《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》Plethora Of Emotions
The party stopped some distance away from the hut. Sumantra had spotted that hut and mentioned it to Bharat. Bharat suggested they walked to the hut and he along with Shatrughan took slow steps towards the hut. They took each step with apprehension and did not know what to anticipate. They were stopped by an arrow flashing and making its mark into the tree behind them. Their hands moved impulsively towards their bow, an arrow stringed to it. They looked around for the intruder and were met by the blazing red eyes of a man. Shatrughan stared back at similar eyes as his. The ferocious Lakshman was standing infront of him, arrow ready to be shot. Bharat's expression mirrored Shatrughan's shocked ones. Bharat took slow steps forward "Lakshman.. My dear brother.." Lakshman flinched back "Don't.. You are here to annihilate us, aren't you ??" Bharat cried "What !! No Lakshman.. Why do you think like that ?? Do you think I could so such a thing to my beloved brothers and Sister ? Do you know so less about me Lakshman ??" Lakshman's expressions softened a little bit but Queen Kaikeyi's words brought back the anger in him and he exclaimed "No !! You are Queen Kaikeyi's son.. What are you doing here ? Shouldn't you be enjoying the throne ? Why are you here ? Came to laugh at us ?" Bharat spoke tearfully "No Lakshman.. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever do that. I am here with the only intention to meet my beloved Brother Ram and ask him forgiveness by falling at his feet. I am lost Lakshman. I am totally lost.." He fell onto his knees to the groud and lamented "I am lost dear Lakshman.. I did not know such a conspiracy was being planned during my absence.. Would I ever do this to my Brother Ram ?? Oh Mahadeva !!! Perhaps it was my fault.. My love towards my brothers was not enough that I am alive to see this day.. Please Lakshman.. Please.. Let me see my Brother Ram and Sister Sita once.. I will allow you to kill me after that. Please Lakshman.." He brought his hands together for a silent plea but his hands were caught by a tearful Lakshman and was taken into his rough arms for an embrace. All he could see was his broken older brother and he had been so impulsive in taking out an arrow and ready to aim at him.. What would have happened !! He had almost lost his brother due to his impulsiveness.. The anger was subsided and what remained was the love and guilt both had. The embrace had erased the guilt and only there was brotherly love that remained. The brothers cried in each others arms. Shatrughan joined in the hug and the embrace brought bliss to the three of them. A soft voice broke their reverie and Lakshman looked up to see his mother dressed in robes of white. A shocked gasp escaped his lips as he took notice of his mother. With shaky hands, he stood up and walked towards his mother. A crying Sumitra lamented into her son's arms. Mother and son found their solace amon gst the tears shed. Few moments later, a distraught Lakshman was sitting with his back against the tree as he let the news sink in. His father was no more. He took in the appearance of his grief-stricken mother Kaushalya and Sumitra and the looks of anguish on the faces of his brothers... Brother Ram !!! What would be say !!! He didn't know about this. How would he take it !!! It was no secret that Brother Ram was the apple of Father's eyes. But he had to know. Being the oldest amongst them, it was his right to perform the last rites. Lakshman voiced out "Brother Ram needs to know.. We ought to tell him." Bharat and Shatrughan's eyes filled with fresh tears at the thought of meeting their beloved Brother Ram..
Back at the hut, Ram and Sita were looking inside the hut. Lakshman's work of art was a really beautiful one and they couldn't have been more happier.. They heard footsteps outside the hut and a strangled cry of "Brother Ram" was heard. Ram instantly rushed outside the hut to be met by the sight of his two brothers - Bharat and Shatrughan with distressed looks in their eyes. The sight of his two brother infront of him made Ram's eyes tear up. He noticed Lakshman standing next to him with a tormented look on his face. Before Ram could even voice out anything, he was taken into embrace by Bharat and Shatrughan. He held them lovingly in his embrace.. He missed them so much. If Lakshman was his soul, then Bharat and Shatrughan were his heart and heartbeat respectively. He patted the top of Bharat's hair. His ever soft brother, ever-shy and sweet Bharat. He patted his youngest brother's hair. His youngest brother.. His baby brother.. The baby of the family.. One look at him and Ram realized that his youngest prankster brother had matured in just a matter of days. He heard Bharat's muffled voice "I am sorry Brother Ran.. Please forgive me.. Please please please.." Ram broke the embrace and looked at Bharat. Bharat had his head down and his hands folded in repentance. Ram held his folded palms "Why do you ask for forgiveness dear Bharat ??" Bharat still had his eyes down "I am the reason for your forest life, Brother... I am ashamed of it... I do not deserve the right to be your brother anymore.. You who have been wronged so harshly.. Yet you find it in the goodness of your heart to smile at me and love me." Ram admonished him "No Bharat.. You are my brother.. My Bharat. The same Bharat that would always come to me when scared, when upset, when confused.. And I am the same Ram who would always be there at your side." Bharat shook with sobs "Brother... Indirectly, I have sinned.. And I can forgive myself for that.. But still I had to come because it is your right as the oldest." The next few moments were a blur for Ram as he saw his mothers Kausalya and Sumitra walk to him in robes of white.. It was then that the grieving truth dawned upon him.. His father was no more. Ram remembered all those moments from childhood with his father... The man whose finger he had held when he first came into the world. The man who held his hand as he took his first steps. The man whose eyes used to shine with fatherly pride at his acheivements.. The man who had always treaded the path of Dharma... The marvellous man was no more.. Tears clouded his eyes and he fell to the ground. It was Sita's hand on his shoulder which brought him out of his reverie.. He took in his mothers in his strong embrace and let them mourn. He patted their heads ever so gently trying to comfort them with whatever he had. Sita had her own tears ma,ing way down her face. Her blurred eyes made clear way for her to see her two sisters walking towards the hut. Mandavi and Shrutikeerti.. Oh, she had missed them so much. Her baby sisters.. All she wanted to do was take them into her embrace and never let go.. One look at Sita and it broke the dam. Mandavi and Shrutikeerti rushed towards their older sister.. Wrapped in her loving embrace, they felt loved and complete. Mandavi especially was feeling so guilty and ashamed of herself that she thought she didn't deserve the love Sita gave her.
Guru Vashishth had come with the ashes of the late king and Ram being the oldest, performed the last rites of his father. As tha ritual was over, he remembered that his brothers were here which meant that there was something that needed to be talked about. He walked back to the hut along with his brothers. Mandavi and Shrutikeerti were with Sita talking about what all transpired in the palace. Mandavi apologised to Sita profusely. Sita in return hit her arm lightly and asked her not to blame herself anymore. Lakshman looked at the group that had assembled near the hut. He did not find Urmila. Somewhere deep within, he understood why she hadn't come and he was thankful for it. He couldn't aford the luxury of meeting her beautiful doe-eyes filled with sadness. It would leave a deep gash in his heart. He didn't want to loo at her beautiful face and let his guard down. He didn't want to see tears in her beautiful eyes. He was selfish.. He agreed. He wanted to take a picture of a smiling Urmila along with him as a reminder for the fourteen years of exile and he was not ready to see a teary Urmila at the doorstep. Somehow he also knew that Urmila would not come along due to the exact same reasons.. She had a determination to hold on to and there is no guarantee one would hold on to it given the circumstances. That was one of the reasons he loved his wife. Her strong sense of determination and will power. Brother Ram was his topmost priority but that doesn't mean he did not love Urmila. Brother Ram was the reason of his existence then Urmila was his soul.. Her love was what would make him endure the test for fourteen years. He was broken out of his thoughts by a soft voice "Lakshman." He knew the voice and turned around and looked at the feet of the woman who came to stand infront of him. It was Mandavi. Lakshman smiled looking at her feet "Sister Mandavi.. What brings you here ?" He folded his hands in a greeting. Mandavi smiled at him "I came here to apologize." Lakshman asked "What !! But why Sister Mandavi ?" Mandavi continued "Unknowingly I have been part of this conspiracy that has seperated you and Urmi. I am sorry for that Lakshman." Lakshman cut her off "No No Sister Mandavi.. There is no fault of yours nor Brother Bharat's in this. You do not have to apologize to me.. I am younger to you... Like a son.. Please do not apologize." Mandavi smiled kindly at the young man infront of her. He was not the hot headed prince that she had met at Mithila.. Infront of her now was a different man. Urmila had been correct when she had gauged that there was a different Lakshman that his beneath the layers of his temper. She remembered the reason she came to meet him. She looked at the clay sculpture in her hand and held her arms to him "This is for you Lakshman. Urmi sent it for you." The mention of his wife's name snapped his thoughts and he looked at the hands of Mandavi to find a clay sculpture of a woman. Tears clouded in his eyes and he took it into his hands.. His Urmi.. No doubt it was her.. She had made it.. He remembered asking her once in Ayodhya as to what she was making with the heap of clay and she had sweetly asked him to have patience until she was done with it. He caressed the sculpture with shaking fingerse. All the while, Mandavi observed Lakshman. His eyes carried pure love for her cousin. She was happy that her sister got someone who loved her so abundantly but she did have a nagging question as to why the two of them had to seperate. The question slipped her mind while talking to Urmila but she asked Lakshman the same thing. Lakshman smiled looking at her feet "Sister Mandavi. Brother Ram is my first and foremost priority. I am sure she might have told you about what had transpired between her and I at Mithila." Mandavi gasped "How do you know that ?" Lakshman smiled "Sister Mandavi.. Urmi is a fiercely guarded person about her thoughts.. And the only people she can with be herself with is you three sisters and myself. She must have definitely shared it with you considering how protective you are towards each other." Mandavi smiled at the statement. Lakshman continued "Brother Ram my sense of living. But that does not mean I do not love Urmila.. She is my sense of direction. I did not have any idea about what I want to do except be there for my Brother Ram before Urmila came to my life. She showed me to fulfill my responsibilities along with other things. My love for her borders on the basis if trust. Infact it is her love that has encouraged me to come this far. And I am sure it will take me to the rest of these fourteen years. Her smile is what shall be my will to survive these fourteen years and complete all my responsibilities towards my brother and Sister Sita." Mandavi stared at her younger brother-in-law. Her respect for him as increasing every second. Noe she understood what Urmila meant by not being strong enough to face Lakshman. It was not only for herself that she had refused to accompany them but also for Lakshman who she didn't want to stray away from his responsibilities. And also that he did not want to be broken all over again. Her lips curved into a full genuine smile "Lakshman.. When Urmi told us about what had transpired between the two of you at Mithila, I really wanted to give you a piece of my mind. But now that I see you, I must say that Urmi has definitely made a very good choice. She was right all along." Lakshman smiled "I am definitely lucky, Sister Mandavi, to have got Urmila in my life. No one could have understood me better than her.." Mandavi smiled "She says the same." Lakshman asked "Sister Mandavi.. How is she ? Is she alright ?" Mandavi replied "She is fine Lakshman. She's taking good care of the three mothers. She finds contentment is living the life of a forest dwellers for fourteen years in the palace Lakshman. She tells me that it gives her a sense of being close to you." Lakshman thanked Mandavi "Thankyou so much Sister Mandavi. For this clay doll.." Mandavi smiled and left the hut. Lakshman smiled at the clay sculpture in his hand. Urmila had sculpted it for him. He traced his fingers all along the doll. Those doe eyes were as he remembered. He could feel the twinkle of her eyes even now. He held the sculpture close to his heard and smiled remembering his wife. He knew he wasn't alone. Urmila was with him in his journey even though it was it was in the form of a clay doll.
Outside the hut, the party were assembled and Bharat was trying to convince Ram to return back to Ayodhya. When Ram had chided him for abandoning his responsibilities, Bharat had asked him to come over and take them. Lakshman thought he had never seen his Brother Ram getting so angry. Ram had scolded Bharat saying that the exile were the last words of his father and he would under no circumstances forfeit the vanvaas. A meek voice was heard from behind "Even if the person who had persuaded him into fulfilling them asks you to forfeit the vanvaas ?" Queen Kaikeyi stood there in all her glory. She was dressed in white robes like the other two queens too.. Her beauty did not leave her even for a minute. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red from all the crying but she still retained her vigour. Ram looked at her and the middle queen couldn't control herself anymore. She fell to the ground and laments on her fate.. She lamented on how bad a mother she was and how selfish she had been.. She had loved Ram the most.. Ram's first word had been to her.. His first steps had been with her... He loved eating from her hands and what had she done !! She had sentenced her beloved son to such a brutal predicament. She folded her hands to Ram in repentance. Ram immediately came forward and caught her hands nodding negatively.. He wiped the tears off her face. The middle queen cupped his cheek lovingly and cried "I don't deserve your kindness.. I am selfish and wicked woman who doesn't deserve anything other than ignorance and anger." Ram smiled "My Mother Kaikeyi doesn't look good crying. I want to remember a smiling Mother Kaikeyi whose fae used to brighten up when I come running to her for ladoo." The middle queen looked at Ram with eyes full of love.. She had been worse than a demon.. All Ram had ever given her was love.. Pure love.. And she had come under the evil words of Manthra and sentenced the same loving son to an exile of fourteen years. Did she even deserve to be called a mother... She fell into his embrace as loud sobs escaped her. Ram patter her head lovingly. She quivered "Please dear son.. Please come back and claim what is rightfully yours.. The throne of Ayodhya is waiting for you.. It is yours.. Forget what this old lady told you and please come back Ram." Ram broke the embrace and looked at his mother "Mother.. There is no fault of yours in this, nor anyone's.. These words were given to me by Father.. I am just following his words.." Kaikeyi interrupted "But I orchestrated it Ram.. I can take it back too, can't I?" Ram's voice held a final tone in it "My Father, the Late Dashrath's last words were my exile.. I shall follow it for his soul to rest in peace.. For as a Raghuvanshi, it is my first dharma to keep up my words.." No one could speak a word. His voice held a tone of finality in it and they knew that Ram was stubborn to continue with the exile. There was silence for a few moments until Bharat spoke up "Then let me make a promise today Brother.. I will not take up the throne which is rightfully not mine and I will station myself as a forest dweller away from the palace until you come." Ram's words were just of acceptance...Clutching her saree in her hands, with a broken heart and tear-filled eyes Mandavi looked at her husband thinking about the words he just spoke. For a moment, she thought she might have misheard it but after a few seconds, reality struck her and she was coming into terms of what her husband had just spoken.. Was her fate also written to be like Urmila's ?
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