

"Why can you not help me!" I growled.

She scowls at me, "You know I don't deal with dark magic anymore, Zeus. So stop asking me!"

I snarled, "You know her secrets, you know every loop hole there is. How can you refuse me? Refuse Lily!"

She hobbles her frail body to a chair, "She is my mother, she is smart, Zeus. There can be no loop hole. She would know that if there is, I would figure it out."

I curled my hands in a fist, "Then at least find a way to ensure, Lily's safety, I need her to be alive in order to break my curse."

Carrow shook her head, "She is linked to the curse, I cannot help you. No one can. You need to let it go."

"No," I stood up from my chair, "I will get someone who will help me." And then I stomped out of the cottage, shifted into my wolf and ran to my next destination.


"You're doing it wrong!" Complained Donny.

"I'm blind!" I exclaimed as I tried to hold the arrow up. I stretched my arm back and I let go.

"Shit!" I heard Donny shout as he thumped unto the floor, "That could've been my head!" He yelled at me.

"I am Blind! And besides you should have told me where to point!" I yelled back.

I giggled when I heard him muttering under his breath as he got the arrow and came back to me.

"How am I supposed to know where to point." I argued.

"Sound." He said, "You have been relying on your senses for years now, try to focus on your hearing. Hear where your target it."

I rolled my eyes, "How am I supposed to hear a target board, Donny?"

"Ummm...I know!" Donny said excitedly, "Wait here!" I hear him run off and about ten minutes later he came back.

He put his hands on my shoulders and slightly positioned me, "Okay now do your form." I grabbed the arrow and pulled back my arm.

"Okay now, listen." He instructed me.

"Hey Donny! I don't think this is a good idea!" I heard Sozin yell anxiously from a distance.

Donny chuckled, "You're bloody immortal! It's the best idea! Now shut up and try to be quiet!"

I was amused at there bickering.


"Okay, Lily. Sozin is going to walk around the grass, now all you need to do is listen and try to shoot where you think he is."

I nodded my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I listened. At first I heard nothing, but then I concentrated harder and harder I could hear the crunching of grass and slight thumping noise. A heartbeat.

I smiled, "Got ya." I took another deep breath and as I exhaled, I let go of the bow and let the arrow fly.

I waited for any indication that I got him. I heard nothing. I was disappointed until I heard a very feminine scream and then a very manly voice, "Bloody Hell Lily!"

I laughed, "I didn't know you could scream like that Sozin!"

"Ha Ha, very funny." I heard him run near us.

"Did I actually get you?" I asked.

"No...you just skimmed through my flesh!" I was disappointed, but nonetheless happy, "At least I almost got him!"

I gave him a high five before he congratulated me, "Alright! We'll make a badass out of you in no time."

"Yeah but right now, it's shower time for me. I am sweaty and sticky."

Donny helped me get back to my room. I prepared for a shower. I got all of my things and laid my clothes on the bed.

"Well you're quite a pretty little thing, aren't you." I heard someone say.

I gasped and turned around to face the sound, "Who are you? What're you doing here?"

"How rude of me. My name is Demora, I am sure you've heard of me."

"I haven't," I said bluntly, "Am I supposed to?"

"I believe I specialise in curses. Ring any bells?"

My eyes widen and my heart stopped, "You're the witch. The one who cursed Zeus."

"Bingo." I hear her walk around and assume sit on one of the chairs near the balcony, "So, are you miserable without your mate?"

I gulped, "Why do you want to know?" I asked defensively

"Well I have known him for quite a while...I just want to get to know you now."

I gulped, "I'm just here to break the curse...nothing more. Now could you please leave, I want to take a shower."

I hear her humorless laugh before she mumbles under her breathe, "Well that's the understatement of the century." She sat where she was, not indicating in any way that she was going to leave.


My brows creased, "He doesn't care for me and I don't care for him. I will help him break the curse and from then on, I guess we separate. Now please leave, Demora!"

"Oh no," Demora disagreed, "Though my little Zeus lacks emotion, he is fiercely protective of what is his."

I sighed frustrated. I shook my head, "I am not his. He has made that perfectly clear. I am a key to him. Now can we just leave it at that?"

Demora didn't say anything. She just sat there. I felt her eyes on me, studying me.

Well if she isn't going to leave...might as well try and get some info, "So are you as evil as they say you are?" I asked.

"What do you think?" She asks as if trying to learn me.

I sat on my bed facing where her voice is coming from, "I don't know, that's why I'm asking you."

"I am may not be a good witch. But I wouldn't call myself evil either."

"But you cursed three innocent little boys. Zeus only picked one rose and you damned them for eternity until he finds a mate."

I hear her release a long sigh, almost like she is thinking about what she had actually done. I wonder if she had ever processed it with anybody, "Yes well, I am very protective of my gardens. They shouldn't take what isn't there's."

My mind could not comprehend why she would give such a severe punishment for the picking of a single rose.

"So if I fall in love with Zeus. The curse will be broken?"

She laughs, "That's how the story goes. But no. That is not the only thing."

"How do you break it then?"

"There is a ritual to be done, but also a question to be answered." She explains.

I stood up, "What question?"

I hear her stand and quietly giggled to herself, "Now wouldn't you like to know?" And then the clicking of her heels slowly go away and out the door.


I laid on the ground next to the fire I had built. I didn't know why I built one. My eyes can see in the dark and I don't get cold. But I guess there is something about a fire that calms me a bit. It's warm light softens my guarded front.

I took the locket out of my shirt. It was a big gold locket that I made sure to keep on my person at all times. I have not separated from this since the day I put it on. It was my greatest treasure. I opened the locket and saw my wife. This was in the eighteen hundreds. The photo was in black and white, but that did not stop her from looking absolutely exquisite. She always took my breath away.

"Why could you not take me with you, my love." I thought out loud. I clicked it shut and tucked it safely behind my shirt.

I set my eyes up on the night sky. It was cold, but not cold enough to snow. I was not in the supernatural realm anymore. I was in the human world. There has been a lot of controversy over the supernatural living in the human world. Some of the non-humans do not think we should interact with the mundane beings at all, they want us to be completely separate. Where is others prefer the human life, it's much more peaceful and safe to raise their young. Me on the other hand don't care at all. I don't get into that stuff, I already have enough problems of my own to worry about.

I wonder what Lily is doing right now. I have been gone for two weeks so far, I could feel the ache in my heart from the distance. This mate connection we have is much more powerful than I anticipated. I thought it would slowly fade, but I guess I should've known better. I found myself thinking of her often. She is so delicate to me. She looks so small. But I liked it. She was innocent and pure, the opposite to me. She reminds me of the side of myself that might still have such a purity, a goodness.

I sighed frustratingly. But I shouldn't think like that. After the curse is broken, I may have enough goodness inside of myself to let her go back to her pack and live her life without me. It would be better for her. But better for me as well, I can go on with my life, be whoever I wanted to be, live life with whoever I wanted. A clean slate. That is what I want the most.

I close my eyes, but the blackness is immediately filled with images of my past lovers, my past wives, and my heart aches to see their faces knowing that I will never hold any of them ever again. But I some seep past them and fall asleep.

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