《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》14. That Conversation
"You are so stupid, Lucky", Markel laughed.
We are having a couples sleepover at his and his girlfriend, Amanda's place.
They are so cute together and Amanda is such a cool chick. She's actually a cheerleader at their school. Yes, I did say their school. Her and Markel attend another university not too far from our own.
"Like really, what was I supposed to?", Lucky chortled draping his arm around LaLa's shoulders pulling her into his side.
Those two are still not an item yet. It has been months since our baecation, but they are still in this weird dating space in their relationship. I guess they are taking their time. I just hope that they both stay happy with how things are going.
"Walk away", LaLa responded snickering.
He side eyed her, "I tried to", he said.
"Not hard enough", LaLa stated.
"Whose side are you on?", he asked turning his head to face her.
She tsked, "The right side", she retorted dismissively.
"Markel, let's trade", he said.
Markel and Amanda laughed. She was sat beside him with her legs resting on his lap.
"Nah, i'm good. Ask me later though", Markel responded.
Lucky sighed sadly before kissing LaLa on the cheek. "I guess i'm stuck with you", he muttered.
Turning her head towards Nathaniel and I sat sharing a bowl of fruit she made a face.
"Sis, he said that like it was anything but a privilege. Is he single or nah?", she said asking in general.
Neil pursed his lips, "He single, sis. You a whole Queen over there and he a peasant begging for scraps. He should be graced with your presence", he responded dramatically hyping up LaLa.
She purses her lips, the corners of her mouth twitching. "You rights. You right, Fairy godfavu. I'm a whole Queen and I declare him single like a dollar bill, okur!", she agreed waving her hands around exaggeratedly.
"Nay, I think the fuck not!", Lucky exclaimed wrapping his arm around her waist nearly pulling her onto his lap.
"Peasant unhand the Queen", LaLa exclaimed wiggling in his hold while the rest of laughed at them.
"Naomi, why you so quiet, girl?", Amanda asked after a moment.
"Food", I muttered behind my hand while chewing a bit of pineapple.
"Put it down and talk. How come we haven't seen you in a while?", she said.
I shrugged swallowing. "I've been busy. School, Neil, my babies, and i'm pregnant", I retorted.
Amanda choked seemingly on air. "Pregnant!? You're pregnant? Bu-But when? How?", she exclaimed stupefied.
Neil chuckled, "I got the magic stick. Shorty, if I can hit once. I can hit twice. I got the magic stick", he sung terribly causing everyone to laugh except a still in shock Amanda.
"Manda, when two people love each other-", I began causing everyone to laugh more, even Amanda now laughed.
"Girl, I know how babies are made. You know what I meant. Don't try to play me, Naomi", she laughed.
I smiled popping a grape in my mouth. "The timing was right. It is what God allowed, therefore it is", I stated happily.
I often forgot that I was even pregnant to begin with, but I was also very happy to be carrying Neil's and I first child together. By no means is this our first child, but by blood relation it is. I just hope that I am only carrying one child.
"That and daddy got that winning sperm", Neil added smirking.
I slapped his thigh giving him a look of disapproval of which he just shrugged and kissed my lips.
"How do you deal with him?", Amanda asked teasingly.
I sighed wistfully, "It's a gift and a curse", I said dully playing along.
We snickered at the look on Nathaniel's face.
"Oh. I see how it is now. Okay, Naomi", he muttered pouting.
I smiled, "I thought I was 'baby, babe, bae, wife, love, or Omi'? What happened, babe?", I teased.
He tsked, "You was up until I became a curse to deal with. That hurt my feelings", he responded.
I eyed him trying to see if he had been joking. He was not and I stared at him disbelievingly.
"Neil, you know that I was joking. I love you. I married you and I do not think of you as anything less than overbearingly loving, possessive, crazy, intelligent, talented, and handsome", I paused leaning in bringing my lips to his ear. "And your sex game is phenomenal. The things you do, no one has or will ever for me, babbo", I whispered sweetly into his ear.
He cleared his throat placing a kiss to my forehead.
"Per favore, non farlo mai più con le persone. Sono stato duro", he said lowly, his ear turning red.
I cooed. He was blushing. His eyes narrowed at me before a smirk slowly appeared on his face.
"I love you, baby", he said.
"I love you, babe", I responded before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
"See what I mean? They like this all the time, bruh", I heard LaLa comment bringing us out of our little bubble.
I rolled my eyes, "Yous a hater, La", I retorted.
She gasped dramatically, "Me? Never. Y'all just extra about your love. Like be considerate of your fans, boo", she said sarcastically.
We all laughed. 'Fans' are all of the people that hate to see us together with our partners. The people that try to interfere in our relationships and tear us apart. The people that go out of their way to try to bring us down for being who we are. Trust me, we all have fans for a reason or many.
"Controversy. Go!", Nathaniel called balling up the small slip of paper tossing it aside.
We are having a battle of sexes debate. Girls versus boys, Tristian being the exception on the girls team. So far the game is tied. This round will be the tie breaker.
"Ladies first", called Markel.
"Thank you, baby. Our topic will be body count", Manda responds giving us all our topic.
The men mouths fell open in shock as they gasped at us. We knew that Amanda would be the deciding factor of a tiebreaker. She was outspoken and bold. So we knew that she would be the one to throw a monkey wrench that would put the game in our favor.
"Hell no. We are not debating that", Nathaniel protested.
I smirked, "What's wrong, baby? Don't wanna be exposed and get into the politics?", I taunted.
The look my husband gave me said it all. No, he did not want to talk about this topic, but his pride was not going to allow him to back down. Also, my ass was grass after this. I quaking in my big girl panties, not.
"Fine", he hissed in agreement.
"So body count. What is your body count and should your partner's number matter?", Amanda went on to explain.
I saw Nathaniel tense slightly. I raised an eyebrow at him but he was avoiding my gaze.
"Antonio, you are up first", Amanda reading the name she pulled from a bowl holding all of our names.
He shrugged his shoulders glancing over at Tristian. "I was a bit of a whore in my youth so my number embarrassingly so is twelve and no, I do not think that it should matter as long as you were safe", he retorted blushing.
I giggled, watching the facial exchange between Antonio and Tristian. Antonio is actually a good five years older than Tristian. However, age was not a factor in their love story. They genuinely seem to really care for one another and make the other very happy. Plus, Antonio is daddy material as Tristian would say. He makes my bestie happy and is taking very good care of him. Besides, he knows we will beat his ass if he hurts Tris.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of. You learned from it and it was when you was younger. Besides, it does not make you a whore. Whores get paid and have a number way higher than thirty", LaLa said.
If looks could kill, she would be a pile of ashes the way Nathaniel was looking at her.
"Anyways, I will go next. My number is five. I also do not think that the number should matter, to an extent. Some people are hoes up until they meet the right person that changes that about them, makes them change for the better. Some people are worth only a nut from you and until you meet the one that changes your mind, free dick and pussy for everyone", she went on ignoring his glare while making hand gestures.
Everyone laughed at her explanation.
"Okay. I'm next. My number is four and it think that the number does matter. I don't want a hoe. I can be friends with a hoe, but date one? Nope. I'd spend most of my energy worrying about if you're out the fucking around on me when we're not together instead of enjoying our relationship. No, thank you", Amanda said tossing her name onto the coffee table.
"Well, damn, Manda", I snickered.
She shrugged, "Truth, baby mama", she retorted.
"That's why I fuck with you", I agreed.
She chuckled, "Anyways, next up on the chopping block is Lucifer", she announced waving around the strip of paper with Lucky's name written on it.
He just smirked before beginning to speak.
"Two, and it should matter. It's a problem when your body count is higher than your age. It's a problem when your body count is higher than your IQ. Your body is your temple. Give it only those deserving, not to anyone that drops you a line", Lucky said before taking a sip of his drink.
"See, even Lucifer agrees with me. Don't nobody want a hoe! Wait, I need to go pray. Lucifer agreed with me", Amanda said dramatically causing Lucky to chuckle and flip her off.
"Moving on, baby! You're up!", she exclaimed.
"Uhm, can we pass?", he asked.
"The hell you mean pass? This ain't no damn 'Fast Money' on Family Feud", she gripes.
"Ten", he mumbled.
"What? I couldn't hear you", she retorted absentmindedly.
He sighed, "Ten. It shouldn't matter. Next", he exclaimed quickly.
"Ten!? Hoe, did you at least get paid?", Amanda screeched.
"Ermigawd! Manda, could you be any louder? I don't think my ears have gone completely deaf enough", I exclaimed covering my ringing ears.
"Sorry", she muttered looking apologetically before pulling the next name.
"Tristian", she read aloud.
"Six, and no, it shouldn't matter. You love or like the person for them, not their search history", he said leisurely sipping on his drink, his eyes trained on Antonio.
I hummed in agreement. Tell'em, boo! Let ya man know that you still rocking with him.
"Naomi. You're up, mama!", called Amanda.
I sighed, "Can I pass?", I muttered feeling a bit embarrassed by my number.
I saw Nathaniel's eyebrows furrow as he eyes narrowed. I knew it was coming before even he did.
"What the fuck you need to pass for?", he growled.
"I'm embarrassed", I mumbled covering my face with my hands.
"Was it really that many?", he asked, his face and voice softening.
I shook my head in denial. "No. It is only two. You and a guy I met my freshman year of high school", I retorted half lying.
He hummed, a thoughtful look upon his face. "You went to two schools, right, babe?", he asked thoughtfully.
"Yeah. My freshman year I went to George Washington but transferred at the end of the year finishing out at Graceland", I reminded him.
"Funny. I lost my virginity to a girl my freshman year at George Washington. Wait, we went to school together? Since when and how come I never saw you around? I know that I wouldn't forget a face like yours", he retorted.
"Maybe because I look slightly different than I did in high school. I was a lot slimmer than I am now, baby", I said vaguely.
He shook his head in denial. "Still, I woul- oh. My. God. Naomi, it's you!", he said, realization dawning on him.
I smiled innocently, "What's me?", I asked.
"Don't patronize me, woman. You know damn well what I am talking about", he quipped.
"Why are you talking about, Nate?", Amanda asked not having our two and two together yet.
Her boyfriend shook his head before leaning in whispering something into her ear. A look of realization crossed her face before she bag grinning big and slapping at his arm giddily.
"What do I know, baby?", I patronized him.
He huffed, "For how long did you know?", he asked.
"Know? What?", I asked further irritating him.
He stared at me dully for a moment before slowly a smirk splayed on his lips.
"You know all along that I was the boy who you lost your virginity with, didn't you?", he hissed condescendingly.
I shrugged, "I didn't in the beginning because I did not connect the dots. It was not until a few months later when I had been looking through my old yearbook and saw a picture of you that I remembered seeing at your moms house did I make the connection. I just wanted you to find out on your own who I was to you", I explained.
He chuckled placing a chaste kiss to my lips.
"Tu, mia moglie, sei il mio primo amore. Cazzo, scopro una nuova benedizione da te ogni giorno. Ti amo così tanto, piccola.", he muttered staring into my eyes lovingly.
I bit my lip, "Ti amo di più, tesoro. Per quanto mi fai impazzire a volte, sei veramente una benedizione nella mia vita", I responded with a smile.
"Okay, break it up! No time for all of that mushy shit. Nathaniel, you are up!", Amanda announced ruining the moment.
He tensed instantly.
"I forfeit", he declared.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?", I questioned not believing he threw in the towel so easily before the real debate began.
"Because I can", was his response.
I shook my head in denial. I was not accepting that answer.
"No. Everyone else answered and now it's your turn. So answer the questions", I denied.
"But you lied", he retorted.
"I was with one guy, you. There, now answer the questions", I said.
"I don't think that the number should matter much but is does. It's like Amanda said, no one wants to be with a hoe. No one likes knowing that their partner shared their body with so many people. It can hurt and maybe even ruin a relationship because their partner can't get over how many people they've slept with. That brings forth doubt and doubt leads to distrust. Therefore, everything you built together could fall apart at the mention of a number", he leered.
A feeling of dread came over me. I no longer wanted to continue the game. I felt like he was talking about himself, us. But why? Why did his answer feel so personal?
"Just day the damn number and stop being a little bitch", Lucky groaned in annoyance.
"Shut the fuck up, Lucky", he hissed.
"No. We all know your history. So you might as well say it. It's not like any of us will judge you for it. Be an honest hoe", Lucky said snidely yet encouragingly in his own way.
"Thirty-five! There you happy!", Nathaniel snapped before rising from the couch and storming out onto the balcony leaving the room speechless.
I went after him. I saw the tears gathering in his eyes. I was not going to leave him alone. Before I had left I heard the sound of skin hitting skin followed by Lucky hollering out in pain.
"Neil?", I called stepping out onto the balcony closing the sliding glass door behind myself.
I took slow tentative steps over to where he stood hunched over the railing gazing at the view.
"You should go back inside", he muttered.
"Are you okay?", I asked ignoring what he said.
He shook his head, "No. I was a whore after you. When you left I became so lost and started fucking any girl I could get my hands on to forget you. I didn't want to remember your face or hear the sound of your voice anymore. I wanted you gone from my memory. I wanted you out of my heart", he said.
I felt saddened by his admission. I knew that my departure would hurt him a little but I did not know that it would be that bad. Nor did I know that he wanted me gone from his being. It hurt hearing this from my husband.
"I did not mean to make you sad, baby. I am just telling you how I felt at that moment", he called.
I shook my head, "It's okay", I muttered feeling my eyes sting with tears.
These damn hormones suck.
"Who were you to steal my heart and take my virginity then up and leave me a few short months later? I was angry at you. Angry that you left even though in the back of my mind I knew that it was not you choice to leave me. I knew that it had not been your fault. But try telling that to my heart. My heart felt that you left me because you wanted to. Because I was not good enough for you. My love was good enough for you. So became Nate Vitro, the fuckboy that everybody loved on campus. I'm sorry for being so stupid, Omi. I-", he paused.
He was insecure. Maybe even still is.
"I slept around so much in an attempt to forget you and I did. I forgot you, just to fall for you all over again. I fell for you and married you. I married the same girl I promised myself to forget about and now here we are today expecting our third child. You are my first and my last, baby. I love you so much and I am so sorry. I am ashamed, Omi. I don't know why is men feel like sleeping around is the remedy to a broken heart, but it's not. It's fucking immature. I'm sorry", he finished apologetically while avoiding looking at me.
"You have nothing to apologize for, but thank you anyway. At least you did not cheat on me. You haven't cheated on me before have you?", I responded thoughtfully teasingly.
His eyes narrowed into slits as he turned his head. His eyes met my own.
"What type of fucking question is that!? Of course I have never cheat- Do not play with me right now, Omi", he snarled.
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