《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 19


Sept 30



are you ok



what's wrong

abt what you said yesterday

i don't think i'll be able to tell y/n

what why not

idk how to tell them

or what to tell them

you're making it sound like a confession geez are you gonna confess or what

wtf no shut up


tho would you prefer i tell them instead then

what will you tell them?

well y'know

abt you

what abt me

you want them to know more abt you, right


what's there to even tell

idk tbh

i guess i'll them more abt you in general


if you're not ok with it thenn

you can tell them

i guess

tsunderes smh

shut up


i'll see what i can do

alr thanks

Hu Tao reacted with 👍

hi are you alive

yeah i think so

what's up

you want to know more abt xiao, yes?

uhh yeah i guess

wait, did he tell you abt that

no i just magically found out myself, yes of course he told me abt that 😒


what did he tell you

that you want to know more abt him 🥺

want to know his fav color? 🥺

ihy. this isn't funny

i'm just kidding, i'll be serious now ahem


since xiao is a little tsundere emo shy uwu boy, i will be telling you what he wants to tell you but can't bcuz he's a little tsundere emo shy uwu boy


i really do wish i wasn't alive rn so i didn't have to read that shit

hey look, i didn't know how else to word it ok

you could've literally worded it any other way and you chose to say it like that.

do NOT make this more awkward for me than it already is.


i feel like a mfing third wheel rn

be happy i am even doing this for y'all sheesh 😒


now say what you wanna say

hmm where do i start

how abt at the start 😹‼️


ok i'll just start at the very beginning ig

good idea

wait idek what to tell you

what would you like to know!

man you're making this seem like some sort of interrogation...

i just want to know why he's so insistent on this whole "don't involve yourself with me" thing

like is he some sort of criminal or what

oh you want to know why he's scared of getting closer to you


wait he's scared??

now it seems like i'm the criminal

well not scared, but hesitant ig

yeah, tell me why


i'll put this as briefly as possible

xiao is a reserved individual that wants nothing to do with anyone else bcuz he doesn't know how to socialize even if his life depended on it!

i see

so you're telling me that xiao doesn't want anything to do with me bcuz he simply doesn't know how

exactly 👻

don't tell him i said this btw he will literally murder me


why didn't he just say so sheesh

you've probably already noticed this but xiao isn't one to just openly talk abt whatever he's feeling


but he made it seem like i'd get hurt or smth just by talking to him

he's probably worried that he'll unintentionally hurt you one day by saying smth offensive


that makes sense i guess

tho he should know idc abt that

it's easy to say that but not so easy to believe it

and he's not one to trust what others say so easily

that's fair

tho is that the entire reason he's been so uhh


hostile?? idk

hmm there was an accident that happened not too long ago

he probably hasn't told you anything abt it and i'm not in the place to tell you much either

but it's a major reason why he's been so much more harsh to others and himself

what type of accident?

idk much abt it since i wasn't actually there

but if you want to know more, you can ask zhongli

oh zhongli

do you think if i ask him abt it, he'll answer

maybe, idk

i could ask him for you

if you think that's alright then sure

but idk if that'll cross a limit...

if it will, i'll let you know

but wow you're rlly interested in xiao huh

shut up don't make it embarrassing


i wonder what'll xiao's reaction be when he finds out you want to ask zhongli abt him 👻


you're making it seem like i'm asking for his hand in marriage or smth


might as well do that too smh 😒

haha so funny 😐

i know i know, i'm hilarious

anyway, i'll go talk to zhongli abt it now

don't make it sound weird pls.

no promises

ok bye

bye ig

Liked by Hu Tao

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