《Fusion Online》Chapter 14: General Grievious


Ian shifts to his right, avoiding getting slashed by a Vibroblade. The commando droid lunges forward and slashes horizontally from left to right, forcing Ian to jump back.as Ian jumps back, he draws his left Westar and quickly fires six yellow laser at the opponents head, causing critical damage. The droid stumbles backwards, the impact of the blaster being to much for him. Ian backflips in mid-air to avoid landing on his back. The droid regains his balance, his blade firmly held by both his metallic hands. Ian rushes at him, slices him diagonally from right to left, followed by a step forward so he is side by side with the commando droid. Ian immediately turns to face the droid and slices him from left to right, spins around and moves to where the droid's back is and slashes downward from to left, but because of the momentum, Ian's back is facing the droid. The droid takes this opportunity and rotates his torso to face Ian, and swings his sword horizontally from right to left. Ian ducks and avoids the attack, and followed by him turning around and lunging to his final side, slicing him diagonally from right to left. A green 2D rhombus appears, surrounding the droid. The rhombus expands backwards as the commando droid screeches in pan before shattering into a million pieces of glass. Ian sighs. This is how it's been for the past couple of months. No progress has been made so far. Ever since last year, people gave up on hope. They decided to stop fighting and buy a house and live normally. Ian, however, didn't, and neither did his friends. Ian checks his drops. Mostly EXP and Credits. But the thing that he was looking for was mapping. He has successfully mapped the entire dungeon, with the exception of the interior of boss room itself. Ian smirks as he sheathes his Vibrosword away.

"Hey Ian!" Heather happily says, running towards the Mandalorian. Ian turns around, surprised yet happy, to see Heather here. "Hey. What's up?"Ian replies, taking his helmet off. Heather, however, doesn't, because she isn't wearing her armor, just her simple everyday clothes. Which, if you don't know, is a purple long sleeve shirt and black pants.

"Why are you not wearing your armor?" Ian asks. Heather thinks about it for a while before she answers. "I don't know." She giggles. "I guess I forgot to equip it." She guessed, not totally convincing. "Ok..." Ian says, still not convinced at her answer. "Anyway. Why are you here?" Ian asks. "Well. I got bored so I decided to come with you." Heather answers, this time her answer sounds convincing. "Alright. I've just finished mapping the entire dungeon. I'm coming back tomorrow to see what boss is inside." Ian tells Heather why he's at the dungeon. Mapping is not an easy process. First you must find the mini boss and defeat him, that's when one section of the map reveals. You do this six times, each mini boss getting harder and harder. Once all six are defeated, the entire map is filled and the boss room is revealed.

"I assume I arrived late then." Heather sweat drops, anime style. "Sorta. Yea." Ian replies. "It's already 3 P.M. Want to grab something to eat?" Ian invites Heather to lunch. "Yes!" She immediately replies. "I mean...yea sure." She says. Ian chuckles at this. Heather blushes a bit, looking away. "W-what are you laughing at!?" Heather pouts. "C'mon, let's go." Ian says, grabbing his warp crystal. Heather does the same and they both teleport to the nearest town.



"So you really mapped the entire dungeon?" Heather asks, shocked, even though Ian told her about it back at the dungeon. "For the last time, yes. I did it." Ian says, eating his food. The both of them are in a nearby town's restaurant. "How long did it take?" Heather asks. Ian sighs. "About a week or so." He answers. Heather nods and take a bite out of her food. "So aren't you suppose to be in duty right now?" Ian asks. Ian rarely sees Heather, and watching her just randomly come up to him in the dungeon is not natural. "So you DON'T want me around." Heather says, insulted and hurt. "W-what! N-no that wasn't what I was headed for!" Ian defends himself, raising his hands up and shaking them from side to side. "I'm just messing with you. Yea I am. But today I decided to leave Max in charge." Heather explains her reason for not working. "That makes sense...I guess." Ian replies, finishing whatever is left of his food. "Yea well. The Fusion Freedom Association is going to raid the boss tomorrow. The Spartan Republic would do it, but we exhausted our ammunition on defense so far and we won't get supplies till next week. So, knowing you, you'll probably want to attack it so you can find out its attack pattern for when the actual raid begins. Am I correct?" Heather says, placing her elbows on the table, her arm in a 55 degree angle and resting her chin on her hands. Ian chuckles once, a bit surprised that she figured him out. "You are correct. I don't know this boss, so I want to see who it is and how powerful it is. I'm doing it tomorrow." Ian says, paying the bill for the food. "Then I'll meet you at the entrance of the dungeon tomorrow at 10 A.M." Heather happily says, standing up. "Deal." Ian smirks, also happy about what they're about to do. Heather walks out of the restaurant and goes the house where she was stationed at. Ian leaves as well, but heads to a hotel.


"Where...the fuck...is she..." Ian says, barely keeping his eyes open. He was somewhat exhausted from last night. He barely had any rest, for he was going over the map. He wanted to find the quickest route to the dungeon room. Suddenly, a blue Promethean warp portal opens in front of Ian. "What the-" Is Ian can say before a screaming Heather jumps out of the portal. "Watch out!" She screams, hitting Ian as they both roll backwards before stopping. Ian is on the floor, with Heather laying on top of him. Ian moves his hand to find it on something soft and a bit squishy. "What the?" Ian says, moving his hand. Heather screams and slaps him so hard, it literally sends him flying and tumbling all the way to a nearby light post, which is about 20 yards away. "Ow..." Ian mutters, his back rested on the post. Ian shakes his head and looks ahead of him. He sees Heather covering her stomach, her face red as a tomato. Ian looks at his right hand, and then back at Heather. "YOU PERVERT!!!" Heather yells at him, loud enough to be heard across the street and the city. "JUST CAUSE I LANDED ON YOU DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN JUST TOUCH ME." Heather keeps on telling at Ian. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." Ian repeats over and over, wincing at her screams. Ian stands up and walks a few steps foreward. A few seconds later, a man wearing white with dark purple trim Locust Spartan Armor. The only thing he has unequipped is his helmet, which reveals a 40 year old man. Heather runs behind Ian, placing her hand on his shoulders and taking a peak at the man. Ian looks at Heather, confused, and then to the Spartan. "Ms. Heather, I was only doing my job of ensuring your safety." He says in a simple and calm tone. "Yea right! You're a creep that watched me though my window the entire night!" Heather angrily retorts.


"What's going on?" Ian asks, still confused.

"This creep of a guard was watching me sleep." Heather whispers, her facial expression being both anger and disgust.

"I was doing my job, so I see nothing wrong in it." The man replies. "Like hell you were! Plus, you were dismissed of duty at night, so why the hell were you outside my house!" Heather angrily retorts again. "So? I was going the extra mile. Most people would be appreciative of my dedication to my job." The Spartan replies, not really changing his tone. "Yea will I don't! So as of today, you are relived of duty!" Heather snaps back, firing him. "Then who'll protect you? That beta tester you're hiding behind!" He laughs at the thought of Ian being her guard. "Yes he will! He's probably twenty levels above you anyway!" Heather says, still hiding behind Ian. "As if! My level is 67, I so doubt a solo player can reach that level." The man says. "I'm level 82 for your information." Ian says, showing him his player ID. "Fine. I'll have a duel with you. If you win, you'll protect Ms. Heather for the rest of the day. But if I win, I'll show Ms. Heather that you are not fit for protecting such a great, and frankly, out of your league, player." The player says, sending Ian a duel request. "Ian doesn't has to prove shit to you-" Heather begins to stop Ian from dueling, but is cut by the Mandalorian.

"Deal." Ian says, accepting the request. "Ian you don't have to prove anything." Heather whispers. "No, I don't. But it'll be very dishonorable if I didn't accept a duel." Ian replies. "Alright, good luck." Heather says, walking away and watching the duel that will take place.

The man pulls out an energy sword, activating an elegant electric blue sword. Ian draws his rust colored Vibrosword. "He doesn't even wield a proper sword. His lack of choosing a good and proper sword proves that he is not fit for protecting you Ms. Heather." The Spartan insults Ian's sword and his capability of protecting the commander. "Hey mutt. How about you stop barking and show me what you're really made out of." Ian says back. It might not have been the best of comebacks, but him insulting the Spartan's manliness is more than enough to prove the comebacks power. The Spartan grunts and readies his sword, placing it in front of him. Ian, holding his sword with his right hand only, places his right arm behind him and his left leg in front of him, waiting for the countdown to finish so he can begin the fight.

Once the countdown goes off, Ian and the Spartan charge at each other.

Now here's the weird part. Not a lot of people would want a sword in game where guns is the main weapon. But ever since the last update a year or so, swords where added with sword skills, allowing more damage to be added. A energy sword would have a light flowing color trim around it while Vibroswords and other like that would glow a certain color, depending on the skill being used.

The Spartan raises his arms above his head, readying to slice Ian in half. Ian has his sword behind him, glowing green like his eyes and ready to strike. The man slices downward, causing Ian to jump and turn his body were his right shoulder is facing the Spartan, because of this, he avoid getting sliced, and swings his blade to the man's hilt. Because of the force Ian used, he spins around and continues going forward, and his back is now facing the man. The man's hilt shatters Into a million pieces, for the power that Ian used completely obliterated the sword.

"W-what!? How!?" The Locust armor Spartan says, shocked that he had missed and that his sword was destroyed. "Your sword is all fancy and elegant, causing you to forget that it's blade is thin and its hilt is large enough to be struck." Ian says, sheathing his sword on his back and turning to face the man. "Impossible! I'll show you!" The Spartan says, charging at him with his knife. Ian begins to draw his sword quickly, but is stopped when he sees that Heather had shot the man in the hand, launching the sword away. "Don't be a bad sportsman and accept your defeat. As of now you are relived of duty." Heather says, walking away while dragging Ian to the dungeon.


Heather jumps as her Vibrosword cuts a Mangnaguard's torso from his left part of his waist to his right shoulder. Heather comes back down and sends multiple jabs to the droid's legs. Ian stares at the sight in front of him. He would have never thought that he would ever get a gamer girlfriend. He keeps thinking about this and loses focus at what's happening in the battle in front of him.

"Switch!" Heather says, jumping out of the battle. Ian snaps out of his trance and jumps ahead, his sword poised and anxious to fight. Ian spins around slices horizontally multiple times, dropping the droid's health down to red. The mangnaguard goes for a stab to Ian's head, which proves to be futile for Ian has sidestepped, causing the droid to stumble forward and leaving its back exposed for an attack. Ian spins around, slicing the droid in half, causing it to shatter to a million pieces. "Good job! I knew we could do it!" Heather cheerfully says, walking to Ian. "Yea. Anyway, let's go check the boss room." Ian says, sheathing his sword on his back. Heather's sword is placed by her left hip. "Alright. But grab your blaster. It'll be safer that way." Heather says, pulling out her DC-15S carbine blaster. "Got it." Ian replies, drawing both his Westar-35 pistols. "On the count of three." Ian says, the door to the boss room open.

"Three..." Ian begins the countdown.

"Two..." Heather readies her blaster.

"One! Go!" The duo rush inside, aiming their blasters and ready to fight. The room lights up slowly, lamps turning on one by one. As the room is filled with light, the boss is revealed. Ian's eyes widen in shock as Heather gasps in fear.

"Caliber, Heather. I've been expecting you." a cyborg says, his yellow eyes striking fear deep into Heather's soul. "General Grievous." Ian says, taking a few steps backwards. Heather does the same, not wanting to fight against one of the sinister six boss. The droid general laughs as he unhooks his cloak, which falls to the ground. The general stands up straight, splits his arm in half and grabs his lightsabers. "Oh shit." Ian cusses. "Run!" Heather commands, her eyes widen in fear as she and Ian sprint to the door, exiting the room.


"No way." Ian says, who is sitting down and inclining on a large long and wide piece of metal. "How can he be in a dungeon and not a cruiser!" Ian says, gasping for air. "I-I-I d-don't know." Heather replies, also out of breath and sitting down next to Ian. The two don't say anything and regain their normal breathing rate. They then look at each other and remove their helmets. Afterwards, the two of them burst into laughter. "You should've seen yourself, you where like 'run!!' And you were so scared." Ian loudly laughs, not being able to control his laughter. "Yea but you where all like 'oh shit!!'." Heather cries of laughter. They eventually stop laughing and smile. "Well, now we know the boss." Ian says, wanting to view something positive. Before long, Ian's stomach decides to demonstrate a whale's mating call. "Oh...I guess I'm hungry." Ian shamefully chuckles. "It's alright. I packed some sandwiches." Heather happily says, taking out two sandwiches from her inventory. "Here." Heather gives Ian one sandwich. "Thanks." He replies, taking a bite out of the sandwich. It took him the next ten seconds to devour the most delicious sandwich on earth. "That was the best sandwich. Ever!" Ian complements the chef. "Thank you." The commander smiles, finishing her sandwich a few minutes later.

"Well well well, look who is having a good time." A feminine voice is heard. Ian and Heather look in front of them, seeing Darcy and Artie wearing their armor, with the exception of their helmets. "Hey guys!" Heather says, happy to see her friends. "Hey..." Ian murmurs, happy to see them but not happy that they killed the mood he was in. "What's the matter, don't want to be seen as a happy man?" Darcy taunts, not as a rival but as a friend. "More or less. So how's it been?" Ian asks. "Not bad, not to bad." Artie answers the question. "It's been ok." Darcy answers. "What are you guys here for?" Heather asks. "The boss of course, wanted to check him out. But it looks like you beat us. So what was it, a monster? No, that was last time...a Promethean! Oh oh, how about a covenant leader! I heard their drops are good." Darcy begins guessing who was being the large door. "Wrong wrong wrong." Ian says, answering her guesses with the word wrong. "Then who?" Darcy and Artie ask in unison.

Heather and Ian look at each other before answering. "General Grievous." The duo replies.

"WHAT!?" Artie and Darcy exclaim, shocked out of their minds. "Yea. He's the boss." Heather says again. "W-wow. So I guess we can't go all badass on him." Artie sighs. "Why!!!" Darcy exclaims, looking up. "What do you mean?" Ian asks, not really understanding the badass part. Darcy looks down and back at Ian. "We were going to try to take the boss down...just the two of us. The way you did with the Covenant Captain Wamik on his Banshee, the Christmas Crab Droid special boss, and Assaj Ventress." Darcy says, explaining what she and Artie where going to do. "Wait! IAN took down Ventress!!" Heather says, shocked in disbelief. Ian gives a soulless and scary glare at Darcy. "Oh...sorry." She softly replies, looking down. "Yes, Heather, I took down Ventress and almost died because I didn't have a sword and these guys would've died if I didn't do something about it." Ian say, emphasizing died and these guys angrily. "It was an awesome battle. You should've seen Ian dodging all those lightsaber swings and slashes and stabs." Artie happily says, remembering his best friend fighting and defeating a Sinister Six. "And at the end, Ian did it with only his Westar-35's and his bare fist." Darcy adds to Artie's comment. "Ok we get it I won no big deal." Ian says, a bit red that he's the topic of the talk so far. "What do you mean no big deal! Anyone would've immediately gone into bragging rights and show off!" Heather says, looking at Ian with admiration for his courageous action in combat.

The group of friends suddenly hear loud marching nearby, and is approaching them quickly. Artie and Darcy turn around while Ian and Heather stand up. In front of them they see around 30 players, all around the age of 34 or so, all wearing steel and blue Spartan Air Assault armor. The leader of the company is wearing a variety with frost visor instead of the standard blue. "At ease men!" The soldier commands. The company groans and fall to the floor, tired. The leader walks up to Ian. "Young man. I assume you have mapped this entire dungeon. I would like the map." The leader says, extending his hand for the map. "What! No! Ian has spent far to much time to just hand it over!" Heather says. She knows how difficult mapping is, and no one should just hand it over. "It's ok Heather. I was going to sell it anyway so I might as well give it to a Alliance that has enough firepower to take down the boss." Ian says, having the solider a hologram projector. "The FFA appreciate your support." The man says, taking the map and places it on his hip. "C'mon men! To the boss room!" The leader says, turning to face the exhausted players. "I think they should take a break." Artie says. If they're that exhaust, they wouldn't even survive a second inside the boss room. "None sense! My men don't get tired! Get up troops!" The man commands his troops. The soldiers reluctantly stand up, groaning as they stand on their feet. "Onwards!" Is the last thing the leader says as the company walk foreword towards the boss room. "Do you think they'll survive?" Artie asks.

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