《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》35. "I'm not normal"



"If you didn't love me then you would have never let me do this, especially in public." He winked.

Okay, he won.

"Now say you love me." He demanded.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Say it." He whined. "Okay I will say first. I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"Copy that." I turned my head towards the sun.

"What the fuc- say it!" He was literally whining like a kid now and I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't enjoying it.

He is such an oxymoron. Just a few minutes ago he was acting like a daddy and playing out a little stunt in public and now he was a kid again! Who would even say it's the same person!

"Same to you." I chuckled.

"Don't be like that." He faked crying.

I started laughing so hard that people around me would definitely be giving us a wierd look. But I couldn't care less. I was happy at the moment.

I was happy with him.

Because I love him.

End of recap

month later

I jolted up at the nauseous feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. Somehow setting myself free from Jimin's tight grasp, while making sure not to wake him up, I sped off to the bathroom and kneeled beside the seat.

I retched twice or thrice and then finally threw up. I vomited non-stop till the last bit of food left inside my stomach. I felt drained out.

My head was spinning, I was feeling tired even though I had a good night sleep, my joints were aching, and I felt like spewing again. It was like I had a hangover but I didn't drink even a drop of alcohol last night!

Suddenly, Jimin barged inside with worry written all over his face. Seeing me beside the seat, he came closer and kneeled right in front of me.

"Are you okay?" His voice was soft yet laced with worry. He cupped my left cheek and held my hand with his free one. "What happened?"

"Not good." Was all I was able to spill out.

Seeing my droopy eyes and lack of energy even to speak properly he immediately understood I was not good.

"Do you wanna throw more?"

"No more food in-" and I retched again.

"Okay, I got it." He panicked a little.

Instantly, he lifted me up bridal style and took me to the bed. He made sure I was comfortable, covered me with blanket and went back to the bathroom. I heard him flush and then some water running. He was cleaning off my mess.

I felt really bad at that time. I wanted to rush in and clean it myself but I was way too weak. I don't even know when I drifted off to my dreamland.



"Don't worry, Jimin. She will be alright."

"But Aunt, she is in a really bad shape!"


I woke up at the voices talking right beside me. It was hard for me to open my eyes at once but after blinking twice, it was a success.

"She is awake!" It was Jimin.

"Good morning, dear." I saw a lady in doctor's coat sitting right beside me.

"Good morning." I gave her a weak smile. I felt much better now.

"How do you feel?" Jimin rushed to my side and held my hand tightly.

"Much better." I smiled a little.

"Jimin-ah. It's time for you to go out. I need to check her." The lady pushed Jimin aside a little.

"But I want to stay here. Why can't I stay back, aunt?" He was literally whining like a baby. Judging by the way he was so informal with her and was referring to her as 'aunt', she must be his family doctor or maybe a relative.

"No Jimin. You need to go out." He gave me a longing look, expecting me to favour him but when I pursued my lips as an answer, he finally gave up.

"Okay." He looked like the sad-lost puppy who is abandoned by his master.

Nonetheless, he left the room and shut the door behind him.

"This kid." Doctor shook her head with a slight smile playing at the corner of her lips. "He loves you a lot, doesn't he?"

"I guess, doctor." I blushed a little.

"Please call me aunt. Though, I'm their family doctor but I've known them since even before Jimin was born. Infact, I was the one who brought Jimin in this world." She smiled politely.

I didn't know that! She is with this family for such a long time!

"I didn't know that." I felt a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay. I suppose you must have enough energy to stand up now? I gave you some good dose of glucose earlier."

"Yeah. I feel good." With a little more effort, I was able to sit up straight and then even stand up on my feet.

"When was the last time you had periods?"

I froze. I didn't put much thinking in this before but now when she mentioned it-"I'm 3 weeks up my due date."

"Ever happened before?"

"No. Maximum 2 or 3 days up and down. Not more."

"Good. Now go and take the test." She gave me a knowing smile while passing me the pregnancy stick.

I didn't know how to react. Now when she mentioned it, all the clues point towards that! My nausea, fatigue, dizziness, missing period- fucking all!

I rushed to the bathroom without wasting another second and did what was required. I peed onto the stick.


After resting the stick carefully on top of the cabinet and washing my hand nicely, I exited the room.

"Is it already done?" She was surprised.

"No. I peed but results are yet to come." I walked towards her. "I'm nervous."

She gave me a knowing smile. "It happens."

"What if I'm not pregnant?"

"It's okay. There is a possibility of food poisoning as well- if we ignore the missing period part."

"Everyone will be upset. I must have given them high hopes." I felt like crying.

"Honey." She cupped my face. "No one knows about it. Why do you think I sent Jimin out?"

"Still.." I was at loss of words. I just couldn't explain her what I was worried about. And how would I be able to? I myself didn't know what was bothering me.

"Okay, strip down your shorts and lie down." Suddenly, she started going through her gynaecology tools.


"Remove your shorts and panty, I need to inspect your vagina." She said that with so much ease- without a tad bit of embarrassment, and over here I was literally burning.

How can I lie down naked in front of her!? One, she is someone I met today. Second, she is older than me- much older- maybe more than my mother's age. Third, Jimin calls her aunt!

Finally, she spared me a glance. "Don't be embarrassed, dear. Treat me like a normal gynaecologist. Not your aunt or someone known. It's okay, trust me." I heaved a sigh and stripped myself without giving it a second thought. If I'll think much, I'll definitely not be able to do that.

After stripping my lower region completely naked, I lied down on my bed with my legs wide apart- facing her. She put two pillows under my butt to increase the height.

"Close your eyes and relax. Usually, one needs to check the result before 10 minutes are over and-" she glances at the clock hanging on the wall "-we still got 6-7 mins. There is time." I nodded and took a deep breath.

She used some of her tools to inspect my vagina thoroughly. In starting I felt hella embarrassed, but slowly calmed down reminding myself that it's just like a normal checkup.

After 3-4 minutes , she sanitized all her tools and packed them back. "Hurry and check the results, though I think I know them already." She grinned.

Without even bothering to atleast wear something to cover my naked bottom, I rushed to the bathroom and checked the stick.

"Positive." It read. "Positive." I repeated. I left the bathroom and rushed towards aunt. "Positive. It says.. positive."

"Congratulations honey. You are pregnant." She grinned.

"I'm... Pregnant?" I couldn't control my tears anymore. "I'm going to be a.. mother? Like my mom, like Mrs. Park, like you?" I was a mess.

"Yes. You are going to have a baby." Even her eyes got teary.

"OH MY!" I screamed at the stop of my lungs and jumped up on her. I engulfed her in a choking hug but she didn't seem to mind that. She was happy as well.

"Let's tell Jimin." She said after 2 minutes of me weeping like a baby.

Suddenly, I got silent. I didn't know how he will react! I know he loves kids and always wanted to have one of his own but.. what if he thinks it's still early? What if he doesn't want a kid now?

"Would you like to tell him?" Suddenly, I was pulled out of my trail of thoughts.

"No. You tell him please." I literally begged her. She was confused at first but thankfully, didn't ask much.

"Okay." She smiled and left to open the door.

But before opening the door, she turned around. "You can wear your shorts back, you know that right?"

My eyes doubled it's size and I looked down only to find my bottom completely naked. Immediately, I picked up my panty and shorts and wore them in one go.

She chuckled at my dumbness and opened the door. Surprisingly, Jimin was standing right out of the door. The moment the door was opened, it caught his attention immediately and he rushed inside.

"What happened? Is she okay?" He was panicking.

"No." Was all aunt said. At first I was confused but then I realised, maybe she is just playing around with him a little.

Jimin's face turned pale. "What.. happened?" He gulped, preparing himself to hear the worst.

"She isn't okay, Jimin. She is not normal."

"Not normal?" He seemed puzzled and scared to death all together.

"I'm not normal." I repeated, trying my best not to laugh out loud.

"Someone is inside her." Aunt spoke, trying to control her laughter as well.

"What?" Now he seemed genuinely confused.

"Someone is inside her womb." She pursued her lips.

"Some..one? I'm not getting you." His expression was so hilarious. I couldn't control myself anymore and I blurted out.

"A baby, Jimin. I'm pregnant." I grinned.

The phone, which was in Jimin's hand, suddenly fell on the floor with a crash. "You are pregnant?" I couldn't make out the expression on his face. Shock, bewildered.. scared?

Whatever it was.

I wasn't having a good feeling about it.


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