
Pic credit to rightful owner nd i must tell you this beautiful art have my heart 💜.....

(Author's pov)...

Jungkook was devastated, jungkook was lost, he fell in love for very first time,he thought his first love will be his last nd he still think the same,but something is broken within him and that is his 'TRUST' on his Love...

You are lying hwasa,u must be mistaken ,my taehyung is not like that...( jungkook spoke still not believing what he saw..

I wish too that whatever i saw was lie,after seeing you in this condition ,but i am not j.k ,well what else do you expect from lowlife people like him, taehyung is an orphan isn't he nd he had no-one right?..(hwasa questioned..

He was Orphan and alone before but now he have me,watch ur mouth hwasa,why the hell are you bringing his background in this matter..(jungkook said being angry..

I m ur well-wisher j.k,why would i think bad for you,i only wanna see you happy,i know u r hurt,but these low-class people are like this only ,they run after money,they don't believe in love,he first trapped you,now joohyuk-shi nd i might guess he will next try to woo our another judge suho-shi,i have being noticing suho-shi always give taehyung full score.. (hwasa fuel the fire burning inside jungkook's heart even more..

Its upto to you j.k see this video again,see how desperately they both are hugging each other ,i bet they both might kissed eachother too,or even mo...( Before hwasa speak further jungkook stopped him..

ENOUGH..leave hwasa go from here,leave me alone i will talk to tae,i won't believe you until i see something like this with my own eyes, thanks for your concern but u may leave now..( jungkook spoke nd hwasa leave from their smirking evily ,,cause she knows ,,she had successfully planted a poisonous seed into jungkook's mind,,seed which is known as 'DISTRUST',, a seed which can broke any relationship apart..


(Well sometimes fate might be really cruel on you, sometimes its like everything and everyone is against you,nd something like this is about to happen in poor taehyung's life,wanna know how??)😔👇

(Inside cafeteria)..

Poor taehyung was having his lunch peacefully oblivious of Everything going around him..

After having his lunch taehyung was on his was back to his dorm,he took few step suddenly his leg slipped,, reason there was water thrown all over the corridor,,but before he slipped someone caught him from his waist,, nd that someone was none other than Nam Joohyuk..

Easy there taehyung , you might have fallen down.. (joohyuk said to tae still being in same position..

Yeah,i might have ,, but you save me hyung thank you..(tae said nd maintain his posture back,,but it was too late because this whole scene wouldn't go unnoticed by Jeon jungkook who came their to sort things out with tae,,

(Jungkook's pov)..

Why taehyung why,,was i not enough,,why would you do that to me,,i was ready to lose myself for you nd you were busy in betraying me,,i should have known your intention,hwasa was right people like you really don't deserve love, you guys are born to be alone..

(Author's pov)..

After that incident happened in lunch, taehyung was on his way to meet his koo, because his koo haven't call him from last 4 hours,,that koo who can't even stay calm if he doesn't talk to taehyung ever 1 hour doesn't even left a single message...

(Jungkook's office)...

Taehyung knocked on the door..

Whose there?( Jungkook asked voice coming out really hoaresd..

Its me koo..( tae replied..

Come inside..( jungkook answered back..

After tae opened the door,he directly went towards jungkook to hug him, cause that's the first thing he do nowadays when he comes to his koo office..but for change jungkook pushed taehyung instead of hugging him..


W what's wrong koo?( Taehyung asked unaware of Everything..

Oh really u r asking me whats wrong,,u r not that much naive as much you try to pretend Kim Taehyung..(jungkook spoke harshly..

Wh what are you talking about koo..nd what's with my full name where is your, baby? (Taehyung asked innocently

STOP BEING INNOCENT YOU FUCKING LIAR..( jungkook said voice full with venom..

Hearing what jungkook called him, taehyung's world crashed,he was blank..

You were fucking two timing with me huh,,tell me how many man's do you need to satisfy you,tell me how much they pay you,,( jungkook said to tae holding his wrist rather harshly...

Hwasa was right,, you were dating me nd joohyuk both at the same time,i wouldn't have believed her,, if i haven't seen you nd your pathetic ass lover being lovey dovey in middle of corridors,,(jungkook continued to speak harshly..

You are getting me all wrong Jungkook ,i rejected joohyuk shi proposal,,yes he proposed me but i reject him , believe me jungkook,i swear on our love..(tae tried to convince jungkook..

Love, you swear on your love,, same love that you told joohyuk you do to him,,tell me how many more boyfriend's do you have beside me nd joohyuk,,oh poor joohyuk is he aware of your doings?? ( Jungkook asked mocking taehyung..

Jungkook don't think soo low of me,,plz I beg you don't insult my love,i will be broken koo please believe me,,there is nothing going on between me nd joohyuk shi , believe me jungkook plzz believe me,,( taehyung cried..

STOP IT ,,just stop playing victim card,,tell me taehyung was i not enough for you,did my love for you lack somewhere,,or is it your personality,, that u aren't satisfied with one man,,tell me how many man do you take in one d..( jungkook tried to complete his sentence but cutted off by a tight slap on his cheeks...

DON'T ,, don't you dare try to point finger at my character Mr Jeon... before saying anything keep this in mind i was not the one who came to propose you,you were the one who tried to woo me,if my intention was to betray you i would have done it way before not after 5 fucking months of dating ,,If i just want to have you for your money ,,i would have taken first step to approach you,or i could have seduced you ,,but i didn't do anything like that,,cause that's not me ,thats not Kim Taehyung style...Now listen to me MR JEON JUNGKOOK i too don't need a spineless man in my life,, whose belief in his lover is so damn little,why would you leave me,, when i m the one who will break things off with you..(saying this taehyung took out that promise ring from his finger nd put it on jungkook desk...

You are free now Mr Jeon have a good day...nd one more thing ..i am here in this contest because of my hardwork ,,i won't backoff anytime soon ,,just because you own this contest..( saying this taehyung left from there...

Both innocent ,,victim of misunderstanding cried their heart out... their first Heartbreak💔💔..

To be continued....


I m so sorry lovelies ,if this was too much,,but i have to spice things up ,, cause life couldn't be all fluffy , obstacles are must,,either in real life or in books.... so please keep believing in me..do vote nd comment...

Extremely Sorry for the mistakes 🙏🙏..

Love Saddy 💜

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