《My Funtime Fred》Chapter twenty-three~ i cant forgive myself
The second (y/n) left, Toby grabbed my collar and yanked me close to him, so that we were face-to-face.
"Listen, fredboy, I've been trying to get her for years, and you think you can come around and take her away in a couple of days? Haha, not on my watch. If you lay off of her, I won't hurt you, understand?" He then took out a pocket knife and pointed it to my neck. "This is a sharp knife, just saying."
I gave a forced chuckle. I didn't really expect him to do such a thing. "Woah, woah, there, let's all calm-" he then put the knife against my skin, and I panicked. "Ok, ok, I understand!"
"Good, now don't tell anyone about this, and lay off her. All ya gotta do, and you'll still be alive. Got it?"
All I could do was nod. He gave one of those stupid smiles he always gives then puts the pocket knife away from my neck. This guy seemed crazy. He wanted to kill me for (y/n)? I was about to put my hand up to my neck to check if he done anything to me, until I saw (y/n) coming back.
"Hey! Sorry that I took a while, I had to tell the others where we were going. Fred, are you ok?" She looked up at me.
"Me? Oh y-yeah, Im ok!" I smile at her, and I feel Toby's eyes glaring at me, even though my back was facing him.
"You stuttered, fredbear."
"No I didn't, It's just, uh, that it's cold in here." I rubbed my hands a bit. She looked at me suspiciously. I wish I had better acting.
"Fred, if you don't wanna go, then you don't have to."
I didn't want to. I didn't want to go anywhere where Toby was. But I had to. I didn't trust that guy. I can't just leave her with a freak who wanted to kill others that have at least a small spark with her.
"No, it's ok, I wanna go. Unless you want me to stay."
"It's not that. You seem scared of going. I don't want to pressure you to going with me..." she grabbed my hand and looked at me, her eyes a bit brighter. I loved her more when she did that.
"You're not pressuring me, (y/n)." I chuckled. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." I forced the last two words from my mouth. She gave me a soft kiss on the lips, then whispered "if anything goes wrong, just tell me, ok?" I smiled as I gave a small nod.
When I turned around I saw Toby giving a smile, but I thought I saw his eye twitch a bit.
"Alright, let's go, guys!" He said as he opened the drivers door and stepped inside it. I opened the backseat door, expecting (y/n) to sit in the front, until she opened the other backseat door and sat inside.
"Don't you wanna sit in the front?" I asked her.
"Nah, I'm good. I wanna sit in the back with you." She replied. I heard Toby give a low-growl that I think only I heard, because (y/n) didn't pay attention to it. I sat beside her and closed the door.
When Toby started to drive, (y/n) gave out a yawn as she leaned against the door, looking at the view outside. I was bored and I wanted her right beside me, so I did something that I saw guys do to girls at some parties.
I gave out a fake yawn, stretched my arms out, and put an arm around (y/n)'s shoulders.
She noticed my actions and looked up at me with a smile.
"What?" I chuckled softly, an eyebrow slightly raised.
"You're so silly." She said as she leaned against me, burying her face in my shirt. I have a small smile, but quickly wiped it off when I noticed Toby's eyes glaring at me through the tiny mirror.
I think I've made a bad choice.
"(Y/n). We're here. Wake up, sleepyhead."
You woke up to the sound of Freddy's voice. You sat up, meeting his eyes. You were expecting happiness on his face, but instead there was nervousness. He gave a smile.
"You fell asleep. C'mon."
He took your hand and helped you out of the car, even though it wasn't necessary. You looked up at Toby's house, and you immediately regretted it.
It was a giant mansion, probably bigger than the pizzeria itself! No one seemed to be there.
"Where are the other people...?" You asked when Toby locked his car.
"Hm? Oh, they'll be coming, soon." You felt chills down your spine with he said that in such a unnecessary tone. Maybe staying back at the pizzeria was a better idea, you thought.
He lead you and Freddy to the door, which looked pure West Indian mahogany. He opened it, aaaand wow. It was WAY bigger than you expected. Four couches circled around a glass living room table. Big windows were paneled on the wall, show a wonderful view of big houses and trees. A staircase was on your right, which lead to another floor.
"Do you like the place?" Toby glanced at you.
"Yah, it's so...spacious." You we're kinda in a loss for words. You were sort of distracted by a faint smell in the air, but you were unable to recognize it.
"Ok, can you two go over to that door? I really need to do something before they come over." He locked the doors then walked in another direction. It made you feel suspicious for why he left so sudden, but you suggested that he needed to call someone. You and Freddy walked to the door and opened it. It was an empty room with only chairs, a box, and another door. You felt slightly disturbed that Toby told you to come in this room.
"Umm (y/n)?" Freddy was holding your arm, his grip firm.
"I wanna go home." He sounded like a five year old who just realized that he was going to school. He looked down at you.
"Fred, I asked if you wanted to stay back at the-"
"I know, but..." he looked around. "I didn't want you to be alone. With the guy." he pointed his thumb at the direction Toby went. You smiled. Freddy was being so overprotective.
"Fredbear, I'm fine. No one will hurt me."
"I know..." he whimpered. It started to think something was wrong. You grabbed his collar and made him look at you. "Tell me."
"Tell you what?" He asked innocently.
"You know what."
"Okayyy..." he made eye contact with you. "I love you."
"I love you too, but that's not what I'm looking for. You're hiding something."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are."
"See? You said it yourself!"
"No I-" he then realized the trick you did. "Haha, very nice, but seriously, I'm fine."
You opened your mouth to try to talk him out of it, until you heard the door open.
"Ah! There you two are. Now, see those two chairs? Yeah, can you two sit in them?"
You gave a nod and walked up to one of the chairs. They looked nice, with the tiny swirl designs, but you've never seen them before in stores nor online. You looked back at Freddy, who stood still. You gestured freddy over, and so he did.
"Don't be shy, just sit down. They don't bite." Toby chuckled as he locked the door.
You sat down on the chair, and the second you did, duds wrapped around your wrists and ankles.
"Oh wow. Why did I fall for that." You mumbled.
"Um! What are you doing?!" Freddy asked Toby.
"Of course. You would be the kind of guy who would always have to mess up everything."
"Stop! Uh, let her go!" Freddy didn't know what to do.
"Ah, but I'm afraid that I can't, for only one can do that."
Toby walked up to Freddy with a smirk.
"Why, my father, William. He..." he gave a hum. "...we shouldn't talk about him at this time, no. I'll be like one of those cliche villains who take hours talking about themselves right before the hero escapes. Sit down, would ya?" He kicked Freddy's legs, which made Freddy trip and sit on the chair. The same thing happened to him that happened to you.
"C'mon, Toby! I've known you for years! I know you would have done this!"
"Oh, I know Toby wouldn't have done this. He was actually a good guy. Great job, great friends. He was even thinking about proposing to his girlfriend, Emily."
You had no idea who Emily was. Questions filled your mind. Where was the real Toby? Why was this person? How long has this person been playing pretend?
"Unfortunately for him... Emily will have to find another person." He gave a low sinister laugh that made you extremely uncomfortable.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?!" Freddy asked. The man held up a hand. "No more questions, my dear sir. We're wasting precious time. But, since I am a stranger to you two, call me...Mike. Yes, that seems good."
He slowly walked over to you. You looked away from him, but he grabbed your chin and turned you to face him.
"Now, the question I've been wanting to ask for quite a while: who should I torture first?" He looked at Freddy, then you, then back to Freddy.
"Well, let's settle with this: Freddy, what do you consider painful?"
"Why should I tell you?" Freddy squeaked. He looked at you, total fear in his eyes. Mike gave a smirk, then looked at you.
"Ah, would it be painful if... I hurt (y/n)?" He took out a knife, and put the blade against your skin. You tried to show no fear, but your hands were shaking.
"No! Don't hurt her!" Tears already started to form in his eyes.
"Ah, a lover's weak spot. Well, I'm going to take this slow, so you can take on every single cut and bruise I give." He stabbed the chair you were sitting in in front of Freddy.
"NO! PLEASE! DO ME INSTEAD!" Freddy struggled to break his hands free.
"Ah, but no! Also, don't look away, 'fredbear', or I'll hurt her so bad she'll die before you could even witness!"
Freddy didn't respond, but looked up at you, tears were already rolling down his cheeks.
"I'm so *sniff* sorry (Y *sniff* /N)..." he whispered.
"Don't say a word, Fred! Or more pain for the both of you!" He gave a laugh, one that makes anyone uncomfortable. "Now, where should I hurt you first? Should it be...the face Freddy adores? Or, perhaps, the arms that Freddy love to be hugged with? Or, should I rip out your vocals, so he won't be able to hear your sweet screams in the air?" He traced his knife on your cheek. Even though you were scared for what this monster was going to do to you, to tried to remain calm. But how can you be calm at this moment?
"Aha! Let's start with your gentle arms, shall we? And, my dear, if you dare try to fight me, then your weak lover will get the same treat at you." He gave a big smile, then you prepared for what was about to happen. Very slowly, the knife's tip dug into your shoulder, and immediately pain took over that small spot. He then pulled the knife down, and as he was doing this, he put a bit more pressure as he went. Your skin burned as if it was dipped in lava. Blood ran down your arm, creating a small puddle. You grunted at the pain as your hands turned into fists. Mike's smile grew as he watched you struggle helplessly. When he finished the painful experience for you, you looked down to see a big puddle of blood.
"Na-ah-ah! Don't look away, princess! Or you'll be sorry!" You didn't react, which you soon regretted. He gave a growl. "Wanna play like that? Sure, we'll play!" He then sank his fingers in your cut, which made you give a small shout.
"Don't look away." He demanded.You tilted your head back, trying to take in deep breaths.
"Listen to me!" He shouted, then stabbed his knife in your arm, which made you groan. Tears already started to roll down your face as your breathing quickens.
"That's enough!" Freddy shouted. Please that eno-"
"SHUT UP!" Mike shouted. There was then a long stretch of silence.
"Now wasn't that a nice experience?" He suddenly asked you politely. All you could do was shake your head. Your arm was throbbing and burning so bad you couldn't even speak.
"It's cute when people struggle, even though there's no escape for them." He chuckled, then did the same procedures to your other arm. Cutting your delicate skin, blood spilling all over the floor. Soon your vision was blurring. Mike noticed this, then clicked his tongue.
"Agh, this one's physically weak when it comes to times like this... it's going to be less fun than I though with her..." he snapped his fingers. With one swift motion, he stabbed your stomach right down. You gave out a scream as blood flowed out from your stomach.
"PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!" Freddy begged. Blood was spilling down to the floor, your vision was limiting.
"Oh my! Ah, such a shame." Mike stood up. "It's time for me to do a few stuff." He took out the knife from your stomach (which caused extreme pain) and quickly stepped back right before blood sprayed out.
"I'll be right back for your activity, Freddy, right after I get your other lovely friends." He let out a laugh, then closed the door.
"I'm so sorry (y/n) I'm sorry for this I'm sorry for-"
"Hey, slow down." You chuckled, but soon that chuckle turned to coughing.
"Sorry. It's just that I got you into this and now you're gonna die! He should've killed me instead!" He shouted. There was silence for a couple of seconds. When he noticed this he looked up at you. You were looking down at your shoes, black spots consuming your sight.
"Nonono, (y/n), not now, not today! Don't do this, please!"
"I'm sorry, Fred..." your voice was so weak that it turned to a whisper.
"For what?"
You looked up at him. You were starting to feel pale.
"For everything. Coming here, introducing that Toby imposter to us...meeting me." Your eyelids started to get droopy. You leaned back.
"Please, just... I, umm... c'mon, you can survive for just a couple more minutes... (Y/N)!!"
"I cant..."
"Yes you can! Remember that one time that guy looked like me? You acted brave! Or that monster in the bathroom? You acted brave! Can you do that for me one more time?"
You didn't respond. Your breathing was slowing down, making it hard to breathe.
"...Freddy." You said so quietly you barely heard yourself. "...can you do something for me?"
"If it doesn't include me trying to get out of this chair, then sure." He smiled. You gave a small smile, too, then shook your head to try to keep yourself awake. "Lean close to me. I need to tell you something."
He did so. You lean in too, then both for your foreheads touched. You tried to ignore the agonizing pain in your body in order to think straight. You couldn't keep your eyes open, so you closed them.
"Thank you. For being there for me. For protective about me..." you tilted your head slightly. "...For loving me."
The two of you sat there in silence, taking in the moment. You felt something softly brush your lips. He gave you a soft kiss, then everything went dark.
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