《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 43: Twentieth Anniversary Memories


Summary: Zelda keeps advancing Hyrule's modernization as Mipha and Link reflect on it. Mipha holds her monthly staff meeting to discuss events around Hyrule. One twentieth anniversary passes without much fanfare in the Domain, followed shortly afterward by a happier romantic one.

It was just over three months now since Robbie's research and Link's mission to North Hyrule had resolved the issue with Sheikah Tabs, and their production had expanded rapidly. Tabs were hugely successful. Everyone loved their instant communication and the ability to take and send pictures. At the same time, roads began to be paved, and mechanized vehicles started to be produced that would soon become more popular than horses. Stables expanded in size and offered more services, performing double duty as horse stables and places to shop and refuel. Manufacturing and support infrastructure were developed. In short, Zelda was taking Hyrule through an industrial revolution of sorts.

Of course, not everyone in Hyrule was thrilled with the new direction. Some liked the old way of life they had always enjoyed. They preferred horses and letters to motorized vehicles and instant messages. And Zelda did not want to force anything on such people. So, for example, roads were paved to make travel smoother, but an unpaved lane was preserved for travel by horse. And Zelda's love of plants and flowers made her assure any plans for development protected as much of nature as possible. She did not want to destroy Hyrule's natural beauty. Mail service continued and even improved since letters could be delivered faster now.

Zelda worked tirelessly on this modernization project. It was her dream to achieve Hyrule's greatness, to bring about a golden age and enrich her people's lives. And she firmly believed this was the way to do it.

Back in Zora's Domain it was a rainy morning and had been raining hard since before sunrise. The children had already left for class. After seeing them off, Mipha had returned to the pool of water where Link was still resting. He was feeling lazy this morning, and the sound of the steady rain splashing everywhere was soothing.

"With all this rain, it's nice not to have to get up yet," said Link.

"Why?" said Mipha. "You don't want to get wet? You know you're resting in water, right?"

"Very funny, sweetheart," said Link. "I guess I'm just being lazy, but it feels good just staying here for now."

"We can rest a while longer," said Mipha. "You know I don't mind keeping you company. Close your eyes and sleep if you want."

"No, I'd rather talk with you if you don't mind. You know, I always liked not getting up and listening to the rain if I could," said Link. "I used to feel a bit guilty about it, but it was one of the few pleasures I had traveling alone. I would stay under the tent and try to wait for the rain to stop, particularly if I knew the next part of my trip involved a lot of climbing. It was relaxing, and Epona would alert me if she sensed any danger."

"This rain reminds me of a time we were together," said Mipha. "It was before you drew the sword. We took a long walk that day, all the way to Ralis Pond. Soon after we got there, it started pouring rain. You were so sweet and considerate. You said something like 'I'm so sorry you're getting all wet. I didn't think to bring a cloak.' I thanked you and told you I didn't mind getting wet. So, we sat there and talked and waited out the rain. Then the sun came out. You were soaked, so I suggested you take off your tunic and let it dry. You started blushing, saying you felt funny doing that until I reminded you we had swum together and you wore less than that then. So, you finally did. We sat and talked until late in the afternoon. By then your tunic was all dry. It had actually dried earlier, but I was enjoying the time with you, so I wasn't going to say anything. Eventually, you were starving, though, since we hadn't brought any food. We walked back to the Domain, cooked some fish, and had dinner together in one of the gazebo structures. After we ate you walked me home, and when we got there we found little Sidon, angry at both of us because he had expected me to play with him that afternoon and you kept me away. So, we both played with him for a little while in one of the pools, and after you left, I told him a sleep time story. He was fine. You were more talkative than usual that day, and I remember it as just one of those happy times we spent together. I wish you could remember it too."


"I wish that too," said Link." But I can imagine it as you tell it. As I think back, though, I seem to recall I wasn't the only shy one. You seemed pretty shy as well."

"True, but it was your fault," laughed Mipha. "You have to understand how hard it was for me. I fell in love with you and wanted so much for us to be together. And I knew you liked me when we were younger because you always looked for me to spend time with. But later you grew so quiet and focused on your mission. I spent many hours making the armor for you and dreaming of us marrying. But the more I hoped and dreamed, the less confident I grew. I feared you had changed, moved on from me somehow. And so, I prayed for the courage to ask you but feared for the answer and became more nervous. That probably came across as shyness. But then came your spontaneous kiss at Veiled Falls, and you told me you loved me. I was filled with such happiness and relief. I'll never forget that moment and that feeling. But I know you lost the memory of that time too."

Link said nothing. He knew he had lost the memory of their first kiss, except for just before it when he fell asleep on her shoulder. But Mipha had told him about it more than once. She put her arm around him.

"Now relax and listen to the rain," said Mipha.

Link closed his eyes and the next thing he knew he was waking up to Mipha calling his name.

"Rain or not, we really do have to get up now," said Mipha. "There's some cooked fish here, and we still have time for breakfast together."

Over breakfast, they began discussing technology and Hyrule's transformation.

"It's amazing how much everyone uses Tabs now," said Link. "The children can't live without them. Don't you wish we had Tabs growing up?" said Link.

"I do," said Mipha. "But I can see you thoughtlessly sending me pictures of you with Zelda and making me even more jealous. I would have liked a picture of you, though, and we could have sent messages to each other instead of waiting for visits. Maybe you would have looked at my picture now and then and thought of me."

"I thought of you anyway without a picture," said Link. "But a picture of you would have been nice. In my old timeline, the only picture I had of you was that group picture Purah took of all of us after the Champions Inauguration. Daruk brought us closer, as you wrote, but it wasn't the best picture of you. It was better than nothing though, and I hung it near my bed. But I couldn't bear to look at it sometimes. And I hope you're not going to get mad at me again for reminding you I read your diary."

"No, I'm over the diary incident," laughed Mipha. "You know I was the one who wanted that picture taken so there would be a picture of us. I wonder where that picture is now? Somewhere at Hyrule Castle, I imagine. I should message Zelda to see about getting a copy. Unless seeing it again would be painful for you."

"No, it wouldn't be painful at all now that we're together," said Link. "It would be nice to have. Having more pictures of my own would have probably helped my memory recover sooner."


They stopped to eat. Then Link spoke up again.

"And speaking of new technology," said Link. "I can also see the appeal of motorized cycles. But there was something special about the bond between Epona and me. Riding a motorized cycle is fun, but Epona and I spent many days and nights together. She was there for me when I had to camp out alone in a wet forest or huddle by the fire in a snow-filled woods. She was a true companion who could help me, and I would miss that."

"Speaking of Epona, how is she doing?" said Mipha.

"She just had the baby, a filly," said Link. "Baby Epona is doing fine and so is her mother. Within six months she will be almost the same height as her mother, though still smaller in weight. It's amazing how fast horses grow. In a couple of years, she'll be almost fully grown. I think this will keep Epona from being lonely for a while."

"Another interesting topic Mila and Midon were discussing this morning while you were being lazy, a subject that came up in one of their classes, was the ability for skilled individuals to develop new Tab runes," said Mipha. "You would not need to be a Sheikah, though you would need to study how to do it. Using the proper tools, you would develop a rune you thought would be useful and submit it to Hyrule Castle. If the scientists there approve, then it would be made available to everyone. It sounds like a whole new field of work might develop from this activity."

"That's interesting," said Link. "This device really is transforming life in so many ways. But it may be our children and later who fully realize its potential. My instinct is to do things the old-fashioned way, and I have to remind myself a Tab could help. Mila teases me all the time about it, like when I jot down notes instead of typing them in a Tab. Or realizing a picture would be a better reminder. But I'll keep trying."

"What I miss most about not having Tabs back then are the pictures we could have had of our family growing up," said Mipha. "It was so cute to see little Mila in your arms or Midon sitting on your lap listening to one of your stories. And if they had existed earlier, I would have loved to have some pictures of my mother and father."

"Yes, that's true," said Link. "We could have also captured pictures of our time together. But we really shouldn't complain. Be happy with what we have, not sad for what we don't."

"Maybe you should write that saying down," said Mipha. "Or put it on your Tab. But it's true. Now I have to get to work and so do you. I believe you owe us some updates as our roving ambassador. It would be embarrassing to have to fire you. Let's go."

They kissed then headed to the meeting, Mipha's monthly staff meeting. The meeting area was adjacent to the throne room, and everyone stood out of respect.

"Good morning, thank you, and please sit down everyone," said Mipha.

Link took a seat next to Sidon. There were six people present: Mipha, Sidon as second in command and Zora Champion, Link as Zora roving ambassador, Edra representing the council of elders, Kara the Royal Secretary, and Larah, the Captain of the Royal Guards.

"Kara, would you please list the topics for today? As you see we are using Tabs more and more for these meetings. And as usual, let's dispense with titles," said Mipha.

"Thank you," said Kara. "I provided all of you with an agenda on your Tabs. I'll read the items:

1. Queen Zelda's monthly report - Mipha

2. Champion activities - Sidon

3. Technology update - Sidon

4. North Hyrule Zora report - Link

5. Gerudo report - Link

6. Goron report - Link

7. Rito report - Link

8. Domain education and projects - Edra

9. Domain guard status and defense - Larah."

"Did I leave anything out?" asked Kara.

No one spoke up. Thank Hylia for that, thought Link, already groaning inwardly at the number of topics. But he understood it was important for Mipha and her key people to keep up with current events and these meetings were only monthly. Her other meetings were usually with one or two people at a time. Kara was also a very efficient Royal Secretary. She organized and ran the meetings well and kept everyone on topic, so little time was wasted.

"I'll start then," said Mipha. "I have Zelda's report that Kara distributed to all of you late yesterday by Tab. But to summarize, about 20 percent of the roads have been paved so far, mostly in Central Hyrule. Tab production is at full capacity, but frankly, I can't think of anyone who doesn't already have a Tab at this point. I suppose some outlying areas may still be lacking. The new tower in North Akkala is under construction and should greatly improve signal strength and communication with North Hyrule when completed. Zelda writes she would like to visit each of the key cities next year so we will need to work with her staff to schedule her visit here. The last item is her request to determine how many are going to the 20th-anniversary victory celebration at Hyrule Castle in one month. I know they didn't do anything for the tenth anniversary, and I couldn't have gone to that one anyway for obvious reasons. But for some reason, they want to celebrate the twentieth. I haven't decided about going yet. I don't know that there is anything else in her report worth mentioning. You can read it in its entirety if you want. If there are no questions, we can move on."

No one had any questions, so Sidon began his report.

"Now that we all have Tabs it's been easy for all of us Champions to keep in touch," said Sidon. "We are all keeping to our Divine Beast monthly exercise schedule. Ruta needed some adjustment to its main console which I was able to do. So, Ruta is in top working condition. The Rito are conducting an exercise with Medoh next week. People here may see it in the distant sky from certain locations. We should let everyone know, so no one is alarmed. Nothing special to report about Naboris or Rudania. We have not had time to learn about the Divine Beasts in North Hyrule yet. But while on this topic, I would like to bring up the question of whether we need to keep to such a rigorous preparedness schedule with our Divine Beasts at this point. It seems there is no imminent danger of Ganon returning. I know King Rhoam was somewhat paranoid about his return, but is Queen Zelda as much concerned? Do we really need to keep so prepared?"

"I think it's a 'better safe than sorry' decision," said Mipha. "Can anyone guarantee Ganon won't return sooner than we expect? Does anyone else have any comments?"

"I think it's wise to stay prepared," said Link. "Right now, people like Zelda and some others of us have a living memory of what Ganon's attack was like and how terrible it was. But if we do nothing, over time memory will fade, and people will grow complacent. By the time the signs show Ganon's return is imminent it may be too late to prepare. Someday, Sidon, you will have to train your successor, so that's another reason to keep your skills current."

"I can always ask Zelda's opinion," said Mipha. "But I think she will want to err on the side of caution."

No one else had anything to add.

"Alright, the next topic is an update on Sheikah technology," said Kara. "I think you were going to discuss that also, Sidon."

"Yes," said Sidon. "I had my monthly meeting as our representative with Dr. Purah and the scientists at Hyrule Castle. Aside from beginning to consider some additional runes for our Tabs, they are also working on plans for mechanized flying machines using technology similar to the mechanized land vehicles. It is still in the very early planning stages, but that would also be a huge leap forward in transportation. They are also working closely with people involved in education to help develop classes that would teach students more about technology including how to create runes and become more familiar with how Tabs work. That will take some time they think since most educators in Hyrule are not very strong in technology. Anyway, those are the main items being worked on. Are there any questions?"

No one had any.

"Now it's Link's turn to summarize the reports from the other areas of Hyrule," said Kara.

"Yes, thank you, Kara," said Link. "As Kara said, I will summarize the reports. If anyone wants to read the full reports, they're available. Just let Kara or me know. First, from our sister Domain in North Hyrule, the political situation there has stabilized. Faray is permanent Queen now, and Sopha is not permitted to leave their Domain or communicate with anyone outside it. As you know, Sopha resigned in exchange for a lighter punishment, thus avoiding a trial by their council. They are currently working to create a seaway directly from their Domain to the North Akkala Sea so we can journey there more easily. That work should take a year or so, and they will be using some mechanized construction equipment the Sheikah there developed for them instead of asking for Gorons to help with the digging. They feel it would be beneficial to learn more about each Domain's history and are proposing we set up classes to cover that. They are also hoping more of us will eventually visit and are happy to send more visitors our way as well. In addition to Princess Tila, that is, who I know is a regular visitor here."

"Yes, well, that's very considerate of our distinguished ambassador to single Princess Tila out for comment," laughed Mipha. "Tila and Mila have become good friends. But now that things have settled down there, we should encourage more visits back and forth. Once it's finished, a seaway should help that too. And I think many of us are curious about their history. I certainly am."

"Alright, I will look into seeing if we can develop some tourist advertising there and begin a discussion about history education," said Kara.

"Next is the Gerudo report," said Link. "They are beginning preparations to pave the road between Gerudo Town, the Kara Kara Bazaar, and Gerudo Canyon Stable. Later they plan to extend the paved road through the Gerudo Canyon. They have also sought to increase tourism, advertising the beauty of the desert with its unique flowers, shopping at their fine jewelry store, and rejuvenating yourself and your complexion at their spa. They are advertising it as a place for women to get away and pamper themselves with a nice vacation. Of course, that doesn't work for us at the moment, I mean Zoras, given the lack of water getting there. But if someday travel there was rapid, they do have water in their city and oasis, so perhaps even our people could visit if they wished. The Gerudo forces feel they have explored and cleaned out the Yiga Clan hideout pretty thoroughly, though even now, three years later, they are still occasionally uncovering secret passages. They are very relieved to be rid of them as that group was a thorn in their side for years."

"As for the Gorons," continued Link. "Goron mining activity has picked up substantially with all the construction and demand for materials now. They have expanded mining capacity at all locations. And if tourism to Gerudo Town picks up, they expect to sell more gems to the Gerudo jewelry store. They would also like more tourism themselves and have been advertising their hot water springs to improve health. Death Mountain remains quiet, so there is nothing of concern in that area."

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