek raises his brow.
"So it wasn't Scott." Stiles continues, Derek moves forward, interested.
"Well, can you find out who sent it?" Stiles shakes his head.
"No, not me. But I think I know somebody who can." Stiles smiles, pulling out his phone.
"You want me to do what?" Danny asks, slowly looking between Isabel, Derek, and Stiles.
"Trace a text," Stiles responds simply. Danny looks at Stiles confused.
"I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do."
"And we will, once you trace the text." Stiles counters.
"And what makes you think I know how?" Danny scoffs. Stiles sits back in his chair and Isabel watches him with a smile.
"I looked up your arrest report, so-"
"I - I was 13. They dropped the charges." Danny defends, annoyed. Stiles shrugs.
"No, we're doing lab work." He demands, putting his foot down. Stiles rolls his eyes.
"Oh, my-" Stiles whines, but Danny looks in the corner to Derek.
"Who's he again? And why is Isabel here?" Danny asks, interested. Stiles quickly tries to come up with an excuse.
"Um, my cousin - Miguel." He blurts and Derek looks at him in anger. "And Isabel is- uh - Isabel is my girlfriend." He quickly blurts.
Everyone in the room sends Stiles a shocked look, Isabel quickly plays it off with a cough as Danny gives her a dumbfounded look as she just smiles back, blush creeping up her face.
"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny points out, changing the subject.
"Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds. Hey, Miguel. I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts." Stiles tells Derek, who glares into his skull. "So anyway, I mean, we both know you have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably-" Stiles continues.
"Uh, Stiles?" Derek calls out, topless and holding one of Stiles' T-shirts. Danny and Stiles turn to Derek.
"Yes?" Stiles asks, confused. Derek holds the shirt before giving it a pull to show it didn't stretch.
"This - no fit," Derek says through gritted teeth.
"Then try something else on. Sorry. Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? What do you think, Danny? The shirt." Stiles teases, watching Danny squirm.
"It's - it's not really his color." Danny coughs out.
Derek lets out an annoyed sigh and turns back to change his shirt again.
"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny boy?" Stiles whispers and Danny refuses to look him in the eye.
"You're a horrible person." Danny mumbles.
"I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text."
"Stiles! None of these fit." Derek shouts angrily. Danny turns to see Derek remained topless and turns back to Stiles.
"I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." Danny agrees, Stiles gives Isabel a victorious smile.
Danny is given all the information needed to trace the text and finally can locate where it was sent.
"There. The text was sent from a computer. This one." Danny confirms as the other three in the room surrounding the computer. Isabel furrows her brows at the name: Melissa McCall.
"Registered to that account name?" Isabel questions and Danny nods. The three share a look.
"No, no, no, no. That can't be right." Stiles stares off into the screen, confused.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Did you get the picture?" Scott asks through the phone speaker.
Stiles sits in the driver's seat of his car, while Derek sits in the passenger seat and Isabel sits in the back as they are parked outside the hospital - specifically the long-term care facility.
"Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing," Stiles confirms.
"Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening, something." Derek asks, hope in his voice.
"No, no, the thing's flat. And, no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line." Scott questions Stiles, Isabel gives him a sympathetic look. "Where the hell is Bilinski?" Coach's voice shouts in the back. "Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start."
"I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him- tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? All right, thanks." Stiles sighs, before ending the call. Derek and Isabel stare at Stiles.
"You're not gonna make it." Derek states.
"I know." Stiles nods before giving out another sigh.
"And you didn't tell him about his mom, either," Derek adds, Isabel gives him a smack on the arm.
"Not 'till we find out the truth." She responds.
"By the way, one more thing," Derek says to Stiles, who looks over to him.
Derek grabs the back of Stiles' head and slams it down on the wheel. Isabel gasps as Stiles throws his head back in pain, clutching his nose.
"Oh, God! What the hell was-"
"You know what that was for. Go. Go!" Derek demands, sending the two into the long-term care facility.
When they enter the facility, Isabel pulls Stiles aside and checks over his face, gently cupping his cheek.
"I'm fine, it's fine." He reassures the strawberry blond.
She looks at him concerned, before dropping her hand from his cheek. Stiles immediately misses the warmth but is pulled out away from his thoughts as she instead grabs his hand into hers. He looks down at their intertwined hands with a smile.
They search through the halls, searching for any nurses, but can't find any. After a few more minutes of searching, Derek gets impatient and call's Stiles' phone. He uses his other free hand to answer the call. "Yeah, we can't find her."
"Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle." Derek tells Stiles over the phone, Isabel follows Stiles' lead as he heads toward the room Derek said his uncle would be in.
He reluctantly lets go of Isabel's hand to open the door, only to find it empty.
"Yeah, well, he's not here either." Stiles sighs.
"He's not here. He's gone, Derek." Stiles explains.
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