《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 17
Her heart was hammering hard in her chest. Her lips tingled. Her face was heated. Her gaze lowered. Then she realized she had been holding his arms. With a jerk, she pulled back. She was embarrassed as to what just conspired between them.
"Nawal?" he whispered as he lowered his head closer to hers again.
Immediately, she turned her face away from his and swallowed as she felt his lips on her cheek. Closing her eyes, her fingers curled in her palm. Trying hard not to let herself immerse in this ocean of passions.
"Daud, please, no." she whispered as his lips trailed along her cheek bone.
"Tell me you are not feeling what I am feeling. You want this as much as I want it." His lips lightly touching her facial skin as the wind kisses the water surface leaving ripples. Those ripples were felt all over Nawal's body. Each and every pore wanted to indulge into this forbidden embrace. Her father's face came in front of her eyes and she shook her head in resolution.
She turned to face him, bringing her trembling hand to his face, her index finger lightly traced his shaven jaw. Her eyelids lifted. Dark brown orbs met stormy blue.
"I love you." Her lips voiced her heart's deepest feelings.
His hands hold on her waist tightened and his own heart beat rose.
"But I don't want to demean our relationship by indulging in an act that is a sin today but will be so beautiful tomorrow."
His lips slowly curled into an appreciating smile, "How do you do that?" she looked confused and arched an eyebrow questioningly. He then continued, "make me understand with just few words of yours." He lightly tapped her nose, "And I love it."
She smiled back in relief seeing he understood her. He stepped back, "C'mon before we finish eating there is something I want to show you."
He held her hand and she slid down from the desk. He whirled her around placing his hands on her shoulders, "Look" he pointed at the window.
In awe, she took the steps to the window and was amazed to see the beautiful city view. His office was at the 10th floor that allowed easily to view the bustling streets of city centre and the grand Liffey River.
"I love Dublin."
His arms glided through her sides, wrapping around her small waist and he quirked into her hijab clad ear, "More than me?"
She grinned and side glanced at him and teased back, "Yes, it's my first love."
He chuckled, "You can admire the view as much as you want but right now I feel someone is still hungry." His fingers lightly ran over her stomach.
She giggled and disentangled from his embrace, "Stop it, I am ticklish."
He smirked and his eyes sparkled wickedly, "Really? Now I know exactly what to do with you."
She yelped and ran out of his grip as he moved forward to catch her so he could tickle.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in laughter and feeding each other left over cold chicken pizza.
It had been nearly two months since Nawal's engagement and with each passing day Seema saw the light extinguishing from her son's eyes. He had forgotten to take care of himself. He had plunged into work trying to sought peace in it. He would go to work early in the morning and would not be back until late night. Many evenings he would forego his dinner and went straight to bed not speaking to anyone. He spent hours in the gym getting his aggression in control. She could tell even though he was getting leaner but his muscles were building. The overgrown beard, the long hair and the constant creased forehead of her son hurt her deeply. How she wished the events of the last few months were in her control. But she was helpless.
There was only solution to this as she scrolled down her contacts on her phone. It was time to look for a girl that will heal his wounds and repair his shattered heart. Clicking on a contact, she called the lady she knew would be the most helpful.
"Assalam u alaikum Mrs Abbassi. How are you?"
"Walaikum salaam Seema. Pleasant surprise. I am good what about you?" Mrs. Abbassi responded.
Rubbing her temple and closing her eyes, Seema said the words that hopefully will fill happiness in her son's bleak days, "I am fine. Last time, we met you had mentioned of some girls' pictures."
"Yes, yes," Mrs. Abbassi eagerly answered.
"I would like to see them and know about their families."
"Sure I will send you all the details right now."
After ending the call, Seema stared blindly at her phone. How she wanted Nawal to become her daughter in law. But it wasn't going to happen. She prayed that her son finds happiness soon and she is able to choose the right girl for him. Just then the ping of the phone alerted her.
Indeed, Mrs Abbassi was efficient and four pictures of girls were sent with their family and background details.
It was time to move on...
It was late evening. The employees had left and the office building was empty except for one room. A secret meeting was being held behind the closed door. Salman gazed at the men in front of him. Peter and Niall were known for their investigation techniques being part of a secret corporate investigation company. They were the best men for Salman's next time.
His penetrating gaze flickered between the men as he spoke, "This is a private matter. I don't want any information being leaked out."
Both men sat up straighter in their seats in acknowledgement.
"I want you to do background check on someone." Salman said the words slowly to let the meaning sink in.
"Who is it?" Peter tilted his head.
Not leaving his eyes off the men, Salman said the name that he had come to loathe in the last few months.
"Daud Siddique."
Both men warily nodded.
"I want everything checked on him." Slamming his hand on the desk, "Every fucking step he took, I need a report on it."
"Are we talking professional steps or personal?" Niall asked as he could see the matter meant a lot to Salman.
"Personal. I want each and every detail of his personal life."
"This will take time." Niall mused a loud.
"I need a report on my desk in two months. I don't have time." Salman gritted his teeth.
"I don't think that will be possible. There will be a lot to research on." Peter vigilantly reasoned.
"I don't give a fuck. I want the damn report." Salman unlocked the secret drawer under his desk and took out a bundle of 50 euro notes. He delicately traced the ends of the notes with his thumb and smirked exultantly, "This should make you work faster then."
Peter guardedly side glanced at Niall who nodded slightly. Salman's smile grew and tossed the money bundle across the table landing in front of the two men.
"Get to work. I shall see you in two months." Salman sternly ordered.
Salman walked out of the office after the men left. It was raining hard on this cold April night. There was a hailstorm. Shards of ice were hitting the ground with a clatter. The unexpected freezing winds brought in the terrible weather for spring. But Salman was oblivious to all. His heart had turned to ice. His feelings were frozen. As the cold rain seeped down his skin and bones, all he thought of how to make her his. In all these years, he had never been deprived of something that he wanted. Then why should he not have what he desired the most. Unlocking the car, he slid inside it and switched on the heaters. Waiting for the car to heat up, his hands settled on the steering wheel.
He will not abandon his dream of last 12 years.
She will be his.
As for her acceptance and love, he switched on the wipers and reversed the car from the parking, she will have no choice but to live with him. With time, she will learn to love him. He wasn't worried about that.
All he wanted was her.
Only Nawal.
"I want you to knead the dough for roti today. Last time was a disaster. Try not to use too much water." Ghazala instructed strictly as she added the marinated chicken into the pot where finely sliced onions were frying.
Nawal nodded and got to work. She took out three cups of flour and sprinkled salt on it. Then taking lukewarm in a large mug, she started to add water and mix the flour. With her fists, she kneaded and prayed silently that she was doing a good job and her mother is pleased with her this time.
Ghazala glanced at her daughter's hard work after adding spices to the pot, "Hmm, ok that is enough kneading now cover the dough and come and chop the tomatoes."
Nawal washed her hands and went to the fridge to take out the tomatoes when her mother's voice froze her, "I am sure you know Daud is coming for dinner tonight."
She didn't know. Last few days again Daud had been busy at work and they had texted each other once or twice during the day. Ghazala turned to her daughter and raised her eyebrows, "so do you know or not?"
Nawal shook her head, "No I don't." she murmured.
"Surprising as you are on that bloody phone all day." She scoffed.
Nawal winced at her mother's crude behaviour. Instead, she went ahead of her task of chopping tomatoes.
"I don't want you coming out of your room. He doesn't have to meet you before the wedding." Ghazala warned as she eyed her daughter chopping tomatoes.
Nawal swallowed and her fingers faltered in chopping the tomatoes.
The rest of the scrumptious meal preparation was done in silence where once in a while Ghazala ordered Nawal around the kitchen. Nawal had set the table and then left for her room. She wanted to see Daud, it had been three weeks since the parade and she had been busy at studies and he had been busy at work. There had been no opportunity to meet. She missed him. But she was feeble to take any action. Her mother's orders were the rule of the house and she had to follow them.
Laying on the bed, she sighed heavily. There was no point arguing with her mother. She will never listen or understand. It was better she keeps quiet and accept it. There was no need for her to be impatient. Turning to her side she hugged the pillow to her chest, just two months left. There were only few classes left and then she will be free. The wedding preparations were ongoing but in Ireland it was difficult to shop for a desi wedding which is why her Dad had booked tickets for her Mom and her as soon as her classes were over. It was going to be two weeks long shopping spree in Karachi. She was looking forward to that. Although, she hoped her mother didn't admonish her throughout the trip.
Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a light knock on the door. She called out, "Come in" as she sat up on the bed. Shabbir frowned seeing his daughter in her t-shirt and lounge pants, "Aren't you ready yet?"
Baffled, she asked, "Ready for what?"
"Daud is about to come any minute. Don't you want to meet him."
Her heart leaped, "Am I allowed to meet him?"
"Who said you can't?"
"Mom" she mumbled.
Shabbir exhaled, thinking of his wife's over strict rules for their daughter, "Well I am telling you to get ready and I will let your mother know."
Nawal smiled bashfully and lurched out of the bed. There was little time and she had to dress up nicely for him.
Half an hour later, she was dressed in a lilac chiffon salwar kameez that had intricate floral thread embroidery on the front panel of the top. She scrutinized her appearance as she gazed at the mirror. She had pinned her dupatta as the hijab on her head and done light make up with soft pink lipstick and kohl. She took out matching glass bangles and easily slid them up her wrists. Taking a deep breath, she went outside to meet her beloved and face her mother's wrath.
When she stepped in the dining room Daud was sitting with Shabbir discussing business while Ghazala was setting the chicken curry on the table.
"Assalam u alaikum," I greeted shyly.
Daud ceased in the mid-sentence and his gaze scanned her appearance. But Ghazala's head shot up and she grimaced, her lips curling in disapproval. Nawal tried her best not to look at her mother because she would get into trouble then. How could she even look at her mother when Daud was gazing at her in such a manner that heated her blood and melted her bones.
"Walaikum salaam," Daud murmured back and reluctantly turned to Shabbir but he was at a loss of words as to what he had been speaking about. Nawal in the traditional dress had taken away his breath. How he wished these months would pass faster so there will be no formalities between them. No distances between them.
"So you were telling me about the two new suppliers.." Shabbir cleared his throat.
Daud nodded curtly and continued but his mind was still at Nawal who had gone inside the kitchen. Sixty more the days. Sixty long days and agony filled lonely nights.
Arbaaz joined for the dinner and tried best to act as if he was listening to the business talk. He rather would be eating in front of his Play Station. But it was Shabbir's orders that all family should be seated together when having dinner.
Nawal brought in the salad platter at the centre of the table. All the food were set and as Shabbir gestured to Daud to start serving, Nawal made her way to sit beside Arbaaz who was sitting beside their mother. But Shabbir stopped Nawal as he said softly, "Sit beside Daud."
She pinked and swallowed. Unable to steal a glance at her furious mother she quietly conceded and sat beside Daud. The dinner went on as Daud and Shabbir spoke about business. Ghazala disapproval was clearly seen on her face. Arbaaz was unconscious to all that was happening on the table. In all this, Nawal was nervous and wasn't able to eat much. When Daud was done eating, Nawal was still eating with her head lowered. Her left hand was on her lap under the table as Islam teaches to eat with the right hand. She had just scooped rice on the spoon when she felt fingers touching her hand. Her heartbeat rose and her eyes widened. She immediately looked at her parents who were oblivious of what Daud was doing. His hand covered hers and his fingers interlaced hers under the table. The food in Nawal's mouth was difficult to swallow. She was worried her parents especially her mother would recognize something was amiss. She tried to act nonchalant as she took a big gulp of the water and at the same time sensations of Daud rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand were creating havoc in her heart and body. For many minutes, Daud caressed her hand lightly but continued to concentrate on the conversation with Shabbir. Her soft hand fit with his perfectly. He was grateful Shabbir allowed Nawal to sit beside him. It would have been pure torture to see her and not touch her.
"Nawal, get the dessert out of the fridge," Ghazala exhorted harshly.
The spoon slid from the Nawal's hand and clattered on the plate. Ghazala's frown deepened. Daud squeezed Nawal's hand affectionately and then unwillingly let go. Quietly, Nawal left to bring the dark chocolate cake topped with chocolate glaze and strawberries.
"My daughter baked this," Shabbir beamed proudly.
Nawal blushed. And Daud's eyebrows rose, "Really?" he was impressed. And after taking the first taste of the delectable cake, he couldn't hide his appreciation, "I love it." he said gazing at Nawal who was standing by the table. She smiled and continued her chores of taking the dirty dishes back in the kitchen.
"Daud bhai, don't praise her this much. It was pure good luck she ended up making such a cake. Otherwise, ask my poor stomach the horrible food I had to eat because of her." Arbaaz ridiculed.
Nawal narrowed her eyes but she wasn't able to answer back because of Daud's presence. But Daud's next words melted her heart.
Daud chortled, "Arbaaz, I will not mind eating anything she cooks for me."
Arbaaz grumbled and Nawal face heated up.
After dinner, Ghazala and Arbaaz went upstairs while Nawal cleaned the kitchen. Daud and Shabbir were seated in the living room enjoying the mint tea.
"Uncle I needed to ask your permission." Daud gently said.
Shabbir alertly, set down his cup of tea on the coffee table, "Yes?"
"I know Nawal likes horses. So I was thinking to take her to Kildare National stud."
Shabbir's eyebrows rose in alarm. Kildare was a different county and 61 km away from Dublin. He was silent for many minutes and then finally he gave his answer, "No, Daud that isn't a good idea."
"Uncle I was thinking to take her on a Saturday morning and she will be back way before evening around late afternoon." Daud tried to persuade her future father in law.
Shabbir was silent.
"I will take care of her uncle. I thought it would be fun for us to go as the weather has been improving."
After a long time finally, Shabbir gave his approval, "Bring her back by 6pm."
Daud smiled in return, "I will inshaa Allah." He then stood up, "I am thirsty, is it okay if I get a glass of water."
Shabbir replied, "I will call Nawal to bring you one."
"Oh no I will just go to the kitchen and get it," he could hear dish washing noises from the kitchen.
As quiet as a cheshire cat, he strolled in the kitchen. Nawal's back was facing him. She was humming some melodious tone as she washed the dishes standing by the kitchen sink. Her dupatta was draped on one shoulder and knotted on her hip. Her dark brown curly locks were loose.
He stood behind her but she was in her own world unable to notice his presence. His fingers lightly grazed her waist. Nawal yelped as she was perturbed. He quickly covered her mouth with his other hand to muffle her surprising cry. Nawal sagged against Daud in relief when she realized who it was. Removing his hand from her mouth he whispered, "I couldn't leave without kissing you."
His lips softly touched her cheek. Lingering for more than necessary. Racing her heart. Doubling her pulse.
His hand glided over her hair and he praised, "I love your hair."
Her heart skidded and her cheek reddened knowing she was without her hijab.
Nipping her earlobe lightly, he murmured, "Allah hafiz beautiful."
As he stepped back and left. Nawal felt tingles all over her body. With shaking fingers, she turned off the tap. Closing her eyes she tried to control her tempestuous heart.
Why do I feel like this every time he is near me?
That late night as Shabbir lay down to sleep, Ghazala came out of the ensuite bathroom and irately approached her husband. "Why did you let Nawal sit with Daud on the dinner table? What has happened to you? Why such shameful acts."
Shabbir tiredly lifted his eyelids and glanced at his wife, "They were sitting in front of us. It was alright." He shrugged trying to let go of the topic.
"Today you are encouraging her to sit in front of us tomorrow you will let her spend time alone with him." Ghazala hissed pulling back the duvet and getting on the bed.
"I already have. She is going with Daud to Kildare on Saturday."
She lurched back, "How could you? Girls in our families don't go out alone with their fiancé. If that was the case why didn't you get her married to him instead." She exclaimed.
He turned and he was fuming, "Don't you dare say a word about girls in your family. You and I both know what has happened in the past. I trust her and Daud. End of the matter." he rebuked.
She gasped. She opened her mouth to give him a vengeful response.
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