《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》30. FAMILY 0.5
"Your honor, our star witness is running a bit late to court due to traffic, but they will be here shortly. We would like to commence the trial accordingly", the defense attorney announced.
Today was the big day, trial day. Nathaniel sat behind the defense table with his lawyer flanking his side. His friends and family all sat behind on the benches for moral support. This is a very important day for him.
The trial had been going smoothly. Both attorneys had given reasons as to why their clients deserved custody of the two children in question. The trial had been proceeding smoothly. That is until Nathaniel's relationship status was brought into question.
"Your honor, he is a single man. I do not think that he will be a more fit parent than my client. He works as a disk jockey and is a full-time student. Even if he retains custody of the children, he would not have the time and dedication it takes to raise two, let alone, one child. That is why it is in the best interest of the two children to return to the custody of their biological mother. The defendant's girlfriend left. Therefore, it would be just him alone, and the children would be left parentless nonetheless with both of their absence", the other party argued.
Nathaniel sat quietly, patiently awaiting their turn to speak again. The more that her lawyer spewed about his and Naomi's relationship the angrier he felt inside. The lawyer had been painting a rather convincing picture of Madison and her intentions with the children.
He himself would have had doubt too if he had not known the girl she was for himself. He knew better. Soon, the entire courtroom would too. He just had to bide his time for the time being.
His secret weapon was not there yet. When he finally attacked for the shit bestowed upon them, he would annihilate his enemy. She touched something no-one should ever trifle with, his family. Therefore, he has to make her suffer, and suffer she shall.
Finally, it was his turn. His lawyer told everyone of his family's humble beginning together. How he and Naomi found the children on one of the hottest days of the summer abandoned. He told of how the two had immediately taken in the two children in question and raised them up until now to be the children they are today.
The lawyer also spoke of how one of their most joyous moments had been ruined by Madison. How Naomi cried for them and fought to save her children despite having just given birth to a newborn child. Their family had been in ruins and it was all her fault. She had to pay.
"Your honor, I would like to call to the stand, Mr. Lucky Smith", announced his lawyer.
Lucky, who had been sitting on the bench directly behind Nathaniel holding his own daughter, rose from the bench and took the stand. He was sworn in before he was allowed to be seated.
Nathaniel's lawyer had asked the usual questions of him. 'What is your relationship with the defendant?' 'What have you witnessed the defendant doing while the children were in his custody?' 'How was their relationship with one another?'
The usual. Then he switched up the tempo.
"Do you know the plaintiff, Mr. Smith?", he asked.
"Definitely", answered Lucky.
"He's lying", said a snooty voice, Madison.
"What was that, Ma'am?", called Nathaniel's lawyer, having heard her.
"Objection, your honor", called her lawyer.
said the judge.
"He's harassing my client", stated the lawyer.
The judge did not look the slightest bit impressed. That made a dozen of them.
ordered the judge.
Nathaniel tsked propping his head on his hand as watched his lawyer work.
"I said that I do not know the witness. He is lying on the stand", she finally responded. "Sir", she tacked on with a huff.
Madison had only just begun to dig her own grave unbeknownst to herself.
"Mr. Smith, how dow you know the plaintiff?", Nathaniel's lawyer inquired.
Lucky smiled adjusting his watch on his wrist.
"The first time that we met was over a year ago at a party. Much like the first time, the second time we met was at a party being hosted by her a month ago. I believe that it was the night of April 12th", Lucky said casually.
Nathaniel's lawyer tsked before humming.
"Are you sure that it was on the twelfth of April, Mr. Smith?", he asked.
"Yes, it was also the night that Nathaniel and I had taken a picture to send to my worrisome girlfriend", Lucky retorted in all of his Lucky fashion.
'LaLa is going to beat his ass', everyone that knew the couple thought hearing the man's response.
"Can you please explain to the court what the two of you were doing on the night in question?", the lawyer requested.
"You good, bro?", Lucky asked Nathaniel as the two rode through the streets towards their intended destination.
Nathaniel remained silent for a while. His thoughts being consumed with that of his family. His hands clenched into fists atop his thighs. Memories of their smiling faces flashed through his mind. The sound of their laughter resonated through his ears, and the feel of each of their heartbeats best against his ribcage lulling his own.
"I'm as good as I can be in this shit show", Nathaniel retorted.
Lucky scoffed maneuvering the car into a turn. His own thoughts slowly began to drift towards his own family. He was having another kid. That fear of being a parent still lingers, but he feels a helluva lot more at ease knowing that this is his second time around. It also helps that he is impossibly in love with the mother of his unborn child. Then his thoughts turned dark. Thoughts of his family being torn apart filling his mind causing his hands to unconsciously clench the steering wheel tighter u till his knuckles turned nearly translucent.
"You should like, you know, accidentally like, punch her in the throat or something when you two are alone or like, make her drive into a ditch or some shit. Don't worry, I'll get you eventually, bro", Lucky muttered being consumed in his thoughts.
Nathaniel slowly directed his attention to his brother. The man was kinda shook. Lucky could be dark at times, but damn. Also,
"You want me to ruin my pretty face? Seriously, dude?", Nathan mumbled.
Lucky shrugged his shoulders, his grip on the steering wheel relaxing.
"It'd keep the hoes off of you. Nobody would fuck with ugly ass, Nate. They'd back off like roaches when they see a can of Raid. Get down with the cause, bitch", Lucky rationalized.
"You're unfuckingbelievable, flour demon. Then my baby won't want me anymore neither", Nathan said with a huff.
"Seriously, do you not know your own fucking wife? Na, would never. She's too fucking good for that fuck shit", Lucky said.
Nathaniel narrowed his eyes at his friend. Slowly a smirk formed upon his face much like that of the Grinch's.
"Don't tell her I said that you whipped bitch", Lucky tacked on.
"I know. My baby is the nearest. She'd love me anyway. Why is she so damn perfect? It's like she was made to spread all over my bread", Nathan practically gushed weirding Lucky out.
"I take that 'whipped bitch' back. You're a psychotic bitch. Maybe you should be with the wench instead", Lucky murmured.
"I'd rather commit suicide", retorted Nathan seriously.
Now it was Lucky's turn to smirk.
"Then we will be together for all eternity. Mwahahaha", he said laughing evilly.
"Can I bring my baby with me?", Nathan asked.
"NaNa's too pure", Lucky said.
Nathan scoffed. He knows his wife. That is a bald-faced lie. Pure? Naomi Vitro was purer than he himself, but she was anything BUT pure.
"That's spazzy, dude. You obviously don't know my wife. The shit she does when no-one is looking is-", he paused. His face falling into a deadpan expression. "You're a pervert, demon", he deadpanned.
Lucky scoffed again.
"Only for Lelita, but do continue, bro. Vent your frustrations. I don't have shit else to do", Lucky drawled.
The car fell silent once again.
"How'd you know?", Nathaniel asked after minutes have passed between them in silence.
"I was talking to Tristian, Christian, and Antonio. Nathaniel had been doing his own thing off in the kitchen. The plaintiff was being a freaking social butterfly with her guests. By the time she had come to our little group she had already had a few and was looking for my brother. I was not sure why seeing as everyone knows that Nathaniel and Naomi were together at the time, especially the plaintiff. She had met Naomi before she had ever met Nathaniel so she already knew this too. I had told her to 'sod off' before Tristian had sent her on her way after she had tried to flirt with boyfriend and me. I guess Chris' was too ugly for her. Better luck next time, kid!", Lucky retorted.
That had been news to everyone except for those present to bear witness to the scene.
Nathaniel had been in the kitchen 'drinking' at the time so he had been unaware of this. Drinking from the special bottle of alcohol that Tristian had left for him in the kitchen he began to do his thing. He chugged two glasses of the flavored water with the dye before turning to face the room full of people that he made sure took notice of his 'state'. He knew that Madison had been looking for him. They were all banking on it. Sure enough, he had seen her hovering nearby within the crowd.
With a subtle nod of his head, Lucky wondered from the rest of the group towards him in the kitchen. Snatching his third drink from his hand an argument ensued. The subject of the ending of his relationship made news to the partygoers, especially there intended target. Standing in the crowd watching alongside everyone, Madison smirked to herself as she watched the two friends fight. Their fight quickly escalated leading to a punch being thrown and word exchange between Nathaniel and his family.
Of course, all in the plan, Nathaniel staggered into the backyard drunkenly searching for some solace. Madison had followed him, not noticing the four pairs of eyes following her retreating figure.
"Stupid, bitch", muttered Tristian in disgust as he watched her slink off after his cousin, swaying gently to the music in his boyfriend's arms.
He did not know the chick, but she was on his hit list. Before a few weeks ago, he had no idea that she even existed. That is until his best friend and sister bawled her eyes out begging for her stolen children back. Naomi had been sleeping at the time. She had bags under her eyes big enough to fit a Louis Vuitton tote inside and she had noticeably lost weight. She was exhausted and Nathaniel had to work so Tristian volunteered to stay with her for a while.
His heart broke for them, for her. They were their children. They were his family. This bitch just ever so effortlessly ripped their happy family apart. She deserves all the raft bestow upon her. Christian smirked to himself feeling the same as his older brother. You do not mess with family, especially not their family.
"Why are you here today, Mr. Smith?", asked Nathaniel's lawyer.
Without hesitation, the words fell from his lips. Lucky knew why he was there. They all did. They all shared a common goal after all.
"All due respects to the court, I am here to set shit straight like the demon prince I am. Why in the world would anyone consider taking children from a happy home with loving parents to give them to the cunt that abandoned them on a hotter than Satan's asscrack day? Only idiots would. Are you all idiots or what?", Lucky responded shocking majority of the courtroom.
"That will be all, Mr. Smith. No further questions for the witness your honor", Nathan's lawyer announced before returning to the defense bench.
Madison's attorney approached the stand. A smug look was upon her face. She thought that Lucky would be an easy target. He was just a wannabe bad boy crying out for attention in her eyes. She knew his type, or so she thought.
"Lucky is it?", the lawyer inquired.
"To friends and family, yes. You, not a fucking chance", Lucky retorted sharply, earning a warning from the judge to which he just shrugged his shoulders.
"Mr. Smith, you said that you have only met my client twice. Yet you sit on the stand and slander her name. How do you know how the defendant acquired the children in custody? Were you by any chance present at the time of their acquisition? As far as we all know, you do not know Ms. Grier well enough to judge her character. Therefore, you cannot speak on her character as a person and a parent not until you yourself as a parent are faced with the same circumstances as she had", Madison's lawyer questioned.
"I have a superb judge of character. I only need to speak to a person once to decide if they are a shit human being. Your client is a shit human being. She hit on taken guys and bullies other women to make herself feel better. I know how the twins were acquired by Nathaniel and Naomi because my brother called me while they were at the hospital getting them checked out. Aryan had a high fever and fainted from dehydration and hypothermia. As for being a parent, I am a parent. I have a daughter and another one on the way. I have faced the very same circumstances as your client and I can tell you without a doubt that I would never choose to be such a selfish asshole as to abandon my children because I was not ready to be a fucking adult yet. Hey slag, how about you stop lying on your fucking back unprotected then you won't have to make such stupid fucking decisions", Lucky all but snapped.
No, Lucky had snapped. He was pissed. The lawyer had successfully triggered the flour demon. The usually calm and collected man was now scowling angrily at the spooked woman sat behind the plaintiff bench. Ways to torture her flooded his mind the longer he stared her down. She shuddered in fear.
Lucky was removed from the stand. His testimony was asked to be disregarded by the court. The request had been denied. Lucky had also been ordered to take a walk to calm himself down. So he did.
"Your honor, we would like to call to the stand, Nathaniel Vitro", announced Madison's lawyer.
This was not part of the plan. Nathaniel was not supposed to be called to the stand just yet. This through off their plan a bit, but Nathaniel was not backing down. None of them were. Wordlessly, he rose from the bench and approached the stan. He was sworn in and allowed to take a seat on the stand.
"State your name to the courtroom and your purpose, please", the lawyer instructed.
In cold emotionless demeanor, he did as told. His eyes locked with Madison as he spoke. His words laced with a coldness that surprised even his lawyer and family.
"My name is Nathaniel Vitro, and I am here to reunite my family and bring our children home where they belong, with us. Even if that means annihilating all threats to my family", he stated.
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