《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 18
Salman had just walked in the house in his gym attire. The sweat pants, sports hoody and trainers. He was hot, sweaty and in bad need of a shower. But that didn't waver Seema's determination to talk to her son.
"Salman one minute," Seema called out from the kitchen table where she was dicing Okra for lunch. Salman paused in his step and turned to his mother. Without any greeting, he slumped on the kitchen chair.
"Look at what you have done to yourself?" Seema pointed out at his dishevelled appearance.
Salman shrugged and avoided meeting his mother's eyes.
"Beta, she was not the only girl. Allah has decreed your life partner somewhere. It's time you move on." His head spun around facing his mother. Seema was oblivious to her son's reaction as she concentrated in dicing the green vegetable, "there are some girls I have liked and I want you to see them as well."
When she lifted her eyes from the vegetable bowl in front of her, she was startled to see her son's furious face.
"I will not marry anyone," he seethed and gritted his teeth.
"Salman you are being unreasonable. Life doesn't end with Nawal..." Seema tried to reason him.
He abruptly stood up to his 6 feet height and glared at his mother, "Give me a few months. I am on a mission. If that succeeds your son will be married."
With that, he strode out of the room leaving a baffled Seema clutching the vegetable knife tightly. Her eyebrows creased and her lips curled downwards,
Oh Salman, this obsession of yours will bring you down. Don't do this, my son.
She was dressed in faded blue skinny jeans, long black boots that reached her knees, black ruched top and black blazer. She was getting late, it was 11am and Daud had texted he would be at her home any minute to pick her up. Tying her hair in a bun she hurriedly secured the black hijab and grabbed her Channel flap bag but just as she opened her bedroom door to rush out, she bumped into her mother. Nawal gulped and straightened her facial features trying hard to be calm.
Ghazala was standing with her legs apart, arms crossed over her bosom. She glared at her daughter who fretted under her gaze. She didn't like this idea one bit that Nawal was spending the whole day with Daud. Her eyes bore into her daughter's fearful being, "Let me make myself clear. Your father has given you permission and I cannot go against him. You are free to go today but remember on your shoulders rests the family's honour. Don't do anything you will regret for the rest of your life and above all scar your father's name in shame."
Nawal had lowered her eyes, unable to meet the fierce gaze of her mother. Her heart speeded and her lips quivered. Her eyes flooded, taking a deep breath for the first time she spoke her heart to her mother, "you respected my decision in this marriage and I respect the rules of this house." Lifting her eyes she made an oath solemnly, "I will never take a step in a way that would shame Daddy. If there is someone who has loved me the most it is him." She stepped backwards, "Only him" she whispered.
Her phone pinged indicating that Daud was here. Without, waiting for a response from her mother, she bid her farewell, "Allah Hafiz."
For many minutes, Ghazala stood rooted at the same place. Her desolate eyes staring at the empty hall. Her heart fell comprehending how her daughter felt for her. All she was doing was protecting her daughter from this harsh world.
She says I don't love her. To me, she is more precious than any of my sons. I don't want her committing the same mistakes that we made in our youth.
Breathlessly, Nawal opened the car door and slid in the silver Mercedes. Smilingly she greeted her future husband, "Assalam u alaikum" But as she gazed at him, he took her breath away. He was dressed in dark jeans, military green v-shaped neckline snug fit t-shirt and brown leather jacket.
His gazed roamed over her attire. She definitely was dressed seductively. The tight jeans highlighted her shapely legs. Her top and blazer accentuated her slim waist and ample bust. And those boots were the sexiest foot wear he had seen. He had better ideas when and where she could wear those boots. His lips curled to half smirk and he responded, "Walaikum salaam beautiful." He leaned forward to kiss her cheek but Nawal hurriedly moved back so that he wouldn't be able to kiss her. Her mother's words were still swirling in her head.
Even through his aviator sunglasses, Nawal could notice his frown as he asked, "What's the matter?"
Slowly shaking her head, she looked out the windshield nervously, "N..n...nothing." she had to be quick to explain him, "Someone might see. We are still outside my parents' home."
He stared at her through his sunglasses for a few minutes gauging her mood. She didn't meet his gaze and instead fastened her seatbelt. Finally, he let it go, as understanding dawned that she may be nervous to spend the whole day with him. With that thought, he steered the car from the street curb.
Daud drove in silence as they manoeuvred from the main city to the motorway that would take them straight to county Kildare. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining brightly and the sparse white clouds were scattered on the vivid blue sky. The temperatures had risen considerably in the last few days allowing people to finally let go of their heavy winter jackets. As the car entered the motorway, Daud's hand snaked over the gear and lightly touched Nawal's hand. All this time, she had been gazing out the window, lost in her thoughts. When his fingers faintly grazed the backside of her hand, she jumped slightly being startled.
Keeping his eyes on the road, Daud spoke in a low tone, "Something is bothering you. What is it?"
His hand covered hers, fingers interlacing and his grip tightening, increasing her heart beat. She shut her eyes trying hard to cease the erratic pulse. Pursing her lips, she whispered, "It's nothing."
He squeezed her hand gently, "You can't lie to me Nawal. Whatever it is just say it. At times sharing what is troubling you helps."
She slumped back in her seat, tears leaked from her kohl adorned eyes, she was unable to forget her mother's heart-wrenching words, "Mom doesn't trust me."
His eyebrows furrowed and as the curve was coming ahead on the road, he let go of her hand and steered the car accordingly, "What do you mean?"
Bowing her head, tracing circles on her black bag on her lap, she answered after few moments, "She believes I will shame the family."
His hand found hers again, "No you will not. You have me. And I will not let anything happen to my Nawal that would shame her or her family."
Despite her tears, her lips twitched into a pleasing smile. He side glanced and grinned, "Better, now tell me about horses."
He had asked a question about her favourite hobby a child. As she started talking animatedly, her mother harsh words were forgotten momentarily.
Kildare is the flattest county in Ireland with miles and miles of grassy plains that allowed the rearing of horses. The county has been known as the county of horses. All sorts of the horses were reared, trained and sold. Among the many different horse establishments is the Kildare National Stud where horses are reared and trained as well as is a tourist attraction.
Hand in hand, Nawal and Daud strolled to the field where horses were reared. Young foals were seen tramping in the fields with their mothers. The magnificent beasts stood tall in all colours. In awe, Nawal's fingers slipped away from Daud's and she walked faster to the horses. As a young girl, she had been crazy about horses. She loved them, she had all shapes and sizes of toy horses. Her craze for horses had started when she had watched Disney's animated movie Spirit, a story of a horse living during the era when the European powers ruled the Northern America. Shabbir had recognized his daughter's passion on horses and had also enrolled her in horse riding classes. For many years, she had taken classes but as she became a teen girl. All kinds of liberties were stopped by Ghazala. And today, after many years Daud had brought her back to her childhood passion.
Clutching the wooden fence, she gazed at the mesmerizing and regal horses. Her face graced a pleased smile. Daud stood beside her, perching his foot on the gap between the fence wooden planks, he encircled his arm around Nawal's waist, pulled her closer to his side. "So are you happy seeing horses?"
"Oh you have no idea," she gazed up at him.
Her upturned face captivated Daud. He didn't care about the horses. He only cared about the woman at his side. If she wanted the world he would move everything in his power to bring her the world. All she had to do was utter the word. Playfully pinching her nose's tip, "But that's not all. I have much more planned for you. Not only merely watch horses."
Her eyebrows rose questioningly, "What is it?"
"Kiss me and I will tell you." His eyes sparkled with mischief and his lips never ceased smirking.
"You are being naughty." Nawal teased.
"I can be naughtier if only you let me," he teased back and winked.
Her eyes widened, "Daud" she screeched, slapping his arm lightly, she stepped back, "Behave."
"C'mon just a kiss. That's all this poor guy asks." Daud pleaded as Nawal stepped backwards and sprinted, "No way," she yelled and ran faster.
"I will catch you." He shouted back already running after her.
They ran and ran until Daud did catch her. As Daud's arms went around her waist, his hands pressed her stomach, she giggled. "I know exactly the punishment for you Miss Ahmed," his hands touched her sides inside her blazer.
She shook her head vigorously, "No no Daud if you start tickling me now. I will not be able to stop."
"We will see about that." as his fingers started their magic.
Indeed, Nawal laughed for a long time.
They were at the stables where Daud was talking to one of the grooms men. The groom was going through his large notebook and then hastily nodded. Daud beckoned Nawal with his hand for her to join him.
"Now, this is what I had planned for you."
Confused, Nawal let Daud tug her towards the training grounds. There were two majestic horses awaiting with fully riding gear set on them. Two stable boys were standing with the horses holding their reins.
"Which one is for the lady?" Daud asked placing his hand on Nawal's lower back urging her towards the horses.
The stable boy patted the belly of the chestnut brown horse and beamed, "This is Belle. She is a very gentle horse. We are sure you will enjoy riding her."
Nawal turned to Daud, "Thank you. It's been ages since I did horse riding." She acknowledged gleefully.
He smiled, "We will talk about thanking later. C'mon let's get you up Belle." His hands went to her waist and he easily lifted her up and she was able to flung one leg over the horse and sit on top of it as if she had been doing for years.
After being satisfied, she was sitting safely, "Now what do we have here?" Daud turned to the black monstrous horse.
"This is Eagle. He is a fierce one." The other stable boy asked sceptically, "You will be able to handle him?"
Rubbing between the eyes of the horse, "Hello Eagle," Daud greeted and the horse's eyes met his. "Yes, I think Eagle and I will make a good team."
Daud easily mounted the horse, grabbing the reins he effortlessly turned the horse. Nawal was fascinated at the sight in front of her. She had never thought she would marry a man who excelled in horse riding. Now as she watched Daud naturally rode the horse, her heart hammered in her chest. If she hadn't been in love with him, seeing him on a horse riding as the winds blew his hair was the moment she would have definitely fallen in love with him.
Her eyes lifted up to the cloudy sky, "Ya Allah thank you for blessing me with Daud." She whispered.
"Nawal C'mon," Daud shouted, shaking her out of her reverie.
Clutching the reins, she rode Belle towards Daud. She had been smiling all day but it seemed her smile was not going to fade for the next few hours as the winds fluttered her hijab, her hands tightened on the reins and Belle galloped.
Nawal was flying to fulfil her dreams.
A life that promised smiles and love.
A life she had longed for so long.
After an hour, Daud lifted his fiancé from the horse and set her down on the ground. As she felt solid earth under her feet, she flung her arms around him. Her heart was bursting with love. The last one hour had been pleasure she had desired for many years. And the man in her arms had fulfilled her desire. She will always be grateful to him for this special day.
When the stable boys took the horses away and they were secluded, "Do you remember you were asking me something?" Nawal impishly reminded him.
Daud had a poker face, trying hard not to laugh, "No I don't remember," he replied roguishly.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his face near hers. His lips inching closer to hers. His eyes turned dark almost stormy blue showcasing passion in them. Nawal playfully touched the tip of her nose to his. She abruptly turned, softly kissing his cheek and pulled back laughingly.
There was disapproval written all over his face, "This is not what I meant when I said I want a kiss."
She was laughing and stepping away from him, "This is all you will get." She stuck out her tongue and ran off.
Chuckling, he followed her. He may not have gotten the kiss he wanted but he was delighted to see Nawal was becoming comfortable with him. He wanted no barriers between them when they start their married life in less than two months. He wanted a loving relationship with his spouse like what he had seen between his parents. His father had stood strong with his mother no matter how much the world had opposed of their union, he never abandoned him. He was his father's son, as he gazed at Nawal who was happily strolling towards the cafeteria, he resolved, no matter what happens in life,
He will never abandon her.
But he didn't know Allah had planned entirely differently. A destiny that he had never thought of. A destiny that he had taken steps towards two years ago.
His past was to come and haunt him.
Tearing apart him from his love forever.
"It's good you got more than a salad. You need to eat properly after all that horse riding," Daud gazed at Nawal's food.
"The wedding is coming up. I can't afford to gain extra pounds." Nawal said, taking a bite of her Mediterranean roasted vegetables and cheese Panini.
"You look beautiful as you are and extra few pounds will do you good you know." Daud replied, taking a bite of his own salmon sandwich.
Her radiant brown eyes met his light blue ones, "Yeah right, after the wedding you will be complaining I am getting fat."
Daud eyes narrowed, "Of course not. Do you think I am this shallow that I would worry about your looks? I am happy the way you are. And if tomorrow you become fat or skinny it doesn't matter. You are perfect to me."
Nawal was speechless, her eyelids lowered and her cheeks warmed. Her sandwich forgotten in her hands. How can he make me speechless with such words? But his next robbed her ability to speak completely.
"You know I was thinking if you like horses so much I will come on a horse on our wedding day and sweep away my princess." He boldly stated.
Her heart summersaulted when he expressed her as his princess. Her eyelids lifted, revealing her emotions, she murmured, "I would love that."
The grey clouds loomed over the stables, the winds blew dropping the temperatures. Daud and Nawal strolled through the gardens that were part of the Stud. They were surrounded by colourful spring flowers. The red tulips, purple Dahlias and yellow Daffodils. The winds grew harsher and the cherry blossom trees in the gardens sprinkled light pink flowers. Standing under the tree, Nawal thrilled at the beautiful scenery around them. The sweet scent of cherry blossom calmed her thudding heart whenever Daud was close to her. It was serene. It was beautiful. This was their place. Their memory to make and cherish for years to come.
The first droplets fell from the angry dark clouds. Nawal stepped back under the cherry blossom tree trying to shield from the rain. But Daud was standing under the dark clouds as the heavens started pouring.
"Daud come under the tree, you will get all wet." Nawal yelled. But he didn't budge instead spread his arm towards her, "Have you danced in the rain?"
"Dance? I don't dance and there is definitely no music here."
"Come here I will show you." He whispered as the rain speeded.
Hesitantly she covered his outstretched palm. His fingers tightened around her hand and he pulled her closer until their jeans-clad legs were touching. Taking her arms he placed them on his shoulders and then his hand went to her hips. He lightly swayed his hips guiding her how to move with his hands on her hips.
"What do I dance to? There is no music." Nawal baffled.
"I can hear music." Daud's voice hushed, "Listen, the music of our hearts."
Nawal giggled, "You can be cheesy sometimes."
"We all need to be cheesy once in a while. Now hush and listen."
For the next few minutes, Nawal stayed still under the pattering rain but as Daud's swaying body moved against her she started to move in synchronization with his movements. And for the first time, Nawal did hear the music of hearts. Their hearts.
The rain poured harshly. The winds blew. The skies darkened. The cherry blossoms danced around them. But they were oblivious gazing into each other eyes. Her fingertips feeling his wet chocolate brown hair at the back of his head. His hand on her hips moving at her lower back underneath her blazer. Goosebumps erupted when she felt his finger touched the gap between her jeans waist and end of her top. Hypnotised, she wasn't able to look away from his captivating blue eyes. He slowly pulled her closer until their bodies were touching with no gaps remaining. His eyes dipped to her lips. Her heartbeat accelerated. Oh how much she wanted to be kissed again. Just once more dive into this forbidden lust. Her fingers curled in his hair at the back of his head as she leaned forward and finally after a day's anticipation their lips met. His hands run up and down her back under her blazer over her top. She kissed with all the love and gratitude she had for this man.
The man who was determined to bring happiness in her. Her man.
A kiss in the rain,
A smile under the sun,
A wisp of hair flying in the winds,
With each change my love grows for you, Daud.
The couple was lost amongst themselves believing they were far away from anyone. Only the rain being the witness of their forbidden embrace. But not far away a camera click was heard capturing the moment.
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Touch me like you do
"Listen you jerk, I wouldn't have even touched you if I wasn't drunk." I bit out furiously. "Even if you were the last man on earth I wouldn't go near you.""Is that so?" His voice was dangerously low."Besides I thought you were my fiancé. That was the only reason why I kissed you." I lied hoping my face didn't betray me.His eyes darkened and a muscle jumped on his jaw. He started walking towards me and I took a step back. Then another step and another until my back hit the wall. He was so close I could smell the cologne he wore.Fear trickled down my spine as I stared at his furious face. He looked as if he wanted to punch something. Or someone."What..what are you doing?" I stammered pressing my body further into the wall."Calling your bluff."His hand wrapped around my nape and pulled me against him. My eyes widened in shock as our bodies touched. Before I could say or do anything his mouth came crashing down on me.
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His one and only
𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 ' 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦?'𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯.♥️𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘦𝘹 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦.𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴.♥️THIS WAS MY FIRST BOOK AND IT NEEDS SERIOUS EDITING
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How i started to love you (Todobaku)
This is an arrange marriage auTodoroki and Bakugous parents made an agreement that their son's are gonna marry each other for the sake of their business. But of course we all know that those two don't get along so their parents force them to spend time with each other but they both are pretty stubborn to obey orders. What will happen next? Read and find out in "How i started to love you"!Toga and Bakugou are siblings in this story because i really like the idea of them being siblings and toga is not a villain in here, i know that Toga is around the age of Katsuki but i want her to be 4 year's older than Katsuki also this is a second year au, please respect my au that's all and thank you in advance.This is my first MHA fanfic and I'm gonna apologize in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes and also for a crappy story and description so I'm sorry, that's all.Disclaimer: The characters and the cover are not mine.hope you enjoy!
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