《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》10. Baecation Pt. 2




Damn she is beautiful. I can hardly believe that she is real. When I held her in my arms, her body flush against my own. I could not help but to become hard. That nice big plump ass of hers was pressed firmly against my hardened dick. I leaned down bringing my mouth to her ear. "Be still darling before I fuck you right here right now for all to see because we both know that you have affected me. The proof is pressed firmly against you", I said lowly making sure to brush my lips against her lobe feeling her shiver in my arms.

Every since then I have not been able to keep my eyes off of her. She ignored me though. Acts as if I am just a piece occupying space in the room. I glanced at her out the corner of my eyes. Watching her as she talked and laughed with Naomi.

"-she has a body count higher than her age, but a great personality. Do you date her or pass?", Christian asked the guys.

I hummed mulling over the scenario. "This is one of the few times you have actually said some plausible shit", I commented.

Chris scowled at me flipping me off.

I chuckled, "Careful, bro. Your brother might get jealous", I retorted snidely.

Tristian scoffed ruffling his hair. "Boy, please. You barely kiss good enough", he denied haughtily.

I rolled my eyes, "Yet, you call me daddy after a three second smooch", I countered dully taking a sip of my drink.

"Shadow ball attacked your life with a palm tree", LaLa commented cackling.

Tris kissed his teeth rolling his eyes, but he did not comment further.

"You on hush, the hell? Lucky charms got daddy powers!", LaLa cackled some more.

I think that she has had enough to drink. I gestured for a waitress. A moment later one arrived and I ordered bread and lemon water for LaLa to sober her up a bit. The table suddenly became quiet as the water and bread was placed directly in front of her as per my request.

"Lucky, baby, why is your order in front of me?", she asked lowly, her eyes narrowed into slits.

"I thought that you needed to sober up a bit", I admitted.

She hummed picking up a piece of bread from the basket ripping it then stuffing it into her mouth chewing angrily.

'She is such a good girl when she wants to be", I thought. I sipped my drink throwing glances her way every now and then to monitor her. Everyone else wanted to go down to a club that some locals told us about, but neither her or I was feeling it. So we decided to head back to our suite for the night.

"You, better watch yourself, Lucky charms", LaLa commented from the open doorway of my room.

My eyes scanned her body, slowly drinking her in. She was dressed in a pair of short night shorts with a cropped t-shirt covering her upper half. I myself was lying in bed in a pair of sweats shirtless. I licked my lips trailing my eyes back upwards to meet hers.

"And if I don't?", I drawled.

She scoffed stepping inside of my room.

"Close the door", I told her sitting up in bed.

She stared at me blandly for a few seconds while making no move to do as I had said.

"Close the door", I told her again, rising from the bed.

She placed her hands on her hips narrowing her eyes at me defiantly. I hummed walking towards her. The closer I got to her I noticed the more that she tensed. I walked pass her making sure to purposely brush my body against hers. I closed the door locking it before passing her walking back over to my bed.


"Come lie with me", I called to her as I lied back down in bed.

This time I made sure that there was room for her as well. She did not even hesitate as she walked over to the bed, her hips swaying seductively as she did so. For the first time in the past five years that I have known this woman, this is the first time that we have ever been alone together. I find her extremely beautiful, flaws and all. Honestly, I would not mind being with her more often in this way, just us.

However, things are a bit complicated at the moment. Her and her long term boyfriend of three years have recently broken up after she caught him in bed with Hudson. Let that sink in people. She caught him in bed with another man. Not just any man, but Tristian's then boyfriend. So I doubt that she is looking for anything serious at the moment or at all for that matter.

The thing is, I have taken a liking to LaLa. I am a patient man. I pride myself in being so, but I am not sure how patient I can be with this woman. Waiting for her to work out her newly acquired trust issues. Waiting for her to be ready to put her heart out there on the line again. I could definitely wait, just not forever.

So we lied in bed watching movies. I found out that she is actually big on anime and loves Harry Potter. Under all of the curves and beauty is a huge dork. Spending just that bit of time with her has made me realize that she is a lot like myself actually. We have a lot in common and I hope that we get the chance to spend some more time together alone on this trip. I might have failed to mention something else but a true gentleman never kisses and tell.

When I woke up the next morning she was lying on top of me straddling my waist with her head resting on my chest sleeping. I carded my fingers through her hair slowly trailing them down her back resting my hand on the small of her back. She shifted a bit in her sleep scooting up my body burying her face in the crook of my neck.

"You comfortable?", I mumbled caressing her back.

She hummed kissing my neck sending a shiver of awareness through my body. "Very", she groaned wiggling her hips causing me to let out a groan of pleasure.

When she has scooted up she aligned our sexes perfectly. The wiggling of her hips caused her center to grind against my hardened member.

"Stop moving your hips unless you want me to fuck you on this bed", I warned.

Her hips instantly ceased their movements. "You sounds like such a wannabe Christian Grey fuckboy", she muttered.

I chuckled, dragging my fingers across her back spelling my name letter by letter.

"The irony is that your middle name is Anastasia and your last name is Steele", I thought aloud.

She giggled, "True", she agreed.

We laid like that for a while before a knock sounded at the door.



"Yo! Wake up, Luc! Everyone's eating breakfast together soon!", Christian's unmistakable voice called through the door.

I sighed hugging LaLa's waist tightly not wanting to let her go. "I'll be there, bro!", I called back allowing her to sit upright straddling my waist.

"Good morning, daddy", she said coyly leaning down brushing her lips against mine.

I licked my lips, my tongue brushing hers as well. She shuddered pecking my lips.


"Keep this up and I won't be able to wait much longer", I said lowly cupping her face in the palm of my hand.

She hummed placing a chaste kiss to my lips. "I might now want you to wait much longer", she whispered before pulling away rolling off top of me onto the bed.

I frowned, I enjoyed having her on top of me.

"Are you pouting?", she asked eyeing me.

I shook my head sitting up in bed with my legs crossed. "No. I don't pout, LaLa", I retorted.

She hummed obviously not believing me. "Yeah, okay. Well, I have to go get ready for the day so I will see you at breakfast", she said staring into my eyes saying more with her eyes than she did her mouth.

I nodded, my eyes holding her gaze. Then she turned breaking our eye contact and sauntered out of my room closing the door quietly behind her.

'Ha! Busted, ho!'

"Shut yo' ass up, Naomi!"

I chuckled getting out of bed heading into the ensuite in my bedroom for a shower.

Everyone is at the table except for LaLa. She seems to be taking her sweet time, which I don't usually mind. I get it. I grew up mostly around women so I truly do. However, I could eat an entire cow right about now. That is just how hungry I am at the moment.

"What's taking your girlfriend so long?", Naomi asked sipping on her berry shake.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "She's not my girlfriend", I clarified.

Snorts sounded around the table.

"Seriously, guys?", I asked.

"Yeah, seriously", Nathan responded.

"We ain't stupid, man", Tristian added.

"Dude, she spent the night in your room and we all caught her doing the walk of shame this morning. We all know how you are about your love life so we know that this isn't a one-off, bro", Christian concluded.

I smiled taking my glass of orange juice taking a few sips then placing it back onto the table. I stared out of the window at the view of the city that we had.

'My bad, y'all. It took some time with my hair. Let's grub', LaLa called finally joining us.

I turned my head away from the view and I could of swallowed my tongue. She looked beautiful to put it plain. Although she was not dressed up in the slightest, she still managed to look amazing in a form hugging black and white tracksuit.

"Not my girlfriend, our asses", I heard Nathan mumble from across the table.

I rolled my eyes resisting the urge to say something smart back to his little comment. Coincidentally enough the only available seat at the table was beside me. Cue the eye roll.



"Before we eat we say grace, heathen", Naomi chided wagging her finger at Nathaniel after smacking his hand when he reached towards the food.

He huffed pouting like a child.

"What a bitch", I said snidely.

His eyes narrowed into slits. "Says the bitch that's acting like a bitch in heat over a woman you barely know", he retorted.

My eyes narrowed into slits as I stared across the table at the fucker.

"You're one to talk. You begged like a little bitch for Naomi's number for two fucking weeks, straight. What type of bitch are you, bro?", I hissed.

Naomi made a noise sipping her shake as an obvious way of saying 'I'm not in this'.

"So? It was well fuckin' worth it too, you reject Casper the friendly ghost lookin' ass motherfucker. I bet you use flour for foundation you bitch faced bitch", Nathaniel leered.

Snickers, then laughter at his comeback. I burst out laughing at the look of horror on Christian's face. Tristian had spit his juice clean across the table as he burst out laughing and who was right in the pathway of the flying liquid? His younger brother.

"Fuck, Chris! I'm sorry about that", Tris apologized snickering.

I gave a flat look disregarding their laughter beginning to make my plate.

"Yup, me too, bro", Christian responded.


"You big headed mother-"

"Boys, st- who the hell just threw that!?", Naomi chimes in, in an attempt to defuse the situation.

However, she failed miserably as a piece of fruit bounced off her forehead. I knew who the culprit was but I ain't no snitch bitch. So I sat back taking a bite out of my prepared bagel.

Despite no one giving her up, LaLa snickered exposing her own self.

"Floozy", Naomi hissed throwing a sliced piece of pineapple at her in retaliation.

Unlike everyone else, Naomi did not hit her target. LaLa ducked and I took the slap of cold pineapple the side of my face. It slowly did down the side of my face falling onto my thigh.

"NaNa?", I called slowly sitting my bagel back down onto my plate.

"LuLu?", she squeaked.

I smirked looking perpendicularly across the table, my blues clashing with her brown.

"You'll pay for that later", I stated before taking back up my bagel while at the same time picking up the pineapple slice from my thigh.

I tossed it in her general direction not intending to hit her at all. The slice landed perfectly within her plate and she visibly relaxed letting out a relieved sigh.

LaLa and I snuck away from the group. We are currently walking through the shops side by side. The wind was blowing ruffling my hair, tickling my scalp. My hair was reverting back to a more natural tone once again and I was really feeling the way that it brings out my facial features. I wanted to talk to LaLa about something that would determine if we would continue to build whatever we have at the moment.

"Lelita?", I said seriously ending her rambling about the buildings we saw.

"Shit! You whipped out a bitch's government. Was I talking to much? Di-", I shook my head placing my pointer finger to her lips shushing her.

She stared up into my eyes curiously.

"It was nothing like that. You are fine. I just need to talk to you about something important", I assured removing my finger from her lips.

She nodded her head curtly while rubbing her lips together to evenly redistribute her lipgloss. We walked for a little while longer before finding a spot at a big fountain on a bench.

"So what is it? You better not be about to tell me that you got a girlfriend neither", LaLa demanded with her hands resting on her thighs.

I cleared my throat. "How do you feel about kids?", I asked.

"Lucky, I ain't having you no kid right now. We just began talking", she responded.

I smirked, "Not now, but it's nice to know that you would", I teased.

She rolled her eyes, "Boy, shut up", she said flatly.

"On a serious note, what do you think?", I said seriously.

She just stared at me blandly. "They're evil vile little creatures", she retorted.

I eyed her curiously, "Seriously?", I questioned disappointedly.

She burst out laughing. "No, fool. I love children. I want seven of my own one-day. Why?", she laughed looking at me as if I were an idiot.

I let out a sigh of relief. We are still going somewhere together. At least for now.

"I do too", I admitted.

She smiled, "You don't really seem like the type with your crude humor and grouchy attitude", she retorted.

"Well I do", I said.

She hummed rubbing her hands on her thick thighs.

"I have something to tell you", I told her.

Her face scrunched up confusion. "Lucky, if you tell me you got a girlfriend or hoes we go-", I interest her, partially blurting out the truth.

"Lelita, I have not been entirely honest with you about myself", I blurted.

Silence. She had instantly fallen silent, the sounds of the water in the fountain being the only thing heard between us.

"Say something", I plead.

"Tell me", she lowly stated.

"I have a child. I have a baby girl that is my world and before we go any further, I thought that I should let you know about her so that you fully know what getting involved with me entails. Because if you cannot accept my baby girl than you do not accept me. We are a two for one. There is no one without the other. I like you. You interest me a lot, but my daughter comes first in all of this", I confessed.

She remained silent for a while, simply staring into my eyes.

"Are you still with her mother?", she asked.

"No, but we are still friends", I answered truthfully.

"How old is she?", she questioned.

I smiled, "She is four months", I stated proudly.

LaLa hummed, "One last question. May I see a picture of her?", she said.

I nodded taking out my phone showing her a picture of my heart. It was a selfie in black and white I had taken while holding her. I made it my lock screen so that I could see my baby all of the time whether I was with her or away from her.

I grinned staring at my phone screen. She cooed taking my phone out of my hand to better examine the picture.

"Look those little chubby cheeks. She is adorable", LaLa fisher handing me back my phone.

"Of course, she's my child", I commented arrogantly.

She rolled her eyes, "Let's hope that she doesn't act like you", she retorted offhandedly.

I scoffed, "I have a great personality", I denied.

She shook her head while leaning back a bit dipping her hand in the fountain into the water. "Sure, baby", she said sarcastically.

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