《The Will Of The Cat》Chapter Six: Camping Trip


The sun was barely rising and Johny was already up and at it. Collecting wood, grass, bark and all sorts of items. He found a stream by the cliff side and a cave as well, which didn't seem to be inhabited. He also found a few bushes with some berries, which he hungrily ate a handful.

Coming back to the cave with an armful of grass from nearby and a large pile of sticks, he places them all by the entrance of the cave.

"Just a few more trips and I'll be completely set", he says looking at the piles.

He then takes off three more times, each time returning with more stuff. After bringing back the third shipment, he begins weaving and knotting the grass to get rope. He then makes a basket with some flexible branches he cut with his makeshift axe.

"Nice!", he compliments looking at his work.

He then takes out a few berries from his pocket and eats them.

"Now to set up traps".

Johny began to build basic traps for small animals and then set them up in certain spots.

After which, he left to the berry bushes with his basket, which seemed to be holding together. Placing the berries in the basket, he hears a nearby trap go off. Quickly collecting the rest of the berries from one bush, he rushes towards the trap.

A wild wolf pup was caught inside.

"Oh, hey little fella", Johny greets crouching down next to the cage.

The pup just wags it's tail happily.

"What are you doing in there?", Johny questions already knowing the answer.

"Where's your family?".

"Here. Let's get you out of there", Johny says tipping over the cage letting the wolf pup out.

It waddles out happily and begins to lick Johny.

"I like you too", he chuckles lowering the cage and petting the pup.

"What should I name you?", he questions the pup picking it up.

It just let's out a small bark.

"Alright then, 'Arf'er it is", Johny says grinning.

The pup howls in agreement.

Placing Arthur on the ground, Johny ruffles his hair.

Hearing a branch snap Johny bolts up.

"I think that's your family, I better head out", Johny says dismissing himself.

"Don't worry, we'll meet again!", he says looking back at Arthur who was a little sad.

The pup, hearing this, wags his tail and watches Johny leave.

Johny stays running only for a few seconds before he sees three wolves surrounding him. Unsure of what to do, he looks around for an escape. Suddenly a grizzly bear shows up growling, running towards them.


Johny then sees his chance to escape as the wolves change targets. He begins running towards the cave, clutching the straps he made for the basket tightly. Once he reached the cave he began to catch his breath and put the basket down. Johny listened to hear what was happening.

A low growling and then silence. After a moment or so passed, Johny sees the bear crossing over the stream towards him.

Slightly scared Johny grabs the basket and gets ready to climb the cliff again. The bear just stays walking slowly. Johny doesn't move and watches as it gets right next to him and sits down. Confused, Johny goes to pet it.

The bear lowers it's head in acceptance. Now Johny understands why it didn't growl at him when he first met it... sort of. Relaxing, Johny puts the basket down and gets a handful of berries.

"Want some?", Johny questions showing the bear.

It then looks at his hands then his face as if trying to say, "Can I?".

Johny looks down at his hands as the bear raises a paw and places it on them. Gently pushing down his hand to drop the berries, the bear stands on all fours then begins to eat.

"I think I have a name for you", Johny says sitting down and watching the bear eat.


"Get it, cause 'berry' and 'Barry'... nevermind", Johny explained.

The bear then paused it's meal and licked Johny's face in approval.

Johny smiled.

"Thanks for earlier".

Barry just grunts and looks up at Johny after he finishes the last berry.

"Want more?", Johny asks grabbing the basket.

Barry stares at Johny as if trying to say, "You'll give me more? Yes! Please!".

Johny pours out the rest of the berries and stands up.

"That's all for now, I'll have to get some more later", he says placing the basket down.

"I'm gonna go check the trap I put in the water", Johny says heading towards the stream.

Sure enough, a few fish were captured in it. Leaving the trap in the water, Johny went back to the cave and began to set up an area for a campfire. He starts by digging a hole and placing rocks around it, using the dirt from the hole to fill the small spaces between the rocks. After he finished that he began to set up the sticks for cooking the fish.

"I need something sharp", Johny says aloud.

He then looks at Barry.

"Can I use your claws?".

Johny walks up to him carrying some sticks and half a log. Placing the sticks down, he sits next to Barry. Barry just lifts up a paw and places it on the log.


"Thanks", Johny responds taking a hold of his paw.

Barry watches in interest as Johny uses his claw to cut a hole and a short line through the side of the wood, collecting tinder as he goes.

"I think this is how it's supposed to look", Johny comments finishing.

"That's all for now, thanks", Johny says getting up and going to the fireplace.

He places the log down then grabs two sticks and some rope. He tied the rope to both sides of the curved stick with a bit extra so it would hang down a bit and then placed the other stick on the rope and wrapped it once. Johny then grabbed a rock and held it over the second stick.

"The bow-drill technique", Johny explains looking at Barry.

"My dad showed me this when I was younger".

Johny places his contraption on the log and begins to move the "bow" back and forth, causing the second stick to spin. He does this for about five minutes until a bit of smoke appears. Johny then removes the stick and begins to blow lightly on the tinder. Suddenly, a fire erupts from the small blaze.

Johny, wasting no time, takes the log and places it in the fireplace. He rushes and grabs some sticks and adds them to the fire as well.

"Nice, right before sunset!", Johny boasts raising up a fist then pulling it in.

"Let's cook the fish, but first let's sharpen those sticks", Johny says looking at Barry.

They sharpen three sticks with a blade Johny made then, Johny grabs the trap. Piercing the fish that he gutted, then placing them over the fire, he cleans himself in the stream. After about twenty minutes of rotating the fish, Johny removes them from the fire and gives one to Barry. Barry looks at it curiously then devours it whole looking at Johny gleefully.

Johny then gives him another and eats the last one that remained on the stick. A kinda bland taste.

"I need salt...", Johny thought to himself making a face.

After their meal they both stayed by the fire, Johny relating tales to Barry about his family and Masahiro. After an hour Johny fell asleep on Barry. They both lay peacefully and sleep without disturbances until the morning of the next day.

Johny wakes up and notices Barry is missing. Searching around the cave he doesn't find him. After a while Johny gives up and decides to prepare for another trek, towards the cabin. He tosses more wood into the remaining embers of the fireplace and leaves the cave.

He starts by looking for clay or a clay-like substance. He searches for only a moment until he comes across it by the stream. He finds a flat rock and places it near the clay so he could use it as a surface to put the clay on.

He then grabs handfuls of the stuff, and cleans it of small rocks and such, then starts making coils and stacking them. After, he starts flattening out the inside and outside of his creation, adding more clay as he went until he got a vase. He then took it to the fire and placed it on the multiple sticks above it that formed a platform.

He'd have to wait for it to finish hardening.

"Now to go get more food", Johny says looking for the basket.

"Where is it? I thought I put it right here".

Suddenly Barry appears holding the basket in his mouth.

"Where have you been?", Johny questions surprised.

Barry then walks up to Johny and places the basket at his feet. The basket is stuffed with the berry bushes and fresh fish.

Johny thanks him with a pat on the back.

"Wanna help me best that demon cat and his exam?", Johny questions Barry.

Barry grunts in agreement.

Johny smiles then shouts, "I'm gonna make it back in one week! Just you watch!".

Hello! Author here. I had something planned to say here, but I forgot. It was something inspirational, I think. "Something inspirational!", Richard, 2020. I'm not sure. Hmm. Ah, yes. It was something along the lines of, "when I get stressed or need a break, I find the outdoors helpful", or something like that. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and as always, tell me what you thought. I enjoy writing this story. Whenever I'm down or in need of a pick-me-up, I write. I write, putting all my joy and happiness into my work so that when I read it, it returns. That's just me though. Well, here are the recommendations for the week:


1. Beelzebub

2. Hitman Reborn

3. Yu Yu Hakusho


1. Skillet - Feel Invincible

2. Neffex - Never Give Up

3. Ashes Remain - On My Own

Until next time, I bid thee adieu.

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