《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[8] Lunatic
"Every night I am dancing with your ghost."
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles drove to the hospital and refused to leave Isabel's side. When they forced him out, he remained in the vicinity of her hospital room.
The doctors said she hadn't awoken yet, and Scott and Stiles were worried. She was bitten and should've started to heal by now. Yet it didn't seem like her body was healing at all.
The second day of Isabel's hospitalization was the night of the full moon. Scott was having trouble controlling his emotions, but his worry for Isabel managed to hold them off for now.
Scott arrives with Stiles at the hospital where they find Isabel's Aunt Natalie leaving the room, looking drained. She gives Stiles a warm smile, having recognized him from when he came to visit the girls after the DVD store accident. She gives them the go-ahead to go in.
Scott and Stiles approach the frail red-head, and after getting a nod of approval from Stiles, Scott lifts Isabel's hospital gown to reveal a blood-soaked bandage.
Stiles' breath catches in his throat at the sight and moves his eyes away. Scott gently lifts the bandage up to see the bite underneath, and when he pauses Stiles turns to look at him expectantly.
"What?" Stiles asks, worried. "It's still there isn't it?" He sighs.
"It's getting worse," Scott admits.
He shakes his head. He lowers the bandage back down, sticking it back into place. Stiles paces back and forth as Scott pulls the blanket back up over Isabel.
"Is there anything you can do?" Stiles begs, the door opens, causing the two boys to jump. Melissa stands in the entryway, before looking at the two and sighing.
"What are you boys doing in here?" She crosses her arms. The two boys look at each other before looking back at Melissa.
"We were just checking on Isabel," Scott answers, and Melissa raises a brow at him. "I didn't know you were her nurse," Scott admits, scratching his head.
"I've looked after her since she was in here with her concussion," Melissa responds, not wavering her stance.
"I've had a crush on her since third grade, so I wanted to make sure she's ok." Stiles blurts out, and Melissa's accusatory look falls into one of sympathy.
"Oh- Stiles, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Melissa comforts, "Do you want me to go over her chart with you?" The two boys nod quickly in response. Melissa flicks through the chart, before giving the two a warning glare. "This did not happen, ok?" Scott and Stiles give a slow but firm nod.
"The doctor looking after her says her body is reacting to the animal bite. It's like her cells are attacking instead of healing the wound." She explains.
Scott and Stiles sigh, what did this mean? The bite was rejecting?
"Right now it's a waiting game of her waking-" Melissa pauses and watches as Isabel's heart rate begins to pick up abruptly.
"What does that mean?" Stiles asks, worried. Scott can hear her heartbeat rising in his ears and watches the situation carefully.
Without warning, Isabel's body begins seizing and Stiles watches in horror and Scott in shock. Melissa calls for help before tightly holding Isabel's arms to her body, to make sure she doesn't injure herself.
Another doctor runs in, just as Isabel stops seizing and Melissa and the doctor place Isabel in the recovery position, before keeping an eye on her heartbeat for another spike. Stiles watches with fear in his eyes. He keeps his eyes closed and expects the worst.
"Isabel, can you hear me?" Melissa suddenly speaks, and Stiles and Scott move forward at her words.
"Mom? Is-" Scott begins to ask, Melissa looks at her son with a smile and a nod.
Stiles' eyes well up at the relief, he leans his body against the wall, taking a deep breath.
"It's ok, sweetie. Take it easy." Melissa coos, before slowly helping the girl get her bearings. "You're ok, honey. You are in the hospital, you've been unconscious for two days. An animal bit you, and the doctors think your body went into shock, but now you are awake that's a great sign." Melissa helps Isabel lean back into the pillows, as she gives a drowsy nod of understanding.
The doctor goes over her vitals and gives her the necessary checks. She blinks her eyes to see Scott and Stiles watching, and gives them a weak smile.
Stiles moves forward and gives a light laugh, before gently leaving a kiss on her forehead, where her cut had begun to heal over. He cups her cheeks gently.
"I-I thought I lost you for a second." He stutters out, and Isabel gives a breathless laugh back.
"It's gonna take more than that, Stilinski."
♰ ♰ ♰
That night, Isabel removes the bandage gently, the pulling of the skin leaving a burning sensation that makes her hiss. Over the day, Isabel noticed that the bite had begun to fill and ooze with black blood. She braces herself for the worst as the bandage comes off, revealing healed skin; like nothing was ever there, to begin with.
The only proof is the black residue left behind on the bandage. She stares at the skin, prodding at it confused, before discarding it as there was no more need for the protection.
She stands in the adjacent bathroom of her hospital room, trying to remember the events that had taken place 3 days ago. She shakes her head as a low humming of static invades her head.
The humming continues, and Isabel begins clawing at her head as it becomes unbearable. She clutches the bathroom sink desperately as she raises her head to look in the mirror. Isabel watches as the eyes of her reflection glow a blood red, and stares in horror.
The sounds of cracking echo around her mind and the glass of the mirror smashes before her eyes, causing her to fall back onto the cold tiles in shock.
She lays on the harsh tiles and allows the tears to fall. She looks down at her hands, watching red energy dance across her fingertips, she stares at her hands as she allows her mind to wonder: What was happening to me?
After a few minutes, she sits up, and glances around the room, before her eyes stop on the window. The low humming turns to silence as she stares at the only escape. She climbs through the small opening, bare-feet land on the muddy ground.
The sound of sticks cracking under her weight almost pull her out of her trance, but she continues forward to where her mind takes her.
She eventually finds herself wandering through the dark woods, coming out to an opening. The trees reveal a place she had completely removed from her memory.
Her mother and father's old house, they had never sold it as they weren't planning on staying in England for as long as they did.
Her legs move on their own, the wooden steps to the front door give a familiar creak. Her hand danced along the paint-chipped railing. Isabel stands in front of the front door for a second, the fog rising from the wooden forest and the full moon beaming down on her, urging her into the house.
She reaches for the door handle and pulls it down, realizing it was open. She takes a step into the threshold and takes a moment absorbing all her surroundings. She jumps at the sound of the door slamming shut. She takes a deep breath, and before she knows it she is upstairs, standing outside one of the abandoned rooms.
It was a guest room they had transformed into an office for her mother. The name 'Willow' was carved onto the door, in beautiful cursive handwriting, she recognized as her fathers.
She opened the office door, a room she had rarely ever entered. Willow Martin was a university professor specializing in occultism and neopaganism, rooting from the claims of being descendants of witches.
Isabel is drawn to the desk where she would see her mother sit, and moves cautiously towards it. Upon the desk was a pentagram shaped using a purple herb that Isabel didn't recognize, and sat upon the star was one lone tarot card. Isabel reaches for the card, before turning it over to reveal the High Priestess card.
She looks at the card in wonder, holding it tightly in her hand as she moves across and boots up her mother's computer sitting on the adjacent desk.
She types her name into the password bar, and the account unlocks. Willow had always used her daughter's name as her password. Isabel's eyes fall on the notepad application that was still open from when the computer was last used.
Dearest Isabel
The top of the notepad reads and Isabel takes a deep breath, placing the tarot card down onto the desk next to the computer. She builds up the confidence to read the letter her late mother had written.
Dearest Isabel,
I had hoped this moment would never come, but here we are. I never told you the secret of our blood, in fear you would seek out the path that I did. There are things you need to be aware of, and should you ever read this; it means I am no longer there to decide that moment for you.
This world contains things regular humans would never believe, but we are not regular humans. Our bloodline of witches means we can be normal, under certain circumstances. Among us, witches live other beings. Werewolves live among us, and using them, we can awaken our dormant powers.
Please do not go seeking this power as I did, our bloodline carries a specific type of magic, called 'chaos magic'. It's a dangerous type of magic, extremely unpredictable and hard to control, thus our powers were hexed to lay dormant until the event of a werewolf bite.
I am sure you have noticed, but the chaos has begun to take control of me, I am unable to control it. It will take my mind, and then it will force me to take my life unless someone else does it for me.
The hex upon our blood means that we are indebted to the wolf that grants us access to our powers. I find myself in places I don't remember with lost memories. I fear that the wolf who bit me has a sense of control over me. I wasn't aware at the time, but he is a dangerous man.
If this ever finds you, I beg of you. Do not follow my path. I have left behind the card I felt your energy draw from, I hope it finds you at the right moment. We are fleeing back to London to try and find a cure for the chaos. I am sorry I failed you.
I love you forever and always,
Your mother; Willow x
Isabel stares at the computer screen in shock, allowing the tears to fall down her flushed cheeks. She stays sat, before she lets out an anguished scream, emotions overwhelming her at once.
After a while of calming herself back down, the card that sat beside her on the desk catches her eye again. She pulls up the search bar, and types in the name of the card, searching for an explanation.
Meaning: High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness, and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now.
Upright card (keywords): Hidden talents, Intuition, Mystery, Spiritual insight, Things yet to be revealed.
Ruling planet: Moon
Isabel shakes her head in disbelief at the screen. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her mind flashes back to the night at the school when she had followed the shadow.
Was it all on purpose? If her mother was right, that monster was a werewolf. Could it have led her there? Was it a werewolf the whole time? Even the night of the DVD store? Isabel's mind relieves the image of the beast, with glowing red eyes, on all fours. It had stared right at her, could it have known?
Isabel hears the humming return, the horrible static consuming her mind, and she quickly pushes away from the computer. She rushes out of her mother's office and almost trips down the stairs in her rush out the door.
At the bottom of the steps, she falls to the ground. She's covered in the moonlight, clutching at her head, low humming turning into hushed whispers. She fights with her mind before she feels her body growing hot, and finally releases another anguished scream.
Her body produces glowing red energy, unable to contain it with herself before releasing and destroying the house and parts of the wooden forest around her.
Isabel sits crying a-mist her destruction, as the hushed whispers leave with the energy she exerted. She slowly picks her body up, before mindlessly heading back into the woods she had arrived from, her body shivering from the cold, as the sun starts to rise.
♰ ♰ ♰
Back at Scott's house, Stiles begins to get suspicious when he can't hear Scott anymore in his room. He decides to go and goes to check in on him only to see that Scott has broken out, and immediately panics due to the full moon.
His mind raced to Isabel, was she affected by the full moon? She couldn't be as her bite hadn't healed.
Scott manages to track down Jackson and Allison. Being affected by both the bloodthirst from the full moon and his anger, causes him to see that they are kissing, rather than talking.
Before he can attack the two, Derek arrives and knocks him back into the woods. Derek confronts Scott, who cannot control himself due to the full moon, resulting in a fight.
"Scott! Stop, Scott!" Derek roars, but Scott ignores him, knocking Derek back.
Derek managed to knock Scott back down to the ground - being the more experienced of the two, before roaring in his face. This pulls Scott out of his trance and back to reality.
"What happened to me?" Scott mumbles.
"Exactly what he wants to happen," Derek responds.
♰ ♰ ♰
Looking for Scott, Stiles pulls up on an ambulance taking away a body, worried that it might be his father. He panics, pulling at deputies arms to see their faces, hoping to see his fathers. Without luck, he moves toward the gurney, where a mangled arm extends out from the body cover.
"Stiles? What are you doing here?" He sees his father standing nearby, and the two hug, just holding each other for a while. Allison's father and Aunt Kate watched.
"That one Stiles?" Chris asks Kate, who nods.
"Another friend of Allison's" She explains, Chris pauses at his daughter's name.
"Are you gonna tell me about that talk you had with her?"
"You tell me something first. That night you came across those two betas, one of them was smaller right? Was he just smaller? Or could he have been younger, too?" They share a look before staring back at Stiles.
♰ ♰ ♰
Derek takes Scott home, dropping him onto his bed before starting to leave without a word.
"Wait" Scott calls, causing Derek to look back. "I can't do this. I can't be this and be with Allison." He sighs, "I need you to tell me the truth. Is there a cure?"
"For someone who has been bitten?" Derek pauses. "I've heard of one. I don't know if it's true."
"Well? What is it?" Scott demands.
"You have to kill the one that bit you," Derek states, causing Scott's face to fall.
"Kill the Alpha?" He asks, in shock. All Derek does is a nod in response.
"Scott," Derek calls, making Scott look up to his face. "If you help me find him, I'll help you kill him," Derek promises, and Scott lets out a low exhale before shaking his head. "What is it?" He asks.
"It- It's Isabel. She was bitten." Scott confides, "Two nights ago. She isn't healing from the bite." Derek's face grows firm, slowly shaking his head.
"The bite must be rejecting," Derek speaks lowly, slight pain hidden behind his voice.
♰ ♰ ♰
Melissa received a message from the on-call nurse early the next morning, alerting her of Isabel's disappearance. Melissa immediately calls Sheriff Stilinski.
From upstairs, Scott hears his mother's heart rate raise and slowly makes his way down, hearing her pacing around the living room. He gives her a confused look from the staircase as she panics into the phone, staying out of her sight.
"Hey, it's Melissa. It's Isabel Martin. The on-call nurse just told me she's missing." She rushes out, and Scott's face drops, immediately taking his phone out to call Stiles. He runs back upstairs as the phone rings. On the second ring, Stiles picks up.
"Isabel has gone missing from the hospital." Scott immediately speaks into the phone and he hears Stiles' breath catch in his throat.
"Isabel's what?!" He exclaims as Scott begins to dress with one hand. From the sound of the other line, Stiles was too.
"My mom is on the phone with your dad. The on-call nurse just reported her missing from her room." Scott explains further. "Meet me at the hospital, ASAP." He says before hanging up.
At the hospital, Stiles meets Scott outside of Isabel's room, giving him a nod before the two head into the room while no one was around. Stiles glances around the room as Scott moves towards Isabel's hospital bed, traces of a black substance are left on the bed sheets.
"Something's not right." Scott shakes his head, "Derek said her body must've been rejecting the bite." Stiles moves over to Scott to see the black substance.
"What does that mean for Isabel?" Stiles asks, worried. "She's going mad from the bite before she dies?" Stiles moves away to the bathroom, where he opens the door to find the shattered glass of her mirror.
Scott moves to follow, stepping into the bathroom. Stiles bends down to examine the glass, one shard catching his eye, seeming to have a red glow following along the crack of the glass.
"She must've jumped out the window." Scott sighs, pulling Stiles away from the glass.
Stiles stands and looks at the window that was left open. The two share a look, before leaving quickly.
♰ ♰ ♰
Later that night, Stiles takes it upon himself to try and find Isabel, driving along the large wooded area that surrounds the hospital. He sighs as he does his next lap of the outskirts, before pulling over and holding his head in his hands.
His eyes snap up, seeing movement in the wooded area illuminated by his Jeeps' headlights, sitting up in his chair, holding his breath. He releases the slow breath as a small fox trekked out of the woods and crossed the road in front of him.
"Stiles!" He hears and quickly jumps out of the Jeep.
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