《His painful rejection》Chapter 22 making me understand


I woke up and looked at the clock it was only one in the morning but thinking of my daughter in my brothers ruthless hands took my sleep away.

I went outside for fresh air. I remembered a small pond near by and decided to go. My wife and I would would bring the kids here whenever it was too hot or just to relax and get away from all the pack business.

The place seemed exactly how it had been many years ago. The only difference was that the small bed of flowers my wife had planted now had bloomed.

Seeing them made my heartache. My beautiful Elizabeth how much I miss her now more than ever. I feel so alone without her here by my side.

"Couldn't sleep either sir?" someone asked

I turned and a young man I had not seen before was walking towards me, "Uh...no," I responded

"Have to much on your mind?"

"Yes...you too?"

"Yeah," he said as he stopped next to me.

"I have not seen you before," I said.

"Oh I'm not much of a people person. I prefer to be on the side, Observing," he extended his hand. "I'm Rick by the way."

I took his hand in mine and shook it, "Richard Matthews nice to meet you."

"Yeah I know who you are," he said with a small smile.

"How?" I asked

"Kristen would always talk about you and her mother"

"You know my daughter?"

"Know her," he smiled. "She's practically my little sister."

"So you know everything about her?" I asked. He might have the answers to all my questions.

"Yes sir"

"May I ask you anything about her than?"

"Sure it's the least I can do after all you were not able to be here with her all these years"

"Do you know why my daughter has two mates? I don't understand that. If Roy was her mate then why hasn't he marked her. Why are they both here?"

He sighed and looked at me and then at the waterfall, "Kristen's life was not perfect or easy after the rogue attack that made everyone think that both you and your wife were killed by them."

"I-I don't understand," I said truthfully

"When the pack found out they were full of grief, so they thought it would be easy to blame someone, and that someone became Kristen. From being a beta's daughter she went to becoming an omega"

"But we never had omegas in the pack," I said.

"I know," He nodded. "They treated her poorly. Made her do all the back breaking jobs no one would do, and if it wasn't bad enough they took out all their anger and frustration on her," he said with anger.

"What about her brother or the alpha and Luna? Did they do anything to protect her?!" I asked outraged

"The alpha and the Luna knew nothing of this and her brother," he let out a bitter laugh. "He was the first to blame someone. He didn't do anything to help her he only caused her more misery."


"But what about the mate thing?"

"When Kristen turned 16 she was ready to find her mate. She was happy but only for a short while. Her mate turned to be the alpha's son and he was one of her tormentors. The worst to be exact. He rejected her and if that was not bad enough he beat her to the point where she laid in a puddle of her own blood. Kristen couldn't take it anymore and she ran away. That's how she meet Hunter her second mate."

My baby girl mistreated and abused for years. Why didn't Dan do anything? And her mate the one who should be protecting her and perfect for her treated her so poorly.

"What happened after?" I asked

"Hunter here accepted her and for once she was happy. She had been a year in the pack when she meet me. I was a rouge at the moment, but Kristen begged the alpha to let me join. He did after a while of debating whether or not he should. A year after that Roy asked for help from Hunter against rogue attacks. Hunter said yes at the time he did not know about Kristen's old pack. When he told her she became scared and sad knowing she would return to her horrible past. A past she so longingly hopped to never return to. But like always Kristen's heart is so big she pushed her emotions away and did it for the good of saving lives," he said

"Why hasn't Hunter marked her yet?" I asked confused

"Kristen wanted to wait for the right time. She didn't feel she was ready to become a Luna, and we'll things haven't turned out the way things have been planned. Just recently Kristen forgave Hunter for a stupid mistake he made," Rick said shaking his head.

"What error did he make?"

"He made out with the girl who had made her life a living hell. He was drunk but it still broke her heart. I don't understand how she could forgive him so quickly. Guess it has to be something with the mate bond. It makes people forgive and forget too easily because of the love they feel for one another"

"I had no idea how truly horrible her life had been," I said as tears threatened to fall.

"Yeah it's been tough many would give up quickly if they had suffered a fraction of what she has suffered. Yet not Kristen she's one of the strongest people I have ever met," he said with a sad smile.

"She trusts you a lot doesn't she?" I asked.

"I guess so. I feel like I need to protect her. Yes she's strong but sometimes she needs a helping hand," he shrugged. "She's the sister I've never had."

I took in his words and I had one more question for him. This would clear my suspicions.

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

"Yes sir"

"You're a guardian aren't you?"

"Excuse me sir?" He asked but I knew he knew what I was asking him.

"You protect my daughter and help her when she needs it the most," I pointed out. "That's something a guardian is intended to do for the person he must protect."


He looked at me and then at the ground. He tried to avoid my gaze. I was determined to know the truth and I would not let this go.

"Yes or no?" I asked

He sighed and nodded, "Yes sir I am."

"Does she know?"

"No sir I have not told her"


"I didn't want her to think that I wanted to be her friend or be around her just because I'm her guardian. I do care about her but only as a sister," he tried to clear.

I nodded, "the only way you're allowed to be a guardian is if the moon Goddess chooses you, or if one of your parents was one. Which one is it?" I asked

"The second one sir," he said as he brought his gaze up to meet mine.

"Which one of your parents was it?"

"My father," he said

"Who was your father supposed to protect?" I asked.

"He had to protect a women that the moon Goddess loved dearly but he couldn't," He looked away.


"He fell in love with her, and it is forbidden for a guardian to fall for the one they must protect," he sighed

"Who was your father supposed to protect? Did he ever tell you her name?" I asked and he nodded.

"Her name was Elizabeth...Elizabeth Jones"

"My wife?" I asked in shock

He nodded, "yeah your wife," he said yet there was no trace of hate in his voice.

"Why did I never meet him?"

"When he was going to tell her how he felt something happened," he sighed

"What did?" I asked

"She found her mate. He saw how she looked at you. With so much love and admiration. He wanted her to look at him the way she looked at you. But he knew it would never happen. After all you both were destined for each other. So he left, he knew that she didn't need him anymore"

"Why didn't my wife tell me? Why didn't she seem so sad when he left?" I asked

"She knew what would happen. He told her many times that once she finds her mate his services would not be needed. So when he left she knew why"

"So that was it? He left, did he not have to protect another wolf?" I asked

"Once the services of a guardian are not needed than they are free to choose to stay and find their mates or go back home with the moon Goddess, and wait for when the time comes that they are needed once again"

"So your father chose to stay?"

"At first he wasn't, but he met my mother his mate the day he had to make his decision. He loved my mother and I could see it everyday in his eyes, yet he always reserved a special spot for Elizabeth in his heart"

I knew I should be mad knowing that another wolf had wanted my mate as his own, yet I couldn't he had protected her for so many years, and how Elizabeth was it would be crazy not to fall in love with her.

"Sir can I ask you something now?"

"Yes of course you can"

"If your wife never told you about my father how do you know about guardian's?"

"When I met my mate She came with me to this pack and she brought a few of the belongings she cared deeply about. One being an ancient book passed down to her by her mother. Who at the time I did not know was the moon Goddess herself. One day I was in the library of out house and I was drawn to that book so I began to read it. I learned so many things of it and in one of the chapters was a few things about guardian's and what they do," I told him

He nodded and looked at the waterfall in front of us.

"Where is your father and mother?" I asked

"My mother passed away a few years back and my father died after a rogue attack in the old pack I was in. Things were too hard for me there so much painful and sad memories that I left. I was a rogue for a few months until the moon Goddess spoke to me in a dream and told me about a new white wolf that had emerged that needed my help,"

"But Kristen already had her mate why did she need help?"

"The moon Goddess didn't tell me exact she only said that Kristen would pass through some difficult moments in her life, and even if she had her mate it wouldn't be enough"

"Oh ok I understand"

"Yeah it's strange how things can be, but I'm happy to help. Kristen has always been there for me even if she didn't have to," he said with a smile.

"Yeah she has always had a big heart," I sighed.

"What's wrong sir?"

"I'm worried about my daughter. What if we don't save her? What if my brother wins and they take over?" I asked and I began to feel the panic start to consume me.

"Sir," he said and touched my shoulder. "We will safe her and your brother he'll pay for everything he has done. I can promise you that."

I nodded, "Thank you," I said with a small smile.

"For what sir?"

"For helping my daughter and being there. I'm glad that the mood Goddess assigned you to protect her. I'm sure whoever your mate is she'll be very lucky to have a mate like you"

"Thank you sir that means a lot," he said with a grin.

"Let's go meet up with the others I'm sure that it's time to go attack," I said and he nodded. We turned and headed for the pack house in a few hours my daughter will be safe and sound and the blood of my brother will stain the floor. He will pay and this time he will not escape from my wrath.

Right now I need to focus on the strategy of attack later I'll have to have a talk with my son and my daughter's mates. Things must be sorted and things must be known. They've both made a big breaking my little girl's heart.

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