《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》36. Midnight Craving



"I'm not normal." I repeated, trying my best not to laugh out loud.

"Someone is inside her." Aunt spoke, trying to control her laughter as well.

"What?" Now he seemed genuinely confused.

"Someone is inside her womb." She pursued her lips.

"Some..one? I'm not getting you." His expression was so hilarious. I couldn't control myself anymore and I blurted out.

"A baby, Jimin. I'm pregnant." I grinned.

The phone, which was in Jimin's hand, suddenly fell on the floor with a crash. "You are pregnant?" I couldn't make out the expression on his face. Shock, bewildered.. scared?

Whatever it was.

I wasn't having a good feeling about it.

I tossed around on the bed, not able to sleep at all. I was hungry or rather say, my baby was hungry. I looked towards my left and found Jimin snoring with his mouth little open. I couldn't help but chuckle and wonder that when our little angle would come in this world, how would I'll be able to handle both the babies altogether? But at the same time I was pretty confident that Jimin would prove to be the best father in this world. Sometimes he do act a little immature, but honestly speaking he is way more collected and diligent than me.

I had to give my thoughts a pause when my stomach grumbled loudly. "Jesus." I mumbled under breath. Using all the energy left, I forced my body up and got out of the bed as slowly as possible. I didn't wanna wake up Jimin at 2 in the morning for nothing.

Slowly, I made my way to the kitchen and rummaged first through the fridge to search for leftovers, and then through shelves for any chips or snacks. When I found nothing of my interest I stomped back to the room and whined like a kid. After having an internal fight for barely over a minute on whether I should wake Jimin up or not I finally chose the former.

"Baby." I called softly. Nothing. "Baby." I was a bit louder this time. His snoring stopped but he still didn't wake up. "Jimin!" I screamed. He jolted up the bed in such a hurry that he landed face first on the floor. I swear to lord I was 0.001 second away from laughing my ass off but I maintained my composure and instead helped him up on his feet because well, I needed a silly favour from him at 2 in the morning.

For a few seconds, he looked perplexed probably still lost in his dream world but soon he came back to reality. "What happened, babe? Are you alright? Did your water break? Are you having contractions? Do you need doctor?" Worry was laced all over his face. I kind of felt bad for waking him up and happy to see how much he loves me. Undoubtedly, he would become the best father.

"I am hungryyy." I whined like a baby.

"Huh?" Out of all the possibilities, he was definitely not expecting this one.

"Hungry, baby. I need food."

I could visibly see his expression change from worry to bewilder to angry and finally annoyed.

I gulped. "Is that's why you woke me up at-" he paused to check the time. "at 3 in the morning!?"

"Baby, it's 2:23." Me being the shameless creature, I dared to argue back.


"Doesn't matter! It's still middle of the night!" He was angry, not furious, just angry. I didn't know how to respond because I was indeed at fault. I intertwined my hands and hung them in front of me, staring at my shoes like a guilty kid who is ready to be yelled at by his parents for making a mistake.

Instead of confronting me more, he heaved a sigh. "Don't you know we have a place called kitchen in our house? That's where we keep all the food!"

"I checked. There is nothing." My voice was barely above a whisper. I felt like crying. Even though Jimin legit hasn't said anything harsh or bad yet I felt like crying. Fuck you pregnancy Mood swings.

As if sensing my dejection, he immediately embraced me in his warm arms. "I am sorry." He whispered. Even though he wasn't at fault at all, not even a tiny bit, he still apologized and that made me feel worse.

"No, I am really sorry for disturbing your sleep. I am stupid." My voice cracked in the end.

Jimin stepped back a little to see my tears flowing down one after the other. "You are crying!?" More than worried, he was amused. "What happened?" he cupped my cheeks.

I started sobbing and rubbing my eyes like a baby. "I am so sorry Jimin." I chocked. "I am such a horrible wife and mother." His eyes widened in concern but I could see he was trying his best to control his laugh.

He hugged me again and let out a hearty chuckle. "Baby, you are just having mood swings. You are a wonderful wife and will be the best mother to ever exist." He caressed my hair which strangely made me feel better. After a few minutes staying in his embrace, he asked. "There is really nothing in the kitchen?" I hummed.

He took my hand in his and dragged me to the kitchen. First, he opened the fridge and found it packed with cupcakes, leftover food, salad, fruits, half pumpkin pie, uneaten pancakes, and whatnot. He gave me a 'Are you serious?' look.

"I want something spicy.." I couldn't look directly into his eyes. Without saying a word, he slammed the door shut and walked towards the cabinet. He took out 3 packets of chips and looked at me questioningly. "Yellow one is salted. Red one got a heavy amount of garlic and... green one got cheese.." I trailed off in the end. "Damn you human" I whispered to myself.

"There is nothing other than this." Surprisingly, he seemed calm. I thought he would get angry, or will at least give me an annoyed look but nothing. He still wore that beautiful smile of his on his face. Fuck, I'm madly in love with this man.

"That's what I said." I pursued my lips.

"What are you exactly craving for? something specific?"

"Something spicy, salty and a little sweet too.. something.. something like pasta!" My eyes sparkled like a 5-year-old. "I want pasta."

"Where would I get pasta at this time!?" He rose one of his not-so-perfectly shaped eyebrows.


"Does your uncle own any restaurant?" He asked out of the blue. I gave him a confused look. "No, actually at 3 in the morning none of the restaurants would be open for delivery until and unless your uncle owns it." He gave me a mocking smile. Haha. Very funny Park Jimin.


"I want pasta, that's it!" I crossed my arms over my breast and 'Hmph'ed!' like a kid.

I thought Jimin would scorn at the tantrum I threw but he did the exact opposite. He laughed. He fucking laughed! "You look so cute when you act all stubborn." A silly smile was playing on his lips. I blushed, hard. He walked towards me in small steps and gently pecked my forehead. His lips felt like a feather and invited the butterflies to dance in my abdomen. "I'll make pasta for you."

My eyes gleamed in excitement. "Really?"

He hummed. "But on one condition." I frowned but still gestured him to go on. "I want a kiss in return." As soon as these words left his mouth I pounced on him and engulfed his lips in mine. "Woah, easy woman." Jimin chuckled, breaking the kiss. He picked me up and settled me on the kitchen counter with him in between my legs.

He leaned in to kiss me and I copied him. He delicately held my lips with his as if I'd break if he went any harder. His right hand gently held my neck and his left hand was continuously caressing my hair. The kiss was slow, soft, gentle but still passionate. It was driving me nuts.

Soon, he broke the kiss and pecked my nose before starting his work. I made myself comfortable on the counter and watched him work. I can't decipher in words how lucky I feel to have him in my life. To be his lover, to call him mine.

Slowly, my mind drifted off to the day when I told him about my pregnancy. The moment he heard the words "I'm pregnant" he seemed a bit taken aback. I started having doubts regarding this pregnancy but soon his expression changed and his eyes literally sparkled. "I am going to be a dad? You- a mother? We- parents? We are starting a family? Our little own family?" Happy tears left his eyes one after the other. I couldn't help but cry too.

I nodded "Yes". It was all it took for him to rush to me and hold me up in his arms. He swayed me a little and then pecked me all over my face. Eyes, nose, forehead, cheeks, lips, neck...

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I was starring at him and it has caught his attention. "Baby?" He called. I didn't respond. He turned the flame low and walked over to me. He pecked my lips out of the blue and it brought me out of my trance. "What are you thinking about?"

I stared at him for a good minute. First his eyes, then his perfect nose, his lips, and then back up his eyes. Geez, can I ever get over this man's beauty? "Nothing." I finally answered. "Just recalling some of our moments together."I smiled.

"I hope they are good memories." His eyes showed a little fear, even though his lips were turned upwards in a beautiful smile.

"The day when I told you about our baby, the day when you literally spent the whole day reading articles on 'What to do and what not to do during pregnancy?' I chuckled. "The day when we discussed our baby's name." My eyes got a bit teary.

"If girl, then Areum and if boy then Ji-hoon." He gave me a sheepish smile.

"The day when you read tons of articles on 'Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?'"

He chuckled. "It's absolutely safe. Just no role play or going extra rough." He pecked my lips.

"Just these memories."

"Then let's add another one in the list." He walked towards the gas stove.

"This pasta one? Already in." I jumped off the counter carefully and then walked towards Jimin.

"This one and-" He turned off the stove. It smelled heavenly. I wanted to dive right into it but Jimin held me back asking me to at least let him transfer it in some plate. "Go and sit there." He nudged me towards the kitchen island. I sat on the said place but impatiently kept on thumping my foot till the food didn't arrive. The moment Jimin placed it on the island, I legit stabbed it using the fork and stuffed it in my mouth.

The moment the divine taste reached my taste buds I moaned out loud. "Jimin!" I screamed. This scared the poor guy who gave me a little scared look. "This is so good!" I stomped my foot against the floor.

He laughed. "I am glad you liked it." He gave me a cheeky smile. I took another bite and moaned louder than before. "And don't moan. It's giving me a boner... unless you want me to ruin you tonight?" he smirked.

I choked on my food and started coughing. How can this shameless creature say such a thing and that too so casually!? "What the fuck, Park Jimin?"

"It's so hot when you call me by my full name." He groaned. "Just scream my full name when we are in bed together. Or rather call me Mr. Park." My mouth was hung open, my cheeks were burning red and this asshole was clearly enjoying it. "Ahh Mr. Park fuck me harder. Ahh yes, Mr. Park. Daddy. Ahh-" I threw the kitchen napkin on his face making him erupt in fits of laughter.

"Shut up, you Moron!" I was so fucking embarrassed that if you would compare my face with a tomato right now, you won't be able to spot any difference. After a few minutes, he finally calmed down. "What were you saying earlier? About one more memory being added to the list?" I asked to change the topic.

"Oh right!" He started. "Tomorrow after the doctor's appointment we can go out shopping. To buy toys and clothes for the baby, and also to buy maternity wear for you. These clothes now seem tight on you."

"But don't you have office tomorrow?"

"Who cares? And also I have some perks of being the C.E.O. baby." He winked.

A huge grin appeared on my face.

I love this man so fucking much!




I'm sorrii;;;

Do tell me if u liked the chapterrrrr;;

Idk if u ppl r still reading this story, but thank you for being patient and lovely readers ♥

Love you all loadssss!! 🥰

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