《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》21. Date



After a while, he broke the kiss. He kept his head on mine, and caressed my cheek tenderly and lovingly. "Everything will be okay." He whispered. "I promise, I will not let any other man touch you like that, ever again..." His voice showed a hint of anger and jealousy, which surprisingly made me happy.

He cares about me.

He pulled me into his tight embrace, and pecked the side of my head. "Only I can touch you like that... No one else."

End of Recap~

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I squinted my eyes and whined, when the annoyingly bright light of sun pierced through the window and fell directly on my face, interrupting my beautiful and peaceful sleep.

What a beautiful dream I had last night...

Jimin kissed me, he f*cking kissed me! And if that wasn't enough, he even slept with me last night! His hands were tightly wrapped around my waist, and I kept my head on the right side of his chest and my hand on the left side. I could feel his heart beating like crazy, just like mine. That was the most peaceful and wonderful sleep I ever had!

I pulled the covers over my head and tried to sleep again, maybe I would dream about that again or maybe... Even something more...

I took the pillow, lying beside me, to hug it tightly. I snuggled my face in it and tried to sleep, but instead of closing my eyes, they widened at the realization.

I sat up abruptly. No... This can't be possible...

Hesitatingly, I took the pillow again in my arms and it still smelt the same. No matter how many times I tried to smell it, no matter from which angle I smelled, it still smelt the same! Mint and fresh water!

And if that wasn't enough, I could even smell it on my skin, my blanket and the messed up bed sheet beside me proved that someone was definitely there. I gulped and felt my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

Last night, I slept in Jimin's arms...

I slept in Jimin's arms...

I squealed in excitement and jumped on the bed. I just couldn't believe it. He really kissed me and not only that, but I slept beside him- right beside him- in his arms. His arms were actually wrapped around me and I was actually sleeping with my head on his chest!

Before I could let my heart flutter more, suddenly a strong smell of pasta filled my nose.

"Pasta..." I mumbled and instantly jumped off the bed. I walked slowly towards the kitchen, while trying to maintain a straight face, to hide the blush and useless smile on my face.

I entered the kitchen, and there I found my Prince charming, with apron tied around his waist, busy cooking something in the pan. "Please hurry up, Ahjuma. I wanna cook this food before Y/n wakes up."

Uhh... Should I go back then?

I was fighting with my dilemma- I should go back or I should stay- when, I heard Ahjuma let out a light chuckle. "Well, too bad son. You are already late." I looked at her and saw her staring right at me with a sweet smile.

"What do you mea-?"

"Good morning, Ahjuma."

Jimin tried to ask but at the same time, I also spoke which made him pause and jump a little in surprise. "Oh... You are awake?" He asked, with wide eyes and a light blush evident on his cheeks.

"No. I felt like sleep-walking." I deadpanned, and walked towards the kitchen counter. "What are you making?" My mouth watered only at the sight of the delicious food, kept inside the pan.


"Food." This time, he deadpanned.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." I clapped my hands and made an expression less face, to show him that he failed.

"Well, you know, this is my inborn talent. To act like a comedian."

"Yeah... More like a clown." I mumbled with a light smile, and he heard that. He gave me a dirty look and wiped his hands with the kitchen towel.

After wiping his hands nicely, unexpectedly he hugged me. And if that wasn't enough to make my heart flutter, he kissed the top of my head. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

I couldn't form words, so I just nodded. "D-did you?" Damn! My stuttering is back!

"Yup. That was the best sleep I ever had." He said with a grin, and started cooking again.

Damn Jimin, stop it! You don't know what you do to my heart by saying these kind of things! You almost make me believe the fact that... That maybe, you also fell for me... Maybe, I made a place in your heart and I hold much more importance than just a friend in your life...

"I cooked pasta, today. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" I grinned.

He gave me a slight smile. "Well, that's good otherwise I would have killed Sam."

"Why?" I gave him a confused look.

"Because she was the one who told me that you like Pasta." He shrugged and tossed the pasta inside the pan. I gave him a nod. "By the way, did you meet them?"


"Tae and Sam." He said it like 'it's obvious.' and it confused me even more.

"Uh.. no? I mean, I just woke up and didn't have time to meet them yesterday so...-"

"What do you mean? Didn't you see them in the hall?" He finally kept his spatula aside, on the kitchen counter and gave me his full attention.

"Hall? They are here?" I looked behind me and then turned to face him again.

"Yes. They aren't in the hall? So where are they?" He bit his bottom lip, thinking hard.

Oh please don't... Just this simple gesture of yours make my heart and mind go crazy...

"Ahjuma. Please take care of this pasta. I will come back in a minute." He held my hand and dragged me out of the kitchen. "Tae?" He shouted a little, when we reached into the hall. "Where are they?" He asked to no one in particular.

"They must be on the ground floor only because they weren't upstairs, when I came." I looked at him and he answered with a light nod. We looked around the hall, expecting to catch a glimpse of two people."Let's check over there." I pointed in the direction, where our store room was. That was the only place on ground floor, where someone could actually go. Otherwise, rest of the places were kitchen and spare rooms, and why would they go in some spare room...?

We walked towards the store room and when we reached over there, we peaked inside. And there, we found them looking intensely into each other's eyes, with Tae's arms wrapped around Sam's waist and her arms around his neck.

Are they going to...?

I mentally started cheering for them. I knew this would happen someday! I just love to see them together!

Slowly, the distance between them started decreasing and the moment there lips were going to touch- "Get a room!" Jimin yelled at them which made them flinch and immediately leave each other. They stared at us with wide eyes and mouth.


I instantly glared at Jimin but he was too busy looking at them with wide eyes, to even notice my glare. I sighed in disappointment... They were almost gonna kiss!

"H-hey." Tae scratched the back of his neck with a nervous smile on his face. Whereas, Sam was continuously looking at her feet in embarrassment.


"Hi Tae." I gave him a mischievous smile. "How are you?" It was clear by my voice that I was trying to tease him.

"H-h-" He coughed a little to remove that lump in his throat, I guess. "H-hey Y/n. I- I am good. How are you?" He smiled back, but it seemed like a little forced smile. He was still embarrassed.

"I am amazing!" I chirped. "Hey Sam. Are you planning to look at your feet the whole day?" I smirked when she blushed even more at my comment.

"H-h-hey Y-Y/n." She finally looked up and gave me a forced smile. Almost instantly, her expression changed from embarrassed to a concerned one. "How are you feeling?" Worry was clearly evident in her voice. Immediately, I understood what she was talking about.

I gave her a genuine smile and nodded. "Better than before, atleast." I chuckled and started fidgeting with my fingers. I can't lie to her, she just knows me too well. I am like an open book for her.

"Y/n.." I heard her say. After a second or two I felt two arms wrap around me. "Everything is okay, now." She mumbled into my ears and petted my back.

I smiled at her kind gesture. "I know..." I mumbled and hugged her tightly.

After few minutes, I felt a hand caressing my hair. When I turned around, I saw Jimin showing me a loving and kind smile. I smiled back at him.

"By the way, what were you two doing over here?" He asked more specifically to Tae.

"We-uh... I-... Umm... We w-were j-ju-st see-ing a-around." He scratched the back of his head and gave him a nervous smile. "Y-you know, S-Sam h-h-asn't seen t-this house y-yet so... So I w-was thinking...-" He didn't get to complete his sentence as I started laughing. He was looking so damn cute and innocent that I just couldn't help myself but to laugh.

"What's so funny!? He is right!" Sam smacked the back of my head hard and gave me a glare.

"Ouch." I mumbled and rubbed the place where she hit me. "Sorry..." I pouted and stepped away from her.

"Are you sure you were just "showing" her around?" Jimin squinted his eyes and gave a doubtful look to Tae.

"O-of cou-rse." He rubbed his hands together and started looking around in the store room. "Mhm... Nice store room, I must say..."

I giggled at his cute response and ruffled his hair. "C'mon, let's eat something~ I am hungry." I petted my stomach and then pulled Sam out of the store room with me. "You gotta tell me many things, girl~" I whispered in her ear, with a smirk and pulled her to the hall.

"T-There i-s nothing t-o tel-ll. Really." She tried to defend herself but of course I wasn't having it.

"Yeah yeah. We will see~"

"Y/n." I turned around and saw Jimin running in my direction. "You go and sit at dining table with them, and I will serve breakfast today." He gave me his "deadly" eye-smile and ran towards kitchen.

"Mhm... I see. Someone is getting very romantic today~" And of course Sam had to comment after seeing his romantic side.

"Shut it." I mumbled and walked towards the dining table. I was almost gonna sit on my chair when I felt two arms wrap around me so tightly that I almost stopped breathing.

"Y/n!!!" She shouted so loudly near my ears that I almost became deaf but still, seeing her after so many days made my day.

"Nikki!" I shouted and hugged her tightly.

"How is my little angel? I missed you soooooo much!"

"I missed you too..." Tears were threatening to fall down on my face. I indeed missed her very much.

"Girlfriend!" Tae screamed at the top of his lungs and embraced both of us in his arms. "I missed you so much!" Somehow, I managed to get out of his tight grip and stood next to Sam, who was staring at them with a kind of shocked and heart broken expression. I chuckled at her reaction.

"Don't worry. She already has a boyfriend." I gave her shoulder a punch and asked her to chill. And she just passed me a little smile in response. Well, she didn't deny that she was not worried.

"Nikki!" I saw Jimin running towards her just like a little kid who runs towards an ice cream van. He embraced both of them and that moment felt like "perfect." I just wanted to capture that moment but silly me, I left my mobile phone in my room...

"C'mon! Let's have breakfast together! I cooked it!" Jimin chirped like a joyful kid and dragged both of them towards the dining table.

"Really!? You cooked for me, Jimin-ah...? How sweet~" Nikki pinched both of his cheeks and shook his head, left and right.

Jimin removed both of her hands and smiled at her. "I wish I could have said that but unfortunately... Today I cooked breakfast especially for Y/n." He looked at me and passed me a loving and sweet smile. I couldn't help but blush hard at his kind gesture.

"So everyone! Let's have it!" Tae threw his hands up in the air and ran towards the dining table to take a seat. Sam, expectedly, sat beside him. Nikki took a seat right beside me.

"Mhm... So I see you had some progress, huh?" She smirked and bumped her shoulder against mine. I couldn't help but blush hard.

After a while, Jimin came with pasta in his hands. He started serving it to everyone, and I was the one whom he served first. After serving, he sat beside me and stared at me. "Eat it and tell me how it is."

I nodded and took my first bite. And trust me, that pasta literally melted in my mouth. It was so delicious, so soft that I had to think twice whether Jimin had cooked it or some professional!

"It's YUMMY!" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Really? Feed me~" he opened his mouth wide and without hesitation, I fed him the pasta. "Mhm... Not bad."

"Not bad!? It's amazing!" I gave him a large smile. He looked at me for a second, then looked around him and suddenly gave a soft peck on my lips.

"I am happy you liked it~" He grinned and started devouring his pasta, as if he didn't just made my heart to stop beating.

Maybe the things are changing...


"I really think we should do something, Nikki. Like... I am damn sure they like each other!" I literally jumped off my couch to prove my point. "Like... Really, Nikki. We should do something! Don't you think, Jimin?" I turned towards him and looked at him with expectant eyes.

"I think she is right, Nikki... We should do something for them." That's my boy! He clearly understands me and know how to take correct decisions!

Three of us were sitting in our living room, on a couch. Sam went back to her house and Tae had to leave because of some office work. So, it was just three of us and I was desperately trying to convince them to do something to bring Tae and Sam together.

"Listen girl, I understand what you wanna say and I definitely have a plan to bring them together but, both of you will have to complete that plan yourself as I really don't have time." She said in a serious tone.

"It's fineeee..." I whined. "We will manage it ourself! Just tell us the plan!"

"Well, plan is simple. Four of you make a plan to go out together. After sometime you can make some excuse and leave both of them alone. I think, this will definitely work..."

"Mhm... I agree." Jimin scratched his chin and thought for a few minutes. "How about Han river? I mean... I think that is sort of a romantic place?"

"Perfect! Four of you can go over there and after sometime, both of you can leave them alone!" Nikki smiled and showed a thumbs up sign.

"Then it is settled!" Jimin smiled at Nikki.

"Wow... Now, that was fast... Like really fast..." I gave them a shocked expression. Nikki just suggested the idea, and in like seconds they even decided the place!

"You don't know your husband's talent yet, baby~" Jimin smirked at me. I really didn't get what he wanted to say by that but one thing was clear, that it was not something related to this topic and... Definitely not something innocent...

After the plan was settled, Jimin contacted Tae and I contacted Sam. And surprisingly, both of them were free in the evening so we decided to go out at evening. They thought that it would be good for me too, and trust me... I really needed that...

After discussing and all, we decided to go at around 6pm. And it was a wonderful plan, as the weather at that time was amazing and super romantic. The weather was cool and pleasant. The sky was looking so beautiful that I just couldn't take my eyes off. Golden, orange, mustard, red, blue- all these colours were blended so nicely that it almost looked fake, as if some professional artist painted that sky especially to add on a romantic "flavour" to that evening. Some stars were also visible through the thick cover of those bright colours.

I purposely wore a white dress with black floral design. Though, it was supposed to be a date for Sam and Tae, but somewhere it was also a date for me and Jimin.

Not long after we reached at the park, near Han river. There were many people over there. The sight of children running and playing with each other automatically brought a huge smile on my face. I turned towards Jimin and saw the same expression on his face as of mine. It reminded me of the first day when I met Jimin in that orphanage.

"Let's go over there?" Tae asked and pointed towards one of the empty spot near the river.

"Sure. Why not?" Jimin smiled and started walking but all of a sudden he stopped in his tracks. "Shit! I forgot my phone in the car!" He looked at Tae with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, I will have to bring it. You guys go and sit, I will just bring my phone." Tae nodded and started walking towards the spot with Sam. "I will be waiting, come fast." He said to me before running away.

"Oh." At that time I realized that he was just acting. Wow... I didn't know that he was such a great actor. I guess he is right... I really don't know all of his talents yet...

"Y/n!" I heard Sam call my name. Instantly, I ran towards her and took a seat beside her. "Look, it's so beautiful." She pointed towards the sky and the view indeed was breathtaking. Different coloured lights were lit in the sky because of which, the river was also shining with different colours.

"Ahh... I wish I could stay here forever..." I heard Sam mumble but it was loud enough for me to hear. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Well... You can buy a home over here." Tae said while still looking at the river.

Sam looked at him. "My bank balance is not as large as yours you know?"

Tae looked at her and raised one of his brows. "Well, I know you are rich enough to buy a house over here but... If you want I can buy one for you...?"

I don't know Tae was really blushing or the pink light was reflecting on his skin but... Did he really say that...?

"What?" Sam looked at him, probably dumbfounded by his sudden offer. I guess it's the time to leave them alone.

"Guys... Jimin hasn't returned yet. I think I should go and check." I said, faking as if I was worried for him.

"Don't worry, Y/n. Just call him and ask." Tae said.

"But... He left his phone in the car, how will he pick it up? I should just go and check." I replied.

"He would have taken his phone till now. Just call and ask." Sam said, then petted my back.

Can't you just let me go already!? I am doing this only for you, pabo!


"Just call him." Sam smiled at me.

I sighed and dialed Jimin's number. "Hello?" He picked it up almost instantly. "Y/n where are you? I am waiting for you since so long... Come fast." I heard him say.

"Guys he isn't picking up." I said, faking my worry.

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