《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 11
"Bhai Sahib, look at him. Look what that wild animal did to my poor son." Seema exclaimed pointing at a battered Salman.
Salman wasn't able to meet anyone's eye. He had tried to stop his mother but she had been insistent. So he went along. And now they were seated at Ghazala's living room and Shabbir was quietly scrutinizing Salman.
After a moment of silence, Shabbir asked in his authoritative voice, "What exactly happened Salman?"
"Bhai, my poor son had gone to confront Daud but that animal wasn't able to control his anger." Seema replied even before Salman could have answered.
"Seema I didn't ask you. Let the him speak for himself." Shabbir rasped making Seema keep quiet and sit back on the sofa. She covertly glanced at her sister, who was silently watching the scene unfold in front of her. Praying silently, that now Allah listen to her plea and change her husband's decision, Ghazala was holding on to the single ray of hope.
Salman cleared his throat. He had to decide whether to tell the truth or hide some of the details. His gaze flickered to his Khala who was hopefully looking at him as if he had the key to the treasure box. His mom also sat beside him waiting for him to reveal the secrets. Salman hardly lied but right now he had two options to tell the truth and lose the one chance of getting back the girl of his dreams or lie and hide the details so that he can get her back. He knew he was doing wrong but right now he had to try. He chose the latter.
"I had to talk to him about Nawal whether he is sincere about her. He just laughed it off." Shabbir frowned, this encouraged Salman to go on, "He said... he said... that it was all part of the game. He was not serious about her and when I got angry, he became violent and then there was no stopping him. He punched and kicked me." He paused and a thought strike him, what if Daud comes here and show his wounds, "Naturally I had to defend myself."
Shabbir was quiet and contemplating on what he had heard. He was tensely sitting on the sofa in deep thoughts. Ghazala observed his posture and that stimulated her to further manipulate him, "My poor Salman beta." She stood up and walked up to her nephew. Cradling his face in her hands she kissed his forehead. "How much my poor beta has endured only because he wants the well-being of our daughter. Look how caring he is."
Taking the cue, Seema cautiously said, "Bhai sahib you are also forgetting Daud's madness to take revenge on Salman. He is trying his best to crash his family business using different malicious strategies. You haven't given your answer to them yet. Please think it over. It's the matter of your daughter's life."
Shabbir sighed, "I will think about it." He mumbled still in his thoughts.
Salman was relieved that perhaps now his uncle will change his mind. He stood up to go to the toilet. When he stepped out of the living room and walked in the hallway, a fuming Nawal blocked his way, she was glaring at him.
"How could you? You are lying." She hissed.
Salman looked away unable to meet her gaze.
"I have no respect for you anymore. I had never thought you would stoop so low to get what you want."
"It's for the best..." Salman started but Nawal cut him off.
"Best for who? You? Then hear this. If they force me to become your bride. Do not expect me to be your obedient loving wife." She laughed humourlessly, "and definitely I will never develop any feelings for a swine like you."
She whirled around and skidded up the stairs.
Salman froze in his place. He didn't know how to react to what she just said. He wanted a loving relationship with his spouse something like what his parents had. He rubbed his face and winced at the pain because of the bruises reminding of him of Daud's arrogance. His jaw clenched, no matter what Nawal thought. He will not back off.
It wasn't only the matter of love.
His pride,
His ego,
And his determination to gain, all were at stake.
It was the battle of who wins. And he damn cared anymore if he hurt others in getting what was rightfully his.
Nawal breathlessly entered her bedroom and locked the door. She sat on her bed and dialled the number she was desperate to talk to. She had many doubts. Daud had not spoken or chatted since yesterday. She was worried but most of all she wanted to know his side of the story. She was not ready to believe her conniving cousin at all. After four rings Daud answered the phone.
"Hello, Salaam." She spoke eagerly.
"Walaikum salaam" Daud mumbled as if he was asleep.
Baffled, she glanced at the pink flowery wall clock in her room. It was 10 am, she knew Daud was supposed to be at work. It was a weekday. What was he doing asleep now? "Are you sleeping?"
"Hmmm...yeah. What time is it?"
"Shit. I overslept." There was shuffling noise at the background, "These damn medicines." He muttered.
"Ya I am not feeling well." He yawned.
"What happened?"
"Long story. Don't get stressed, I am fine."
"But you just said," she was bewildered as to what was going on.
"So tell me, what made you think of me this early in the morning?" he drawled sleepily.
"Salman bhai was here. Did you..did you see him yesterday?" she stuttered sceptically.
This made Daud alert and he sat up, "What was he saying?"
"He complained that you beat him up and Khala was showing off all his bruises. Daud what exactly happened?"
"That fu..., uffffff...." He was breathing hard and trying to control his anger. He didn't want to use any profanity in front of Nawal and disrespect her. But right now he had very colourful words to describe his cousin.
"Please tell me," she beckoned softly.
And then he told her the truth, exactly how and what happened. After hearing all this, Nawal was troubled.
"How could they lie like that?" whispered Nawal.
"I am not surprised. Salman and his devious plans." Daud said with contempt.
"We have to tell Daddy the truth. Please come over and tell him Daud." Nawal said biting her lip and running her hand over her hair.
"No I am no five-year-old who is going to run to show an adult my wounds. Let them think what they want. Remember truth always prevails."
"But..." Nawal murmured.
"No Nawal. If you want, you can tell your father what happened but I am not coming there. I have some self-respect."
"I know Daud but Daddy will believe it if the words come out of you and maybe he will see what he has done to you."
Daud shook his head slowly, "I am sorry Nawal I can't do this. I am a mature man."
"Yes you are right. It's okay I will talk to Daddy myself."
Within few minutes they ended the call. Nawal leaned against the bed headboard lost in her thoughts. What dirty game Salman was playing? It revolted her. Today, he had lost all respect she had for him. He wasn't even decent enough to call 'bhai' anymore. She was worried that her father may change his mind. She had to speak to him. She was waiting for Khala and Salman to go and then she will talk to him privately. She didn't want her mother to be in the conversation otherwise Allah knows what new drama will be created.
"Shabbir sahib please change your decision. We cannot let our daughter be married to a man who only thinks of revenge and is so violent." Ghazala pleaded when Seema and Salman left.
"If Daud is violent so is your nephew. He is equally responsible." He was looking out the window with his hands behind his back. He turned to his wife and said in a steady voice, "did you not see his swollen knuckles. Your nephew is no angel. He also punched and Allah knows what else."
Ghazala flustered, "That's beside the point. How can we get her married to a man who is so aggressive and hateful? And above all, he is half gora (white)."
Shabbir eyebrows knotted, "What is it with you and gora? Are they not people? Why are you being so racist. You live in this gora land as you claim. This is your home and yet you hate them."
She looked away from him unable to answer his probing.
"He is a Muslim that all counts for me."
"But we know nothing about him. Seema even told me he had many physical relationships with women, Allah knows what disease he is carrying." She made a disgusting face, "What do we know if he will be faithful with our daughter. What if tomorrow he starts an affair then? Our daughter will be broken." Her eyes clashed with his, "I know one thing, Salman will never cheat on my daughter, he is an honourable man."
"He is your blood that is why you say that." Shabbir scoffed.
"You have seen him since he was a little child. You tell me yourself what is wrong with him? Point out one flaw in that boy." She challenged him crossing her arms over her bosom.
Shabbir eyed his wife. "Let me think."
He turned away, took his car keys and left. He needed fresh air to think this matter over.
Nawal was still pondering on how to go about the situation when there was a soft knock. Shabbir opened the door and peaked inside, "I need to talk to you Nawal."
She straightened on the bed and nodded, "Jee."
Shabbir walked in the pink room with his shoulders drooped as if he had a great burden on them. She perched on the edge of the bed.
"Beti..." he sighed and looked into her eyes. His desolate eyes told her everything even before he spoke. "I am trying my best to understand what you want. But most of all as your father I want the best for my daughter." He looked away, blindly gazing at the pink wallpapered wall, "But it's not easy beti. There are many times what we think is good for us is not." He swallowed, "I just had a long discussion with your mother. She has pointed out many reasons why her decision will be the best for you. And I understand where she is coming from." Again he glanced at his daughter, "Beti trust your father and inshaa Allah you will be happily married."
Her eyes met his. Her lips quivered, her body trembled as realization dawned, "You want me to marry Salman?" she whispered.
"It's for the best." He replied dejectedly.
"But you didn't hear Daud's side of the story. How can you blindly trust Salman?" she said in a panicky voice.
"I don't care what happened yesterday. Let them both beat each other up. But there are other factors and considering all that."
She knew she had lost. A lone tear tricked down her cheek, "As you wish."
She stood up and hastily left her room. Unable to believe her worse nightmare was to come true. ****
That evening, an excited Ghazala had dragged her husband to her sister's place to give the answer. "Nawal has agreed." She squealed and hugged her sister tightly. "Alhumdulilah ya Rabb. I was very worried the girl will not understand but finally she did."
"Mubarak Baji! Mubarak! You have made me really happy. Now we are more than sisters. From now on Nawal is my daughter." Seema beamed.
Ghazala turned to Salman, "Salman is my son." She stepped closer and embraced her nephew. Closing his eyes Salman hugged his aunt back, quietly praying Allah for listening to his supplication.
"Eeeks, we have a bhabi coming home," Manal giggled and punched her brother's arm lightly. He was so happy at the moment that his sister's annoying antics didn't bother him. Instead he pinched her cheek hard that she moaned in pain "Ouuwwww bhai it hurts."
"You deserve it for always annoying me." He winked.
Seema smiled seeing her son in a good mood after so many days. But her smile faltered when she gazed at her husband. Muhammad was standing in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest. His piercing gaze was focused on his wife. Seema felt uncomfortable, she knew her husband wasn't pleased at all. He clenched his jaw hard but he remained silent, refraining to take part in the celebrity atmosphere.
"It's time for celebration. Look I got mithai (sweets). Ghulab jamun your favourite Salman." She picked the dried milk sugary ball and extended it to Salman who took the whole sweet in his mouth. Smilingly, he chewed it.
Ghazala then fed Seema and Manal. Seema in return also fed the sweet to her elder sister. It was a tradition to celebrate a good news by feeding each other sweets. Ghazala gave the box to her husband and gestured at Muhammad. Shabbir understood and stood up from the sofa he was seated at and offered the sweet to Muhammad.
Muhammad eyed the sweet and then again he glowered at his wife. She pleaded with her eyes for him to accept. He was breathing hard but he conceded only for his wife's sake and took a bite of the sweet ball.
Everyone smiled and settled back in their seats.
"We have much to discuss. Now about the wedding date..." Seema started the discussion.
Salman relaxed back on the sofa gazing at the elders deciding his wedding. He couldn't wait any longer. He wanted the days to go by and when she was finally his. His thumb traced the glossy screen of his smart phone. Tonight, he will call her and slowly change her mind about him. Inshaa Allah by the time of the wedding, she will learn to like him and forget all about that Daud.
Standing by the kitchen counter she gazed out the window at the dull winter backyard. Ya Allah, how will I go through this. Her body shuddered as she thought of marrying Salman. She licked her dried bottom lip. Hugging herself tightly, she swallowed, no she can't do this. She just can't. Her eyes roamed around the kitchen when they landed on the knife board.
What was better a life with a man she had no feelings for or not live at all?
She didn't want to live knowing she will never learn to love and be happy. A life of misery. A life of unhappiness. All she saw was darkness. Bleakness. She couldn't...she just couldn't.
On wobbly legs she took hesitant steps to the knife board on the kitchen counter. Her trembling fingers clutched the knife. She pulled it out and gulped. Closing her eyes, she told herself silently, she can do this. The other option, she couldn't live through with him. He disgusted her. He ...no ... no.. she just couldn't
Firmly grasping the knife hand, she turned and sat on the kitchen chair. Placing her hand on the table she reassured herself, this pain was far better than an agonizing painful life where she will be dying every single minute. The knife touched the skin. She closed her eyes. There was a sharp pressure on her wrist, the skin tore and blood oozed out. Amidst her tears she whispered,
"I am sorry Daddy."
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