《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》9. Baecation Pt. 1
"So you saying that Auqaman got hoes?", Lucky questioned Christian.
"For sho'. I mean, my man's name says it all. He literally gets ass all of the time. I mean ass all across the seven seas", Christian argued in defense of his previous statement.
From what I have gathered, the guys were talking about superheroes and villains. I had been out shopping for our trip with Tristian to find Neil's living room full of men arguing over comic book characters.
"All of y'all shut the fuck up! At the end of the day, all of them get more ass than all of y'all combined", Tristian chided sitting his shopping bags on the floor behind the couch.
"Says the backwards lesbian", Lucky retorted being Lucky.
"You would know, daddy. How about a repeat of last night?", Tristian challenged smirking.
The oddest thing happened. Lucky blushed. Fake gags were heard from Nathaniel and Christian while the rest of us let out noises of astonishment and disbelief.
"When the hell was this and where was I?", I asked incredulously, gapping still.
"Close your mouth, baby. Don't want everyone finding out what that mouf do, bae", Neil called bringing me out of my stupor.
"Shut up, Neil", I said with an eye roll.
I did not miss his smirk neither, but I chose to ignore it.
"Lucky, you out here indulging in sugar?", Christian teases causing those icy blue eyes to zero in on him.
"Shut the fuck up", Lucky growled.
The guys snickered while I shook my head before pausing, a thought coming to mind.
"Hold the hell up! Tris', you have a boyfriend!", I hissed.
He rolled his big blues placing his hands on his hips. "Had, I had a boyfriend. Just like all of my other exes, he ain't shit neither", he responded noncommittal.
I sighed shaking my head. I had really liked Hudson. I will find out the deets later, but for now I have a best friend to cheer up. Although Tristian does not show it, I know that he is hurt by this.
"Where the fuck is the little bitch at!?", an angry Christian spat.
Tristian sighed walking over to his younger brother who looked ready to commit murder, hugging him tightly. I was not sure who the hug was meant to comfort more, Chris or Tris?
However, I watched adoringly as Christian hugged his older brother tightly kissing him on the cheek. I awed feeling myself begin to tear up. I sniffled, arms wrapping around me. From his scent alone I knew that it was my baby, Neil.
"Hormones?", he asked.
I shook my head attempting to go join their hug, but Neil held fast. "Baby, I want some brotherly love too", I whined making grabby hands in their direction.
He chuckled kissing my head holding me slightly tighter. "You are going to ruin the moment. Let me hold you instead, baby", he cooed rubbing my stomach.
I pouted allowing him to hold me. I wanted to revel in the moment a while longer so I snapped a quick couple of pictures of the brothers hugging. This was a rare moment and probably would not occur again for a while.
"Okay, enough of this mushy shit", Tristian said ruining the moment.
"No!", Chris whined peppering Tris' face with kisses annoying him to no end as he tried to squirm out of his grasp.
Out the corner of my eyes I could see Lucky watching with a gentle smile on his face.
"Stahp!", Tristian whined.
"No!", Chris mocked.
"Boy! Get off!", Tris exclaimed mushing Chris' face.
"Love me big brother!", Chris exclaimed.
"Lucky gave me a facial last night", Tris blurted effectively forcing Christian to release him.
The once gentle smile fell into a flat line as his eyes narrowed into a menacing glare. The North Pole were swirling in those icy blues.
"Tristian do not go there! It was just a drunken kiss that you gave me. I am still in the works of becoming Na-Na's stepdad", Lucky quipped.
The guys fell out in laughter while I scoffed in disgust.
"Lucky, I am done with you", I said before waddling in the kitchen with Nathaniel still attached to me.
I grumbled under my breath as I waddled around the kitchen with Neil still attached to me, making three sandwiches.
"Baby?", Neil said after I was done with my monologue.
I hummed, "Yup?", I responded.
"I'm sorry for being friends with those idiots", he said making me giggle.
"Me too, babe", I apologized as well.
We ate our sandwiches while talking about my shopping trip with Tris before heading back into the living room where the whole squad was now scattered about talking about the trip.
Three hours later and we're on a private jet heading to Barcelona. Groupon is the goat.
"I can't wait to get off of this plane", I groaned sipping on my ginger ale.
My stomach was tumbling and I felt very nauseous. Neil had been lying with his head resting on my shoulder caressing my stomach to relieve some of my stomach woes before falling asleep a little while ago. I continued to card my finger through his blond tresses while scrolling through my Twitter timeline as a distraction.
"Na-Na, you good over there?", Lucky called from across the way.
"I'm swell, Lucky Charms", I responded feigning excitement.
He rolled his eyes, "If you're going to barf, aim for Nathaniel's face. Shit would be hilarious", he said coyly.
I looked at him blandly as I locked my phone. "Shut up, Lu-", I shoved Neil's head from my lap sending him to the floor startled awake while I quickly got to my feet making a mad dash for the restroom.
I felt a hand on my back rubbing soothing circles into my back while another gathered my hair into a ponytail holding my hair out of my face. I spent a few minutes over the toilet before I finally felt that nothing else would come up. I grimaced at the bad taste in my mouth before muttering a 'thank you' to Neil as I stood up straight. He kissed me on the forehead releasing my hair allowing it to fall back down my back.
"Baby?", he said lowly.
"Yeah?", I muttered.
"You should rinse your mouth out", he whispered.
"I know", I agreed wrapping my arm around his midsection hugging him.
"I meant now", he strained.
I hummed, "I know", I said.
"Omi?", he said warningly.
I stared up into his eyes smirking. "Give me sugar", I said rising on my tippy toes to reach his lips.
His face scrunched up as I hopped a bit to reach his lips, just missing them on my first attempt.
"Nuh-uh. Your breath stinks", he denied turning his head.
I hopped up again kissing him on the cheek. He again avoided my kiss as much as he could while I repeatedly hopped kissing his face. I was only doing this to annoy him for fun. I knew that my breath stinks, but he could have said it nicer. Who am I trying to fool? He said it as nice as possible, but it still is fun messing with him.
"Help!", he shouted placing both of his hands on my breasts.
I paused staring at him curiously.
"Why are you holding my breasts?", I asked.
He smirked, "To distract you, and I wanted to", he responded noncommittal.
I rolled my eyes, "Distract me for what?", I questioned further.
"For this", he responded nonchalantly giving them a squeeze then spinning out of my grasp running out of the restroom laughing.
I shook my head laughing to myself as I picked up the mouthwash from the holder on the counter.
"This shit is dope", Chris commented as we all stared around in awe at our hotel suite.
"Yup, but let's go unpack, babe", Neil said taking my hand in his leading me up the stairs to the bedroom he had picked out for us.
He carried three duffle bags while I rolled our huge suitcase upstairs into our bedroom. We unpacked and took a shower before taking a much needed nap.
"Wake ya asses up! We're all going down by the beach to explore a bit!" LaLa
We groaned, Neil burying his head into the crook of my neck.
"Fuck off!", he growled his arms tightening around me.
"Come on! We've already lost some daylight! Get up, bro!" Lucky.
"Go away!", I whined.
"Fuck it! Get the pot." Tristian.
'Pot?', I thought.
"FUCK!", Neil shouted, most of the water having wet him.
I pried my tired eyes open as he detached himself from me slowly rising out of bed. I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes watching as everyone slowly began to back away from the bed.
"I am going to murder you bitches!", Neil growled sending everyone screaming, running out of our bedroom for their lives.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
We had found a cute little ice cream shop where had got some ice cream before heading down by the beach. Barcelona is beautiful. The people for the most part are friendly and the food is delicious.
"Hi, guys! Do you want to hangout later tonight? Me and my girls can show you around for a good time", a heavy Spanish voice called.
I had been sharing a strawberry shake with Neil when a girl called out to us from a passing group heading in the opposite direction as us.
"Nope, we good! Thanks though", LaLa responded for the group.
"We were not talking to you! We were talking your friends. Our cabs won't hold your weight caliber, but maybe you and your other big friend can walk to the ice cream shop again?", the girl said snidely.
"Bitch! Who the fuck do you think you are!? I will smack da silicone out ya fuckin' face!", LaLa spat.
"La, calm down, bambina", I cooed trying to pacify my friend.
Laughter was heard from the group of girls. That set her off even more as they muttered to one another throwing glances our way and laughing once again.
"Speak, English, ho! Don't mumble and mutter! Speak up so we all can la- hmph", Lucky places his hand over LaLa's mouth pulling her back against his front.
She squirmed in his grasp bucking trying to get free. His hold visibly tightened on her waist as he muttered something into her ear only for her ears to hear. I watched this look cross my friend's face, but it was gone almost as soon as it came as her resistance ceased.
"Look girls, untrained pets. They act like apes", said the ring leader in her heavy Spanish ascent sending her friends into another bout of laughter.
"Look guys, untrained hoes. Their pimp just lets them run amuck", Tristian retorted sassily mocking the girl in a terrible Spanish ascent.
Gasps were heard from the group of girls as some of them stared at him incredulously while a few held disgust.
"What, you just expected for us to stand by and let you disrespect our women?", Lucky called coldly, drawing their attention to himself rather than Tristian.
"For us to let you degrade and say hurtful things to them while watching wordlessly?", Christian added darkly.
"I don't know who you have been dealing with but we are not them. I am not him. You will not disrespect my better half in such a manner. What is it with you frill ass little girls? Does it hurt to see a woman of bigger stature have something you don't? Is that why you feel the need to be such bitches to other females? Jealousy? Or is it envy? You need to grow up because no guy or woman is ever going to want more than a quick fuck from you. If you thought that that was what you were going to get from us than you definitely have the wrong ones. Now walk your plastic palm trees built asses on to wherever the hell you were going and fuck off!", Neil quipped.
Howls of laughter sounded from the guys. LaLa who had settled comfortably in Lucky's arms was laughing behind his hand. Hell, even I was giggling. I felt no sympathy for them. They had insulted my friend and I, tried to pick up the boys, my man, and upset my friend. They got exactly what they were looking for.
Neil stared at them blandly as they spat words at us quickly in Spanish. Too quick for us to comprehend what they were saying. You could understand phrases here and there, and to sum it up, they were cursing us out.
"Yeah, yeah! Let's go find a spot to eat. I'm hungry", Chris exasperated obviously having been just as done with them as the rest of us were.
We all agreed and began walking away.
"-cows!-", I have never seen LaLa move so fast in my life.
She charged at the group only to be lifted off of her feet and restrained by Lucky. I was impressed as hell. Compared to LaLa, Lucky is a flower against a raging bull. Yet, he shut her down effortlessly.
I pouted watching Nathaniel suck down our shake. I snatched it from his hand taking a sip letting out a hum of contentment. Suddenly, my hand is empty and the shake is on the ground at my feet spilled over the pavement.
My eyes began to water as I stared down at my fallen drink. I sniffled. "My shake", I whined.
"Don't be snatching shit from me, Omi", Nathaniel deadpans.
A tear spilled from my eyes. "You monster", I whimpered.
He rolled his eyes, "I will buy you a new one my cry baby", he said pulling me into a bear hug.
I squirmed in his arms trying to wiggle free of his grasp but failed miserably.
"Omi?", he cooed.
I huffed, "What?", I practically growled with my face buried in his chest.
He chuckled popping me on the butt. "Watch that attitude. I said that I will buy you another one", he said.
I rolled my eyes pulling my face from his chest. "And I don't care", I retorted.
He raised a brow as he stared down into my eyes. "Cute, Mrs. Vitro", he drawled.
I grinned, "Ain't I just the cutest?", I teased rising up on my tippy toes.
"And the sexiest, most beautifulest, gorgeous-est woman I have ever met, and you're all mine", he responded seriously leaning in.
Our lips met and everyone along with everything disappeared. In that moment it was just the two of us.
"Bruh!", our friends chorused.
We laughed adding tongue just to further annoy them.
"Just nasty" Lucky.
Neil moaned loudly, his hands traveling down to my butt giving it a firm squeeze.
"See, that's why ya ass pregnant now" LaLa.
He smacked my butt squeezing it again forcing a moan from me.
"A whole damn shame" Tris.
Neil momentarily broke the kiss not being able to resist responding any longer. "And y'all a whole bunch of lonely bitches", he retorted before literally shoving his tongue back into my mouth.
I bit his tongue causing him to jerk his head backwards.
"Ow!", he said dramatically, his eyes narrowed into slits.
I pecked him on the lips. "That's enough. I'm hungry", I said.
He pouted, "Later?", he asked widening his eyes.
I rolled my eyes smiling fondly at my childish man. "Later", I confirmed.
He whooped, "Onwards, hoes!", he exclaimed.
Then there was a chorus of, 'Who and the fuck you calling a ho?!'
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