《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 24
"LEAVE ME!!" Daud shrugged his arm from his father's tight hold. "I have to go to Nawal and talk to her. She will listen to me. I know she will," he muttered.
Ibrahim had dragged his son to the wet local park. It was dangerous to stay near the house. Daud was not in his senses. The rain had subsided but wetness was felt everywhere. The grey clouds were above them and no sign of the sun. Desolately, Ibrahim watched his son maddeningly speaking to himself, "Daud, beta, please it's over now. Think of your future with Susan."
Blood shot blue eyes met Ibrahim's, "I will not marry a woman that the whole family despises. Was it wrong for me to desire to marry a Muslim girl? I know I sinned in the past but does that mean I will be punished for the rest of my life. I thought Allah is Most Forgiving. Where is His forgiveness when I pleaded Him?"
He shook his head vigorously, "My prayers were never heard when I was a child and they are still not answered." Tears clouded his eyes, "All my life I was never given what I wanted. I ... I wanted love from those who are mine. But all I got was their scornful gaze and rejection. Rejection at each and every step of my life. Then when you gave me the job at the company I had gladly taken it and worked day and night to prove my worth. I was looked over. Why Dad? Why? Just because I am half white? And now..." he swallowed the emotional lump in his throat and then hoarsely continued, "All I wished was for Nawal, Dad. All I wished..." his shoulders shook as tears dribbled from his eyes. There in the local park he sank to his knees weeping and cried loudly to express his grief. His pain. His emptiness.
Dejectedly, Ibrahim watched his broken son. He was the reason behind his son's loss. The mistake of not listening to his elders led him to this day where he was unable to provide happiness to his only son...
It had been few months since Ibrahim had moved to Dublin with his family. In the last few weeks, he had made a new friend. Chloe. He didn't know how to speak much to her as his English was still not fluent but she understood him. This started their bond. A connection that didn't need words. Even glancing at him, she understood him. Months passed to years and when it was time to graduate from the high school, Ibrahim was restless and anxious. How will he live without seeing his Chloe every single day?
"What have you decided about applying to UCD?" He asked her the umpteenth time.
"I can't Ibrahim. You know why" she sighed, "I wish my parents could afford it. Even if I find work I will not be able to pay for my fee."
"I will miss you, Chloe,"
She smiled remorsefully, "I will always be here for you. All you have to do is come to me."
He nodded slightly, "I know but with university I will get busy. So you have decided to join the local college to become a kindergarten teacher?"
Her smile grew, "Yes I finally got their acceptance letter. I love working with children and I know I will enjoy this course and soon I will start work."
Time passed. Years flew by. But Ibrahim had made a habit of meeting Chloe during the weekends. They would just have a stroll in the St. Stephens Green Park but it was their special time. And if it was too cold or wet they would just savour coffee in one of the cafes and talk for hours. With each day, his feelings grew for her that it was becoming too hard to stay away from her. When he graduated, he expressed his inner most feelings. He knew she felt the same way.
On that autumn afternoon, among the rustling of golden and red leaves, he took her hands in his, "I love you Chloe. I can't imagine my life without you. Make me the happiest man and marry me."
Tears of happiness had glistened in her blue eyes and her lips wobbled, "Yes."
She had wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him for the first time. He had hugged her back thinking he had found happiness at last. But he was outright wrong.
That night when he spoke to his father, it was as if a disaster had struck in his household, "YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY A WHITE WOMAN? ARE YOU MAD?"
"No I am not." He answered without abating a single eyelash.
"She is a non-Muslim did you think of that?" Adil pointed out.
"I can marry a Christian woman. I asked the Imam at Dublin mosque. He said the Quran allows a man to marry the women from the People of the Book. In Surah Maidah it is said, "(Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time― when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues. If anyone rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good)."" [Quran 5:5].
"I don't care," huffed Adil, "I don't approve of you marrying that woman and that is final." He said in his authoritative voice.
Ibrahim squared his shoulders and looked straight at his father's eyes, "I also asked in Islam I don't need anyone's permission to marry who I want."
Adil stiffened, "So you will defy me for that woman?"
"I have a right to marry who I want Abba. I want your blessings that's all I ask."
"Get out. If you want to marry that woman don't ever come back to this house." Adil pointed at the door.
Adil's wife Fatima cried, "Don't do this. I beg of you. Ibrahim will listen. He will. I will talk to him."
Ibrahim shook his head, "Nahi Ammi. I am leaving. I am not going to stay here if my decision is not respected."
That was the last day Ibrahim spent at his parental home. He moved out and immediately married Chloe in a simple nikkah ceremony held at the masjid by the imam. He never forced her to convert and she never said on the matter. They both respected their religions. Their life as a married couple was struggling. They both worked hard to follow their dreams of living a comfortable life. But deep down, Ibrahim felt hollow, living in the same city he never met his parents or brothers. Years passed and they were blessed with a child. A child that Ibrahim hoped would bridge the distances between his family and him.
He had called his mother to break the news that Chloe is pregnant, "I miss you, beta. Apologize Ibrahim and your father will accept you and Chloe." Fatima had sobbed over the phone.
Ibrahim felt guilty and promised to come soon. When the baby was born, he asked his tired wife at the hospital, "What should we name him?"
"David" she had whispered in exhaustion.
"To you he will be David but to the world he will be Daud," pondered out loud Ibrahim.
She had nodded with a small smile lingering on her lips.
Within a week, Ibrahim had taken the baby to his parents' home. Hoping that seeing the first grandchild will soften his father's heart.
"Abba," his eyes pleaded and he glanced at his mother for support.
Fatima spoke up, "Sunaye (Listen), look at the baby. Our first grandson."
"Tell him to leave Fatima." Adil had not turned to glance at his son or grandson.
"Please just once, leave your anger." She implored.
"I have made my decision and I will not change," Adil gritted his teeth.
That was the last time Ibrahim met his parents for a long time. The mending of the family ties came with a price. A big price. The loss of his mother's life. She had begged her husband to reunite with his son and his family on her deathbed. Reluctantly, Adil had fulfilled his dying wife's last wish.
But broken ties were not strong anymore.
There was still hatred and anger under the surface.
Daud and Chloe suffered for decades in silence. Ibrahim never again refuted his father. He had lost one parent, he didn't want to lose another.
But it had cost his son's happiness and today as Ibrahim stood watching his shattered son, he felt guilty. Very guilty. He had seen injustice towards his son at every stage of his life but he was helpless. Hopelessly helpless.
As the clouds clashed together, the lightning sparkled and the thunder boomed in the city. Ibrahim lifted his eyes and tears leaked from his eyes,
"Ya Allah help Daud find his happiness."
"Have you gone mad?" shouted Muhammad when there was no one except the immediate family left in the living room.
Salman eyebrows furrowed.
Seema swallowed, "Inshaa Allah they will be good for each other." she tried to soothe her husband.
"I have said this before and I am saying this again that girl is not mature enough to be Salman's wife."
Adil said in his domineering voice, "Muhammad now is not the time to criticize. Much is needed to be done before the nikkah."
"Abba I want the best for my son." Muhammad defended.
"Nawal will be good for him inshaa Allah. Now it's better you happily accept this union." Adil advised.
Muhammed huffed, "You will regret this Salman when time comes and you will agree with me."
Seema shook her head in disappointment but a doubt lingered in her heart and she prayed silently that his words don't come true.
There was only one hour left for the nikkah. The nikkah was at the masjid right after the Asr (late afternoon prayer) and then following with a grand dinner at one of the luxurious hotels in Dublin. Fiza and Samreen were running around with last minute errands. Faraz had been out for collecting the garlands and corsages from the floral shop. As he stepped in the house, he immediately detected the change in the atmosphere. Ghazala was enthusiastically ordering Samreen about changing the children's clothes. There was a contentment on his mother's face that he hadn't seen for a long time. His gaze flickered at his father who was sitting numbly at the corner of the living room. He was lost in his thoughts staring blankly at Daniyal who was playing with his toy car sliding it across the living room floor.
Cautiously, he approached his father and place his hand on his shoulder, "Dad? What is it?"
Despondent eyes that were surrounded by stress lines lifted to Faraz, "I failed Faraz. I failed."
Faraz's eyebrows knotted, "What happened?"
"I just pray she finds happiness with him." Shabbir whispered.
Faraz knelt down and placed his hand on his father's knee, "Tell me Dad what you are talking about?"
"It's okay Faraz. Your father is trying to accept the turn of events," Ghazala chirped from behind him.
Faraz looked over his shoulder at his delighted mother, "What events?"
"Daud's dirty secrets were out. We broke the engagement and now Salman has stepped up to marry Nawal," she grinned as she broke the news.
Faraz shot to his feet and spun around to face his mother, "What does Nawal has to say to this?"
"She has to accept it, doesn't she? She has no choice," she shrugged nonchalantly.
"What exactly was Daud's crime?" Faraz asked, his eyes narrowing.
"All this time he had a woman and a child hiding from the world. When the secret was out he said he will marry that woman as well as Nawal." Her lips curled in displeasure, "As if I would allow that," she said disdainfully.
"I am not surprised Mom." Samreen murmured as she eyed her husband, "No man can be faithful to one woman. He will cheat one way or another."
Faraz ignored his wife's taunts that was directed at him. They had a very stressful last few days and he was in no mood to further argue with her. Instead, he was worried about his sister, "I will go and speak to Nawal." He didn't believe his mother's words. He wanted to make sure his sister was happy with the changes.
Ghazala stepped in front of him, "No you will not. The makeup artist is there at the moment. You can talk to her later."
"It would be too late. I need to know if she is happy with this." He pointed out.
"Faraz our honour is at stake. How can you think of anything else right now?" accused Ghazala.
"Mom!! Nawal's happiness is the most important. I don't give a damn about honour. People will talk one way or another. Do you think they will keep quiet when they see the groom has changed?" Faraz's anger was rising by the minute.
Ghazala eyes widened, "It has been settled. I don't want you interfering in this."
"I am her eldest brother. I have responsibility of her." Faraz fired back.
"Your parents are still alive. You are not her wali (guardian). Her father is. And he agrees with me."
Faraz stepped back, "Dad is her wali but I am her elder brother. If there is anyone after Dad it is me to look after her. I am going upstairs." With that he left. Ghazala wasn't able to stop him.
Faraz skidded up the stairs, worry escalating with each step. He knocked on his sister's door, the makeup artist opened the door and raised her eyebrow inquisitively. "I am here to see my sister."
She nodded, "Yes we are actually done. I was just leaving," She stepped back allowing Faraz to enter the room.
On a chair in front of the dresser sat his gorgeous sister. She looked like an ideal desi bride in a bright red traditional bridal dress and heavy gold and gems jewellery. The make-up was flawless highlighting her facial features. Everything was perfect except for her eyes. They were empty and lost.
When the make up artist left the room, he murmured, "Nawal?" he took her stunning henna adorned hand in his and flinched at how cold it was. There was no response from her.
He lightly shook her shoulder, "Nawal?"
She blinked and her eyes lifted to her brother. They were devoid of any emotions. Panic was rising within him, "Nawal speak to me."
She remained silent.
He pressed her hand, "I will stop everything if you want me. I will fight everyone for you. Just say so Nawal."
She stared at her brother for a long time. A brother who had always been there to protect her. A brother who had fought for her. But this time, no one will save her. No one. The only one to hear cries was the One above all His creations. She only pursued His help.
"Are you sure? I can see you are not happy." His apprehensive eyes scrutinized her.
"Leave me."
She stood and turned away from him.
She heard her brother leave quietly. Shutting her eyes, she braced herself for what was coming next.
She had been adorned for the ultimate sacrifice. A sacrifice of her happiness.
To her, she had been embellished for her death. She will be stepping in her grave tonight.
Death of her dreams.
Death of her love.
Death of her life.
An hour later, Shabbir with his two elder sons entered Nawal's room to get her consent. "I will represent you at the masjid beti," he said unable to meet his daughter's eyes.
Ghazala sat beside Nawal gaily and eagerly for the ceremony to commence and her dream to become a reality.
"Do you Nawal Ahmed accept Salman Siddique as your husband for the appointed Mehr?" Shabbir asked in his wavering voice.
Again he repeated the same question, "Do you Nawal Ahmed accept Salman Siddique as your husband for the appointed Mehr?"
For the first time, since stepping in the room, Shabbir looked at his daughter and beseeched, "Beti."
Ghazala was irritated and agitated. "Nawal" she warned in a stern voice.
Shabbir cleared his throat and repeated the question, "Do you Nawal Ahmed accept Salman Siddique as your husband for the appointed Mehr?"
Ghazala pinched Nawal's arm hard to get a reaction out of her. But Nawal was oblivious to any pain. The butchering of her soul had made her feel nothing. Nothing at all. All this time, she had her head bent down. Her eyes were downcast. Now she raised her head and her eyes scanned at the people around her. Her so called family putting her up on the pedestal of sacrifice. Her accusing eyes sent daggers at her father. Tears filled her eyes but she stubbornly controlled them. Not blinking and not wincing as her skin was bruised under her mother's onslaughts.
She said the words that would bury her happiness.
The words that suffocated her.
The words that killed her soul.
"I do."
Ghazala sighed in relief. "Mubarak, Mubarak," she chanted. People embraced each other in cheerfulness. She sat there as a beautified porcelain doll with no feelings, no emotions and definitely no heart.
Standing in front of the mirror, Salman buttoned his black Sherwaani that was ornamented with zardosi embroidery on the collar and the cuffs. Since the moment, it was decided that Nawal was to be his bride, his smile never faltered. He was freshly showered and trimmed his beard. There standing in his 6 feet height, he looked like a Raja (Prince). In the preceding months, the immense work out had definitely defined his muscles and even built his abs muscles. The Sherwaani emphasized his broad shoulders and wide chest. His hypnotising black eyes were as dark and deep as the night sky. Today, they were sparkled with happiness and triumph. His hair was black as the panther's fur that was gelled back in a graceful hairstyle.
His demeanour and his appearance symbolized power and strength. Slapping his cheek and neck with aftershave and spraying a fougere perfume, he was ready for his wedding. Glancing at his appearance one last time, he contemplated.
His childhood longing was to be fulfilled.
His love will be his once and for all in front of the world and Allah.
He had achieved the impossible, breaking down all barriers.
It was time to live his dream.
At the Clonskeagh mosque, men were gathered around the groom and the father of the bride. There was harmonious silence as the men awaited for the nikkah ceremony to be concluded. Friends and family were notified in a short time and all were there to well-wish the newly married couple.
"You are representing your daughter at the nikkah?" the Imam probed in confirmation.
Defeated, shoulders drooping, Shabbir gave his affirmation. The Imam nodded and started the nikkah ceremony.
"Do you accept Salman Siddique as the husband of Nawal Ahmed for the appointed mehr?"
"I do." Shabbir said with bleak eyes brimmed with tears.
The Imam turned to Salman, "Do you Salman Siddique accept Nawal Ahmed for the appointed mehr?"
Confidently his voice echoed in the mosque, "I do."
With these few words, she had become his. All barriers were faded away. There was an influx of men who embraced the groom and the father of the bride. When Shabbir turned to embrace Salman he broke in tears and whispered in his son in law's ear, "She was a princess in my household. Treat her like your queen Salman. She deserves no less."
As Salman pulled back, he tried to comfort his new father in law, "I promise you Khalu, I will always take care of her and try my best to provide her with all the happiness which is within my reach."
But this promise was not to be fulfilled.
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