《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 23
The clouds were lashing heavily. The winds blew harshly. The rain was speeding by the minute flooding the low grounds. There were darkness and murkiness spreading through Dublin. It seemed nature was weeping of the turn of the events. The thick grey clouds hovered over the ancient Celtic city obstructing any kind of warmth and sunshine.
Adil Siddiqui was incognizant of the dreadful, dull and cold weather. Rather his wrinkled dark eyes under the grey thick eyebrows pierced through the young woman and the baby in question. He had quietly listened to his eldest son's narration of the past. His jaw muscles tensed. How could his blood make the same mistake again? Falling in love with a white woman. But he had expected this long time back all because of bringing a white woman in the family. The mistake his son had made more than thirty years ago had destroyed the upcoming generations. He loathed that woman to cast her spell on his innocent son but most of all he despised that his son didn't obey his command.
Daud Siddiqui had proven he was his father's son. But this time, the sin was severe. Daud had gone far in impregnating a woman and abandoning her and the child. It was time to take action once and for all. He would not be opposing this union instead initiating it for the sake of the child.
The grip on Adil's cane strengthened and he rose to his feet. His penetrating eyes shifted at the different people sitting in the living room. Ibrahim and Muhammad were both seated on the single sofa, while Chloe, Susan and Seema were settled on the large three seater sofa. Daud was standing by the window and blindly gazing out at the rain. Salman stood on the other side of the room quietly observing the scene unfolding in front of him.
"Seema go call your sister and tell her to come here with her husband this instance. Nawal's parents should know about this. Then and only then the decision will be made." Adil demanded in his authoritative voice.
Seema nodded and rushed off to make the call.
With contempt, he glanced at the baby in the young woman's arms, "Is the child even Muslim?"
Daud clenched his jaw and bit out, "Yes he is. He is named Yousef Siddique."
Adil glared at his eldest grandson, "You better not show your fury at me, boy. This is the result of your own sins. And it is time you are accountable of those sins."
Daud's hands on his sides curled into fists hard until the veins on the back of his hands were easily visible. He stepped forward to retaliate but when his gaze flicked to his mother, he stilled. She had fear in her eyes and she slightly shook her head, silently communicating with her son. He heaved heavily and instead walked out of the room to the backyard to smoke. This was giving him immense stress. His head was throbbing, standing at the covered part of the backyard he puffed smoke in the rain.
His mind was reeling through all the different options. His eyes lifted to the darkened heavens.
"Ya Allah help me."
Just as his eyelids lowered a realization hit him.
There was a solution and his religion provided the answers he had been pursuing.
"Baji, you and bhai need to come here fast. There is some shocking news about Daud," Seema whispered on the phone.
"What do you mean?" Ghazala asked as she was taking out Nawal's wedding dress out of her closet.
"He is not what he seems."
Ghazala's eyebrows knotted, "What?"
"Just come here fast." Seema said breathlessly.
"Fine fine. I will be there in a few minutes." Ghazala muttered.
Taking the dress, Ghazala went to Shahbaz's room and knocked. When Fiza greeted her at the door Ghazala handed the dress to her, "Fiza I want you to keep Nawal busy for a while. Don't let her come out of her room. This is her dress. Get her dressed but don't leave her side."
Shahbaz approached the two women and questioningly arched his eyebrow, "Shahbaz I want you to accompany me and your father to Seema's house. Something is not right. She mentioned news about Daud."
Fiza's eyes widened and she nodded slowly taking the dress in her hands and quietly making her way to Nawal's room.
Nawal was critically analysing her reflection at the full-length mirror, "why do I feel I am about to get a zit on my cheek," she groaned.
Fiza laid the dress on Nawal's pink dress and giggled tensely, "You are fretting over nothing. You look beautiful. C'mon why don't I apply ubtan (a body scrub made from turmeric, herbs and herbal oil especially used for brides) on your arms and legs and then you can take your bath before the makeup artist comes."
Nawal pouted as she turned around facing Fiza, "Can you do me a favour? Please pretty please."
Fiza tilted her head inquisitively.
"Can you get my phone from Mom? She confiscated my phone two days back. I just want to talk to Daud for two minutes. I just want to hear his voice and know he is fine." Nawal's eyes grew large imploringly.
"I ... I ... I don't think that is a good idea." Fiza cleared her throat, "I mean you better have patience. You can talk as much as you want tonight with him inshaa Allah. Now don't you want to look special for Daud bhai? No more nakhra (attitude)."
Quietly, Nawal conceded and went to change in shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt so Fiza could scrub her arms and legs freely.
Fiza applied the fragrant yellow paste on Nawal's smooth waxed leg, "Mashaa Allah your skin is glowing. Daud bhai will be really happy." She was trying her best to distract Nawal. She started chatting more about Daud and soon Nawal qualms lessened.
Fiza hoped she can engage Nawal in a conversation for a long time until everything settles.
But nothing was to be settled.
There was an eerie silence as Dada jaan spoke loud and clearly revealing Daud's deepest secret. Ghazala's eyes rounded, Shabbir sat frozen in his place and Shahbaz hand balled into fists ready to make serious damage.
"This is Daud's son." Adil declared pointing at the young child in his Mom's arms. Susan's eyes were downcast unable to look at the scornful gazes of so many strangers. Yousef was asleep in her arms peacefully, unaware of the tense atmosphere around him.
This was the last draw that Ghazala could stand. She shot up to her feet and marched to Daud. "How could you?" accused Ghazala stared fiercely at Daud. His head was bowed down. Stepping towards him, she grabbed his arm, "Do you think I will give my daughter's hand in marriage to a characterless man like you?"
"Mom, calm down" Shahbaz gently rounded his arm over his mother's shoulders and pulled her away from the tall man. Ghazala buried her face in her son's chest, "I told her not to think of this despicable man to marry. But she didn't listen to me," her voice muffled against Shahbaz's shirt.
Shahbaz glared from over his mother's head and gritted his teeth, "this is very low. Very low indeed. It is good we found out now. Nawal would have suffered all her life. A life of deception. You expected to start new relations when you had not even amended your old relations."
"What could you expect from a half white man? Allah knows what other dirty secrets he is hiding," spat Ghazala vehemently.
Ghazala poisonous words led to a deafening silence. Breathing heavily, Daud stepped forward and looked at his Dada jaan, "I will amend my ways." He said vociferously grabbing everyone's attention. "I will marry Susan." There were gasps heard in the room. Startled, Susan's eyes lifted to Daud. "But I will also marry Nawal."
It was like an explosion had erupted in the house.
"How dare you even think of marrying my daughter after all you have done?" Ghazala screeched struggling to get away from Shahbaz arms.
Daud coolly replied, "Why not aunty? Doesn't Islam allow polygny? I know I will be able to take care of both of them." He defended confidently.
"You swine my daughter will not marry a man who plans to take another wife," yelled Ghazala.
"Bas" roared Adil standing tall.
Ghazala quietened and stopped struggling with Shahbaz. Daud's gaze shifted to his grandfather waiting for his ultimate verdict.
"Daud is right. He can marry both the women he wants. But provided the girl and her wali (guardian) accept this condition." Adil reasoned.
He turned to Shabbir who sat silently still absorbing all this new information, "Shabbir what do you have to say?"
Before Shabbir could utter a word, Ghazala interjected, "Chacha sahib, we don't want this union of our daughter. Our daughter deserves to marry a man who will solely be hers." Her eyebrow cocked towards her husband challengingly and her eyes bore into him. Defeated, Shabbir finally conceded, "Ghazala is right, Chacha sahib."
Panic rose in Daud's chest, "Uncle let me talk to Nawal and make her understand. I am sure she will understand me."
"You think after all this I will let you talk to my daughter. Never," seethed Ghazala.
Daud ignored her and instead stepped towards Shabbir, "Uncle please give me a chance. I will make sure your daughter is happy."
Shabbir shook his head, "I am sorry, son. You had your chance. You have deceived us all."
For the first time, Ibrahim spoke on his son's behalf, "Shabbir as a Muslim Daud can marry two women and inshaa Allah he will keep both of them happy."
"Bhai Sahib, why should our daughter marry a man who she will have to share with another woman," Ghazala glanced at Susan in repugnance, "When there are so many bachelor men that my daughter can choose from and who will make her their only wife."
Shabbir slightly shook his head, "I honestly think it's not about polygny but the fact that Daud was dishonest from the start. Had he told us from the start I might have considered it despite what others think."
"Uncle is right. One should be honest when starting a new relationship," Salman said as he straightened and squarely faced Daud.
Something was amiss. The odd sparkle in Salman's eyes gave away. Daud strode towards him, "You bastard, it's your doing isn't it. How dare you meddle in my affair?" he leapt forward and grabbed Salman's shirt in his fists.
Blue eyes clashed with black ones. The women screeched and men hastily stood up.
"Get your fucking hands off me or else you will regret." Salman hissed.
"Try me." Daud gritted his teeth.
A big blow to Daud's stomach jerked him backwards but he charged forward ready to take revenge when Shahbaz and Ibrahim imprisoned both Daud's arms staggering him backwards.
"Let me go," he writhed to get free.
"Bas" Dada jaan's voice bellowed in the large living room.
The women cries ceased. Daud quit thrashing and was breathing hard. A sly smile spread on Salman's face as he knew victory was near his reach now.
"Daud will only marry Susan. Shabbir and Ghazala do not agree to this second marriage with Nawal. This is the final decision." Dada jaan declared.
Ghazala whimpered and slumped on the sofa. Her shoulders shaking in sobs. Her hands buried her face, "We are ruined. Ruined. What will people say? On the day of the wedding, it is being cancelled off. Nawa's reputation is tarnished forever." Seema rubbed her sister's back in comfort. She had no words to ease her sister's pain.
Taking this as a cue, Salman moved forward and knelt in front of his Khala, taking her hands in his, "I will marry her. The wedding will proceed as planned. The only difference will be a new groom."
"What the fuck? I won't fucking let you." Daud violently struggled to get free from the men holding his arms, "leave me I will teach that asshole a lesson."
"Help me take him outside," Ibrahim ordered Shahbaz and they dragged a ferocious Daud out of the house.
Daud kept shouting foul words and struggled but he wasn't strong enough when two men were manhandling him.
His last words echoed in the room for a long time, "She will never be yours. Never."
When there was silence in the room Salman again stressed, "Khala don't worry I am here. I will take his place."
Tears of gratitude spilled from Ghazala's eyes and she cupped her nephew's face, kissing his forehead, she murmured, "Jeetai Raho (bless you). You have saved our honour." She glanced at her solemn husband, "Dekha (look) I always said my nephew is sincere. He is ready to even accept Nawal now."
But Shabbir's next words annihilated Ghazala's happiness, "We should first tell Nawal about everything and let her make the decision."
"Nahi Shabbir Sahib, she made one wrong decision. I will not let her foolishness come in the way this time. I will talk to her and she will agree." Ghazala pressed with determination. She turned to her sister, "Baraat ki tayyari karo (let the groom family get ready for the nikkah)."
"Oh Baji, you have made me so happy. Alhumduillah," Seema cried and hugged her sister.
Shabbir was devastated that Nawal will not find her happiness. He wanted to cancel this wedding once and for all. But his wife will not let him. The family's honour was at stake and someone will have to make the sacrifice.
Sadly it will be Nawal.
In a small bucket filled with the lukewarm water Fiza added few drops of Itr (non-alcoholic perfume). "This is a very strong floral Itr. Now go take a shower and in the end wash your body with this water. Your body will be scenting for hours." Fiza advised.
Nawal blushed and nodded. There was an hour left for the makeup artist to come. Time was running fast but her heart still was not at peace. Before she could move, she again pleaded Fiza, "Where is Mom? And why is the house so quiet? Let me go and talk to her. I am sure she will give me my phone now."
Fiza pressed her hand on her protruding stomach, "Why are you resolute to get your phone? There are only three hours left for the nikkah. Then he is all yours to talk to. And aunty is busy in some chores downstairs. Faraz bhai and bhabi will arrive soon from their home and so much more is to be done and you are not ready to listen to me," She turned to leave the bathroom, "Now get your bath done. You don't want to be late."
Alone in the bathroom, Nawal closed her eyes and clutched the edge of the bathroom sink so to be able to compose herself. For many minutes, she did breathing exercises and then finally took off her t-shirt.
She was being irrational. There was nothing to worry about. She will be his soon. Only his. A smile crept and her eyes danced in happiness, how wonderful it would be to be in his arms knowing that's where she belonged.
Just a few hours more...
Nawal was zipping the long top of the blood red lahenga (bridal dress) when Ghazala entered her room. Startled, Nawal lifted her head astonished to find her mother making an appearance after disappeared for hours. Ghazala was not pleased about something. It was written all over her face.
"Turn around. I will zip your dress," Ghazala ordered and Nawal hesitantly turned facing the mirror. Standing behind Nawal, Ghazala tugged tightly the two ends of the dress, Nawal winced as the dressed fitted snugly around her breasts and waist. The noise of the zip was heard easily in the pin-drop silent room. Once the zip was secured, Ghazala's eyes met her daughter's at the mirror's reflection. Her fingers clutched tightly both of Nawal's upper arms.
"Now listen carefully. Your precious Daud has revealed his dirty secret. He had a woman and a child all along when he was busy flirting with you."
Nawal's eyes widened, lips parted.
"We broke off the engagement because he intended to marry Susan as well. My daughter will not marry a man who plans to have another wife. After hearing this Daud walked out not bothered about your feelings."
The colour drained from Nawal's face.
"But it is the matter of family honour. There will be accusations if the wedding doesn't proceed. You will be ruined. Salman has stepped up to marry you even though he knows well you were in engaged with Daud."
Nawal slightly shook her head.
"It is settled. The wedding will commence but only groom is a different man. The right man for you. If only you would have listened to me from the start this drama wouldn't have happened." Admonished Ghazala.
Tears filled Nawal's eyes and her hands clenched at her sides.
"Cancel the wedding. I am not marrying anyone" rasped Nawal.
Ghazala's nails dug into Nawal's arms flesh, "You will marry Salman and that has been decided. I don't care you shout or fight it. This wedding will progress as planned."
Nawal's heart shattered in a million pieces.
Dreams were left unfulfilled.
Her worst nightmare was coming to life.
She was doomed.
Completely doomed.
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