《Hating Old People ~ Kakashi's Daughter Naruto Fanfiction》5) Mission: Catch That Girl: Part 2
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO Ok, here's part 2 :)
Kida's POV
I jumped onto the roofs again and can see the villages’ outer wall leading to the vast forest. Once I get out into the forest I'll be fine and I don't have to see this place or my 'father' again. I've done my part, and I can get on with my life now...
'What am I gonna do with my life?'
'Oh God, no, stop, don't second guess yourself now!'
'...But, seriously, what am I doing. I never really put much stock in family or friends because they always end up leaving. And now I'm the one that's leaving...'
'Exactly, it's a good feeling isn't it. For once you're not the one that's being left behind.'
'...But what if he's feeling exactly what I felt when people left me? Mum, Ms Takashima, the kids that I would try and befriend during the 5 years that I travelled by myself but who always went home at the end of the day to where their families were waiting for them with dinner on the table while I find an abandoned building or a tree to sleep in, eating food that I had stolen earlier that day from back pack, my back pack that held all the belongings I had left in the world that hadn't perished in the fire that took my mother or been lost and stolen in my travels.'
'STOP. You're not helping yourself by thinking about this. You're going to leave this village, and your father so that he can get on with his own life which has probably far exceeded any kind of life that he could have had with you and your mother. You're going to travel, and survive, because that is what you do.'
Oh God... I'm actually having an internal conversation with myself. I thought that was only for crazy people and old people... damn old people.
A flash of orange in the distance caught my attention, snapping me out of my thoughts... thankfully... I don't know where that conversation was going. A blonde haired, blue eyed boy wearing bright orange pants and a matching jumper was standing a few roofs away from me. I gained speed and was planning to dodge him, but as I got closer he positioned his hands together and yelled "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"
Immediately after, maybe 50 or more copies of him appeared over the roofs surrounding us. All at once, they emitted their battle cries and charged at me, the excitement clear in all of their eyes. I knocked my hood back and my silver hair got caught in the wind that raced passed me as I ran. I removed my katana from its sheath and positioned the blade in front of myself, never missing a step as I continued jumping from building to building, getting closer to the still charging mass of orange.
As the first wave reached me, I swung my blade through several of them. The next waves barrelled through the clouds of smoke that were left behind from the ones that I had previously cut down. I swung my sword so fast that I could barely see the blade anymore. But my movements were precise and planned as they easily diminished the orange mob that advanced on me.
There were only 3 of the clones left on the roof top where I had stopped to defeat the threat. I couldn't tell which one could be the real one as all their presences were quite weak. As they all poised to attack me at the same time, I felt another presence that must be the original blonde boy, coming at me from behind. As the three clones pounced at me, the presence lunged at my back.
Swiftly, I swung my katana at the three clones while swinging my right foot out behind me. As the three confirmed cloned disappeared in puffs of smoke, I turned my head to see the blonde boy hanging in the air behind me, tongue lolling out of his wide open mouth, and his eyes bulging so that they were mostly white and seemed to bulge right out of his head. My foot was still in its strong position, digging right into the boys gut.
Pulling my leg back, the boy fell to the ground clutching his stomach and groaning in pain. As I was about to continue my running, the boy looked up at me with a wide, closed eye grin saying in a surprisingly even tone for the pain he must be in right now, "That was a good move, you defeated most of my clones before I could even get behind you, and then you knew I was there anyway. We should spar sometime!" That was all he manages to say before his smile faltered again and he pressed his forehead on the ground, still clutching his stomach.
I hesitated slightly before sheathing my katana again and kneeling down next to him, I placed my hand on his shoulder and patted it lightly saying "There, there, you're alright. How bout we spar next time I'm in town?" The boy looked up at me in surprise, then grinned widely again before frowning and asking in a confused tone, "Are you leaving?" I was about to reply when a great force, that I really should have sensed coming if I hadn't been completely focused on the unfamiliar social interaction with the boy in front of me, knocked me a few metres away from where I had been kneeling and was now crushing me under his weight.
I opened my eyes to a blur of silver hair above me, quickly gasping to regain some of the air that had been knocked out of me. I looked to my left where the blonde boy was still doubled over a few metres away from me, with his head tilted up looking between me and Kakashi. Utter confusion was plastered on his face, squinting eyes and 'O' shaped mouth.
As I got my senses back, I noticed that my arms had been restrained to my sides using an extremely unnecessarily long rope, it snaked around my chest down to my waist and plastered my cloak to my back and shoulders. My hands stuck uselessly out the bottom of the cylindrically wrapped rope.
I heard someone above me say in an overly happy tone "No Naruto, she's not leaving" which brought my attention back to Kakashi. As my eyes came completely back into focus after being tackled by a full grown man, which let’s face it, could happen to anyone, I noticed that he was grinning down at me with his one visible eye closed [I'm guessing it was a grin by the way his mask was formed to his face]. I glared back at him from under my mask, my side fringe had fallen further to the side revealing my other black eye which I'm hoping helped intensify my glare. How dare he, a full grown man, tackle me, a 12 year old girl, and tie me up with a ridiculous amount of rope that I have absolutely no idea where he could have gotten it from... Just, just how dare he?!
Kakashi's POV
I looked down at the masked girl as she glared up at me... It took a lot for me not to shudder under her deepening glare and keep grinning... just keep grinning... Maybe I over did it with the rope...
Kida's POV
"What now?" I asked him, trying to put as much venom in my voice as possible. I'm pretty pissed at being tied up like this, and I was so close to getting away. Kakashi sweat dropped before reaching down and hoisting me over his shoulder. Oh. Hell. No
"Put me down right now! This instant! Immediately!" Wow, I feel like a thesaurus. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but the rope restricted my movement severely so I quickly gave up deciding I needed to conserve my energy. I lifted my head up from its place on his back and saw three familiar figures all standing around me. The blonde haired boy [Naruto?] who still looked confused but was otherwise happy that I was still there, the black haired boy [Sasuke?] who now had white, slightly blood stained bandages covering his nose, a drying blood stain on his shirt and an absolutely, irrefutably pissed look on his face. Which annoyingly turned into a smug expression followed by a "Hn" as he took in my current situation. His face annoyed me so I moved on to the pink haired girl who looked at me with daggers, venom was practically seeping out of her skin as she stared at me.
"No, no I don't think I will..." Kakashi drawled calmly in response to my yelling, which pissed me off even more. Looking over his other shoulder he spoke to the three people behind me who all had matching leaf shinobi headbands. "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, as I made this a mission, you're all welcome to follow me back to the Hokage's office if you're not busy" he said with another closed eye smile. With that he faced forward again and jumped off the roof into one of the wide gravel streets which has quietened down since last time I was down here.
The three people I now know to be Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura all followed Kaskashi from the roof and were walking next to each other behind Kakashi. They all continued to stare at me, even when I put my head down against Kakashi's back, I could still feel them staring. I wish my hood hadn't been wrapped in with the rope, or it would have done a good job of protecting me from their stares. The silence that surrounded us was unsettling, but I didn't really feel like talking either, and I was definitely not one for starting conversation.
Naruto's POV
She looked really annoyed that we caught her, she kept looking up at us and then putting her head back down as we walked behind Kakashi. Her glare was kind of scary, but I thought she was nice anyway, she stayed with me after our fight and comforted me which isn't something that happens a lot. When she looked up again I decided to break the silence.
"I'm Naruto and I'm gonna be Hokage some day! Believe it!" She looked at me for a moment, her one visible eye wide as she looked me up and down. Oh, I thought glancing away from her, another one who doesn't believe in me... but then I heard her giggle lightly and when I looked back at her she was smiling behind her mask. "I do believe it" she replied still smiling at me.
Sasuke's POV
This silver haired devil broke my nose. She actually broke it. I shouldn't have underestimated her. My head is throbbing from our fight and my ribs are killing me. Sakura had to take me to the hospital during the mission because my nose was bleeding that furiously before meeting up with the team again. The nurses at the hospital must have thought that Sakura and I were... because I had a nose bleed... and Sakura was with me... that we... Damn it!
And there she is smiling and laughing with Naruto while someone else carries her. She's not even injured. Why was it even out mission to catch her anyway? Why does she look so much like Kakashi? And what's under the mask!?
Sakura's POV
I can't believe she did that to my Saskue. If I get a chance with her I'm going to smash her face into the ground. That stupid face, what's with the mask!? ....And why does she look so much like sensei? It's creepy...
Kida's POV
It was nice talking to Naruto. He can talk a lot, I was a bit concerned about him forgetting to breathe, but he seemed to manage. I completely ignored Sasuke's and Sakura's glares as I talked with Naruto until I got tired of holding my head up, so I let it rest against Kakashi's back again while Naruto kept lecturing me about ramen and what kinds were the best.
Many other people stared as we walked passed, it must have looked strange, a masked, silver haired girl bound in rope and being carried over the shoulder of a silver haired ninja and followed by 3 more young ninja. I'd yell out and thrash around but it's unlikely that any of the locals would question their own ninjas motives for carrying a young girl through town, especially if that girl looked similar to the ninja that was carrying her... And my arms were too tightly pressed to my sides and there was no way to stop my fall if Kakashi were to suddenly decide that it would be fun to drop me and leave me in the dirt. Considering this, I don't think he would dare, but then again he did tackle me to the ground only a few minutes ago, which I was a bit sore from, but not as sore as I could have been... the bastard was probably holding back...
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt more eyes boring into the back of my upside down hanging head. I looked up and my eyes were immediately drawn to a group of people eating together at, judging by the smell, a barbeque restaurant. They all stared at me in recognition and curiosity, it was the same group of people that I had tried to blend in with earlier. I gave them a closed eye smile behind my mask and side fringe that had fallen back over my left eye as we kept walking past the establishment.
Kida's POV
And here I am again, in the Hokage's office, standing in the middle of the room, bound tightly in ropes, looking at the old man behind his desk. Izumo, Kotetsu and Iruka had all been dismissed on our arrival, and Naruto, Saskue and Sakura were told to wait outside the door. Kakashi stood next to me with his hands in his pockets looking nervous. His calm, carefree attitude had left him when the others had left the room.
The smile that adorned the old mans warm, kind face reminds me of Ms Takashima. In fact, it's almost exactly the same, the way his eyes crinkle around the edge, the way his aged eyes radiate the warmth of a kind heart. Of coarse it's all just a front, a mask, to hide the deceitful ways of the elderly. For behind that nice façade, the gears are always ticking.
You know what, he's exactly like Ms Takashima, almost like they're the same person
... O_O ...
Actually, now that I think about it, it is highly unlikely that the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village has been dressing up as an elderly woman and training me for the past 2 year before tricking me into travelling to his/her village and then faking his/her own death... It's probably very unlikely.
"Well..." the Hokage started whilst setting his long pipe down on his desk and pulling out a blank piece of paper and writing instrument. "How about we start from the beginning and work our way from there." He finished with an official tone, but still looking at me with kindness and curiosity.
I took a breath and let out a sigh before beginning a super extreme revised edition of my life, leaving out many details and experiences that I felt they didn't need to know, because it's really none of their business, and I wanted to get out of here quickly. I made sure to keep my face blank and my voice emotionless as I spoke. "My name is Kida. My mother raised me until I was 5 before dying in a fire that destroyed the apartment building that we had lived in. I didn't know her last name, but her first name was Nami, also I can't remember the town that I started out in because I was 5 and I rarely had a set destination, I just walked. With no one and nothing left for me there, I then travelled for 5 years before settling with a woman who lived in a rural industry near the mountains for 2 more years. She died 2 weeks ago, at which point I travelled here looking for any living family". I finished, the room was silent.
The Hokage, who had been writing notes on his piece of paper, coughed before continuing with his next question. "How did you know to come to this Village to find your family" He glanced at Kakashi, who remained at my side, I could feel him gazing down at me with sad, guilty eyes, but I refused to look back.
"The only thing my mother ever told me about my father, that I can remember, is that he was a ninja from the Village Hidden in the Leaves" I replied, keeping my voice monotone. The Hokage quickly followed up with a question I just knew was coming, "And why did you wait so many years to travel here in search of him?"
"I didn't want to find him..." An anime arrow pierced through Kakashi's chest at this moment causing him to go rigid beside me "...if it weren't for a promise I made to Ms Takashima, then I wouldn't have even considered coming here now. And since I have found - family-" I emphasised the word "and fulfilled that promise, I would greatly appreciate it if you could untie me so I can leave." No emotion crossed my face or my voice. But I could see the sadness and pity in the Hokage's eyes, and the pain and despair was pretty much rolling of Kakashi in black and blue squiggly lines that covered his downturned face.
The awkwardness in the room was suffocating, maybe I should have said that a bit more kindly, but too little to late I guess...
The Hokage broke the silence, thankfully. "Kakashi, I would ask you about your connection with this child's mother but that would be pointless since we only have a first name, and she very clearly is your daughter..."
"I want you to stay with me" It was the first time Kakashi had spoken since everyone else had left the room. A lump got caught in my throat as I turned my head to look up at him. His visible eye was pleading to match his voice as he reinforced his statement. "I want you to stay with me, in Konaha" I tried to keep the emotion out of the visible part of my face, but I could feel my features soften as I looked up at my father.
It had never occurred to me that he would actually want me to stay, my mum was probably just a one night stand. And I was a mistake. But the emotion in his voice was thick with sincerity, he wasn't just saying this because I was his biological child and therefore his responsibility, or because the Hokage was right there and it was expected of him, was he? Damn it! I don't know what to think anymore. But it's not like I'm needed anywhere else any time soon.
I turned back to the Hokage, extinguishing my emotions again and spoke in a surprisingly even tone considering the lump was still in my throat. "With your permission, I would like to stay in Konaha for the foreseeable future. If you would kindly give me directions to a hotel..." was all I could say before Kakashi interrupted me in a stern, unargumentative voice "You will be staying with me at my apartment."
"That's not necessary..." I tried to speak again.
"Yes it is. You'll be staying with me" His tone suggested that I had no choice in the matter which made me want to argue more.
"No, really, I can find somewhere else to stay..." I was interrupted again.
"You will be staying with me, end of discussion." Challenge accepted
"But..." Damn it, not again.
"Kida, you will be staying with your father during the time you are residing in Konaha" The Hokage jumped in before I could continue. Seriously, what's with everyone interrupting me? His voice was tired and slightly annoyed; I could see an irritation mark on his forehead as a result of Kakashi and my bickering.
"Then I want to leave konaha." Now I was just arguing because they were ganging up on me. You should never back me into a corner.
"You are not permitted to leave Konaha." Old people and their authoritive positions...
"Don't I get a choice in this!?" My defeat is imminent.
"Off course you do, as long as your choice is to stay in Konaha with your father. I am the Hokage and my decision is final. Now please exit my office. Both of you" The irritation mark was still evident on his forehead.
It's official, I hate old people.
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Stella's Feathers
A beautiful soul was born on Earth The Goddess of Fortune decided to bless this soul to a life of fortune But the Goddess of Beauty became jealous and turned fortune to misfortune And so is the life of this soul lives, until at 16 where she dies to save a kind child from her cursed misfortune Watch her grow as she learns to deal with her new surroundings, new friends, and the authors best attempt at a heartwarming story ------------------------------------------- nice to meet you, please call me Star, this is my first novel and I will no doubt make lots of mistakes so please feel free to comment on anything you feel like might help the story. while constructive criticism is helpful I will just ignore trolls or laugh at them so feel free to do the same. I am terrible at spelling and I'm not doing this for profit but as a way to relax so no paid editors. I will warn you that if this book gets impossible for me to write I might just end it, but I will write an end even if it's ended abruptly I hope it won't get that bad though. well hopefully that won't happen, by the way, the ending will be the same it's just the difference of whether or not there are loose ends. this is mainly an adventure/fantasy, the romance will likely be cringe-worthy with just how slow it will be, either I won't know how to advance or won't want to due to the circumstances I make, on purpose or accidentally. if you have suggestions for story progression feel free to help, I will, of course, give you props if I use them. Have Fun ----------- on hiatus for very personal reasons and will get back when i can. ----------- so, im rewriting the story. after i rewrite the existing chapters i will replace the existing ones. to those who have enjoyed the story so far thank you for giving me your time and i hope you find the new version even better. it will take time to rewrite the existing chapters but i hope to see you again soon. the story will change quite a bit so im sorry to those who wanted to see what happened next in the original. i hope to see you soon!
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