《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 5


Alrighty, so I decided to try and write in some more POV:s, just to get some variety. But this chapter got kind of carried away, so A LOT of POV:s are headed your way... Just saying :)


3 years later (after last chapter ;)

Today is my sixth birthday.

I rolled out of bed, leaving a trail of sheets in my wake. Getting up I ran to get dressed, quickly making some delicious instant-ramen before heading out. I woke up kinda late today. I had slept in to four in the afternoon. HEY. I'm still growing. I'm gonna become the most powerful hokage, but more important than that, I'M GONNA BECOME TALL, so I need my sleep.

I ran out of my apartment and headed outside. When I got outside, I noticed something was off, different. There was tension in the air, so much it was humming. I also felt power.

Hey, where did that thought come from? But I started to feel afraid. Looking around, there were less people out today. Maybe they felt it too?

But my fear was soon overridden by an excitement that seemed to well up from deep within me. Weird.

Walking through the streets, I wondered what I should do today. Maybe I should go visit the old man? He'll probably be happy to see me.

He's the only one who'll be happy to see me.

When I entered a more crowded street, it began. People walked as far as they could around me, glaring at me or giving me dirty looks. I could hear the whispers. "Demon", "Monster", "Why are you still alive?", "You should just die", "Murderer".

I lower my head and clenched my fists. My eyes were watering, but I refused to let them see me cry.


Why do they hate me so much.

Why me.

What did I ever do to them.

As I was lost to my thoughts I didn't even notice the darkness slowly creeping in with the sun's absence. After some time I finally took notice of the sounds of footsteps following me. I sped up. The footsteps sped up too, and I could hear a lot of them. And I mean a lot. Fear started to settle, as I began to run. The footsteps followed. I dashed through the streets, but then I saw four villagers in front of me. Three of them were holding what looked like kitchen knives. My eyes widened as I took a turn to avoid them. The rush of footsteps still thundered behind me. A few moments later, I realized my mistake.


Dead end.

I turned to face to villagers, my lungs burning as I desperately tried to breathe air into them. A few stepped forward holding knives, while some had clubs or even hammers.

Probably blacksmiths.

But what I noticed next made my eyes almost pop out of their sockets. A few were holding kunai.

There are ninjas in the crowd.

Now, I was truly afraid. Smaller wounds, I could deal with. They healed fast. But bigger ones always seemed so drag on as if hoping to end me.


The villagers surrounded me, screaming profanities and cursing at me while swiping their knives. One villager came forward and hit my shoulder with his hammer. I screamed. The pain was horrible. My vision started to dim as I felt a few blades sink into my flesh.

They're stabbing me.

In the arms, in one hand, in the thighs, both legs pinned to the ground by the blades. My vision was already darkening, and I couldn't even feel the pain anymore. I my blurry vision I saw another man nearing me. My eyes shifted to his hand as they squint, trying to make out what it was.


And then I was stabbed in the stomach. I felt my blood soak the ground I was lying on. I could hear the retreating footsteps and laughter. They echoed like drums in my ears.

Or is that my heart?

I felt so cold. The cold and the dark. I felt so afraid.

I'm finally going to die, aren't I?

And then everything went black.

I welcomed the darkness.

I've been excited the whole day. I could feel it. The air itself was brimming with the proof. My kit was finally hatching. Just thinking about it made me feel a deep satisfaction. Satisfaction and something else... an overpowering need to care, protect and provide. I wanted to see her. To hold her. Just to be with her. My kit.

I was proud too. My kit hasn't even hatched and yet she's already making all those disgusting humans pi*s their pants with her baby's aura alone. HAHAHAHAAAA. My kit indeed.

I felt a smirk spread over my face as my tails swished from side to side.

I watched emotionlessly how some disgusting humans surrounded my container.

Maybe he'll die now, so I'll be free. I'll destroy this sick village and go see my kit.


Yes. I felt happy. I was gonna destroy all these pesky humans and then see my little kit. All the best things to do, and all in one day. Isn't this just damn lucky?

Usually my chakra would always automatically heal my container's smaller wounds, while the bigger ones actually required me to take the initiative to heal them. I always hoped he would die from one of them. So I could be free.

Seems like it's finally going to happen.

As I watched the first insect stab a knife into my containers arm, a thought suddenly occurred to me.

Isn't he a kit too?

I shook my head as I snorted. No, he's still a human. Nothing but a disgusting, miniscule human.

I watched as another stabbed into his thigh.

But what if it was my kit? All alone and defenseless. Hurt. With no one. No parents to stand with her to protect her.

That's right. My ears perked up. He's different from the other human offspring.

He has no one.

But neither will my kit if he doesn't die.

I had made my decision. An unexpected sense of remorse overcame me, but I shrugged it off, feeling highly uncomfortable dealing with such emotions.

Then I almost fell over myself in shock. These dense, stupid human couldn't feel it, but I could. The aura, the power in the air was concentrating, cloaking my container as if trying desperately to cover him, but still too weak and therefore unable to do so.

My kit wants to... protect him?

I watched as he was stabbed in the stomach. I could feel the life slowly bleeding out of him, and I made a decision. The wounds aren't that serious. Time for that initiative.

Sorry, my kit. Seems I won't be with you for a while longer.

I look out the window of my office, looking at the rising moon. It's been six years since the kyuubi attacked. Six years since the forest of death has obtained and started harboring such unnatural power. This used to cause a lot of unrest.

But today, something is different. I can sense it. Something is wrong. The power seems to be pulsating, as it fills the air. It's been tense since morning, but nothing like this. I look down at my hand, only to see it shaking. Grabbing hold of it with my other hand I tried calming myself down.

Everything will be alright. Konohagakure has many skilled ninja. We can protect ourselves.

But even as I told myself that, a tiny voice whispered in my mind.

Yes, but how are you going to fight this? Even if you disregard the absurd strength, how are you planning to fight an enemy you can't see? You don't even have the remotest idea of what you're up against.

The voice was right. I looked back up at the sky. The moon had now almost completely risen.

The only thing I could do now was pray. Pray, that it wouldn't come to a fight.

Because if it did

We would be annihilated.

I sighed. It's so much more powerful than before. This aura, this power... is frightening.

It's time. I can feel it. The power, it's thrumming in my roots, just waiting to break out and unleash itself upon the world. I directed my consciousness towards the top branches of the tree that I would soon cease to be, and gazed at the sky (don't wonder how, I'm powerful, 'kay? Being a freakin' tree ain't gonna stop me from seeing stuff). My mind was taunt, concentrated and ready.

Let it begin.

As the full moon rose to the center of the sky, a powerful gust of wind swept through the land, reaching the farthest reaches of the continent.

A pair of massive ink black wings swept over the sky, casting the forest and the Village Hidden in the Leaves into darkness as they obscured the moon. The silence of the night was then pierced by an earth shattering cry.

Everyone could feel it, in the depths of their bones. Something has changed.

The world will never be the same again.

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