《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》28. Blood & Oil
Today is dooms-day. I reloaded the clip into my gun. I was stressed and anxious.
I have barely been able to enjoy being a father to Anya for worrying about Aiden and Aryan. How are they doing? Are they somewhere safe and being cared for?
Taking aim once again I begin firing at my target. No-one was keeping our babies from us. No-one.
"Fucking psychopath! My ears are ringing you ass!", barked an annoying, familiar voice.
I tsked firing twice more then put the safety on before placing the now empty gun down onto the counter and removing my muffs. Turning my head I faced Lucky who wore a scowl on his face. I rolled my eyes before giving him a flat look. If he were not my brother I would really consider it, but I have more important things on my mind other than shooting my annoying friend.
"You said something, flour demon?", I blandly asked.
He scoffed. "Bitch", he hissed.
"Okay. Bitch, did you say something?", I reiterated to him nonchalantly.
"If you were not going through something right now I would end you on a verbal scale, but I will let this slide. For now", I retorted snidely.
I rolled my eyes taking back up the gun into my hand extracting the empty clip from the gun.
"I know that you're in your feelings bro, but-"
"But fucking nothing, Lucky. They fucking took my kids, dude. I'm not in my feelings", I hissed angrily inserting another clip into the gun before taking it off safety once again.
"Stop being a bitch for a second. I was going to say that you need to stop hurting that poor gun. It didn't do shit to you. And, you're totally in your feelings", the flour demon snidely retorted clearly not liking my interruption of his speech.
I rolled my eyes raising the gun, bringing the scope up placing it into position.
"I'm not in my feelings. I'm motherfucking pissed", I sneered before pulling the trigger emptying the clip into the target.
"I'm just gon' go 'cause you trying to make me go fucking deaf at a young age", Lucky called blandly over the sound of rapid gunfire.
"My bad, bro. I forgot that demons have sensitive ears", I called after him while never taking my eyes off of the target as I emptied the clip.
Once I was done I put the gun away before heading to the front to pay for my extra rounds then taking my leave. Plopping down into the passenger seat I let out a sigh.
"You good now, bro?", asked Lucky.
I nodded my head curtly. "I needed that. Now let's go fuck some shit up", I snarled, a smirk forming on my lips just before I slammed the passenger side door shut to the car.
"Don't be slamming my shit, bitch", Lucky nagged before peeling off.
"You remember the game plan, right?", I asked while bouncing my legs in anticipation.
"Dude, relax before you shit on everything", Lucky snidely commented.
I rolled my eyes eyeing the front door waiting for my cue. Tristian who stood on the porch with a drink in hand texting presumably Naomi gave a subtle jerk of his head towards the house. That was the cue we had been waiting for. Typing a quick 'I love you' text to my baby because I fucking love my amazing wife even though she is upset with me right now, I exited the car after pressing send.
We made our way towards the house that was booming with music and wasted people looking for a good time. Walking past Tristian I gave him a subtle nod before we entered the house. I grimaced as the stench of sweat, smoke, and alcohol assaulted my being.
Seriously, how did any of us ever find this shit appealing? I could not wait to get back home to my babies. Not even a full five minutes into the plan I am ready to u-turn my ass back home.
"You look like you're about to blow. Put some damn hair on your chest, Vitro, and grow a pair. We have shit to fuck up", Lucky snidely commented encouragingly in his own Lucky-esque way.
"You're left, dude", I muttered in agreement.
He narrowed his eyes gazing at me blandly. "Left?", he asked.
I smirked. "You can't say a demon is right, so you're left, Lucky Charms", I retorted in a duh tone.
He rolled his eyes before we spotted Christian and Antonio leaned against the wall near the entrance to the kitchen talking.
"Yeah, yeah. Fuck it up, on go", Lucky said waving me off.
We bumped arms before this bitch jabbed me in the stomach.
"Son of the Antichrist!", I exclaimed letting out a groan.
"Goodluck, Nathie", he flamboyantly called blowing me a kiss before disappearing into the crowd of dancing idiots.
I hate him.
Going into the kitchen I grabbed a solo cup quickly filling it with alcohol. Downing the cup of alcohol in one go, I quickly refilled it doing the same once again. I swayed slightly before 'pouring' myself another cup of alcohol.
This time I chugged about half the cup before turning around to face the rest of the crowd. There were now wondering eyes upon me. I knew that my little act would catch their eyes, especially the person that I intended to notice.
I people-watched for a while before finishing my drink then pouring myself another. Swaying a bit more after quickly turning to face the crowd once again.
"Dude, I leave you alone for a couple of minutes and you're already damn near shit faced!", snapped an approaching Lucky with an angry look upon his face.
I smiled jovially while swaying on my feet before bringing the red solo cup up to my mouth. I managed to take one gulp before the cup was slapped out of my hand spilling the content onto my shirt and the floor. I glared at him.
"Dude! My drink!", I exclaimed getting angry about my spilled drink.
"You've had enough", he stated.
My hands clenched into fists at my sides as my eyes bore into his.
"Who the fuck are you to decide that?", I said through clenched teeth.
He scoffed. "You're a fucking idiot. No wonder Naomi left you", he sneered.
I tensed. My clenched fists tightened and my jaw set in place.
"The fuck did you just say?", I needed through clenched teeth.
He smirked. "What? You wanted it to stay a secret? Hey, everyone!? Naomi left this shithead Nathan Vitro! She left you, bro! Tell me how does it feel to know that your girl is ban-"
"Shut the fuck up, Lucky!", I snarled trying to reel in my anger.
He tsked. "Did I hit a nerve wittle Nathan?", he mocked.
And I snapped. I shoved him. He shoved me back while muttering that I was a bitch. I had only managed to punch him in the face before we were separated from one another.
Betrayal. That is what I felt at that moment. While I was being restrained my family was checking on my enemy.
"I am fine, Tris. It was just a lucky shot", he grumbled while Tristian checked him over.
"It was not just a damn 'lucky shot'. His first went in your got damn eye, Lucks. Let me see-"
"Are you fucking serious right now!?", I exclaimed appalled.
Christian redirected his attention toward me. His eyes narrowed into slits as he marched over to me. Raising his hand he brought it down slapping me across the face.
I was stunned.
"Have you lost your fucking mind, Nathan? That's your best friend. How could you?", Tristian's voice boomed.
"How could I? Why is this my fault!? He started it!", I sneered affronted.
He scoffed placing his hands on his hips. "Grow up, Nathan. Stop blaming everyone else for your shit. It's no-one's fault but your own that she left you. You, and you alone are the reason that she's gone", Tristian ever so snidely said.
I felt hurt. He is my cousin. He is my own flesh and blood. Yet, he is defending someone else over me. He chose someone else over me.
I looked to Christian and Antonio for help, but neither of them would meet my gaze. Some loyalty, right? It was apparent to me that they had chosen their side already.
I let out a humorous chuckle while carding my fingers through my hair.
"Fuck all of you. I see where your loyalty lies. I don't need any of fucking you. Not any of you, especially not her", I spat before shouldering past Tristian and everyone else out of the kitchen.
I found myself outside stumbling my way around on the patio area near the pool.
"Fuck! Help! He-I-", splash, "CAN'T SW-", splash.
No-one seemed to care as the person thrashed in the pool waters. Kicking off my shoes I ran diving into the pool. The cold water sobering me up enough to coordinate myself and rescue the drowning person.
Wrapping their legs around my waist locking them in place, I piggybacked them to the surface where they were pulled from my back by a bystander. She choked, coughing violently while getting her chest.
"Are you okay, fuck?", the bystander asked her.
"Ye-yeah", she said coughing slightly.
"Great", I deadpanned before turning to retrieve my shoes.
"Wait! You saved my life! What's your name? Let me repay you?", she called.
Let out an annoyed huff I turned, staggering as I did.
She gasped audibly. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I righted myself. Standing tall I wobbled slightly as I waited for her to wake up from her stupor.
"Na-Na-Nathan?", she stuttered incredulously.
"Yup, that's me", I sarcastically announced.
"H-How?", she stuttered.
"Scotty beamed me here, Madison", I sarcastically retorted with an eye roll, being unable to resist any longer.
That seemed to wake her from her stupor. Her face twisted up into a scowl.
"Wait, where are you going?", she called after my staggering figure.
I had only managed to cover a few feet of ground before my forearm was grasped firmly. Jerking away from her grasp as if her touch burned me, I staggered.
"Nathan, wait. Let me help you", she said wistfully.
"I'm fine", I stated wobbling on my feet.
"No, you're not. Let me help you to a chair at least. You can't even stand properly", she pleas.
"I'm fi-shit", I staggered forward bumping into her.
She wrapped her arms around my waist catching me in her arms. Bearing down, she helped me right myself.
"Yeah, you're totally fine", she hissed still hugging my wobbly form.
Let out a huff of frustration I allowed her to help me take a seat at a small unoccupied sitting area. I had thought that she would leave me be, but she did not. She stayed at my side.
I let out a groan in annoyance. "Why are you still here? Shoo!", I said groaning again.
She rolled her eyes. "You saved my life idiot. The least I can do is look out for you for a while. Believe it or not, I just want to make sure that you are okay. I heard about your ex too. Are you alright Nathan?", she responded sounding sincere.
"I'm fine", I dully stated.
She sighed reaching out placing her hand on my knee. Her eyes shining in the dim light from the stream lights hanging overhead. Her eyes looked beautiful, but I would never admit that aloud.
"No, you're not. I've told that I am a great listener. Why don't you try me?", she said encouragingly.
I do not know why I did it. Maybe it was the alcohol. I am not sure what exactly possessed me to tell this woman everything.
I told her how Naomi and I had gotten into one of the worse arguments of our entire relationship. I told her how she had left me because I had said some things that I could never take back. I told her how our relationship crumbled after we lost the kids. I told her how I missed my family, but the way that it was looking said that I would never get the chance to have them again.
"It's okay, Nathan. She just wasn't the one for you. You deserve better than some cow anyway",
My hands clenched into fists. She did not seem to notice as she continued to ramble on about how beneath me Naomi is and how I deserve someone better.
"If it is any consolation, I do not mind if you want to be a part of their lives still. Since I will be a single parent, I can use the help and from what I have heard, they adore you just as much as I do. So what do you say? We raise them together and forget about that slut?", she offered.
I raised a brow.
"Slut?", I asked in bewilderment.
She smiled sympathetically. "Yeah, slut. I am so sorry for not saying anything sooner, Nathan, but I did not think that you would believe me", she said wistfully.
"Believe what?", I insisted.
"That she would hurt you in such a way after you have been nothing short of perfection to her fatass. Ishmel had come over a few days ago and he had left to use the bathroom leaving his phone behind. At first, I had ignored his chiming phone, but it kept chiming. And Curiosity got the best of me, so I looked. I looked and there her name was on the screen. Deciding I investigate, I went through their messages and found that they have been talking for a little over two weeks now. I'm sorry, Nathan. I still should have said something sooner. I knew that she was going to leave you. It was all in their texts. They had planned it a few days ago", she said sympathetically.
I felt my heart clenching painfully. Was this what we have come to? Lying? Cheating? I never thought that we would end like this. No wonder she refused to answer my calls and texts. She was too guilty to do so.
I smiled sadly. "It's fine. It's not your fault, Madison. Can you call me an Uber? I want to go home", I muttered wanting to be alone.
She shook her head in denial. "No, Nathan. You are obviously hurting right now. You don't need to be alone. I mean, your girlfriend left you for someone else and you just had a falling out with your family and friend. Let me drive you home, Nathan?", she said sweetly.
Again, another mistake was made.
"Okay", I agreed after mulling over her words for a moment.
She smiled brightly before helping me stand. With my arm linked with hers, she helped me stumble my way to her car. Once inside I let out a sigh of relief. Out the corners of my eyes through the window of the passenger side of the car, I saw Lucky in the crowd of people shaking his head disbelievingly.
For a brief moment, my eyes locked with his. A multitude of emotions had been swirling in his eyes. Turning away I stared forward.
Feeling a hand on my knees, I turned my head facing Madison. She offered me a small smile.
"I'm here, Nathan", she said sweetly before starting the car and turning the heat on full blast.
A moment later we were off. The house with vibrating walls and the wretched stench was slowly fading away from my sight until I could no longer see it anymore in the passenger mirror. Leaning my head against the passenger side window, I let out a sigh closing my eyes allowing the humming of the engine to lull me to sleep.
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