《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C20: The culprit


Dark eye bags grew worse under Derek's eyes from lack of sleep. It had been two weeks since she was kidnapped and the kidnapper did not give him the details so he could send the money, even after agreeing.

His eyes were now red and slightly swollen from crying during the night and his brain felt light and numb, failing to think for himself anymore.

His phone vibrated beside his head and he quickly sat up and checked the message.

The pain running in your blood now is exactly what I needed to torture you. Bring the money to Park Arch at ten pm. Have no one with you. Just you and Lucius.

He sighed out in relief as his muscles ached at the thought of Victoria.

He was going to be with her again.

He glanced at the clock by his door and it was just three in the morning. He glanced down at the message again, rereading it with a glint of hope.

Why Lucius? He thought to himself as he stared at the name.

He types then sends it, now simply waiting for the response with a nervous thought.

Oh you will have your wife alright.

You have my word for it. One billion dollars.

Derek couldn't resist a smile at the thought Victoria was still alive and well. He got off the bed and walked out of the bedroom, walking towards the kitchen. He grabbed a tumbler from is cupboard and filled it up with the tap water, chugging it down in seconds to calm himself down.

No one needed to know.

He quickly hurried out of the house as he grabbed his car keys by the door and rushed to his personal car. Once he was in, he did not waste a second and stepped onto the gas pedal.

The small breeze of the morning was cold and irritated his skin, but he couldn't feel any of that with Victoria on his mind.

He reached the ATM and hoped out of the car, rushing to it with a bag he found in the back before anyone could see him. He quickly typed in his password and the amount of money. It took him some time to withdraw a whole billion. As the card drew out, he quickly snatched it off the slot and turned for the car.


Once inside, he tossed the bag into the back and gripped his stirring wheel tightly. He then reached his left hand into his pockets and pulled out his phone, dialing the number.

"Did I call you?" The kidnapper asked and Derek rolled his eyes as he gripped the wheel.

"Let me talk to her. I've gotten the money so let me talk to her... Please." Derek pleaded as he tightened his grip on the phone.

"Okay. Hold on a second." He accepted, making Derek's heart skip a beat as he heard rough movements in the background before a door opened. He heard the man yelling for her to wakeup and it brought some tension to him.

"Hello? Derek?" She asked, her voice tired and weak, making him smile slightly that he could hear her alive and breathing.

"Victoria..." He called into the phone as he leaned back into the seat. "I'm going to do everything I can to get you back today.... I promise."

"Oh Derek...." Victoria said as she sniffed, as though she was crying behind the phone. "I'm scared...."

"I know." Derek frowned slightly and sighed. "I'm sorry I put you through this... I promise everything will be fine when we're back together. Today won't end without you in my arms." He whispered into the phone and she chuckled weakly.

"Sounds like a tempting offer." She chuckled. "I miss you so bad."

"I miss you too." Derek smiled as he clenched the wheel tightly with his free hand. "I love you Victoria." He admitted and bit on his lower lip. "It took me a while to admit that, but I'm in love with... Victoria?" He paused when he noticed the call had been cut.

Sighing out, he started the car and tossed his phone to the passenger seat, knowing she was okay and still breathing. He drove out of the spot close to the ATM and drove back home, knowing in his mind that he would have to confess his love to Victoria when they reunite.


The time he got back home was well past six. His parents were already there and so was his sister. All eager to know what will happened that day. All there to give him support.

He walked into the house with the money bag sighed out when his eyes landed on his father who readied a shot gun.

"What's all this?" He asked as he glanced at his mother who was loading a rifle and his sister who sat on the ground loading a packet of bullets.

"We're taking back our girl, with force." His father said as he tossed the shot gun in his hands to Derek, who let of of the money bag to catch it.

".... They agreed to meet me this evening." Derek said and and his father chuckled.

"They will either kill you or her when your guard is down. One of my agents tracked them down and we know where they are right now." He said only to pause then grab another shotguns and sharply turned for the door, where Lucius stood with his phone in his hands. "Drop it sonny."

"... What? Can't I be on my phone?" Lucius asked and Eugene narrowed his eyes at him.

"You think I was born yesterday, son? That somehow even when you were stabbed, they would give you the note? Your hospital records show an angle only a mastermind can cut through to make sure they didn't die. and the angle your stab wound was made in an angle only one could do it themselves."

"That's stupid." Lucius said as he clenched his jaw. "You can't prove that."

"Unless the man that attacked you was either on the ground or kneeling, that stab wound shouldn't be there. You're working with them Lucius." Eugene concluded and Lucius's eyes went wide in shock.

Derek turned for Lucius with an angered expression as he clenched his jaw so tightly, his teeth were likely to snap and break apart.

"I got a message telling me to meet them at ten pm. Park arch. They told me to bring no one else but you. I found it suspicious and prepared myself for an ambush." Derek said as he walked to him with tight fists. "All the pattern's have been layered out. I didn't want to be the one pointing my suspicions towards you because they would think I'm just jealous." He said as he held Lucius's collar. "You've inflicted pain on me, Victoria and my family. I will do you the favor and return it." He whispered into his ear. "Right now I can't deal with you. The police will." He said before stepping away and snatching the phone from him.

He reached to his ear and snapped off the earpiece he had on. Reaching down to his jeans, he felt around until he felt a gun strapped to his inner thigh.

"Bring it." Derek demanded as he pointed his shot gun to his head. "Right now."

Lucius rolled his eyes and reached into his jeans, pulling out the guns and placing it onto his palm. Derek shot him one last glare before turning back to his family.

"So when are we leaving?" Derek asked as he dropped Lucius's gun on the table before turning to his family.

As Lucius's turned to escape, he was blocked by two large figures already by the door with their hands crossed and glaring down at him.

Derek's bodyguards.

"We leave now. Before there's a lot of traffic." Eugene said as he gathered as much guns as possible.

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