《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 68


Nov 29



where are you

at the store

i told you i was buying more fruit cups

yea but why are you taking so long

the queue is rlly long

but it shouldn't take much longer

why? do you miss me 🥺


you didn't deny 🥺

i said quiet.

just admit you miss me.

fine. maybe i do miss you


but yeah, i shouldn't take too long

how's qiqi

is it awkward without me


qiqi is with zhongli

oh, what are you doing then


are you just watching them

what else can i do

so hurry tf up

i'm trying okk

well try harder smh


i can't just magically make the queue shorter

yes you can

you're so right!

i can just cut through the line 😹👍


scaramouche has clearly influenced you.

shut it.

also, i wanted to talk to you abt smth

i'd rather say it in person but since i have nothing else to do rn, i might as well say it now


it's abt qiqi being an orphan

what abt that

i'd like zhongli to take her in as he did with me




due to uh our lack of mora atm, that isn't possible



he wouldn't be able to afford taking care of two others

broken heart emoji

which is why i was thinking of getting a part time job to help out with that



but will you be able to manage that


i'm willing to try if it means qiqi doesn't have to go back to the orphanage

omg that's so sweet

when he takes care of kids ❤❤




tho, have you told zhongli abt this

not yet

i wanted to know your opinion first


i say go for it

it'd make qiqi rlly happy too

she's so precious 💔


i'll talk to zhongli abt it later then

anyway. are you done yet

i'm next in line actually


yes, so i should prbly stop texting now

yeah ig

ttyl then ig

bye ily



emo heart is yours.

Liked by Loml

Nov 29


"At last, all problems have come to a close." Zixin closed the book he was reading and placed it on the table in front of him.

Mona hummed in response, while continuing to work on her assignment. The male let out a brief sigh of relief as he leaned backwards on his chair.

"You seem happy today," Mona pointed out, her eyes still fixed on the paper she was writing on.

"Relief. I'm glad everything has been sorted out. Moreover, Xiao doesn't seem to resent me as much anymore," The black headed male responded with a calm smile.

"Ohh yeah, Xiao hated you before or something, right?" Mona said while looking up at him, causing the male to flinch at her words.

"I wouldn't say hate. But perhaps he did resent me. Despite that, both him and y/n no longer carry any burdens against me. Or so, at least that is what I hope for."

"Yeah yeah," Mona sighed as she rolled her eyes. "You worry too much. I'm sure they don't 'resent' you anymore."

Zixin nodded while shifting his gaze towards the window. Although he was relieved about how things have settled down between the three of you, one thing still kept him pondering.

"You may be right. But regardless of that, we all sought redemption and I wonder if we have finally reached it," The male continued, causing the female beside him to shake her head at her friend's constant worries.


"I'll never understand what's with you and redemption. Though, you should stop worrying about that. You're finally on good terms with both Xiao and y/n, what's there to stress about now?"

"You're correct once more. The only concern I have is whether those two truly have forgiven me."

Mona patted his shoulder while giving him a reassuring smile. Even if she couldn't guarantee how the two of you truly felt towards him, she could at least try providing some comfort. "Maybe you should ask them."

"Hah... that'd be awkward for each of us. But it's fine, I suppose only time will tell."

The two remained silent after that, both lost in their own thoughts.

Nov 29


Xiao thought about his conversation with you throughout the whole day. He wanted to talk to Zhongli about it but didn't know how to bring it up. Especially since the last thing he wanted to do was to burden Zhongli with anything more.

You had already arrived back at their home with the fruit cups and were currently spending time with Qiqi as Xiao watched the two of you.

As Xiao remained deep in his thoughts, he couldn't notice his guardian coming to sit next to him. "You seem worried," Zhongli pointed out.

The man's deep voice immediately snapped Xiao out of his thoughts, causing the teal headed male to quickly turn his head to face him. "Oh."

"What seems to be worrying you?" Zhongli continued. Xiao took in a deep breath as his gaze shifted back to you and Qiqi, "I've been thinking."


He hesitated for a brief moment before answering. "...About Qiqi."

"Are you still worried about Qiqi's health? Don't worry, the nurses said she's doing well," Zhongli smiled. But that wasn't all that Xiao had been worrying about.

Xiao intertwined his fingers and lowered his gaze to the floor as a small sigh escaped his mouth. "It's not only that. I'd like for you to take Qiqi in," He outright told him, but in a quiet tone, almost whispering.

Zhongli was slightly taken aback for a moment but had expected this. He, too, wanted to adopt Qiqi but was also uncertain whether it was doable or not.

The taller male remained silent before replying. "Ah, so you wish for me to adopt her."

Xiao hummed in response with a small nod. "I understand it's not exactly an easy decision. However, I'd like to help you take care of her by getting a job," Xiao continued trying to convince him, even if Zhongli didn't need to be convinced.

The man smiled at how attached Xiao had gotten to the little girl. "Of course, if that is what you wish." He then brought his hand up and patted his head, causing Xiao to be confused by the sudden gesture.

"I hope you realize how much you've done for that child, you should be proud of yourself." Zhongli praised him, slightly surprising the younger male who wasn't used to Zhongli openly showing affection.

Being left speechless, Xiao quickly averted his gaze from him and looked at you, with you looking back at him. You then shot him a wide grin, making the teal headed male finally form a small smile of his own.

"Thank you," Xiao mumbled to his guardian, who only chuckled in response.

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