《His painful rejection》Chapter 21 Rescue plan


Even after all these years I still could remember the way to the pack house. I know I have to get there fast in order to save my daughter from those rogues. Lucy was behind me from the looks of it she might collapse at any moment which worries me. I don't have the strength to carry her.

My brother and Steven made sure to keep me weak all these years not to the point of starvation or death, but enough to keep me from trying to escape.

A few minutes later I could feel the all too familiar pull of the pack link and I knew I was getting close. A minute later I had stepped over the pack border and had entered my old home.

As we walked into the clearing a young man was running to us. He passed me and went and hugged Lucy I guess he is her mate. He engulfed her with hugs and kisses. I turned to look at the pack house once more and another young man ran up to us. He stared at me with a confused expression, but soon his expression turned to joy mixed with sadness.


"Dan is that you?" I asked

He nodded and pulled me in for a hug. He began to cry as I held on to him.

"Dan I know this is a shocking moment for the both of us, but we can deal with this later. I have to talk to the alpha right now," he nodded and pulled away.

"I'll take you to him," he said. I nodded and followed him.

He knocked at the alphas door and a voice that I wasn't familiar with answered. When I stepped in the alpha that was in the position at the time I was beta wasn't there anymore.

"Excuse me where is alpha Weston?"

"I am alpha Weston"

"Oh I see... you must be his son?"

"Yes. Is there something that you need?" He asked.

"Yes. I am Richard Matthews, the old beta of this pack.."


"Wait. You're Beta Matthews? I...I thought you were dead"

"Well as you can see I'm not, but I'll explain later now we have to go save my daughter"

He stood up quickly and seemed alert, "you know where Kristen is?"

"Yes. Lucy and I we're able to escape, but Kristen stayed back making sure we could escape. I know they got her before she could make a run for it"

"Please tell me where she is...I..." a knock at the door stopped him. "Come in."

"Roy, Lucy's back she came with.." the young man turned to look at me.

"Hunter this is beta Matthews. He is Kristen's father"

Hunter turned to look at me, "It's nice to meet you I am alpha Collins"

"It's nice to meet you alpha"

"Mr. Matthews what news do you have to tell us?" Alpha Weston asked.

"I know where they have Kristen," I watched as both the alphas stood straight and walked closer to me.

"where is she?" They both asked.

"I can take you there, but...."

"We have to go now," alpha Weston said.

"Yes but won't it be guarded," alpha Collins asked.

They both turned to me, "Is it?" they asked.

I nodded, "it's full of rogues if we go in without a plan we'll surely get defeated."

Alpha Weston ran his hand through his hair and paced back and forward, "What should we do then?"

"We have to talk to the warriors and see how we can make this work. We have to save my mate!" Alpha Collins said. Alpha Weston turned to look at Collins with anger. "Sorry I ment our mate."

Our? What do they mean by our mate.

"You both are mates with Kristen"? I asked

"Yes," they both answered.

"how...but how...what?" I was confused.

"We ourselves have yet to understand why we share the same mate," Alpha Collins answered. I nodded understand the situation.

"Ok. Then what must be done first"? I asked them.


"First let's call in the Warriors into the war room. so we can make up an attack plan," Alpha Collins informed

I nodded, "Okay and then?"

"Then we go in for the kill," They both said.

"I don't care what happens as long as my daughter is saved and out of that bastard of my brothers hands it's all I want"

"Don't worry beta Matthews we'll get Kristen back and we'll make sure that they pay for all the pain they have caused all the pack especially you"

"That's all I ask for"

"And that's what will do sir"

"Good," I responded

"Now let's call in the warriors the faster we do this the quicker we'll have Kristen back with us"

we were all together in the war room figuring out what strategy would be the best to used. After some arguments and a few flights we came together and made the perfect plan. Well as perfect as we possibly can.

Hunter stood up and looked at all of us, "So this is how it will go. I'll command the first group to attack. Roy will command the second, and beta Matthews with command the third. Take down as much rogues as possible. Remember the goal here is to save Kristen and bring down the leader, but Kristen is our main priority here do you understand?"

They all responded with a, "yes alpha"

"Okay. We must all be prepared at 0300 hours. We'll leave at 0500 hours, and attack at 0600 hours. All must go as plan Do you understand?"

"Yes alpha"

"Okay, and one more thing protect each other's backs. When you see someone in distress don't hesitate to help. They possibly have more people than us, but we're better trained"

They all nodded, "You're dismissed," Hunter said.

they all bowed and walked out the Door.

"Do you think this plan will be successful?" I asked.

"I don't know beta Matthews," Roy ran his hand through his hair."All I know is that there is a big possibility that most of them won't come back alive. I just couldn't tell them."

I nodded, "I understand, but it's a chance we'll just have to take"

"Beta Matthews go have some rest we'll all have to be well rested for this war," Hunter said.

"Okay," I began to head for the door. "Alphas?" I said.


"You can kill the leader but leave my brother for me. We have some unfinished business that needs to be taken care of"

"We understand Beta Matthews. He's all yours"

"Okay," I nodded and walked out

I headed to my old house where I once lived happily with my family, and now those moments are just memories of the past. As I walked to it I saw all the warriors spending their last few hours with their families. To think that some will not come back breaks my heart. I have experienced the pain of losing a mate. It is something I do not wish for anyone to endure.

I walked into the empty house. I'm sure that Dan must be going over a few things with the alpha so I am left alone for now.

I walked up the stairs and down the corridor to the room I once shared with my wife. The room has been left like it had been almost eleven years ago. Nothing had been moved and I was glad it hadn't.

I sat on the bed and picked out a frame that held a picture of my wife and I with the kids. Tears fell I hadn't seen a picture of my dear Elizabeth in years.

"Oh my Elizabeth how much I miss you. If you could only see how much everything has changed. If you could see how much our children have grown. Dan has become Beta and Kristen oh, our little girl is such a beautiful flower," I sighed. "I promise I'll get our little girl back Elizabeth. I'll make my brother pay for the pain he has caused all of us. I promise."

I laid down and hugged the frame to me, "I promise," I said as I fell asleep.

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