《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 19
I never thought that returning back home would bring back all of these memories. I've been spending a lot of time in the garden reading and visiting our facilities. I've also done some catching up with Miriam and the rest of the residents. I had lunch with my uncle yesterday and we arranged everything for the anniversary dinner. We decided we'll also announce the new charity project then. So we aren't doing all of this in vain.
A week has passed since I came back here and I thought that would be the last time I am going to hear from Chris in a long time. However, we've been texting every day and we sometimes even call. I can't believe I've made an actual friend in all of this chaos.
He did me a favour of not mentioning me to Scarlett at all. He also told me she feels horrible about the things she's said to me. I trust him and I do believe that is possible. She is not a bad person. She wouldn't purposely try to hurt me. I haven't heard from her in a week. She didn't try to talk to me or even reach out in this time. I tried not to take it to heart but it is obvious that she doesn't want to try so hard. I bet she already has an assistant and someone to wrap around her little finger.
I miss the chaos that came with her and her job. Now with all this free time I've devoted myself to the company and it seems that it is for the good. I want to reach out to her and tell her everything. I want to say how much she really means to me but that would be impossible because I myself don't know where she sits in my heart. I just know she has a seat. I've watched her recent interview with buzzfeed. She still wears my necklace. That little flicker of gold on her neck gives me the little hope I have that everything will be okay.
It is almost midnight. My birthday and also my family's death date. I left my phone to charge to fall asleep earlier and that was two hours ago. I get startled by my phone ringing. It must be someone from America because who calls at this time? It's Chris.
"Hey, did I wake you up?"
"Hi, more scare the shit out of me." he laughs on the other end
"I just wanted to call and be the first to say happy birthday! You are someone that is very important to me and I just wanted you to know that." I feel my eyes water.
"Thank you, that's sweet of you."
"You're welcome. I'm just sad I can't give you my amazing gift." he says
"It's okay you didn't have to get me anything." I tell him
"I know, I wanted to."
"thank you either way."
"No problem, now go to bed please, you have a dinner party to attend tomorrow."
"Oh don't remind me" I say
"Don't stress about it! You'll be great."
"Good night Chris"
"Sweet dreams Lena"
With that I hung up the phone and went to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.
If there is anything worse than attending a dinner that is basically for an anniversary. It is attending a dinner in your own home. I can't walk out without being noticed and soon the garden will be filled with a lot of friends and business partners, along with a few famous people. I have my outfit ready and hanged on my window. I just need to eat and then start getting ready.
It says it will be a dinner but that is just a formality. People will arrive here around 4. Then the appetizers and the tea will be served. After that there will be something outside. Then my uncle will talk about the organization and it's new project. I'll smile next to him and then we'll welcome everyone inside to eat and drink. I plan on sneaking a bottle of whiskey into my room when the dinner settles.
"Hey darling what would you like to eat?" Richard, our cook asks.
"Is there any cereal in the cabinets?" I ask opening the fridge.
"Of course, but don't you want something more nutritious? I can make something quickly."
"It is fine Richard. Go rest before the guests come. You already made all the food for everyone. I can handle a breakfast" I say to him
"Are you sure? Would you like some of the food off the trays?" he asks
"Richard, don't worry so much about me. Go rest, I'm serious" I tell him opening a cabinet for a bowl.
"Alright, thank you"
"No need" he smiles at that and leaves the kitchen
I scroll through my phone and answer a few birthday wishes. Robert and Tom made sure to send one. That made me smile.
"Happy birthday honey" I turn to see Miriam with a little box in her hands
"Thank you Miriam" I say and she embraces me into a hug.
"This is for you." she says and hands me the box.
"You shouldn't have.."
"No no this is not only from me. This is from everyone in the house. We decided to get you something. I know you're not fond of your birthday but we couldn't resist" she says
I open the box to see a golden necklace with a little key on it. It has gems on it.
"It's beautiful" It really is
"We bought this key because it represents this house and every life it's residents affected and saved. You're like our child dear Lena" She says
I hug her now. I can feel a lump stuck in my throat.
"Can you put it on me?" I ask her, my voice cracking.
"Of course" she says and grabs the necklace from the box. She clasps it and returns my hair back to It's place.
I finish my breakfast and Richard returns into the kitchen.
"Do you like your present?" Richard asks as I put the bowl into the sink.
"I love it. Thank you Richard."
"You're welcome sweetheart." he says and smiles at me
I go back to my room to start getting ready. I first shower so I can be as fresh as possible. After that I start my journey into being the hottest as can be. I decide I won't do anything too drastic on my makeup because I want all of the attention to be on the dress.
Doing my makeup is my sort of therapy each day. That is the moment in the day where I have to be patient and very focused. I like that part. After that I decide I'll just do my hair simple too. My goal is to look elegant but also expensive. That was my family's look most of the time. I remember my dad used to wear these suits where he would look like a million dollars. And my mother always wore dresses that made notice of her great features.
I put my hair out of my face and just take out two strands in the front. Nothing too drastic or dramatic.
I get out of my robe and go to my dress finally. It is gorgoues I love it. I decided on a black tight dress that falls to the floor, but it has a slit for my left leg. My favourite part are my shear like sleeves. I left the golden necklace on. It looks good with it. I put on a watch and some earrings. I paired my dress with some black red bottoms and my favourite perfume. I need to look good today. I wasn't here the last time nor the time before so I have to make it up for it. I look into the mirror once I've finished and finally I am happy about how I look.
I go downstairs and I hear someone whistle I turn around to see Robert and Susan Downey in the main hall.
"What are you two doing here?" I ask them in shock
"You thought we'd miss this?" Robert says
"Well not like it is a continent away"
"We are in London for a few days and decided to take a day off." Susan says
"Oh, sudden vacation?"
"Avengers press actually"
I guess I reacted to that because they shared a look after that.
"Don't worry we didn't tell anyone where we were headed." Robert reassures me.
"It's okay. Not like I have anything to do with her right?"
"Can you give us a tour of this place?" Robert asks changing the subject.
"Sure, follow me."
We walk through the hallways and I tell them about all the trouble I caused in this house.
"This place is divided into the right wing and the left one. Where you two entered were the main quarters." They nod looking around.
"How old is this place?"
"Over a hundred years old. Family heirloom" I tell them
We continue through the house and I show them the balet studio, the art studio and also the music room. Robert liked the last one the most. We also walked back to the main entrance and I told them we can't really go into the kitchen because there are all the staff organizing everything and I simply can't bother them. We walk outside to were most cars will be parked. There are a few already.
"This is a full-blown castle Lena" Robert says.
"Pretty much. Let me show you the garden. It will blow you away." I tell him
Even if it is October it is still not too cold to be walking around outside. We go around the house on the pathway and I can see both of them looking around in awe. I don't like showing all of this to people, but I know that they are not the kind that would try to use me for it.
"Wow" Susan says as we walk around.
"Here everyone will be in less than 15 minutes." I tell them looking at my watch.
"Damn, who did you invite?" he asks
"No idea" he laughs at that and stops once he hears someone walking towards us.
"RDJ you son of a bitch. You came and didn't invite me?" I turn around to see Chris standing there with a bag in hand.
"Chris!" I say running up to him
"Why didn't I get that kind of reaction?" Robert says
"You really thought I wouldn't come and see you on your birthday?"
"Thank you Chris."
"Here this is from me." he says and hands me the bag.
"You shouldn't have!" I tell him.
"Shut up and open it already!"
I open the bag to find a black ring inside.
"Okay put it on" he say and I do as I'm told.
"Now double tap on the side." When all of a sudden I see a flash of light in his hand.
"It's a signal ring. It lets me know if you are okay and if you need me. I have one just like yours. Double tap if you need me. Tap once if you're sad and tap three times if you're all good." he instructs
"Thank you. This is really a meaningful gift Chris." I thank him.
"You're welcome. You know you deserve the best."
"Get a room you two!" Robert says mockingly.
We just laugh at that. I leave the three of them in the garden and go into the house because guests are supposed me be here any minute now. I walk to the kitchen and see everything ready and the catering people waiting for their cue.
"Alright good luck people! Make me proud!" I say and leave the kitchen.
Soon I am joined by my uncle and we stand near the entrance welcoming the guests and telling them where to go. It was pretty boring but nothing I didn't already expect. When most of the guests arrived we went inside one of the big living rooms. There, tea was served and people were already chatting away. I spotted Robert, Susan and Chris is one of the corners of the room. I wanted to approach them but was stopped by Emily saying hello. We talked for a few minutes until she was called by an older man. She excused herself from me and went to the other side of the room. Thank God these three arrived here. I have someone to talk to and someone I can be myself with. This event is to honor my family and what the've done for the company, but it is also about getting new sponsors and to raise more money for the foundation.
Chris gets a phone call and leaves in a rush. I hug him and thank him for showing up. I go back inside and join Robert and Susan.
"Scarlett called him." he says
I nod in understanding and we drink tea before my uncle makes a speech.
"Hello everybody I hope you're having a wonderful day. Thank for joining us and supporting us in one of the biggest projects we've done so far. This year we are joined by a lot of different people and I am glad because today our biggest speech will give none other than Wiliam Adam's daughter. Lena could you join me on stage?" He says and looks towards me. This was not planned at all. I can feel the people's eyes on me as I walk towards my uncle. I grab the mic from him and smile as if I am not screaming on the inside.
"Hello everyone, my name is Lena Agnes Adams. I know what you may be thinking didn't William's and Abigail's daughter pass that day as well? She did, I'm the younger daughter who was out of the public eye for the entirety of my life. My father thought that I wouldn't want to live a life like Maddison did. She was always in the press and it hurt her in many different ways. He wanted to give me space to be my own person outside of my family. I am delighted and honoured to have some time to talk about who they really were. Most people talk of my father like he's a saint but he really is not. He wouldn't be even close to where he was if it wasn't for my mother Abigail. She was the one who pushed him and inspired him to be the best man he could. He may not be a great father for me, but he was for my sister. I plan on continuing his legacy and running this company in my grandfathers name, the man who created all of this. There are numerous books written about that man and by him too. In his hounor I studied law as well as other subjects during my time at University. I kept my identity private and before he passed I had my last conversation with him. That is when he gave me the company and all of it's facilities. He put down my middle name Agnes into the books so that I can have a double life if I wished. After six years of trying to live that life I have come with terms that I don't want to do that no longer. I'd also like to thank my amazing team that has been here doing it's best in every way. They are not joined with us today, but they won't go unnoticed. My dear uncle Tom will talk with you about our next project right after this so buckle up." I say and hand the mic back to my uncle.
I step off the stage and the whole room erupts into applause. I guess they liked it. There are a few reporters there and I could notice them as I talked. They weren't very discreet. All of a sudden I am bombarded with questions from some reporters asking me where I was all this time and what I'm doing and all that. I gave vague answers because let's face it, they will turn it over anyway.
"May you excuse me, I have something to attend to." I say and walk to Robert and Susan.
"Great speech pumkin' I'm sorry I don't think we can stay 'till dinner." Says Susan holding my hand
"It's alright. I'm thankful you came to support me. It means a lot."
"And now you shall give back by walking us out to the car. I think I'll have a problem driving our of the parking lot." Says Robert putting his jacket on.
"Of course I'll walk you two out." I tell them and we walk to the front door.
I stay with susan on the front porch because it started to rain a bit and she didn't want her hair to get too wet. We chatted a bit and she asked me how I was doing.
"I'm doing fine, I've been busy with all of this preparing and trying to make everything look perfect. " I say
"I know, and it turned out even better. I don't think I've been to a fancier dinner in my life." she says laughing.
Robert parks his car right in front of us. He opens the trunk and takes out two boxes. One smaller and the other one huge.
"Evans there stole my thunder. We wanted to give this to you first but he beat us to it."
"Why two gifts?" I ask
"One is from me and the other is from Robert." Susan says.
"Thank you both! It's just silly you got two." I tell them.
"We're not cheap like that. Now open them I wanna see your reaction."
I put the boxes down onto a nearby table and open the small box first. Inside I see a yankee hat and a watch.
"Thank you susan. I love it" I tell her
"Now open mine!" Robert says like a little kid
I open the box and see his ironman helmet inside with a jacket next to it and also some sunglasses that look vaguely familiar. Over the past two months I've watched two parts of ironman and I liked it. His character though is very alike to his own personality. I take out the jacket it it is a plain black jacket with tony's reactor on the back. It looked so cool. I can't wait to find a place for everything.
"Thank you Robert! I love it!" I say and hug him as well as Susan.
"Thank you for the company and the great wine Lena" Robert says smiling at me.
I watch them leave the property and go back inside shortly after.
"Ah Lena you're finally here, do you need help with that?" Richard asks me
"No, it's okay I'll carry these into my room and join you after."
"I'm sorry but the madam is waiting for you in the hall. I'll take those for you." Richard insists.
I straighten out my outfit and walk to the hall where I am met with a blonde I never thought I'll see today.
"Lena, nice to finally see you"
"Hello, Kate"
"It's good to finally know who you really are." She says
"Why did you look for me?" I ask her
"Don't be so cold Lena. I thought we straighten things out."
"We did, but that doesn't mean I'm be bestfriends with you Kate"
"Why not Ms Kate? Where are your formalities?" she taunts.
"I put Ms infront of names I have respect for" I simply say.
"Where is Scarlett? I didn't see her here." she asks
"I don't work for her anymore."
"I wonder why that is."
"None of your business" I tell her.
"I came here to give a sum of money for the new project. It was Scarlett's idea really. She told me that your uncle is the head man. Now I feel bad for not sending her to deliver the money. I would love to see the look on her face once she realized her precious Lena lied to her." I go to speak and she stops me
"Don't worry I won't tell her. I am not that mean. I want her to find out on her own. That way she'll feel betrayed and very hurt. I want her to finally see you as how you are. Two-faced. Though I feel bad for telling you how you didn't know to run a business. Who knew you were a mastermind? I left the money with your uncle and I also got a picture for the press with him. I hope you use that money for good."
"Let me walk you out." I say
"No dinner for me?"
"I think you overstayed your welcome. The press will be leaving in a few minutes too so don't worry about being the first one to go." I tell her coldly.
"Alright, I'll be going. I'll say hi to Scarlett from you." she leaves my house and I feel my heart quicken and my palms start to sweat.
"Can you get me a bottle of whiskey and some ice please?" I ask one of the caters.
"Sure where do you want me to carry it?" he asks.
"Just give it to me." He nods and puts it onto a tray. I carry it upstairs into my room and sit down at my desk. I take off my dress and my heels. I put on my robe and just sit there feeling exhausted from today's chaos.
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*{COMPLETED}**EDITED VERSION IS ON AMAZON!!!**First book of MHIAG*That's when I remembered that I bumped into someone. I looked up quickly to be met with two grey eyes looking me deep in the eye, that's how I remembered that I only know one person with those eyes.Once I realized the person I quickly break the eye contact and mumbled sorry once I found out that the whole people in the cafeteria eyes are on us and I ran out of the cafeteria.-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-A 17 years old girl named Ashley Thomas who is always being abused by her drunken and abusive uncle. She has no idea where her parents are. But has faith that they are still alive.She is one broken girl 🥀 that needs to be fixed 🌷.Chase Martins the true definition of a bad boy who is not only a bad boy but a gang leader.His one guy stuck in the darkness.... that needs light. Read to see how they meet each others eyes, face more challenges and try to follow their feelings...MY SAVIOUR - Second book*SORRY BUT THIS BOOK NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!!*MY BEST COMMENTS:Mae_softball_99I love this so much... Keep up the great work.😊😊😊MimiandrodgerYour an amazing writer! I love this soooo much!ashanti432Omg I can't wait to this story update I'm so stuck to this story😂❤️❤️ when I get that notification its a done deal😂#loveyourstoryMY BEST OF ALL BEST FROM @TwilightEverdawnNo, you give me something to look forward to everyday. YOU put a smile on my face with your witty words and lovely writing.You create beauty with every sentence you build, ......... You are like a wizard you create a spell on your book that make it magical....*SORRY BUT THIS BOOK NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!!!*~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•STILL MORE BEAUTIFUL COMMENTS....#1 saved#4 gangs 28 Nov 2018#9 2018 28 Nov 2018#19 gangleader 28 Nov 2018#26 abusive 28 Nov 2018
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