《His painful rejection》Chapter 12/ Learning new things


My once black hair was now red it flickered as if it were ablaze my blue eyes not held specks of red and orange. My hands were hot at my side as I looked down I saw they held fire. I didn’t know what to do I turned to see Dan and Hunter look at me with awe so I’m guessing this is one of my powers an element.

I took deep breaths to calm the rage that burned inside me. I looked at the lake and imagined the calm water only to look at myself again and see my eyes an ocean blue and my black hair with blue highlights the highlights moved like water my hands that once held fire now held the soothing water.

I understood now one of my powers was controlling the elements. I stopped thinking of the powers and my hair and eyes went back to normal.

I turned again to see both the guys looking at me with fascination. I gave them a weak smile and waited for someone to say something.

“Well Kristen care to explain what we have witnessed?” Hunter asked.

“I..uh,” I didn’t know what to say my mother said not to tell anyone but they saw me and I know I can trust them.

“We’re waiting,” they both said.

“The war that will happen isn’t everything that my mother told me she also informed me about powers I would get,” I said.

“What kind of powers,” Dan asked.

“I don’t know. As you can see I just figured out I can control the elements but my other powers are yet to be revealed”

They nodded their heads and looked at me.

“One more thing”


“NO one must know of my powers I have told you two because you yourselves have witnessed it. Do I make myself clear?”


“Okay let’s head back before people start to wonder where we are,” they nodded and began to walk towards the pack house.

When we returned the packs had finished training a few pack members were in the kitchen when I entered. I remembered who they were they were from the group that used to bully me when I was still in Roy’s pack.

The memories of how they treated me began to play in my mind. The time they beat me until I blacked out, or when they locked me in my room for days without water, or food, or how some of the guys tried to take advantage of me when they were drunk lucky for me I was able to escape in time but every horrible memory began to play as if it were a movie on screen.

I hadn’t noticed I had been standing there motionless until Hunter came and wrapped his arms around my waist and asked if I was okay. Not able to find my voice I nodded my head.


He took me outside and we sat on some chairs.

“Do you know what tomorrow is?” he asked

I looked at him and thought for a moment then I remembered.

“Our two year anniversary of being together,” I said with a smile appearing.

“Yes and I decided to have a party to celebrate it,” he said with a grin.

I smiled and pulled him to me for a kiss.

“It sounds great,” I said with a grin.

“I hope you like it”

“I know I will love it,” I grinned at him.

“I picked out a dress for you already it’s in our closet”

I nodded and thank him.

The day came and went I spend it all with Hunter. When nightfall came we retreated to our room and fell asleep in each other’s arms.




The next day I woke up alone I’m guessing Hunter had some alpha business to attend to. As I got up and went to take a shower I couldn’t help but wonder what crazy things does hunter have planned for today.

Getting out of the shower and wrapping myself with the towel I got out only to see Lucy with another girl of our pack sitting on the bed waiting for me I gave them a small smile and waved at them.

“Is there anything you need?” I asked.

“We came to doll you up for the party tonight,” they both said happily.

I smiled at them and shook my head they ran up to me and sat me on the chair. Lucy began to blow dry my hair while Rachel the girl in our pack began to paint my nails. As Lucy began to curl my hair Rachel began to work on my makeup. They made my makeup look natural they added a little foundation and powder with red lips and a little blue eyeshadow.

They took out the bag that held my dress pulling the dress out I gasped and admired the silk fabric the dress was a long sleeveless midnight blue dress with the neckline full of beautiful white crystal diamonds. The high heels were a beautiful crystal color which matched the diamonds on the dress.

When I had put the dress on I couldn’t help but admire my reflection the dress fit perfectly hugging my hourglass figure and my curly hair had been pinned to the right side of my head making me look elegant and beautiful.

I thanked the girls and they left to get ready. An hour later a knock was at my room door as I opened it I saw Hunter in a pair of black slacks and a button up shirt that went along with my dress he smiled and handed me a bouquet of roses. I took them and gave him a kiss.

He extended his arm and I took it I laid the roses on the bed and walked with him. As we reached the stairs a light was aimed at us and people began to cheer and whistle making me smile and blush.


A slow song began and Hunter pulled me into the dance floor.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.

“You don’t look half bad yourself,” I smiled.

He smiled and captured my lips with his. It was a sweet kiss not full of lust or desire but passion and love the way a kiss should be.

We danced holding each other in silence enjoying each other’s company. After a few songs the girls pulled me away and Hunter left to speak to some members of the pack.

“So will you guys mate today?” Lucy asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

“Really Kristy how come you haven’t mated yet with that fine piece of ass,” Lucy said with a chuckle.

“Hey for starts you’re already mated and seconds watch it he’s my mate,” I growled playfully.

She lifted her arms in surrender earning a laugh from all of us.

But thinking about it I’m not ready for the position of Luna. I know the packs cares for me, but I don’t think I’m worthy of the title yet. I have to go and talk to Hunter about that.

By now many of the pack members were drunk and laughing. I headed to the kitchen following Hunter's scent. When I was about to enter Dan stood in front of me with a worried expression.

I tried to sidestep but he moved to where I had he wouldn’t let me pass and I crossed my arms waiting for him to move he shook his head. I got annoyed and pushed him to the side.

The scene before me broke my heart. I turned to Dan who now gave me a pity look. Standing there locking lips with Megan was none other than Hunter. He had his tongue down her throat as she did the same.

I wish now that I hadn’t seen this I understand why Dan was blocking my way he was trying to protect me from getting hurt.

A tear slipped down my cheek and I ran out the pack house I hid in a small place, I had found it when I still lived here, it was covered with trees and bushes hidden from prying eyes. I curled up into a ball and began to weep my heart out.

To make matters worse it began to rain this feels like a bad Chick Lit. I felt anger as it began to rain more and thunder was soon heard oh great so this is how I find out I can control the weather just great. Tears rushed down my cheeks by now my throat hurt and I was freezing. Footsteps were close and I stopped myself from crying. Or at least tried by placing my hands over my trembling lips.

“Kristen!” It was Hunter.

I tried to curl up to the smallest shape possible. But soon enough he found me he ran up to me worried,

“Kristen let me explain-“I cut him off.

“You don’t need to explain anything you lying two timing bastard!” I yelled

“Kristen please” he begged he got close to me trying to hug me.

I pushed him away and stood up he tried to pull me towards him I became angry and I kicked him were the sun don’t shine as he fell back in pain I took it as my cue to leave. I ran to the forest. Frustrated I took off the heels and throw them to the side I kept running. I knew he was running after me so I masked my scent and climbed a tree.

I saw him pass the tree I was on and watched as he disappeared calling my name. I sobbed on that tree for what felt like hours. I was now cold and soaking wet from the rain. I just want to be in my room alone I closed my eyes and opened them to see I was now in my room guess I found out about another power teleportation at least this one didn’t piss me of like the weather one.

I changed into warm clothes and looked at myself in the mirror taking of the pins from my hair and removing my makeup I couldn’t help but see how shitty I look all I wanted was to disappear I didn’t want to see my reflection.

And as I saw myself I began to fade as if I was being erased well now I also know I can become invisible.

It’s sad really I wasn’t just rejected by one mate but I was rejected by both my mates broken hearted and laughed at. To make matters worse they both chose the same whore. Of all the people I never thought that Hunter could hurt me like this. But instead of feeling so much pain inside all I felt was empty numbness. A feeling I greeted with open arms.

I just want to forget all this for a while so I called the only person that could help with that.

By the third ring they answered.

“Hey what’s up”

“Hey I’m pretty messed up right now and I need your help”

“In what way?”

“I just want to forget everything in my messed up life for now,” I said with a sigh. A tear slipped down my cheek. I bit my lip to hold back the whimper.

“What happened?”

“Long story I’ll tell you when you come”

“I’m on my way where are you at?”

“I’m at Blood moon pack,” I whispered.

The line was silent for a few seconds before they responded.

“I’ll be there in thirty”

“Thanks I’ll be waiting”

“Okay bye”


I just want to forget for a while hopefully they’ll help me out.

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