《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 8


yea guys, i don't think today is the best day to hold the meeting

Why? What happened

i don't think xiao will be able to make it today

is he ok?

well ya know


alright then that's fine

we can hold it tmrw


sounds good !

tmrw during lunch right

or is it after school


let's do it during lunch


should smn tell xiao

he will prbly backread the gc

so let's just leave him be for now

yes ma'am

will do

Yea alr

Seen at 12:06pm

Sept 12


The bell was about to ring soon, so you decided to start walking to your next class.

You walked lazily, unmotivated to attend yet another class. But you kept forcing yourself to go regardless.

However, on your way there, you couldn't help but notice something strange.


Xiao was currently dealing with a massive headache. After that dreadful nightmare he'd often have, his entire day had been ruined.

Although his guardian suggested for him to stay home, he insisted on going to school anyway.

But his head remained pounding and his body felt weak. He was what you'd call, feeling like complete shit.

He was practically dragging himself to his next class and was aware that he could collapse at any given moment.

But he continued walking regardless.


You noticed something off about a student walking down the hallway. Well, it was more like shuffling than walking.

He had amber eyes and short teal hair.

Something seemed peculiar about him and this had caught your attention right away.

You debated whether you should approach him or not. But he didn't look like he was in the mood to interact with anybody.

So you waited for something to happen instead.

The man continued dragging himself. His golden eyes seemed rather dull, and you assumed he was sick.


A part of you wanted to help him but the other part wanted to avoid the student since he looked kind of intimidating.

But the moment you noticed he was about to collapse, your body started moving by itself.

Just as he was about to fall, you quickly reached out and held onto him.

His height was just about the same as yours and he was pretty light, so you managed to lift him up.

"Uh- are you okay?" You asked. But his head was tilted downwards and he remained silent.

You shrugged his shoulders a bit to gather his attention and repeated the question. "Hey... are you okay?"

This time, he looked up at you with a confused expression. "Who the hell are you?"

You sighed. "C'mon, you need to go to the nurse's office. You clearly don't look well."

The teal haired man didn't respond once again. This left you to grab one of his arms and place it over your shoulder, leading him to the nurse's office.

Surprisingly, he didn't struggle and obediently followed you there.

You arrived at the nurse's office shortly. After knocking several times, the nurse opened the door.


"I don't think he's alright," you said bluntly.

The nurse looked at him then back at you.

"Alright. Bring him in."

You did as she said and brought him inside, where he then took a seat.

The nurse checked his temperature and asked him some questions.

You watched her work quietly while standing next to the door.

"What's your name?" She asked him.

"Xiao," he answered abruptly.

And that had piqued your curiosity. 'Xiao?'

"Ah. Well Xiao, I suggest you go home. What's your guardian's number? I'll give them a call to come pick you up."


"That won't be necessary," he instantly refused.

The nurse sighed and looked over your way. "Dear, please convince him to go home. He's not in any condition to continue school."

You rubbed your neck while approaching Xiao. "You should listen to the nurse. You might get worse if you stay, y'know."

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine as I am," he refused again.

"Xiao please. Just do as the nurse says. Give your guardian's number," you gave another attempt to convince him.

And unexpectedly, this time worked.

Xiao sighed as he got up and wrote down something on a piece of paper at the nurse's desk.

You assumed it was the number of the person who'd come pick him up.

"Thank you. You may sit down while I make the call. Oh and," the nurse looked your way again, "you may go back to class, dear."

You nodded and walked out the door, closing it from behind.

Though, one thought remained.

'Is that the same Xiao?'

"Xiao, your guardian is here. You may go now," the nurse informed while taking a seat back at her desk.

Xiao nodded and got up from his chair. He walked towards the door before a tall man appeared.

The man had amber eyes, a bit darker than Xiao's, and long brown hair tied into a slim ponytail, hanging down one of his shoulders. He was wearing a dark coat and had both of his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Are you alright? Can you walk?" He asked briefly.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Xiao answered. The man nodded, "let's go then."

He walked out the door, with Xiao following from behind.

"Did you drive here?" Xiao asked, but rather hesitantly.

"No, I figured you'd wish to walk home instead," the man replied.

Xiao closed his eyes and took in a sigh of relief.


"Though, make sure you don't fall. Or I'll have to carry you back home and I don't know if my back can handle that," the man joked with a smile, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Xiao scoffed and looked the other way.

"Not funny."

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