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(Author's pov)...

Breaking up with jungkook was the most difficult thing that taehyung ever did in his life,,he was devastated, broken and hurt..he was not able to believe what just happened with them,,The jungkook who claimed to love taehyung more than anything else in this world,was not even able to trust him..

(Inside the dorm)..

After coming back from jungkook's office taehyung kept crying like a child,,sehun was trying really hard to calm taehyung down but he wasn't able to do that,,he even called lisa inside their room,, so maybe she can try,,but both of their efforts go in vain,, because taehyung keep crying..

(On the other hand)..

Jungkook was hurting himself,,he was throwing Everything here nd there inside his room,,he punched the wall with hard impact that blood started to come out from his knuckles,,he was angry on himself that how come he was unable to understand taehyung's intention...

Seeing what was jungkook upto scared maid called jin,,who told her that he will be their as soon as possible...

(Inside jungkook's room)..

Jungkook was about to break the mirror ,,but before he could a hand stoped him..

Are you Insane jungkook ,,like what are you upto,, what's all this?? (An angry jin asked following him namjoon and yoonminseok entered inside the room too..

Jungkook what happened? Why are you behaving like a madman? (Yoongi asked..

After seeing his hyungs ,, jungkook calmed a bit,,but after few seconds he started to cry loudly..

What happened kook ? Tell ur hyungs,, you are scaring us.. (namjoon asked rubbing kook's back

Sniffing like a kid jungkook told everything to his hyungs...

Nd what did you do huh? you believed her? (A furious jimin asked..

How come i not when i see him in joohyuk arm with my own eyes..(still sniffing jungkook replied..


Wow,i mean like seriously jungkook are you seriously that dumb or you pretending to be,, Don't you know how hwasa really is from high school..(jimin speak getting hyper..

I no nothing about her,,i didn't believe her word's ,,i see them together with my eyes..(jungkook replied getting angry..

What did you see huh? Did you see them kissing ? No you only see joohyuk holding tae ,,nd you assumed that tae is cheating on you..you didn't even asked tae wether its true or not,,u just blamed him,,call him by name's..i didn't expected this from you jungkook,,you are more sensible than this..(jin too joined jimin..

Tae can never cheat on you,,i have that belief in him,,than why wouldn't you believed him jungkook? U know taehyung more than any of us,,calm yourself than think,, Is taehyung really able to cheat on you...(hobi said handling the situation..

We will leave for now,, god knows what's my soulmate is feeling right now..(saying this jimin nd all his hyung went out leaving jungkook alone..

(Time skip)..

Its been two days since Taehyung and Jungkook break things off between them,,they didn't talked to each other ,,heck they didn't even see eachother,, their hyungs try there level best to sort things out between them,,but both were being stubborn,, but all this thing's apart,, now party time ,, reason its time to celebrate semi finals,, all top5 contestant family members including whole staff are invited ..

(At Night)..

At first taehyung wasn't ready to attend part,,cause he was preventing himself from meeting jungkook,,but official tell him that its compulsion for every top5 to attend the party...so now he was getting ready,,he asked his hyungs to join him as his family members to which they happily agreed..


Taehyung didn't even try too look beautiful ,,but he still does,, looking mesmerizing as always...

(Taehyung look for the party)..

After getting ready,he and his friends entered the party venue..all eyes were on them,nd why wouldn't it be they all were star of the nights...

(Party hall)..

Taehyung nd his friends settled on table,they were talking ,, taehyung was waiting for his hyungs to come,,he was eyeing main door time to time,,

Taehyung took another glance towards door ,,but his breath become uneven because he locked his eyes with the one,, whom he didn't wanna see anymore...

(Jungkook look for the party)..

To be continued...


Hey Lovelies double update on special demand of her request moved me🙏..

Stay tuned guys, do comment and vote, Bdw kook's gonna know the truth soon..are you guys excited??

Love Saddy 💜

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