《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 44 - A Shadow Arises - Part 1
Summary: The descendant of an ancient evil is unwittingly freed.
The excavation of the channel to connect the Zora Domain in North Hyrule to the Akkala Sea was progressing well. A group of Sheikah was using mechanical dredging devices to dig the channel with impressive results. The work party was about one-fourth of the way to the sea when they began to uncover small artifacts such as broken fragments of pottery, tools and miscellaneous personal items. Lanyon, the person in charge of the dredging operation, notified his superiors who proceeded to send one of their archeologists, Fandra, to examine them.
"Work's going well I hear," said Fandra to Lanyon upon arriving. "Let's see what you've found so far."
"Over here," said Lanyon. "It's not much to look at. Just small items."
Lanyon had laid out the collection of items they uncovered, and Fandra examined them.
"These are quite old from the condition and workmanship," said Fandra. "I don't see any particular markings that would identify them. And there is nothing particularly noteworthy about any of them. I see no reason why you can't continue to dig. If possible, just collect and put aside anything you find. And if something unusual surfaces, particularly anything with writing or larger items such as structures, be sure to let me know. I would like to examine them."
"Of course," said Lanyon. "Sorry to bring you out here for this."
"No, it's fine," said Fandra. "It's interesting, just not something worth doing much about at this point. The land and seas have changed over the years, and it would be of interest to learn more. I'll stop by the Domain to check if they have any records of an ancient civilization existing here."
Before Fandra returned home, she consulted with the Zora historian at the Domain in North Hyrule. They had no record of any civilization there, so it must have been quite old, indeed.
Back in Zora's Domain, it was three months now past Mipha's and Link's anniversary, and today Princess Laray was scheduled to present herself to Queen Mipha as the ambassador of her Domain. Link, as Mipha's roving ambassador, was in charge of welcoming her and escorting her to the meeting. Included in the meeting as well would be Prince Sidon as second in command and Kara as Royal Secretary.
But before that Mila was voicing her concern about overzealous security at their family breakfast. Apparently, she and Tila had been hiking outside the Domain with two boys a couple of nights ago, the night before Tila left to go home, and they found the four guards who accompanied them, two from each Domain, a bit much.
"Mom, it's bad enough I have to have guards around, now Tila has her own guards, too? When we go to a party, it makes everyone feel awkward. And if we're together with a couple of friends, like the other night, we have double the company. My social life is an empty shell," said Mila.
"Well, Tila suddenly became next in line to their throne, like you are here. We've already discussed that the Royal Guard has to protect you. And also remember you are the youngest of all your friends. You had your growth spurt a few years earlier than most. So, I am concerned about you, too. But I understand your feelings. I can speak with Captain Larah to see if she can't cut back the security to one guard from each Domain when your friend Tila is here. I think that's the best I can do."
"I would be better off renouncing my royal succession," said Mila pouting.
"Go ahead, Sis," said Midon. "I dare you. I don't mind the attention."
"Clam up, Mido!" said Mila. "It isn't funny."
"Alright, stop it you two," said Mipha. "Mila, you're not old enough to renounce anything yet. But I said I will try my best to give you more privacy. Believe it or not, I remember how it felt to be young and want to be alone with someone special. Just work with me on this. Hyrule is much safer now, but it is not absolutely safe, especially when you go wandering outside the Domain. Remember, you have an obligation to our people. It comes with all the things you enjoy about being a princess. Believe me, someday you'll find a pearl in that empty shell of a social life you think you have. Now, are we good?"
Mila thought for a moment, then calmed down.
"Alright, Mom," said Mila. "Two guards are better than four. I know you mean well. Sorry I overreacted. And don't you dare spout anything Mido!"
Mipha and Mila hugged. Then the children left for classes.
"That was nice of you to refer to me about wanting to be alone with someone special," said Link.
"Oh," said Mipha. "How do you know that was about you?"
Link turned slightly red.
"Well, I ...," said Link.
"You're so cute when you blush," said Mipha laughing and interrupting him. "Of course, I was referring to you. Did you see anyone else mentioned in my diary?"
"I don't know if we had things easier or harder than Mila," said Link. "As you know, I don't remember much about those days."
"We had it easier," said Mipha. "Father was very trusting of you. I had told him what an outstanding swordsman you were from a young age, and he believed I would be safe with you. Besides, Father knew I could take care of myself, too. He later told me he had been right to trust you to protect me when he learned you were chosen to protect that other princess. Did you see any guards around in your recovered memories?"
"No, it looked like we were alone," said Link. "Though frankly, my recovered memories centered more on you than my surroundings."
"Well, trust me, there weren't any," said Mipha. "Father only insisted on a guard when I was young if I was going outside the Domain at night. Anyway, I need to go. I have to get ready for some meetings."
They kissed, and Mipha left while Link did some writing on his journal until it was time to meet Laray. When a guard notified him that Laray had arrived at the Domain, Link met her on the lower level.
"Princess Laray, welcome!" said Link. "I hope your journey went well. Queen Mipha is very much looking forward to meeting you."
"Link, nice to see you again," said Laray. "And please just call me Laray. I'm so far down the order of royal succession it feels funny even to be called a princess. I hope your shopping experience with that strange saleswoman in Castle Town went well. My journey here was fine. But I can't wait for that sea channel to be completed."
"Speaking of that," said Link. "We are working on improving the road across the Samasa Plain to speed travel there as well. Are you prepared for your meeting? Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I admit to being a little nervous," said Laray. "It's my first meeting with the ruler of another part of Hyrule and your Domain is especially important to us."
"Please relax," said Link. "Mipha is easy to deal with, usually even for me. And we have some time before your meeting. Are you hungry? We could have lunch and talk. Or just talk if you ate already."
"I ate a fish on the way," said Laray. "But if you haven't had lunch yet I could join you."
"Fine, let's go up one level to the plaza," said Link. "I'm eating mine cooked. You?"
"Raw is fine unless it bothers you to see me eating it raw, then cooked," said Laray.
"After all my time here, believe me, nothing like that bothers me anymore," laughed Link. "Raw it is. We only have trout at the store I'm afraid."
"Trout is fine," said Laray. "Some different freshwater fish would be a nice change."
Link purchased the food, cooked his fish, then they sat together in one of the gazebo structures and began to eat.
"Speaking of the sea channel, how is work proceeding?" said Link.
"Well," said Laray. "We have made good progress. Recently we've been uncovering some old artifacts, remnants of a people who must have lived there many, many years ago. They are from fairly deep in the ground I am told. It's nothing that is holding up our work, though."
"Interesting," said Link. "Does no one know the history of your land back that far?"
"No, not that I can tell," said Laray. "The Sheikah who uncovered the artifacts said they dated to well before their arrival in North Hyrule. And our historians have no record of them either. It may have been a primitive people who once inhabited that land and eventually perished or moved on, leaving no record."
"Well, if you learn any more I would be interested," said Link. "Earlier you spoke of being far down the order of royal succession. May I ask how you are related to Queen Faray?"
"Yes, my father was the younger of two brothers of Queen Faray's father," said Laray. "I have one younger sister. We are actually quite a large family with a lot of cousins. It was unusual for our Domain that my grandparents had four children, three boys, and a girl. Oh! But excuse me, I didn't mean to imply anything is wrong with that. I understand that you and Queen Mipha have four children as well."
"No offense taken," said Link. "Having four children is a bit unusual here as well. But yes, we have two daughters and two sons."
"And you feel comfortable living here?" said Laray. "Forgive me if my questions are too personal, but in our Domain, we have never married outside our race."
"No, it's not too personal," said Link. "I can understand. It is unusual here as well, just not unheard of. I think it works because the people here are so kind-hearted and accepting of others. Our Hylian son is the only non-Zora in his school, but except for a couple of minor incidents with fellow students at the beginning, which apparently his older brother took care of somehow, there has not been any difficulty with that. He never complains about being mistreated. And his younger sister looks out for him, too. So, our family life here has been wonderful. And I'd like to think it has nothing to do with who my wife is. Besides, I think this is the most beautiful city in all of Hyrule. Gerudo Town is probably second on my list, but the beauty of the Domain here is unique. Of course, it helps to like fish and water."
"Yes," laughed Laray. "But it's nice to hear things have worked out so well for you and your family here. Your second choice interests me. You go from wet to dry. But my understanding was that only females are permitted in Gerudo Town, is that not so?"
"That is so," said Link. "But we had an adventure of sorts there a while back fending off a Yiga Clan attack, so they made some exceptions. The desert is beautiful in its own way. I can recall camping overnight in the middle of the desert at a small oasis on a rock outcropping. The palm trees would move gently in the breeze, their leaves making a peaceful sound. The sunset was spectacular, and the stars were bright and clear in a cloudless sky. I stayed near the fire at night because it gets quite cold. It was so quiet and peaceful out there all alone. A desert can be a harsh place, but its flowers are unique. And Gerudo Town is beautifully designed with plenty of flowing water and an active marketplace."
They finished lunch.
"It's about time for our meeting," said Link. "All set?"
"Yes, thank you," said Laray.
They walked together toward the throne room and were admitted at once by the guards.
"Your Majesty, I am Princess Laray, and I wish to formally present myself to you as Queen Faray's ambassador," said Laray bowing her head.
"Welcome Princess Laray," said Mipha. "This is my brother, Prince Sidon, and this is our Royal Secretary, Kara. I am very pleased to meet you. Link has spoken highly of you from your meeting a while back. Let us all sit together and get acquainted. And I like to dispense with titles at meetings, so please feel comfortable using names."
The five sat down and began discussing events in both Domains. Link could tell Laray was becoming less nervous as her conversation with Mipha and the others continued. Sidon gave an update on Champion activities, and Kara offered to send her minutes of Mipha's staff meetings by Tab if Laray would ask Queen Faray to do the same. Then the topic of tourism came up.
"We hope to exchange more visitors soon," said Laray. "The people in my Domain have heard how beautiful yours is and are eager to see it. And for your people, we can offer underwater trips to some of our coral reefs. The reefs and the fish that inhabit them are quite colorful and very beautiful. I think they would enjoy it."
"Yes, I think that's an excellent idea, and we would welcome that. You probably saw some of the advertising Kara sent there," said Mipha. "We can let people know about the opportunity in your Domain as well. But how is Queen Faray?"
"Queen Faray is fine, just struggling to cope with the responsibilities of a new ruler," said Laray.
"Believe me, I know what that is like," said Mipha. "Is there anything else you would like to discuss with me?"
"No, I do not wish to take up your valuable time," said Laray. "I just wanted to present myself. In the future, I expect to be dealing with Link on ambassador level matters. Is there anything you wish me to convey to Queen Faray?"
"Only that I wish her well and hope we can grow to be friends," said Mipha.
With that Laray thanked Mipha and the others, then she and Link left together.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" said Link.
"No, Queen Mipha was very pleasant," said Laray. "She is nothing like our former queen and more like our current one. If it is alright with you, I will explore the area a bit before leaving. Thank you for putting me at ease."
"You're very welcome," said Link. "Enjoy the rest of your stay. And you are always welcome here."
With that, they said goodbye and parted company. As Link crossed the plaza, he recognized a familiar face. He walked over to him, a big grin on his face.
"Bazz, how are you?" said Link. "What have you and the gang been doing?"
"Link, nice to see you," said Bazz. "We're all knight trainees now. You grew up too fast for us."
"I'd love to get together with all of you sometime," said Link. "I don't remember much, but I know we had some fun times together."
"Sure," said Bazz. "That would be great. We were a little reluctant to approach you given everything that's happened."
"It's still the same me," said Link. "And you guys were always my good friends when we were young."
"Well, how about tonight after dinner?" said Bazz. "I'm pretty sure Gaddison and Rivan will be free then. Let's meet in the plaza."
Mipha had nothing planned for the evening, so she wished Link a good time, and he went off to meet his old friends. They got some drinks and sat together in one of the gazebo structures.
"So, the brigade is back together again tonight," laughed Rivan.
"And who would have thought back then that little Link here would do so well for himself," said Gaddison. "We're all very happy for you, though, including my good friend Kodah I introduced you to. She told me to say hello when she heard we were getting together."
"Thanks, I should say hello to Kodah sometime," said Link. "Mipha and I attended her wedding way back when. But what have all of you been up to?"
"As I told you, we're all knight trainees," said Bazz. "Maybe someday we'll be guarding your family. Hard to believe."
"Just don't play any practical jokes on me and I'll be fine," laughed Link. "And if I can help any of you, just let me know."
"But how are you, Link?" said Gaddison. "It's hard to picture you now as the little kid in the water struggling to swim with us. But I remember you were always the little kid who never gave up."
"My swimming is still terrible by your standards," laughed Link. "But I'm happy. Truly happy. I'm with the person I was meant to be with. But now you're getting me all sentimental."
"That calls for another round of drinks," said Rivan. "I'll get them."
"No, let me," said Link. "I invited you guys."
After the second round, they started reminiscing about the Big Bad Bazz Brigade adventures and the laughter was non-stop.
"You know, Link, you and I were always the gutsiest of our group," said Bazz recovering from a fit of laughter over the prior story. "Do you remember that time I dared everyone to dive off Shatterback Point? All of us were pretty young for a dive like that, and we thought maybe you shouldn't try it at all. But you insisted on diving like the rest of us. We dove first and waited for you below. Your landing was, how shall I put it, not the kind that wins diving awards. And while we were all busy looking up waiting for you to dive, we didn't notice Lady Mipha had arrived. When she saw you land in the water, I thought she was going to burst. She screamed your name and swam out to you. You were a little shaken, maybe bruised a bit. She pulled you to shore and ordered the rest of us there too."
"Yes, I remember that," said Gaddison. "But it isn't a fond memory. Anyone who says Lady Mipha was the kind and gentle type didn't see her that day! Once she made sure you were unhurt, she turned on us with a look that could freeze Lake Hylia. And her tone of voice was not one I'd like to hear again either. She said how dare we be so reckless and irresponsible to play with a little Hylian boy like that, that you could have been killed. We didn't dare say a word, and we were all quaking like jellyfish. This was the King's daughter yelling at us! Then she turned back to you and said you needed to be more careful and not follow thoughtless ignorant people like us. But, believe me, her tone with you was a lot kinder. Then she turned back to the three of us and with another glare that made us all cringe told us she had better not catch us doing anything like that again and that we were dismissed. We all scampered away as fast as we could. You stayed there with her."
"I don't remember any of that," said Link. "I should ask Mipha about it."
"Um, I think we'd rather you didn't," said Rivan. "We're hoping she's forgotten all about it."
"Yes, of course, I understand," said Link. "I did tell her I was meeting you guys tonight, and she just told me to have a good time. I'm sure she got over that incident a long time ago. We were all just kids."
"That memory has definitely made me thirsty," said Bazz. "One more before we call it a night?"
Nobody objected.
"You had fun with your old gang?" Mipha asked Link next morning.
"Yes, a lot of reminiscing about when we were all kids," said Link. "With my memory issues I forgot most of the things we did, so it was fun hearing the stories. I think they're a nice group. They're all knight trainees now."
"Did your reminiscing include the incident at Shatterback Point?" said Mipha.
"Oh, you do remember that," said Link. "Yes, it did come up. Why?"
"Why? Because I nearly fainted when I saw you land in the water the way you did," said Mipha. "Here I had done my best to take care of you every time you were cut or bruised, and you would be so reckless as to dive from such a high place at such a young age. I was so relieved you had only a few bruises, but I was furious at your friends for letting you dive like that instead of looking out for you."
"Yes, your talk with them left a lasting impression," said Link.
"It was a bit more than a talk," laughed Mipha. "But anyway, that was a long time ago and thankfully nothing serious happened. So, I got over it."
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