《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》13. Bad Babies
I announced quickly over the mic before passing it back to the DJ.
We are at our annual 'Family Day Drive'. It was something that my family started way before I was even thought of and it stuck with me. While we were dating I had gotten Omi and her family involved. Soon after we started hosting them ourselves continuing the family tradition.
"Baby!? I need your help!", my baby called.
I happily obliged walking over to where she stood with two fussy children, our children. I raised a brow eyeing the little nuggets. "Somebody wanna tell me why you two are showing your little asses? Aryan? Aiden?", I asked sternly.
The twins pouted up at me while widening their eyes. I scoffed. I was not falling for this shit, at least not this time.
"Okay. Omi, what happened, baby?", I said deciding to just ask their mama.
She placed her hands on her wide hips with her head tilted slightly. "These two decided that it would be fun to start unwrapping the donated presents and when I told them to stop", she pointed to our baby girl. "This one decided to throw a tantrum", she said sternly.
"Okay, but what happened with Aiden?", I asked.
She tsked, "I was getting there. While I was trying to calm thing 1 down, she had knocked 2's juice out of his hands making him spill it on himself. So that set him off and neither of them were listening to mommy, so I figured why not let daddy handle it", she finished.
I hummed eyeing my angel faced kids.
"Okay. Which one of you want your ass whooping first?", I asked causing their eyes to widen in fright.
"But da-" 'Poppa, it was her fault!', Aiden yelled angrily while pointing at Aryan.
She gasped, "You no my bro-bro no mo', snitch", she angrily growled.
Aiden gasped, "I no care. You mess up my shirt an' hit me. You no sis eda", he snarled balling his little hands into fists.
"That's enough", Omi snapped having heard enough.
Honestly, I had too. I was just ready to fix the problem so that we could get back to having a good time with our community.
"You", she pointed at Aryan, "go with your daddy", she points at Aiden, "You will stay with me. Okay? Okay. Everyone get a move on. We have much to do before we can have a bit of fun ourselves. So get a move on because if the cake is all gone before we finish I will make the three of you pay?", Omi leered.
"But-", the twins began to whine.
"Are for sitting. Now hush it and so as I told you before I pop that butt of yours", she warned going all mama bear on them.
I bit my lip, she was so sexy when she went all mama bear.
"You too, mister", she ordered pointing an offending finger at me.
"What I do?", I asked feigning hurt.
She rolled her eyes, "I know what you were thinking and none of that is happening today. So you better get a move on so you and Ms. Aryan can have those presents rewrapped in time", she scolded.
"Mommy", Aryan whined at the same time I whined, "Bae".
'Esci dalla mia faccia. Voglio la torta, dannazione!', she quipped casting us both a glare before smiling sweetly as she directed her attention to a pouting Aiden. "Come on baby. Let's go get you cleaned up then we will go help pass out goodie bags", she cooed ushering him towards the recreational hall.
"No fair", Aryan huffed stomping her little foot.
I narrowed my eyes at her causing her pout to deepen.
"What's not fair is the kids in need receiving crap wrapped gifts because of you and your brother, trouble maker", I retorted.
Her pout melted into a frown her eyes watering. "I-I'm sowry, daddy", she whimpered tears spilling from her eyes.
I let out a sigh lifting her up placing her on my hip. She buried her face into the crook of my neck letting out little cries. I rubbed her back muttering sweet nothings to her as I carried her over to the gift table where the needed supplies were already laid out. I placed my hiccuping baby down onto her feet and began to open up our supplies. I was not going to entirely comfort Aryan. I hated seeing my babies cry, but she was bad and she knew those presents weren't for her and her brother. So I let her finish comforting her own self.
"You stack up the opened gifts and put a bow on them after I am done wrapping them. We can make this. Beat the damn clock because what?", I said.
"We're Vitros and we fawk shi' up!", Aryan cheered throwing her arms up.
"Aryan! Watch your mouth", I quipped.
She pouted, "Bu' you say it all time", she retorted defensively.
"I'm grown", was my brilliant response.
"I baby. You no, be mad. You teach me", she sassed.
I bit my lip, "Tell your mom and I will take away your snack later", I bargained.
"I tell an' I get swack an'way", she denied.
I huffed, "What do you want little girl?", I asked folding.
"I want to go pway wit' bro-bro", she said simply with her little hands on her little hips in the same manner Omi does at times.
I sighed, "Go", I groaned.
I just got outsmarted by my own child. I am so proud of my baby. She is already using her wits to get what she wants.
"That's a damn shame", Tris commented appearing seemingly out of nowhere startling me.
"Where and the hell did you come from?", I grumbled beginning to get to work.
He slurped from his slushee eyeing me for a moment before shrugging his broad shoulders.
"From a magical place far, far, far away", he retorted dramatically.
"Were there rainbow shittin' unicorns there too? It ain't real if there weren't any rainbow shittin' unicorns", I chided.
He smacked his lips, "Ooh! And they had skittles clouds too. Taste the rainbow bitch", he gushed throwing a king sized bag of skittles at me seeming from out of his ass.
Tristian is literally a fucking a magician. He either himself appears out of seeming lying thin air or he makes shit appear out of thin air. I have no idea what my cousin is made out of. I used to think DNA, water, and all of that shit. Now, I honestly cannot tell you anymore. That is why I dubbed him the 'Elven Prince'. He's magical like that.
"Ow! Thanks", I responded stuffing the bag in my pocket before continuing what I was doing.
I fuck with skittles.
Tristian hummed taking a long annoying slurp of his slushee.
"Shouldn't you be somewhere with your Spanish sugar daddy instead of annoying the shit out of me?", I asked cutting the wrapping paper I had just measured.
"He is not my sugar daddy. He's my daddy", he retorted coyly.
I think I just threw up.
My face scrunched up in disgust. "Disgusting little Elven Prince. What would the King say?", I asked vehemently.
He chuckled flipping his bangs from his eyes. "He would say take this royal dick my prince", he taunted.
That's it. Take my skittles if I am wrong, but I threw the box that the tape had came in at him.
He glared at me. His big cat like eyes narrowed into slips as he glowered at me. He looked like an adorable little kitten with an attitude. When I had thrown the scissors he narrowly avoided being hit with them.
"Cute", I deadpanned tearing a piece of tape beginning to tape the wrapping paper to the present.
He huffed shooting me the finger. "I will dismiss myself from your lowly presence, peasant, before I give you a royal ass whooping", he leered before he disappeared among the throngs of people leaving me alone to finish wrapping the gifts once again.
"Just because you bat your lashes does not mean that you will get more presents, lil' girl. I have two kids already and if it doesn't work on me when they do it, why would it when you do it?", I questioned the bratty little girl before me.
I do not know who raised her but they better get her before she get gifted an ass whooping for Christmas.
"I want more toys!", she little bratty girl yelled stomping her feet.
She gained the attention of others, but did not seem to care as she continued stomping her feet and repeating her previous statement like a mantra.
"I wa- mommy!", she called, her mantra ceasing abruptly.
I followed her line of sight, my eyes landing a slim blonde. She was cute, but she had nothing on my baby in my eyes. My wife was a Goddess in my heart and any other woman did not hold a light to her.
"Mommy! He being mean! I want mo' toys and he tell me no!", the little girl whined to her mother.
I folded my arms across my chest watching the two interact. The woman glanced at me muttering something to the little girl that made her smile big before directing her attention to me.
"Hi, I am Melissa John, and you are?", she said politely holding out her hand for a shake.
I took it shaking her hand briefly before folding my arms across my chest once again.
"Nathan", I retorted dully.
"Well, Nathan it is nice to meet you. How long have you been volunteering here for?", she said trying to initiate small talk.
"Since I was a kid. Your kid isn't getting anymore toys", I responded bluntly.
She gasped, "Why not? My little angel deserves more. I thought that the mission was to spread joy and giving my little girl more will do just that", she said as if I should of known this already.
I rolled my eyes, "Lady, your child isn't getting anymore toys. She is not the only child that is in need and she certainly is not deserving of any more than the other children", I retorted.
The woman scoffed, "I want to speak with the organizer of this event. You are not being very giving nor are you spreading any joy", Melinda hissed.
"Yeah, mommy!", the bratty girl cheered.
I honestly did not blame the child. It was obviously not her fault that she was behaving this way. The problem is not her. The problem is her mother.
"Look, Martha. It do-"
"My fucking name is Melissa!
"Okay, Meredith. Your daughter isn't getting anymore toys and you need to watch your mouth", I said sternly dismissing her outburst.
"And who the hell are you!? Give my daughter more toys, NOW!", the bitch demanded.
'Nipote, what is going on over here?'
Aunt Marian was in the motherfucking house. Shit was about to get very interesting.
"Aunty, this is Maleficent. She's having a tantrum and so is her kid because refuse to give them more toys", I briefed.
She hummed placing her hands on her hips as she eyed the woman and her little girl.
"Mallory, was it? Listen, you and your brat aren't getting anymore toys. Matter fact, you aren't getting any at all", Aunt Marian interjected.
"Excuse me!?", Milk screeched at the same time the girl screeched, "Why?!".
I winced due to the sound of their combined voices causing my eardrums pain.
"You're excused, Michael. Anyways, kindly return those presents so that we can give them to a deserving family because you two do not deserve them in the slightest", Aunt Marian dismissed.
"We aren't returning any fucking thing, bitch!", the woman sneered.
I saw it on my aunt's face. This look of utter destruction. Aunt Marian was about to go off. She did not tolerate anyone's shit, but she had tried to be cordial due to the circumstance. However, that is all out the window because the angry woman felt the need to call her a 'Bitch'. Bitch is a trigger for my aunt.
"Nathaniel, vai a prendere tuo zio, così potra ' postare i soldi della cauzione perché andro ' in prigione, cazzo. Fuck suo culo lungo viso e il suo ragazzo culo monelli ha bisogno di un asino convulsa che io sono felice di andare a consegnare a tutti e due", Aunt Marian leered angrily.
"Aunty! No!", my baby called coming into view.
"Oh, great! The fat one has arrived!", the bitch exclaimed rudely.
"You better watch your freaking mouth, cagna", I quipped.
"Yeah! Don' talk 'bout my mommy you dinosaur faced floozy!", a small voice squeaked.
To Omi and I utter surprise it was not our daughter that had jumped to her defense, but our son. Aiden's face was beet red and set in a cute little scowl with his fists clenched at his sides.
"Shut it you ugly brat!", the bitch hissed.
All I could remember was utter chaos after that one statement.
Omi had cursed out Mitochondria while Aryan got into a heated verbal exchange with the little girl before the girl had pushed her down on the ground. Aryan was having none of it and kicked the girl in the leg causing her to fall to the ground before she climbed on top of her beginning to slap her repeatedly in the face while Aiden cheered her on.
This gave the woman even more courage to make another snide comment and also seal her own fate.
"Get that savage off of my daughter!", she screeched before pushing Aryan to the ground.
I rushed to my baby girl's side checking her over while Omi went charging like a bull straight for the woman swinging the moment she was within her reach. I have never seen Naomi so mad nor have I seen her fight like this, ever. I was gapping as was many of the bystanders while the kids cheered their mama bear on and the little girl cried for her to stop.
"Stop! Please, I will be a good girl! Please, stop!", she cried.
That seemed to bring us all out of our stupor. Omi froze, a far away look in her eyes. Her fist was raised about to strike the woman's face once again. Her fist fell to her side as she released the grasp she had on the woman's shirt taking steps back from her. Immediately the little girl ran to her mother crying. No one made a move.
I stepped forward to got to my baby but she shook her head 'no'. "Oh God! I'm so sorry", she muttered horrified before quickly turning and walking away hastily and I was right behind her after muttering to Aunt Marian to watch the kids for me.
I followed her into the recreational center all the way to the women's restroom. I received some questioning glances but I ignored them all. My concern was Omi.
"Omi, baby?", I called through the door.
"Go away, Neil", came her muffled response.
"Omi, come out and talk to me", I called.
"No", she called.
I sighed, "Baby, please come out", I pleaded with her.
I got no response.
"Omi?", I called.
"I'm sorry, Neil", she called, her voice cracking.
She was crying. I felt my heart fall. My baby is crying.
"Baby, please come out so I can comfort you. Odio il mio cuore a piangere, mia moglie. Per favore, vieni fuori", I pleaded once again.
Again I received no reply. I became anxious. Why was she not responding? Did something happen to her? Is she okay? I had just made up my mind to enter the women's restroom when the door opened and she stepped out. Pulling her into my chest I held her whispering sweet nothings to her. She hugged me back tightly as she cried for a while muttering how sorry she was for ruining the event.
"Baby, you have nothing to apologize for. You did what any real mother would of. However, you are still in so much trouble", I cooed.
She sniffed, "Why?", she asked frowning.
"Did you forget that you are pregnant?", I chided.
I felt her tense in my arms. Her head slowly bowing.
"Oh? I-I-", she began to stutter, her eyes watering.
She was about to cry once again.
"Shh! No more tears, Omi. Since I cannot really do anything to you without punishing myself too, no cake for you", I said.
She gasped, "But, you-", she began to argue.
"Nope. No cake for you for fighting while pregnant", I said sternly.
"Fine", she groaned.
I smiled pecking her on the head. "Good. Now go clean yourself up, mama. We have to go apologize to the remaining people then we're going to snag some cake before we go home", I ordered sliding my hands down her back to her butt giving it a little pat.
"Why are we leaving so soon?", she asked staring up at me curiously.
"Don't feel like helping with cleanup", I retorted honestly.
"Right", she agreed with an eye roll before we separated from one another and she went back into the restroom cleaning herself up.
We never did leave early as planned. After apologizing I had gotten the kids and I some cake. Everything was going as planned until Aryan broke our agreement and told Omi about the little incident we had earlier while wrapping gifts. My cake was slapped out of my hand by Omi. I watched as my cake fell to the grassy ground in sorrow. Then as punishment we stayed until the end and she made me help clean up.
➡️Get out of my face. I want some cake, damn it!
➡️Nathaniel, go get your uncle so that he can post my bail money because I am going to fucking jail. Fuck her long face ass and her bratty ass little girl needs an ass whooping that I am about to deliver to the both of them.
➡️I hate for my heart to cry, my wife. Please, come out.
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