《('ᴀʀɢᴏs ᴀɴᴅ ᴍʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛ') ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢ!》ᴀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ.(soulmates au!)


(Nobody's POV)

"Mommy? Can everyone chose their love?" A young boy said to his mother.

"Sadly, no they can't honey. But one day you will have a soulmate." The mother said with a soft tone.

"But no one likes me because I have lots of eyes..I don't think I will have soulmate."

The son said sadly.

"Oh dear, it's not about how you look like. It's about how you are as a person!" The mother said sweetly.

The young boy was now thinking about it. 'Will anyone love me?'

"Now, It's time for bed honey." The mother gave her son a light kiss on the forehead.

He soon fell asleep.

(Argos's POV)

I woke up, Why do I keep dreaming about her? I looked at my hand.

A red string was here on my finger. It wasn't long, 'stop thinking about that!' I thought.

I began to think about what I was going to do today. 'Oh right! Tea with Mr.plant!'

I smiled happily.

After I was done getting ready, I waited in the café. They have great tea!

And The best part was, I worked there! So I get it free!

Mr.plant walked in. My heart was beating so fast! I got butterfly's in my stomach.

I waved so he could see me. When he did, he walked over. "I'm glad you came Mr.plant!"

He just nodded. As he sat down I already had tea ready.

I made lemon cupcakes! And honey cubes! (A thing I made up! ^^)

I began to talk about small things.

"You know, some people think we are together-together!" I laughed. He just stared at me.

As I sipped my tea, "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back!" I said happily.


After I done. I walked out to see my best friend? Her name is Mrs.Teacup, But I call her cup.

"Cup? Did you get a new job here?" I asked.

"I did! And really needed one anyway!" She said sweetly.

"Well at least you will keep me company!" I said laughing.

"Of course! Anyway, did you ask that plant guy out?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yeah I did! And he's here right now!" I said with a big smile.

"Do you think..he's your..soulmate?" She asked. She's been trying to see who was my soulmate ever since we were kids.

Though, she had her's. "I think so..? I mean he makes my heart go fast..gives butterflys in my stomach."

She gasped, "yes! He has to be!" She smiled while saying those words.

She hugged me tight. "I'm for sure!" I hugged her back.

"Well I should be going right so, I will see you next Sunday!" I said happily.

"Bye! And have fun~!" She pulled the note 'fun' a bit too long.

I walked back to the table. Mr.plant was still there waiting. "I'm sorry for being for 15 minutes late Mr.plant!" I said.

I sat down, drinking tea. "So? How do you like it Mr.plant?"

He gave a thumbs up as if to say 'its good!' I smiled sweetly. I began eating some of my honey cubes.

I started to talk more, but really. It was like he didn't even care, He didn't listen to me.

After we were done at the cafe. I thought maybe we should to a lake? No..too boring. Maybe a park? Perfect!

"Mr.plant? Would you like to go to the park with me?" I said smiling.


He nodded a bit. We began to walk, his hand was brushing mine. My heart raced.

"Hm? Seems like this park has a lake?" I said confused. I looked at Mr.plant, he was looking at something.

It was ducks! "Awe! Let's feed them!" I grabbed a bread that was in my pocket.

I gave a piece to Mr.plant. "All you need to do is throw or give a piece to the ducks!"

Mr.plant gave a piece to the duck. It bit him, Mr.plant picked up the bird and throw it.

"Uhm..that's fine! Uh- try throwing the piece this time?" I said, a bit shocked.

He throw it, and one of the birds ate it.

"That's better." I said now calm. He nodded in agreement.

After having a bit more fun, we went back our homes. Before I could walk to my house, Mr.plant poked me.

"Yes? Mr.plant?" I said, confused. He pointed to the door then me. "Oh? you want me to come with you?" He nodded.

I walked inside. It was pretty warm, even though he didn't turn on the heater.

I was poked again. Mr.plant pointed at the TV.

I sat down with him. Something weird happened. My string was pulling me to..Mr.plant! I blushed.

I sat closer. He didn't seem notice, he put on a TV show with a man and this green thing. I soon began watching too.

- a few hours later -

I was getting bored of the show. I looked at Mr.plant, he was sleeping. 'What if I could..kiss him?" I thought.

'No! Not now! I mean he's sleeping!' One side of my head thought.

My other side disagreed. 'Come on Argos this is your chance!' I wasn't sure.

Soon I couldn't stop myself. I kissed him on the cheeks. (Idk if he has cheeks-) then on the lips, I blushed a bit.

Then I cupped his cheeks, I kissed him a bit rough. his eyes opened.

I stopped and moved away. "I-I'm sorry Mr.pla-" I was stopped by him kissing me?!

He stopped to let me breath. "I-I.." I didn't have any words.. I saw my and his string tie itself?

"Does..this mean..we are more then friends?" I asked. Looking at my feet.

He shrugged, a big smile came on my face.

"You will always have a soulmate honey." The mother said smiling.

"Your right mommy!" The son said also smiling.



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