《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C19: the hidden truth


"Fvck this! She's hurt!" Derek thundered in anger as he kicked over a glass stool, causing it to shatter into pieces. "You! Get my accountant on the line!" He yelled at one of his maids before she rushed off to complete the task.


"You told me she was fine!" He snapped at his sister who tired to calm him down. "But she's bleeding... What if they bit her up? What if she was stabbed? Or... She miscarried..." He asked with his heart in his throat, failing to think properly as blood and adrenaline rushed into his brain.

"If you continue like this you'll die of a heart attack, calm down." His father said as he had just walked into the living room, making Penelope's heart came to ease. "We will get her back."

"What should I do?" Derek asked as his eyes turned to blur, failing to hold in the fear building inside of him. "I don't want her to die... I need her in my life dad."

"And you will have her until you die of old age. But for now, she needs you alive and not putting yourself at risk of a heart attack. Please sit down." Eugene said as he held onto Derek's shoulders and sat him down. "I know you love her son, but we need to be patient a little."

"She could be bleeding to death... I don't know where she's bleeding from. What if they hit her in the head? That that was the reason she lost consciousness?" He asked as he clenched his fists.

"You really do love her. Don't you Mr Lamar?" Lucius asked as he leaned against the door way.

"I do." Derek said as he clenched his jaw tightly. "And if it weren't for you, she would be safe. Here in my arms." He said as he glared at Lucius. "You call yourself a man and yet you couldn't even protect her!"


"I was stabbed!" Lucius thundered in anger. "I was stabbed and couldn't withstand the pain!"

"Well if you died it would have proved you being a man damn it!" Derek yelled and Eugene sighed as he sat down himself, not bothering to hold down his frustrated son. "You let her slip right from your fingertips! You say you love her, but I see you hardly putting effort to even talk to her. You disgust me! You don't deserve her...."

"And you think you do?" Lucius asked. "You think signing off a contract to make her fake being your wife would make you worth of anything to her? You think you deserve her now!?"

"Contract?" Melody, Derek's mother asked as she shot Derek a curious gaze. "Is Victoria one of Heather's wives for hire?"

Derek cursed under his breath when he knew his own game came to a stop. Now his parents knew about the buried truth.

"Derek... You hired Victoria!?" Eugene asked in shock and slight anger. "Poor girl! She was forced to carry your child!?"

"Dad, don't out it-"

"He's right! It means you and Heather had a part in this! Lying to us!" Melody thundered in anger at Derek who furrowed his brows at them.

"I was going to pay her tons of money." Derek defended only to clench his fists when it came out wrong. "But I love her now..."

"I can't believe you would do that to an innocent loving girl like her. Without promised marriage? Why did she accept?" Melody asked and Penelope could only stare in awe.

"She thought she would have to fake the pregnancy so she had already signed it before she knew the real intension." Derek said as he casted his eyes down to the floor in shame.


"So after the deal was done. What would you have told us?" Eugene asked and Derek clenched his jaw.

"That she cheated and I broke the marriage." He said in a near mummer.

"You owe her an apology for ruining her life." Eugene said in anger as he pointed sharply at Derek who bit onto his lip and sighed out.

"I know." He said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"She's now in this situation just because she's with you. A girl you simply have to pay. Does she deserve all this?" Eugene asked and Derek kept his eyes glued to the floor, knowing too well what his father was when he was angry.

"Once we find her the deal is off. Understood?" Eugene asked and Derek glanced up at him in shock, locking eyes with his father. "No more of this nonsense on her. She will keep her child and we will help her raise it for as long as it lives. You will play no part in her life again." Eugene said, silencing Derek immediately.

"But dad... I love her...." Derek pleaded but his father shook his head.

"If she doesn't love you back, you'll learn to live with it." He said and Melody frowned a bit.

"Honey aren't you being a bit too harsh on the boy?" Melody asked as she placed a hand on Eugene's shoulder.

"Victoria is in that place because of him. She is just doing her job, I will not let an innocent girl suffer anymore because of his carelessness." Eugene thundered before leaving the room. Leaving Derek speechless and mentally drained of energy and thought.

Lucius smirked and glanced at Penelope who fought to find the words to say.

"What you did was awful Derek." Penelope said as she stood up from her seat and walked to her brother who seemed drained. "But if you love her, prove to dad that he doesn't have to worry."

"No, he's right. She doesn't need to go through all this because of me. When we get her back, I'll publicly announce the contract thing and take the blame for it and I'll let her go." He said with tight fists. "That's the only way I can protect her."

"If you love her, you won't let her go. No matter what." Penelope said as she clenched his shoulder. "Just fight for what you're feeling. Don't listen to Dad."


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